98 research outputs found

    Exploring Second Life® for online role-playing training

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    Systematic review of question answering over knowledge bases

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    Over the years, a growing number of semantic data repositories have been made available on the web. However, this has created new challenges in exploiting these resources efficiently. Querying services require knowledge beyond the typical user’s expertise, which is a critical issue in adopting semantic information solutions. Several proposals to overcome this dif- ficulty have suggested using question answering (QA) systems to provide user‐friendly interfaces and allow natural language use. Because question answering over knowledge bases (KBQAs) is a very active research topic, a comprehensive view of the field is essential. The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review of methods and systems for KBQAs to identify their main advantages and limitations. The inclusion criteria rationale was English full‐text articles published since 2015 on methods and systems for KBQAs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A importância pedagógica das artes visuais no 2º ciclo do Ensino Básico: actividades desenvolvidas com estudantes do 6º ano na Escola Dr. António Francisco Colaço em Castro Verde

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    O objetivo deste trabalho teve como principal finalidade incluir a interpretação das obras de arte, nas suas diferentes dimensões, como componentes integradoras do conhecimento nas artes visuais. O contacto com a arte é um dos propósitos implícitos nesta proposta. A convicção da importância do contacto dos alunos com a obra de arte. Da educação estética na formação integral do ser humano e na apetência pelo prazer das artes no seu contexto, assim como a constatação da ausência do diálogo com a obra de arte no programa da disciplina, conduziu-nos à elaboração, experimentação e reflexão sobre um conjunto de atividades de apreciação estética que envolveram a análise e interpretação de obras de arte, bem como com a transmissão de conhecimentos de história de arte, à execução de trabalhos de expressão plástica. As obras de arte, prestam-se a uma pluralidade de interpretações, desenvolvem a sensibilidade e a imaginação, desempenhando por isso um papel importante na experiência pessoal dos indivíduos. O convívio com a arte é um dos modos mais eficazes para a formação da personalidade e para a integração do indivíduo nos valores superiores da humanidade. É hoje quase lugar-comum a referência à importância das atividades expressivos-artísticas no desenvolvimento “harmonioso” da pessoa humana. Dada a natureza prática das atividades de desenho, de pintura e de criatividade, envolvem os alunos e criam um ambiente propício para a aprendizagem. Após a análise e reflexão dos resultados desta experiência, o estudo permite concluir que os alunos estão recetivos a este tipo de experiências e aprendizagens. O diálogo com a obra de arte, associado à transmissão de conhecimentos de história de arte e à realização de trabalhos de expressão plástica, contribui para o aumento do entusiasmo e motivação nos alunos, para o desenvolvimento das suas capacidades de perceção e interpretação de significados, para a superação de dificuldades nas suas produções plásticas e para o aumento da confiança e autoestima face às suas capacidades de expressão, o que torna fundamental a introdução deste tipo de atividades nas nossas atuais práticas letivas

    Modelo de integração de aplicações distribuídas e não colaborantes

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    Este artigo descreve um modelo, para o desenvolvimento de aplicações distribuídas, que permite a divisão de uma aplicação em diversos módulos de processamento. Serão igualmente apresentadas, as potencialidades deste modelo para integrar aplicações autónomas e não colaborantes. Apesar da generalidade do sistema proposto a sua aplicabilidade será discutida no âmbito de um projecto de um Sistema de Gestão de Redes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Discovery of biomedical databases through semantic questioning

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    Many clinical studies are greatly dependent on an efficient identification of relevant datasets. This selection can be performed in existing health data catalogues, by searching for available metadata. The search process can be optimised through questioning-answering interfaces, to help researchers explore the available data present. However, when searching the distinct catalogues the lack of metadata harmonisation imposes a few bottlenecks. This paper presents a methodology to allow semantic search over several biomedical database catalogues, by extracting the information using a shared domain knowledge. The resulting pipeline allows the converted data to be published as FAIR endpoints, and it provides an end-user interface that accepts natural language questions.This work has received support from the EU/EFPIA Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 806968. AP and JRA are funded by the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology (national funds) under the grants PD/BD/142877/2018 and SFRH/BD/147837/2019 respectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Case-based product development of a high-pressure die casting injection subset using design science research

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    High pressure die casting is widely used in metalworking industry. Many of the components and devices directly linked to the hot parts are subjected to severe wear. However, some design updates can enlarge the lifespan of these components and devices. This paper proposes to show how a sustainable maintenance can be obtained by focusing resources on the analysis of the critical problem and its consequent mitigation, whereas they are originated on the human, machine/process or supplier level. Design science research (DSR) was the iterative research methodology chosen to integrate this work. The completion of the objective with the implementation of this new injection subset concept brought extremely beneficial results, such as reduction of its consumption, reduction of acquisition cost and waste generated, and reduction of the intervention time during maintenance operations, as well as increase in equipment availability time.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Terror and the Social Accumulation of Fear: Criminal Governance in Three Paraguayan Border Cities with Argentina and Brazil

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    This paper analyses and compares the operation of the criminal governance that conditions the routine and activities of the residents and the justice and security system officials of three border cities. Ethnographic strategies, such as observation, interviews, and informal conversations identified the actors, the goods, and services they exploit, as well as the mechanisms of institutional and social interaction. They act with impunity in these territories due to the control of political commodities, institutional infiltration and different mechanisms of coercion based on symbolic and brutal violence, and the engagement of criminal and disciplinary sanctioning processes, which generate terror and accumulate social fear. The paper analyses and compares the operation of the criminal governance that conditions the routine and activities of the residents and the justice and security system officials of three border cities. Ethnographic strategies, such as observation, interviews, and informal conversations identified the actors, the goods, and services they exploit, as well as the mechanisms of institutional and social interaction. They act with impunity in these territories due to the control of political commodities, institutional infiltration and different mechanisms of coercion based on symbolic and brutal violence, and the engagement of criminal and disciplinary sanctioning processes, which generate terror and build social fear

    Sociologia Geral e do Direito

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. 34:316 S678g / stj00093233 5.ed. (2012

    Build-Up an Economical Tool for Machining Operations Cost Estimation

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    Currently, there is a lack of affordable and simple tools for the estimation of these costs, especially for machining operations. This is particularly true for manufacturing SMEs, in which the cost estimation of machined parts is usually performed based only on required material for part production, or involves a time-consuming, non-standardized technical analysis. Therefore, a cost estimation tool was developed, based on the calculated machining times and amount of required material, based on the final drawing of the requested workpiece. The tool was developed primarily for milling machines, considering milling, drilling, and boring/threading operations. Regarding the considered materials, these were primarily aluminum alloys. However, some polymer materials were also considered. The tool first estimates the required time for total part production and then calculates the total cost. The total production time is estimated based on the required machining operations, as well as drawing, programming, and machine setup time. A part complexity level was also introduced, based on the number of details and operations required for each workpiece, which will inflate the estimated times. The estimation tool was tested in a company setting, comparing the estimated operation time values with the real ones, for a wide variety of parts of differing complexity. An average error of 14% for machining operation times was registered, which is quite satisfactory, as this time is the most impactful in terms of machining cost. However, there are still some problems regarding the accuracy in estimating finishing operation timesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Developing a Novel Fully Automated Concept to Produce Bowden Cables for the Automotive Industry

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    The automotive industry is one of the driving forces of the global industry; thus, it is a very competitive sector which creates a constant need for process improvement, regarding productivity, quality, and flexibility. Automation has proven to be a viable solution for these production problems, with the rising adoption of these automated system by companies that try to design and implement more flexible systems, while reducing costs and improving process quality. Furthermore, the use of automation reduces the manpower factor and its associated variability. In the present work, a new concept for a Bowden cable production process is presented by employing the design science research (DSR) methodology. The project starts with the analysis of the previous production concept, determining possible problems and improvements, as well as setting objectives/requirements for a possible new concept/equipment. This information was used to develop a new automated Bowden cable production equipment, implementing several changes to the old concept and filling a gap in the literature in this field. The developed system was implemented and tested. A considerable reduction in cycle time was registered by 25%, which resulted in an increase of 30% in process productivityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio