435 research outputs found

    Extragalactic planetary nebulae as mass tracers: biases in the estimate of dynamical quantities

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    Planetary Nebulae (PNe) are very important kinematical tracers of the outer regions of early-type galaxies, where the integrated light techniques fail. Under ad hoc assumptions, they allow measurements of rotation velocity and velocity dispersion profile from descrete radial velocity fields. We present the results on the precision allowed by different set of radial velocity samples, discuss the hypotheses in the analysis of descrete velocity fields and their impact on the inferred kinematics of the stellar population.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear on ``Galaxy Dynamics: from Early Universe to the Present'', ASP Conf. Ser., F. Combes, G.A. Mamon and V. Charmandaris (eds.

    Pulse Shape Analysis with scintillating bolometers

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    Among the detectors used for rare event searches, such as neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (0Îœ\nuDBD) and Dark Matter experiments, bolometers are very promising because of their favorable properties (excellent energy resolution, high detector efficiency, a wide choice of different materials used as absorber, ...). However, up to now, the actual interesting possibility to identify the interacting particle, and thus to greatly reduce the background, can be fulfilled only with a double read-out (i.e. the simultaneous and independent read out of heat and scintillation light or heat and ionization). This double read-out could greatly complicate the assembly of a huge, multi-detector array, such as CUORE and EURECA. The possibility to recognize the interacting particle through the shape of the thermal pulse is then clearly a very interesting opportunity. While detailed analyses of the signal time development in purely thermal detectors have not produced so far interesting results, similar analyses on macro-bolometers (∌\sim10-500 g) built with scintillating crystals showed that it is possible to distinguish between an electron or Îł\gamma-ray and an α\alpha particle interaction (i.e. the main source of background for 0Îœ\nuDBD experiments based on the bolometric technique). Results on pulse shape analysis of a CaMoO4_4 crystal operated as bolometer is reported as an example. An explanation of this behavior, based on the energy partition in the heat and scintillation channels, is also presented.Comment: Presented at the 14th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, proceedings to be published in the Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    The Kinematics of Intracluster Planetary Nebulae and the On-Going Subcluster Merger in the Coma Cluster Core

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    The Coma cluster is the richest and most compact of the nearby clusters, yet there is growing evidence that its formation is still on-going. With a new multi-slit imaging spectroscopy technique pioneered at the 8.2 m Subaru telescope and FOCAS, we have detected and measured the line-of-sight velocities of 37 intracluster planetary nebulae associated with the diffuse stellar population of stars in the Coma cluster core, at 100 Mpc distance. We detect clear velocity substructures within a 6 arcmin diameter field. A substructure is present at ~5000 km/s, probably from in-fall of a galaxy group, while the main intracluster stellar component is centered around ~6500 km/s, ~700 km/s offset from the nearby cD galaxy NGC 4874. The kinematics and morphology of the intracluster stars show that the cluster core is in a highly dynamically evolving state. In combination with galaxy redshift and X-ray data this argues strongly that the cluster is currently in the midst of a subcluster merger, where the NGC 4874 subcluster core may still be self-bound, while the NGC 4889 subcluster core has probably dissolved. The NGC 4889 subcluster is likely to have fallen into Coma from the eastern A2199 filament, in a direction nearly in the plane of the sky, meeting the NGC 4874 subcluster arriving from the west. The two inner subcluster cores are presently beyond their first and second close passage, during which the elongated distribution of diffuse light has been created. We predict the kinematic signature expected in this scenario, and argue that the extended western X-ray arc recently discovered traces the arc shock generated by the collision between the two subcluster gas halos. Any preexisting cooling core region would have been heated by the subcluster collision.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, in press, 9 pages, 5 figure

    Diffuse Light in Hickson Compact Groups: The Dynamically Young System HCG 44

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    Compact groups are associations of a few galaxies in which the environment plays an important role in galaxy evolution. The low group velocity dispersion favors tidal interactions and mergers, which may bring stars from galaxies to the diffuse intragroup light. Numerical simulations of galaxy clusters in hierarchical cosmologies show that the amount of the diffuse light increases with the dynamical evolution of the cluster. We search for diffuse light in the galaxy group HCG 44 in order to determine its luminosity and luminosity fraction. Combining with literature data, we aim to constrain the dynamical status of Hickson compact groups. We use Intra Group planetary nebulae (IGPNe) as tracers of diffuse light. These are detected by the so-called on band-off band technique. We found 12 emission line objects in HCG 44, none of them associated with the galaxies of the group. 6/12 emission line objects are consistent with being IGPNe in HCG 44, but are also consistent with being Lyα\alpha background galaxies. Thus we derive an upper limit to the diffuse light fraction in HCG 44 of 4.7%. We find a correlation between the fraction of elliptical galaxies and the amount of diffuse light in Hickson compact groups. Those with large fraction of diffuse light are those with large fractions in number and luminosity of E/S0 galaxies. We propose an evolutionary sequence for Hickson compact groups in which the amount of diffuse light increases with the dynamical evolution of the group.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication at A&

    Diffuse light and galaxy interactions in the core of nearby clusters

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    The kinematics of the diffuse light in the densest regions of the nearby clusters can be unmasked using the planetary nebulae (PNs) as probes of the stellar motions. The position-velocity diagrams around the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) identify the relative contributions from the outer halos and the intracluster light (ICL), defined as the light radiated by the stars floating in the cluster potential. The kinematics of the ICL can then be used to asses the dynamical status of the nearby cluster cores and to infer their formation histories. The cores of the Virgo and Coma are observed to be far from equilibrium, with mergers currently on-going, while the ICL properties in the Fornax and Hydra clusters show the presence of sub-components being accreted in their cores, but superposed to an otherwise relaxed population of stars. Finally the comparison of the observed ICL properties with those predicted from Lambda-CDM simulations indicates a qualitative agreement and provides insights on the ICL formation. Both observations and simulations indicate that BCG halos and ICL are physically distinct components, with the ``hotter" ICL dominating at large radial distances from the BCGs halos as the latter become progressively fainter.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Invited review to appear in the proceedings of "Galaxies and their masks" eds. Block, D.L., Freeman, K.C. and Puerari, I., 2010, Springer (New York

    Mass-to-light ratios in early-type galaxies and the dark matter content

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    The distribution of the radial trends of the mass-to-light ratios (M/L) within an assorted sample of early-type galaxies is discussed. Three classes of galaxies are identified according to their M/L gradients. Two such classes are characterized by the presence or by the absence of a radial gradient of the dark-matter (DM) distribution. A third class contains objects which are likely undergoing interaction; they exhibit steep M/L gradients which are possibly the result of a wrong assumption on their equilibrium conditions. Finally, a possible correlation between DM content and morphological types is briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 2 ps figures. To appear in the proceedings for the Sakharov Conference of Physics (Moskow, June 2002

    Text mining meets community curation: a newly designed curation platform to improve author experience and participation at WormBase

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    Biological knowledgebases rely on expert biocuration of the research literature to maintain up-to-date collections of data organized in machine-readable form. To enter information into knowledgebases, curators need to follow three steps: (i) identify papers containing relevant data, a process called triaging; (ii) recognize named entities; and (iii) extract and curate data in accordance with the underlying data models. WormBase (WB), the authoritative repository for research data on Caenorhabditis elegans and other nematodes, uses text mining (TM) to semi-automate its curation pipeline. In addition, WB engages its community, via an Author First Pass (AFP) system, to help recognize entities and classify data types in their recently published papers. In this paper, we present a new WB AFP system that combines TM and AFP into a single application to enhance community curation. The system employs string-searching algorithms and statistical methods (e.g. support vector machines (SVMs)) to extract biological entities and classify data types, and it presents the results to authors in a web form where they validate the extracted information, rather than enter it de novo as the previous form required. With this new system, we lessen the burden for authors, while at the same time receive valuable feedback on the performance of our TM tools. The new user interface also links out to specific structured data submission forms, e.g. for phenotype or expression pattern data, giving the authors the opportunity to contribute a more detailed curation that can be incorporated into WB with minimal curator review. Our approach is generalizable and could be applied to additional knowledgebases that would like to engage their user community in assisting with the curation. In the five months succeeding the launch of the new system, the response rate has been comparable with that of the previous AFP version, but the quality and quantity of the data received has greatly improved

    ZnMoO4: a promising bolometer for neutrinoless double beta decay searches

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    We investigate the performances of two ZnMoO4 scintillating crystals operated as bolometers, in view of a next generation experiment to search the neutrinoless double beta decay of Mo-100. We present the results of the alpha vs beta/gamma discrimination, obtained through the scintillation light as well as through the study of the shape of the thermal signal alone. The discrimination capability obtained at the 2615 keV line of Tl-208 is 8 sigma, using the heat-light scatter plot, while it exceeds 20 sigma using the shape of the thermal pulse alone. The achieved FWHM energy resolution ranges from 2.4 keV (at 238 keV) to 5.7 keV (at 2615 keV). The internal radioactive contaminations of the ZnMoO4 crystals were evaluated through a 407 hours background measurement. The obtained limit is < 32 microBq/kg for Th-228 and Ra-226. These values were used for a Monte Carlo simulation aimed at evaluating the achievable background level of a possible, future array of enriched ZnMoO4 crystals.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Planetary nebulae as mass tracers of their parent galaxies: biases in the estimate of the kinematical quantities

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    Multi-object and multi-fiber spectrographs on 4 and 8 meter telescopes make it possible to use extragalactic planetary nebulae (PNe) in the outer halos of early-type galaxies as kinematical tracers, where classical techniques based on integrated stellar light fail. Until now, published PNe radial velocity samples are small, with only a few tens of radial velocity measurements (except for a few cases like NGC 5128 or M31), causing uncertainties in the mass and angular momentum estimates based on these data. To quantify these uncertainties, we have made equilibrium models for spherical galaxies, with and without dark matter, and via Montecarlo simulations we produce radial velocity samples with different sizes. We then apply, to these discrete radial velocity fields, the same standard kinematical analysis as it is commonly done with small samples of observed PNe radial velocities. By comparison of the inferred quantities with those computed from the analytical model, we test for systematic biases and establish a robust procedure to infer the angular momentum distribution and radial velocity dispersion profiles from such samples

    The stellar dynamics and mass of NGC 1316 using the radial velocities of planetary nebulae

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    We present a study of the kinematics of the outer regions of the early-type galaxy NGC 1316, based on radial velocity measurements of 43 planetary nebulae as well as deep integrated-light absorption line spectra. The smoothed velocity field of NGC 1316 indicates fast rotation at a distance of 16 kpc, possibly associated with an elongated feature orthogonal to the inner dust lanes. The mean square stellar velocity is approximately independent of radius, and the estimated total mass of the system is 2.6 x 10^11 M_sun within a radius of 16 kpc, implying an integrated mass-to-light ratio of M/L_B = 8.Comment: 39 pages, 14 figures, in press on The Astrophysical Journal n. 50
