40 research outputs found


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    Albanian folk music is presented with inalienable value. Albanian folk music presents a rich heritage and varied in styles, in modes of singing, in varieties of folk instruments of rhythms. It expresses its originality, first of all, in the modal-intonation system. It is built on four main tonal systems: pentatonic (that is found commonly in polyphony folk creations), diatonic (which, as a rule, is found in homophonic creations), chromatic building (generally on city folk music) and enharmonic construction (mostly in folk vocal music and in a part of instrumental music, mainly to what is executed through non-tempered wind tools. Asan especially important melodic element of Albanian folklore are folk ions, that in our opinion have been, are, and will be an important source of support for professional composers in their creations, in different periods of history, the present and the future, and for this reason we considered it as important to stop in one of their analysis.Keywords: Albanian music, folkloric elements, Albanian composers, cultivated music stages

    The Impact of Folklore in the Musical Cultivated Creativity

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    The role of folklore in the musical cultivated creativity has become the subject of studies of many issues related to defining the national individual style of the composers in different periods. Country music has fed and actively feeds the professional art by giving examples of deep thought with an amazing phenomenon. In the musical creativity, folklore is used in various ways, ranging from methods of citation, elaborated by the creative individuality of the composer. In many cases, the innovative source modal-harmonic of folk creativity has maintained its importance, as well as other elements like prosperity of melodic figurations, rhythmic variety, instrumental colors etc. When we talk about these achievements we must understand in the most conscious way that these cases have nothing to do at all with primitive, ethnographic intervention as we do not need to leave up there with our intervention, where all signs of folklore are lost.Keywords: folklore, cultivated creativity, traditional music, impact, folk song, Alignment, and processing of folk song.

    National Folk Festival Gjirokastër, 2015 and the cultivated musical creativity

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    Folklore is a particularly important factor in determining the national identity of the people. Based on this observation, the artistic part of our people‟s spiritual heritage of our people and in the case of this paper choreographic and musical folklore, as a collective product of the anonymous individual strands is an inalienable property of all Albanians wherever they live. Albanian folklore represents an early vital tradition, durable and rich. It is not "terra incognita" because it is not made of atrophied and lifeless waste. Our folklore also is not a reminder of the past but is alive and full of life, and day by day is practiced and emotionally articulated, being developed, enriched and grown along with the Albanian people. An important role to echo the past and the present with the message that our nation has existed, exists and will exist forever, because it has a clear identity through its own cultural, artistic, historical, linguistic values, etc, which make it distinguishable from the other people of the region and beyond, have had and still have organizations of nationwide events of this part of our people‟s spiritual heritage.Keywords: national folk festival, folk music, cultivated creativity, Albanian composers

    Determinación de la presencia de Listeria monocytogenes en embutidos artesanales de carne de cerdo, expendidos en el Centro de Mayoreo de la cabecera municipal de Sololá, Guatemala en septiembre del 2018

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    Listeria monocytogenes es el microorganismo patógeno causante de la listeriosis, es un bacilo Gram positivo resistente a temperaturas bajas y altas concentraciones de cloruro de sodio, se elimina alcanzando 58-60 °C y tiene la posibilidad de contaminar varios grupos alimenticios como lácteos, carnes y vegetales, convirtiéndolos en potenciales alimentos de alto riesgo para la salud de los consumidores. La importancia de esta enfermedad se debe al impacto clínico, la alta tasa demortalidad, la meningitis, septicemias y abortos. Es de suma importancia tomar en cuenta que afecta principalmente a personas inmunocomprometidas e inmunodeficientes, mujeres embarazadas, ancianos y niños y la principal fuente de transmisión son los alimentos contaminados. Para verificar la presencia de Listeria monocytogenes se analizaron 40 muestras de chorizos y longanizas lo que representa a la totalidad de los expendios del centro de mayoreo de la cabecera municipal de Sololá, los cuales fueron trabajados en base a la metodología ISO 11290-1. Se determinó la presencia de Listeria monocytogenes en el 35X 100 de los embutidos analizados, lo que corresponde a 14 de las 40 muestras trabajadas de chorizos y longanizas de la totalidad de los expendios del centro de mayoreo de la cabecera municipal de Sololá, encontrándose 8 muestras positivas de las 20 que correspondían a los chorizos y 6 muestras positivas de las 20 correspondientes a longanizas mediante cultivo microbiológico

    Assessing quality and use of economic data: case of Kosovo

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    Quality of economic data is of key importance in real assessment of economic situation in a country. Among the challenges in Kosovo in terms of economic statistics is their quality and consistency. Study will examine the quantity and quality of economic data with particular emphasis on macroeconomic data. International statistical standards of the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank / Eurostat are used as reference for comparison regarding the quantity and quality of economic data. For the study purposes, the economic data will be divided into sectors according to international standards. Official statistics producers will be used as data inputs as specified in the respective law in Kosovo. Data quality are reliability, transparency, accuracy are criteria to be used. Statistics revision policy or procedure as well as time-series and accessibility will be part of the study also. UBT STATS established in June 2013 deals with the collection, organization and publication of statistical data and emerged as a need of having a structured database consistent with international practices. An overview will be devoted to UBT STATS also as center for statistics, modelling, and economic forecasting

    Peran Musik Dalam Game Run Princess Run

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    Run Princess Run merupakan salah satu game buatan developer Indonesia bernama “Qajoo”. Game Run Princess Run merupakan game berjenis endless run. Penggunaan musik dalam game Run Princess Run memiliki daya tarik tersendiri. Terdapat empat buah musik dalam keseluruhan game Run Princess Run yang berada pada bagian opening, bagian splash screen dan main menu, bagian info dan bagian gameplay. Penulis akan meneliti peran dan proses pembuatan musik dalan game Run Princess Run. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan melalui tahapan pengumpulan data, analisis data dan pembuatan laporan. Tahapan pengumpulan data akan dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa musik dalam game Run Princess Run memiliki peran dalam merepresentasikan konsep dasar game. Pembuatan musik dalam game Run Princess Run melalui proses deskripsi yang disampaikan oleh pihak developer kepada para arranger. Proses deskriptif ini menjadi penentu peran musik dalam game Run Princess Run

    Classification of Foreign Direct Investments by Theories and the Economic Growth. Case: Balkan Countries

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the factors that will influence the economic growth. Factors that have impeded investment and economic development in these nations include political unrest, weak institutions, and restricted access to credit and finance. (OECD 2021). The region’s current socio-economic conditions provide an impetus for Balkancountries governments to induce more foreign investment as a mechanism for fostering economic growth   FDI promotes economic growth in both the host country and the country of origin. The host country benefits from FDI by financing projects planned, developing new technologies and generating new jobs. Investing companies benefit from the expansion of markets and, consequently, the growth of their shares in international markets. The world is full of development opportunities, be it for countries that have just begun to modernise to the richest countries. Overall, the region's economic growth and development still have a lot of room for improvement, even though some Balkan nations have made strides in recent years. Higher rates of economic growth and development in the Balkans may be facilitated by policies aimed at enhancing political stability, bolstering institutions, decreasing corruption, encouraging investment, and expanding access to finance


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    Në shumicën e industrive është mjaftë e pazakontë që një kompani e vetme të kryejë të gjitha aktivitetet nga dizajnimi i produktit, prodhimi dhe montimi final deri të shpërndarja e tyre te konsumatorët final. Zinxhiri i vlerës së një organizate dhe mënyra se si ajo i kryen aktivitetet individuale janë një reflektim i historisë së saj, strategjisë dhe qasjes së saj për të implementuar strategjitë. Shumë shpesh, organizatat janë elemente të sistemit ose të zinxhirit të vlerës apo furnizimit. Për këtë arsye, analiza e zinxhirit të vlerës duhet të mbulojë tërë sistemin e vlerave në të cilin organizata operon. Ideja e zinxhirit të vlerës bazohet në pikëpamjen e procesit të organizatës, në idenë e të pamurit të një organizate prodhuese (ose shërbyese) si një sistem, i përbërë nga nënsiteme secili me ipute, procese transformuese dhe outpute. Zinxhiri i vlerës përshkruan gamën e plotë të aktiviteteve të cilat janë të nevojshme për të sjellë një produkt ose shërbim nga koncepti, përmes fazave të tjera të prodhimit, shpërndarjes te konsumatorët final dhe asgjësimit pas përdorimit. Pasi që hulumtime dhe studime të mëhershme vetëm pjesërisht kanë shpejguar pyetjen hulumtuese dhe nuk ka dijeni të mjaftueshme për kontekstin e problemit dhe njohuritë aktuale përfshijnë fenomene komplekse që duhet të organizohen dhe të analizohen më tutje, bazuar në pyetjen hulumtuese dhe rezultatin e pritur nga punimi hulumtues, si qasje hulumtuese është zgjedhur të përdoret metoda kualitative. Pas një shqyrtimi holistik të strategjive dhe të kuptuarit të natyrës së rastit të studimit, ne e zgjedhëm rastin e studimit, si strategjinë e duhur hulumtuese për këtë punim. Duke marrë parasysh analizat e mëparshme, ne përdorëm disa raste të studimit. Metodat e mbledhjes së të dhënave për rastet e studimit përfshijnë: intervistën dhe pyetësorin. Do të intervistohen gjithsej 4 kompani: M&Sillosi (Industria e ushqimit), Euro-Fat (Industria e ndërtimit), StoneCastle (Industria e pijeve) dhe Vala-Ptk (Industria e telekomunikacionit). Këto kompani janë përzgjedhur duke u bazuar në industri të ndryshme në mënyrë që të bëhet analizimi i zinxhirit të vlerës për kompaninë dhe industrinë në përgjithësi. Përmes hulumtimit të bërë në industritë dhe organizatat e caktuara, për zinxhirin e vlerës dhe aktivitetet e tij, janë identifikuar aktivitetet më të mëdha të zinxhirit të vlerës që kanë ndikim më të madh në krijimin e vlerës për organizatat brenda tyre. Arsyet se përse këto aktivitetet të zinxhirit të vlerës cilësohen si më të rëndësishmet brenda këtyre industrive janë sepse ato e ndikojnë më së shumti koston, kualitetin, inovacionin dhe shitjen e produktit. Gjithashtu këto aktivitetet janë edhe aktivitetet në të cilat organizatat e caktuara investojnë më së shumti dhe konsiderohen si subjekte kryesore të rritjes së të ardhurave