
Teacher's practices after Experimental Activities: questioning and feedback to students' answers


The aim of our research has been to understand, within the second situation, what the class organization can be after the profitable experimental activities. In most cases, the texts of activities that we found in the research literature and in the school textbooks are structured around questions that are submitted to learners. Although the class following the activity can be organized in different manners, and it will be discussed below, we have noticed that teachers often organize a discussion around the questions of the activity. The analysis of such a discussion is the aim of the present research. Our research has been able to provide an understanding of the way teachers come back, with their students, to an experimental activity. Such an understanding may help to improve novice teacher in their practices. Our methodology may also be used to compare the different ways teachers manage the class following experimental activity. We believe that discussion from the text of the activity, which seems to be the most frequent way of dealing with knowledge in class, is probably not the best one. Structuring the knowledge of the experimental activity or working out a document involving the same knowledge might be a better practice, and our theoretical framework may be useful to prove it

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