44 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas III Dengan Menggunakan Model Kooperatif Tipe STAD Pada Mata Pelajaran PKn Di SDK Lengaruh

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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan di SD Kecil Lengaru, melibatkan 14 orang siswa terdiri atas 4 orang laki-laki dan 10 orang perempuan yang terdaftar pada tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart yang terdiri atas dua siklus. Di mana pada setiap siklus dilaksanakan dua kali pertemuan di kelas dan setiap siklus terdiri empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tindakan siklus I diperoleh ketuntasan klasikal 64,2% dan daya serap klasikal 66,4%. Pada tindakan siklus II diperoleh ketuntasan klasikal 85,7% dan daya serap klasikal 81,4%. Hal ini berarti pembelajaran pada siklus II telah memenuhi indikator keberhasilan yang ditetapkan yaitu dengan nilai daya serap klasikal minimal 70% dan ketuntasan belajar klasikal minimal 80%. Berdasarkan nilai rata-rata daya serap klasikal dan ketuntasan belajar klasikal pada kegiatan pembelajaran siklus II, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode Kooperatif Tipe STAD dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas III pada pembelajaran PKn di SD Kecil Lengaruh

    Studi Kematian Ibu dan Kematian Bayi di Provinsi Sumatera Barat: Faktor Determinan dan Masalahnya

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    One of the main goals that WHO wants to reach in 2000 is Health for All Year 2000. Some of indicators have been using to measure the goals, such as infant mortality rate (IMR) and maternal mortality rate (MMR). West Sumatera Health Office had been successed reducing IMR and MMR for over 5 years, but the score was not mentioned the exact number becausethis measurement just using national statistic measurement. It also could not describe the disparity between the area and sosial group in West Sumatera. This research aim is to get the exact number of IMR and MMR, determinat factors and its problems in West Sumatera in 2007. The study desain was Direct Household Survey Method with prospective approach. The research was done in 19 different government district in West Sumatera from January 1st until December 31st 2007. Result of this research found IMR and MMR of West Sumatera in 2007 is 28,4 per 1.000 birth life and 211,9 per 100.000 birth life. Asphyxia and postpartum bleeding is the main cause of infant and maternal death. West Sumatera Health Office and its government should have a strong commitment to build effective networking to reduce IMR and MMR in West Sumatera

    Women’s experiences of wearing therapeutic footwear in three European countries

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    Background: Therapeutic footwear is recommended for those people with severe foot problems associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, it is known that many do not wear them. Although previous European studies have recommended service and footwear design improvements, it is not known if services have improved or if this footwear meets the personal needs of people with RA. As an earlier study found that this footwear has more impact on women than males, this study explores women’s experiences of the process of being provided with it and wearing it. No previous work has compared women’s experiences of this footwear in different countries, therefore this study aimed to explore the potential differences between the UK, the Netherlands and Spain. Method: Women with RA and experience of wearing therapeutic footwear were purposively recruited. Ten women with RA were interviewed in each of the three countries. An interpretive phenomenological approach (IPA) was adopted during data collection and analysis. Conversational style interviews were used to collect the data. Results: Six themes were identified: feet being visibly different because of RA; the referring practitioners’ approach to the patient; the dispensing practitioners’ approach to the patient; the footwear being visible as different to others; footwear influencing social participation; and the women’s wishes for improved footwear services. Despite their nationality, these women revealed that therapeutic footwear invokes emotions of sadness, shame and anger and that it is often the final and symbolic marker of the effects of RA on self perception and their changed lives. This results in severe restriction of important activities, particularly those involving social participation. However, where a patient focussed approach was used, particularly by the practitioners in Spain and the Netherlands, the acceptance of this footwear was much more evident and there was less wastage as a result of the footwear being prescribed and then not worn. In the UK, the women were more likely to passively accept the footwear with the only choice being to reject it once it had been provided. All the women were vocal about what would improve their experiences and this centred on the consultation with both the referring practitioner and the practitioner that provides the footwear. Conclusion: This unique study, carried out in three countries has revealed emotive and personal accounts of what it is like to have an item of clothing replaced with an ‘intervention’. The participant’s experience of their consultations with practitioners has revealed the tension between the practitioners’ requirements and the women’s ‘social’ needs. Practitioners need greater understanding of the social and emotional consequences of using therapeutic footwear as an intervention

    An exploration of parents’ preferences for foot care in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a possible role for the discrete choice experiment

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    Background: An increased awareness of patients’ and parents’ care preferences regarding foot care is desirable from a clinical perspective as such information may be utilised to optimise care delivery. The aim of this study was to examine parents’ preferences for, and valuations of foot care and foot-related outcomes in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).<p></p> Methods: A discrete choice experiment (DCE) incorporating willingness-to-pay (WTP) questions was conducted by surveying 42 parents of children with JIA who were enrolled in a randomised-controlled trial of multidisciplinary foot care at a single UK paediatric rheumatology outpatients department. Attributes explored were: levels of pain; mobility; ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL); waiting time; referral route; and footwear. The DCE was administered at trial baseline. DCE data were analysed using a multinomial-logit-regression model to estimate preferences and relative importance of attributes of foot care. A stated-preference WTP question was presented to estimate parents’ monetary valuation of health and service improvements.<p></p> Results: Every attribute in the DCE was statistically significant (p < 0.01) except that of cost (p = 0.118), suggesting that all attributes, except cost, have an impact on parents’ preferences for foot care for their child. The magnitudes of the coefficients indicate that the strength of preference for each attribute was (in descending order): improved ability to perform ADL, reductions in foot pain, improved mobility, improved ability to wear desired footwear, multidisciplinary foot care route, and reduced waiting time. Parents’ estimated mean annual WTP for a multidisciplinary foot care service was £1,119.05.<p></p> Conclusions: In terms of foot care service provision for children with JIA, parents appear to prefer improvements in health outcomes over non-health outcomes and service process attributes. Cost was relatively less important than other attributes suggesting that it does not appear to impact on parents’ preferences.<p></p&gt

    Training the next generation of clinical researchers: Evaluation of a graduate podiatrist research internship in rheumatology

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Arthritis Research UK funded graduate internship scheme for podiatrists and to explore the experiences of interns and mentors. Methods: Nine new graduates completed the internship programme (July 2006-June 2010); six interns and two mentors participated in this study. The study was conducted in three phases. Phase 1: quantitative survey of career and research outcomes for interns. Phase 2 and 3: qualitative asynchronous interviews through email to explore the experiences of interns and mentors. Interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) of coded transcripts identified recurring themes. Results: Research outputs included ten peer reviewed publications with authorial contributions from interns, 23 conference abstract presentations and one subsequent 'Jewel in the Crown' award at the British Society for Rheumatology Conference. Career progression includes two National Institute for Health research (NIHR) PhD fellowships, two Arthritis Research UK PhD fellowships, one NIHR Master of Research fellowship and one specialist rheumatology clinical post. Two interns are members of NIHR and professional body committees. Seven important themes arose from the qualitative phases: perceptions of the internship pre-application; internship values; maximising personal and professional development; psychosocial components of the internship; the role of mentoring and networking; access to research career pathways; perceptions of future developments for the internship programme. The role of mentorship and the peer support network have had benefits that have persisted beyond the formal period of the scheme. Conclusions: The internship model appears to have been perceived to have been valuable to the interns' careers and may have contributed significantly to the broader building of capacity in clinical research in foot and ankle rheumatology. We believe the model has potential to be transferable across health disciplines and on national and international scales

    Characterization and outcomes of 414 patients with primary SS who developed haematological malignancies

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    Objective: To characterize 414 patients with primary SS who developed haematological malignancies and to analyse how the main SS- and lymphoma-related features can modify the presentation patterns and outcomes. Methods: By January 2021, the Big Data Sjögren Project Consortium database included 11 966 patients fulfilling the 2002/2016 classification criteria. Haematological malignancies diagnosed according to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification were retrospectively identified. Results: There were 414 patients (355 women, mean age 57 years) with haematological malignancies (in 43, malignancy preceded at least one year the SS diagnosis). A total of 376 (91%) patients had mature B-cell malignancy, nearly half had extranodal marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma) (n = 197), followed by diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (n = 67), nodal MZL lymphoma (n = 29), chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) (n = 19) and follicular lymphoma (FL) (n = 17). Rates of complete response, relapses and death were 80%, 34% and 13%, respectively, with a 5-year survival rate of 86.5% after a mean follow-up of 8 years. There were significant differences in age at diagnosis (younger in MALT, older in CLL/SLL), predominant clinical presentation (glandular enlargement in MALT lymphoma, peripheral lymphadenopathy in nodal MZL and FL, constitutional symptoms in DLBCL, incidental diagnosis in CLL/SLL), therapeutic response (higher in MALT lymphoma, lower in DLBCL) and survival (better in MALT, nodal MZL and FL, worse in DLBCL). Conclusion: In the largest reported study of haematological malignancies complicating primary SS, we confirm the overwhelming predominance of B-cell lymphomas, especially MALT, with the salivary glands being the primary site of involvement. This highly-specific histopathological scenario is linked with the overall good prognosis with a 5-year survival rate of nearly 90%

    Guidelines for the management of people with foot health problems related to rheumatoid arthritis: a survey of their use in podiatry practice

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    Background: In the last decade there has been a significant expansion in the body of knowledge on the effects of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on the foot and the management of these problems. Aligned with this has been the development of specialist clinical roles for podiatrists. However, despite being recommended by national guidelines, specialist podiatrists are scarce. In order to inform non-specialist podiatrists of the appropriate interventions for these foot problems, management guidelines have been developed and disseminated by a group of specialist podiatrists. The aim of this survey was to investigate the use of these guidelines in clinical practice. Method: Following ethical approval an online questionnaire survey was carried out. The questions were formulated from a focus group and comprised fixed response and open response questions. The survey underwent cognitive testing with two podiatrists before being finalised. An inductive approach using thematic analysis was used with the qualitative data. Results: 245 questionnaires were completed (128 – non-specialist working in the private sector, 101 non – specialists working in the NHS and 16 specialist podiatrists). Overall, 97% of the non-specialists (n = 222) had not heard of the guidelines. The non-specialists identified other influences on their management of people with RA, such as their undergraduate training and professional body branch meetings. Three main themes emerged from the qualitative data: (i) the benefits of the foot health management guidelines, (ii) the barriers to the use of guidelines generally and (iii) the features of useable clinical guidelines. Conclusions: This study has revealed some crucial information about podiatrists ’ level of engagement with the foot health management guidelines and the use of guidelines in general. Specifically, the non-specialist podiatrists were less likely to use the foot health management guidelines than the specialist podiatrists. The positive aspects were that for the specialist practitioners, the guidelines helped them to identify their professional development needs and for the few non-specialists that did use them, they enabled appropriate referral to the rheumatology team for foot health management. The barriers to their use included a lack of understanding of the risk associated with managing people with RA and that guidelines can be too long and detailed for use in clinical practice. Suggestionsare made for improving the implementation of foot health guidelines

    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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