124 research outputs found

    Geospatial and temporal data mining to combine railway low adhesion and rail defect data

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    Rolling contact fatigue (RCF) damage to rails, and low adhesion at the rail-wheel interface remain significant problems in maintaining railway performance, fully utilising network capacity, and reducing running costs. A novel approach has been developed to understand these problems through analysis of data on RCF and low adhesion incidents from the UK rail network. This augments understanding of specific mechanisms such as the role of rail plasticity in crack initiation and of environmental moisture levels in low adhesion, which to-date have not given sufficient information to prevent the problems. A moving window filtering technique, a temporal and a geospatial approach were used to identify correlations between sites of low rail-wheel adhesion subject to transient sliding contact, crack initiation, and underbridge locations at which vertical and lateral track stiffness typically change rapidly. The analysis shows that (i) a high density of otherwise unexpected RCF defects occurred close to underbridges, and (ii) that there was a strong correlation between momentary slides during braking and RCF sites. From the temporal analysis it was found that although concentrated in the autumn period, 55-60% of transient low adhesion incidents occur outside that period, with highest risk in the very early morning

    Síntomas psicopatológicos en pacientes afectos de cefalea crónica con o sin fibromialgia

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    La presencia de sintomatología psicopatológica, como la ansiedad y la depresión, en las cefaleas crónicas y en la fibromialgia es común. Objetivos. Estudiar si existen diferencias en el perfil psicopatológico entre pacientes con cefalea crónica y fibromialgia (CCFM) y pacientes con cefalea crónica sin fibromialgia (CC), y si existen diferencias en la respuesta al tratamiento entre ambos grupos. Pacientes y métodos. Se administra una batería de test de evaluación de síntomas psicopatológicos a 30 pacientes con CC y a 30 pacientes con CCFM diagnosticados por un reumatólogo. Incluimos en la CC a pacientes con migraña crónica y cefalea tensional crónica. El diseño es con datos apareados de edad y sexo. Se comparan las puntuaciones de depresión, ansiedad, obsesión y perfil de sintomatología psicopatológica -inventario multifásico de personalidad de Minnessota (MMPI-2) y cuestionario de 90 síntomas revisado (SCL-90-R)- (prueba t). Se correlacionan los datos con la respuesta al tratamiento. Resultados. Los pacientes con CCFM muestran puntuaciones significativamente superiores en las escalas de hipocondriasis, depresión, histeria, paranoia, psicastenia y esquizofrenia (MMPI-2), y más somatizaciones, obsesión y ansiedad según el SCL-90-R. La respuesta favorable al tratamiento es inferior en el grupo CCFM (17,85%) que en el CC (42,85%). La hipocondriasis se correlaciona con una peor respuesta (regresión logística). Conclusiones. Los pacientes con CCFM muestran un perfil psicopatológico con mayores puntuaciones y síntomas que los pacientes sin fibromialgia. Esta diferencia se correlaciona con la respuesta terapéutic

    Spirometry Reference Values for Navajo Children Ages 6-14 Years

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    Summary. Spirometry is the most important tool in diagnosing pulmonary disease and is the most frequently performed pulmonary function test. Since respiratory disease is the single greatest cause for morbidity and mortality on the Navajo Nation, the purpose of this study was to create new age and race-specific pulmonary nomograms for Navajo children. Five hundred fifty-eight healthy children, ages 6-14 years, attending Navajo Nation elementary schools in Arizona, were asked to perform spirometry to develop population-specific and tribe-specific nomograms for forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1), and FEV1 Ratio (FEV1/FVC). Spirometry tests from 284 girls and 274 boys met American Thoracic Society quality control standards. Lung function values, except for FEV1/FVC, all increased with height. The lower limit of the normal range for FEV1/FVC was 80%. The spirometry reference equations from the healthy boys and girls were developed. Height and the natural log of height were significant predictors of FEV1, FVC, and FEF 25-75% in the gender-specific models. The resulting population-specific spirometry reference equations should be used when testing Navajo children ages 6-14 years. However, the use of the NHANES III spirometry reference equations for Caucasian children may not result in significant misclassification in clinical settings providing that a maximal effort is given by the Navajo child being tested

    Transformation, adaptation and development: relating concepts to practice

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    In recent years there has been a growing number of academic reviews discussing the theme of transformation and its association with adaptation to climate change. On the one hand this has stimulated exchange of ideas and perspectives on the parameters of transformation, but it has also given rise to confusion in terms of identifying what constitutes a non-incremental form of adaptation on the ground. What this article aims to do instead is help researchers and practitioners relate different interpretations of transformation to practice by proposing a typological framework for categorising forms of change that focuses on mechanisms and objectives. It then discusses how these categorisations link to the broader conceptions and critiques noted above, with the idea that this will enable those who seek to analyse or plan adaptation to better analyse what types of action are potentially constitutive of transformation. In doing so, it should equally assist in the identification and specification of critical questions that need to be asked of such activity in relation to issues of sustainability and equity. As the term transformation gains ground in discussions of climate change adaptation, it is necessary to take a step back, review quite what commentators mean when they use the word, and consider the implications on people, especially the most vulnerable and marginalised, of “doing” or promoting transformation in its different forms