84 research outputs found

    The knowledge in postlab sessions

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    The aim of this research project is to better understand the way knowledge is at work during the postlab sessions during which teachers have the opportunity to point out the relevant knowledge that has been used during the laboratory session. We agree with Polman's claim (1999) that to foster science learning through projects and inquiry, teachers must play a complex role. But which role? Once we will be able to describe the postlab sessions, it will be possible to make hypothesis on their improvements and measure their effects on learning. This description is to be based on three axes: (i) the knowledge to be taught, (ii) the interactions between the teacher and the students and (iii) the objects (glassware, chemicals, texts) involved during the postlab session. Our research questions can be formulated as such: How can the status of the knowledge describe the kinds of phases organised (consciously or not) by the teacher? What kind of information does/can the teacher use during postlab sessions? Which parameters that describe postlab sessions may influence learning

    Teacher's practices after Experimental Activities: questioning and feedback to students' answers

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    The aim of our research has been to understand, within the second situation, what the class organization can be after the profitable experimental activities. In most cases, the texts of activities that we found in the research literature and in the school textbooks are structured around questions that are submitted to learners. Although the class following the activity can be organized in different manners, and it will be discussed below, we have noticed that teachers often organize a discussion around the questions of the activity. The analysis of such a discussion is the aim of the present research. Our research has been able to provide an understanding of the way teachers come back, with their students, to an experimental activity. Such an understanding may help to improve novice teacher in their practices. Our methodology may also be used to compare the different ways teachers manage the class following experimental activity. We believe that discussion from the text of the activity, which seems to be the most frequent way of dealing with knowledge in class, is probably not the best one. Structuring the knowledge of the experimental activity or working out a document involving the same knowledge might be a better practice, and our theoretical framework may be useful to prove it

    . Les exemples - En chimie, en mathématiques, en physique.

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    International audienceL'objectif de ce Cahier du LDAR est d'approfondir et d'éclairer la notion d'exemple et de préciser le rôle qu'elle joue dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des mathématiques et des sciences physiques.Il suffit d'assister à une leçon en classe ou d'ouvrir un manuel pour s'apercevoir que l'enseignement des sciences s'appuie beaucoup sur des exemples. Les enseignants et les élèves, quel que soit leur niveau d'enseignement considéré, le savent bien. Mais derrière cette évidence, presqu'une banalité, la notion d'exemple se révèle être une notion complexe aux multiples fonctions, aux multiples caractéristiques.Après une première partie dédiée à une étude bibliographique sur la notion d'exemple en didactique, la deuxième partie présente des recherches issues du LDAR qui interrogent cette notion à partir d'expériences de recherche

    Débriefer l’activité des élèves : une étude conversationnelle et didactique du débriefing de type corrigé des activités expérimentales lors de l’enseignement de la chimie en seconde

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    Cet article se centre sur le débriefing par l’enseignant de l’activité expérimentale des élèves en chimie en seconde. L'enjeu principal de ce moment particulier de l’enseignement est que l’enseignant structure les connaissances mises en jeu par les élèves lors de leurs activités. L’approche méthodologique utilisée articule l’analyse conversationnelle et l’analyse du savoir dans les interactions aux moyens de la méthode des facettes de connaissances. L’étude conversationnelle et didactique des débriefings de type corrigés révèle la structure essentiellement ternaire des échanges (question de l’enseignant, réponse de l’élève, évaluation de l’enseignant). Lors d’une discussion de classe, cette structure ternaire instaure et limite la portée didactique. Cette étude de cas permet de suggérer des modifications pour les débriefings de type corrigé afin que l’enseignant puisse en tenir compte dans ses préparations.This article focuses on the teacher debriefing of student activity in secondary chemistry classes. The main objective of this particular moment of teaching is that teachers structure the knowledge involved by the students during the labwork. The methodological approach used articulates the conversational analysis and the didactic analysis using the facets of knowledge. Conversational and didactic study of feedback debriefing reveals that the class discussion is structured as ternary exchanges (teacher question, student response, teacher evaluation) and limits the educational scope. This case study gives suggestions of changes to the feedback debriefing so that the teachers can take them into account in their preparation

    Can we improve management and control of chronic diseases?.

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    [ES] Objetivo: Investigar la efectividad de diferentes estrategias destinadas a mejorar la calidad y los resultados de las intervenciones en el tratamiento de las enfermedades crónicas. Metodología: Revisión sistemática de la bibliografía. Criterios de inclusión: Ensayos clínicos en lengua inglesa o española que evalúen la efectividad de distintas intervenciones para mejorar los resultados asistenciales del asma, la diabetes, la hipertensión y la insuficiencia cardíaca. Las intervenciones se clasifican de acuerdo con un modelo conceptual en 6 categorías: cambios organizativos, participación comunitaria, sistemas de información, diseño de la práctica clínica, apoyo a la toma de decisiones y de autocontrol. Los resultados evaluados fueron: utilización de servicios de salud, tratamiento clínico, resultados clínicos, calidad de vida, satisfacción e indicadores de capacidad de autocontrol. Resultados: Se incluyeron 37 estudios que incorporaban 38 intervenciones. Las intervenciones más frecuentes son las que investigan los cambios en el de diseño asistencial, seguidas de las que analizan el efecto de los sistemas de información y apoyo a la toma de decisiones. Las intervenciones más complejas en número de intervenciones, incluido el apoyo para el autocontrol, mostraron una mayor probabilidad de tener efectos positivos en el tratamiento y en los resultados clínicos. Pocas intervenciones consiguen mejoras en utilización de servicios, aunque sí se observaron sustanciales mejoras en los resultados percibidos. Conclusiones: Para mejorar la calidad asistencial y la efectividad en el control de las enfermedades crónicas es preciso adoptar una visión sistemática que incluya un sistema sanitario proactivo y pacientes protagonistas activos del tratamiento de su enfermedad. Los programas así diseñados deben combinar, al menos, estrategias organizativas, de diseño asistencial y de autocontrol. [EN] To evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving the quality and outcome of chronic disease management. Systematic review of the literature. Clinical trials in English and Spanish that assess the effectiveness of 1 or more strategies for improving quality and outcome in asthma, diabetes, hypertension, and congestive heart failure. Interventions were classified in line with a conceptual model in 6 categories: organizational changes, community participation, information systems, clinical practice design, decision-making support, and self-management. The outcomes considered were: health service utilization, chronic disease management, clinical outcomes, quality of life, satisfaction, and self-management indicators. Thirty seven studies with 38 interventions were included. The most common interventions were those that investigated changes in health care design, followed by those analysing information systems and decision-making support. The most complex interventions, in terms of the overall number of strategies, including support for self-management, showed more likelihood of positive effects in clinical management and clinical outcomes. Few interventions achieved improvements in use of health care services, though patients perceived substantial improvements. In order to improve quality and effectiveness of chronic disease management, it is necessary to take a systematic view including proactive health care systems and patients taking an active role in managing their disease. These programmes should combine, at the least, organizational strategies, design of clinical practice and patient self-management.S

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    International audienceNowadays in France, more trainings regarding "university pedagogy" are intended for teacher-researchers (TR), but very few studies are concerned in how they are absorbed by the TR. In fact, TR expectations from students of the secondary level education are also rarely studied. As a first approach to these general questions, our objective is to know better the community of the teacher-researchers of chemistry. This paper is part of a group work project on four disciplines representing chemistry, geography, mathematics, and physics in our laboratory. For this purpose, we propose to give some elements of reflection around the following questions:- How does the discipline of teacher-researchers mark their practice?-What is the imprint of the profession of researcher on the teaching profession?Our questioning is structured around the notion of professional identity, the dimensions which enable us to take into consideration what constitutes the core of TR's discipline (de Hosson & al., 2015). This identity has been developed according to various axes such as: rules which govern their profession, qualities and skills for the practice, values of the profession, as well as a didactic axis, dealing specifically with chemistry teaching (Cattonar, 2001). Therefore, we will try to give the results of the analysis of interviews conducted from 14 chemistry TR from two universities in France like de Hosson & al. (2015). We will link them to problems related to the epistemology of the disciplines, to tensions in the profession or to didactic elements
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