25 research outputs found

    The efects of peer corrective feedback trainning in face to face interaction and synchronousvideo-based computer-mediated comunication

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)This quasi-experimental study was conducted in a private school, in Santiago, Chile, with four groups formed by 9th graders with the same L1 (Spanish) immersed in an EFL context. The purpose of the study was to examine ways in which the potential of peer interaction on learning is maximized. Specifically, the study examined two instructional techniques, both of which have been gaining increasing attention from second language acquisition researchers: (a) training learners how to correct each other (corrective feedback: CF), and (b) synchronous communicative interaction via video-based computer-mediated communication (SVCMC). Participants were divided into four groups depending on their experimental conditions. Group A (SVCMC+CF training) engaged in communicative peer interaction via SVCMC and received CF training. Group B (SVCMC-CF training) was given the same peer interaction tasks but did not receive any CF training. Groups C (FTF+CF training) and D (FTF-CF training) engaged in the same tasks in face-to-face in the classroom while only Group C received CF training. The intervention period lasted two weeks, consisting of four classes of 45 minutes for each of the four groups. The analysis involved (a) learners’ interactional behaviors, namely, language-related episodes, (b) their developmental outcomes with pre- and posttests focusing on past tense and locative usages, and (c) their perceptions based on exit questionnaire with close- and open-items. The results of this study reflected 3 main findings in peer interaction, corrective feedback, and SVCMC. With regard to interactional patterns (peer interaction), corrective feedback training promotes collaboration and so FTF environments, yet in SVCMC dominant patterns were more likely to arise. Meanwhile, CF training helped enhance learners’ language development as their results in the post-test were higher than in the pre-test and, in turn, SVCMC groups outperformed FTF groups. Concerning students’ perceptions, they overtly expressed positive beliefs regarding Peer Corrective Feedback and SVCMC activities. In short, clear differences were found among groups with different interventions resulting in distinct patterns, L2 development outcomes, and learner perceptions.Este estudio cuasi-experimental fue conducido en un colegio privado en Santiago de Chile, con cuatro grupos formados por estudiantes de primer año medio, cuya lengua nativa es el español. Los estudiantes estuvieron inmersos en un contexto EFL. El propósito del estudio fue examinar medios por las cuales el potencial de la interacción entre pares en el aprendizaje sea maximizado. Específicamente, este estudio examinó dos técnicas instructivas, las cuales han recibido recientemente atención paulatina de los investigadores en el campo de la adquisición de un segundo idioma: (a) capacitar a los estudiantes en como corregir a sus pares (retroalimentación), e (b) interacción comunicativa sincronizada a través de video conferencias (ICSV) mediadas por computadores. Los participantes fueron divididos en cuatro grupos según sus condiciones experimentales. El Grupo A (ICSV+ capacitación en retroalimentación) involucrado en interacción comunicativa— entre pares— a través de ICSV y recibieron instrucción en retroalimentación entre pares. Al Grupo B (ICSV – capacitación en retroalimentación) se le dio las mismas tareas, pero no recibió capacitación en retroalimentación. El Grupo C (cara a cara + capacitación en retroalimentación) y el Grupo D (cara a cara – capacitación en retroalimentación) participaron en las mismas tareas cara a cara en la sala de clases mientras que solo el Grupo C recibió capacitación en retroalimentación. El periodo de intervención fue de 2 semanas, compuesto de 4 clases de 45 min para cada uno de los grupos. Este análisis involucró (a) comportamientos interaccionales de los estudiantes, es decir, episodios relacionados con el lenguaje, (b) los resultados que reflejaron el desarrollo del lenguaje de los estudiantes fueron obtenidos mediante una evaluación previa a la intervención y otra posterior a la intervención; las evaluaciones se enfocaron en el uso del pasado simple y locativos, finalmente (c) las percepciones de los estudiantes obtenidas mediante un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas y abiertas. Los resultados de este estudio reflejaron 3 hallazgos principales en cuanto a interacción entre pares, retroalimentación, e ICSV. En cuanto a los patrones interacciónales (interacción entre pares), la retroalimentación y la comunicación cara a cara resultaron promover la colaboración, a diferencia de ICSV en la cual los patrones dominantes tuvieron más probabilidades de surgir. Mientras tanto, la capacitación en retroalimentación ayudó al mejoramiento del desarrollo del lenguaje de los estudiantes ya que sus resultados a lo largo de las evaluaciones pre y post presentaron un alza y, en consecuencia, los grupos que interactuaron a través de ICSV superaron a los grupos que interactuaron cara a cara. Tomando en cuenta las percepciones de los estudiantes, ellos expresaron abiertamente ideas positivas en cuanto a las actividades la capacitación en retroalimentación e ICSV. En resumen, diferencias claras fueron encontradas entre los grupos con diferentes intervenciones resultando en distintos patrones de interacción, resultados en el desarrollo del lenguaje, y percepciones de los estudiantes

    Importancia que dan los profesores de educación física al juego en su asignatura en cursos de 5° a 8° básico

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    Tesis (Profesor de Educación Física para la Enseñanza Básica, Licenciado en Educación)En el presente informe se indaga la importancia de la incorporación del juego, como estrategia pedagógica, teniendo por objetivo general identificar cuánto tiempo y con qué objetivo, se realiza el juego en la parte inicial y principal de la clase de Educación Física en cursos de 5º a 8º Básico, en colegios particulares y subvencionados, de las comunas de Ñuñoa, Lo Barnechea y Las Condes. En la actualidad se ha tratado de reformar la entrega de contenidos siempre en concordancia a los aspectos sociales y culturales que esté inmerso el alumnado, es por esto que el juego sería un conducto muy útil al momento de enseñar e inducir el aprendizaje en las clases de educación física. Finalmente luego de las observaciones se obtuvieron como resultados que de un total de 19 docentes, solo 3 ocupaban el juego en la parte inicial de su clase y 12 a veces, el tiempo de ejecución en este momento de la clase oscila entre 6 a 15 minutos. En cuanto a la parte principal 6 docentes a veces ocuparon el juego, en un rango de 16 a 20 minutos en tiempo y los 13 restantes nunca acudieron al este

    The impact of extensive grazing in the behavior of soluble sugars in Prosopis laevigata (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) M.C.Johnst. trees

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    Objective: To evaluate the impact of extensive grazing in the accumulation of soluble sugars in Prosopis laevigata trees, whose leaves and fruits are directly consumed by cattle. Design/Methodology/Approach: The ejido Emiliano Zapata in Durango was the study area. Stem and root samples were collected from a stand of extensive grazing and a stand without cattle. The sampling was carried out in three growth stages: March (flowering), June (fruition), and October (leaf fall). The samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and were lyophilized. Afterwards, they were ground and 10 mg of dry matter were weighted in microtubes. The total soluble sugars (TSS) concentration was determined following the Van Handel methodology, using a spectrophotometer at 625 nm. The statistical analysis was carried out using an ANOVA and the Tukey’s test. Results: In March, the grazing area had lower TSS concentrations during regrowth than the area without grazing, both at root and stem levels. Study Limitations/Implications: The intensity of grazing and the pasture rotation should be regulated to favor carbohydrate accumulation in trees, which is required for the formation of the meristematic tissues. Finding/Conclusions: Extensive grazing has an impact on the synthesis and accumulation of TSS in mesquite trees. Therefore, the consumption of branches, leaves, and fruits decreases TSS concentrations in the stem and the root

    Comorbidities in Chilean patients with psoriasis: a Global Healthcare Study on Psoriasis

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    Background: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease associated with several important medical comorbidities. There are scant data available on the comorbidities of patients with psoriasis in South America. Aim: To examine the comorbidity profile of adult patients with psoriasis in Chile and its association with severity of psoriasis. Methods: This was a multicentre, cross-sectional study involving 16 hospitals and clinics in Chile, which used a 48-item questionnaire to study clinician- and patient-reported outcomes and comorbidities. Inferential analyses were performed by psoriasis severity, using Fisher exact test, Student t-test and multivariable logistic regression. Results: In total, 598 adult patients with psoriasis were included (51.1% male; mean age 49.2 ± 15.1 years); 48.5% mild and 51.4% moderate to severe; Psoriasis Area and Severity Index 11.6 ± 11.5; body surface area 14.7 ± 18.2%. Plaque psoriasis was the most common phenotype (90.2%), followed by guttate (13.4%). Psoriatic arthritis occurred in 27.3% of patients. Comorbidities were reported in 60.2% of all patients with psoriasis. Frequent concomitant diseases were obesity (25.3%), hypertension (24.3%), Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) (18.7%), dyslipidaemia (17.4%), metabolic syndrome (16.7%) and depression (14.4%). After adjustment, significant associations were found between moderate to severe psoriasis and obesity, T2DM and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) compared with mild psoriasis. Conclusions: We report a large study of comorbidities, including depression, dyslipidaemia, T2DM and NAFLD, in people with psoriasis in Chile. The prevalence of comorbidities with psoriasis in Chile appears similar to that found in Western countries, and emphasizes the importance of assessing patients with psoriasis for risk factors for and presence of, comorbid disease in a multidisciplinary setting

    Feeding Behaviour and Lifestyle of Children and Adolescents One Year after Lockdown by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chile

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    Lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may have influenced feeding behaviour and lifestyle in children and adolescents. The purpose of this study was to analyse feeding behaviour and lifestyle in children and adolescents one year after lockdown by the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile. In this cross-sectional study an online survey was implemented in 1083 parents and caregivers regarding their children’s feeding behaviour and lifestyle and sociodemographic background. The results showed that “eat breakfast daily” (89.2%), “not overnight food intake” (69.9%) and “not fast-food intake” (66.0%) were the most frequent reported feeding behaviours, particularly in pre-school children. Respondents declaring healthy feeding behaviours and lifestyle were 23.4 and 23.7%, respectively, with no significant differences by sex. In pre-school children, families with three or fewer members and parents or caregivers with an undergraduate or postgraduate degree reported a significantly better feeding behaviour and lifestyle compared to families with more than three members and parents or caregivers without an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. In conclusion, the pandemic lockdown had a negative impact in lifestyle in children and particularly in adolescents. Healthier feeding behaviour was associated with fewer family members and parents or caregivers with at least an undergraduate degree

    Vida y muerte de Pilatos

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    A la part superior de la 1ª p. Plieg.3. Num. 50Altres tít.: El dichoso desdichado. Comedia de la vida y muerte de PilatosBanda i altres ornaments tipSign. A-C4Text a dues colReclam

    A comparison of the head and cervical posture between the self-balanced position and the Frankfurt method

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    Schilling, A. Health Faculty, Dentistry School, University of Talca, Chile.Head and cervical posture evaluation has been a concern for many years, not only because of the purported relationship that exists between head and cervical posture in the presence of temporomandibular disorders, neck pain and headache, but also because of the biomechanical relationship between the head and cervical spine and dentofacial structures. Many methods have been suggested in an attempt to establish the best way to evaluate the position of the head using teleradiographs and cephalometric analysis. However, there is still no agreement as to which procedure is the best. The objective of this study was to evaluate the differences that exist between craniocervical measurements in lateral teleradiographs when comparing the position of the head in the self-balanced position to the position of the head using the Frankfurt method (Frankfurt plane parallel to the floor). Sixty-eight subjects who sought dental treatment in community health centres in Talca, Chile participated in this study. Rocabado analysis was used to measure the craniocervical variables. The Cobb analysis was used to measure cervical lordosis. A paired student t-test was used to evaluate the differences between both procedures, using an α of 0·05 and a power of 0·90. The use of the cephalostat changed only the craniocervical angle (P < 0·001). However, this change was minimal. No changes related to gender and age were found. More studies are needed to determine the variation between different procedures and to define a good procedure for evaluating head posture