7 research outputs found


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    Analisis bisnis dan valuasi pengembangan branchless banking bertujuan menganalisis layak atau tidaknya bisnis agent branchless banking dijalankan oleh bank serta besarnya switching cost transformasi layanan kantor konvensional ke layanan agent branchless banking. Metode pendekatan kuantitatif, hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan bisnis branchless banking, dengan alat analisis break even point, payback period dan discounted cashflow factor, menunjukkan bisnis branchless banking feasible dan workable dijalankan oleh bank penyelenggara, karena sebelum 2 (dua) tahun sudah memberikan benefit dan hasil analisis berdasarkan tipologi switching cost agent branchless banking, biaya transaksi hanya sebesar 40% dari total biaya transaksi di kantor konvensional, lebih efisien dibandingkan biaya transaksi di kantor konvensional. Layanan agent branchless banking dapat dijadikan solusi alternatif atas keterbatasan jangkauan layanan kantor konvensional bank pada wilayah terpencil dan pedesaan, sementara itu layanan operator telekomunikasi sudah dapat menjangkau wilayah tersebut, sehingga kehadiran agent branchless banking yang berbasis internet ini, dapat membantu masyarakat dalam mengakses layanan bank. Layanan branchless banking dapat juga dijadikan sebagai terobosan inovasi untuk melayani lapisan masyarakat non-bankable dan underserve

    The Analysis of Risk Effect Towards Fintech Ecosystem On P2P Lending Industry in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research for analyzing the affect and correlation risk to the fintech ecosystem on the P2P lending industry in Indonesia with the quantitative approach and using the analysis tools of SEM-Amos. The result is shown that risk has an affect and correlation significantly to the fintech ecosystem, it can prove that the risk changing has affect to fintech ecosystem stability. The key of activity on this industry is loan disbursement so the potential risk will come up is NPL (non-performing loan), which can cause credit risk. Credit risk can be mitigated by doing customer segmentation precisely. Mitigation is done by other risks, namely, operation, market, liquidity, legal, strategic, and pandemic risk-covid 19. Pandemic risk-covid 19 is an additional risk and positively correlates to start-up fintech elements. It is proof that the existence of pandemic-covid 19, the business of this industry is still running well and has no effect on it, causing this industry to use the mobile application and the transactions without meetings and still keep up social distancing. Another anticipation of empowering the fintech ecosystem by doing cooperation, coordination and collaboration between elements each other. This industry needs to add 2 (two) fintech ecosystem elements, they are credit insurance institutions and fintech consumer protection agency for anticipating the industry's need in the future. Keywords: fintech, fintech p2p lending, risk, pandemic risk-covid-19, fintech ecosyste


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    This study uses a quantitative-descriptive approach, with SPSS 22 analysis tool to test the model. This study was conducted to analyze the significance of the influence of holistic marketing mix variables, namely product, price, promotion, place people, process, program and performance on customer loyalty savings. Holistic marketing mix variables have a significant effect on customer loyalty savings, namely: product, price, people and performance, while the variables that have no significant effect are: promotion, place, process and program. The coefficient of determination or R is 0.955, this indicates that the holistic marketing mix is ​​able to affect customer loyalty savings by 95.50% of which 4.50% is influenced by other variables not examined. Banks can focus on 4 (four) significant variables by improving the performance of product, price, people and performance variables, namely in terms of making strategies, business plans and work programs to increase savings customer loyalty, so as to increase benefits and profits for banks both for the time being. this time and in the future, meanwhile, banks can improve the performance of promotion, place, process and program, so that they can contribute positively to savings performance.This study uses a quantitative-descriptive approach, with SPSS 22 analysis tool to test the model. This study was conducted to analyze the significance of the influence of holistic marketing mix variables, namely product, price, promotion, place people, process, program and performance on customer loyalty savings. Holistic marketing mix variables have a significant effect on customer loyalty savings, namely: product, price, people and performance, while the variables that have no significant effect are: promotion, place, process and program. The coefficient of determination or R is 0.955, this indicates that the holistic marketing mix is ​​able to affect customer loyalty savings by 95.50% of which 4.50% is influenced by other variables not examined. Banks can focus on 4 (four) significant variables by improving the performance of product, price, people and performance variables, namely in terms of making strategies, business plans and work programs to increase savings customer loyalty, so as to increase benefits and profits for banks both for the time being. this time and in the future, meanwhile, banks can improve the performance of promotion, place, process and program, so that they can contribute positively to savings performance

    Pengaruh model bisnis canvasing terhadap risiko pada industri fintech P2P lending Indonesia

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    This quantitative study aims to analyze the significant effect of the application of the canvasing business model on risk. The data were analysed using structural equation modeling (SEM) on 100 respondents through the distribution of questionnaires. In addition, interviews were also conducted with several P2P lending fintech stakeholders to obtain an in-depth analysis of the problem. The result showed that the canvasing business model variable has a significant effect on risk with an estimate of 0.871. The P2P lending fintech industry has an inherent risk, namely credit risk and there are 7(seven) components of the canvasing business model (CBM) that have a correlation to credit risk and the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic. Credit risk due to NPL caused by unbanked and underserved can be mitigated by implementing the CBM components and the customer segments. The application of customer segments and keys of partnership can mitigate fraudster. Over debt can be mitigated by the application of a key of partnership. Meanwhile, the risk of pandemic-covid 19 is one type of risk that is added for research in addition to 8 (eight) types of risk, which can be mitigated by implement-ing one component or element of CBM. CBM is a channel, by utilizing e-channels, through the use and use of mobile applications

    The Important Role of Financial Architecture Regulation Toward Fintech P2P Lending Ecosystem

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the significant impact role of financial architecture regulation in the fintech peer-to-peer (P2P) lending ecosystem, using a quantitative approach and the SEM-Amos analysis tools. The research period was carried out around 2022, using research instruments in the form of distributing questionnaires, and the respondents were users of the P2P lending fintech mobile application spread, both as borrowers - lenders and interviews with stakeholders in the P2P lending fintech industry. The results indicated a significant impact of financial architecture regulation on the fintech P2P lending ecosystem, with an estimated value of 0.922. This finding demonstrates that financial architecture regulation plays a crucial role in establishing a strong and stable fintech P2P lending ecosystem. The provision of regulations, is one of the core functions of regulatory bodies and serves to guide and direct the future development of this industry. It is essential that regulations address key aspects such as big data analytics, automation and robotics, which serves as the basis for the development of information technology (IT),) to strengthen the fintech P2P lending ecosystem. Keywords: financial architecture regulation, Fintech P2P Lending Ecosystem, fintech industry, SE

    The Analysis Of Satisfaction On Digital Business Sector: Expectation Confrimation Model Validation

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    This research aims to analyze the effect of satisfaction toward technology continuance intention on digital, business sector, expectation confirmation model validation. Using for quantitative approach and the instruments of distributing questionnaires and taking samples of 100 respondent and for using analysis tools SEM-Amos. Perceived of usefulness had affected directly and not significantly to continuance intention estimate 0,072 and had affected indirectly and significantly through satisfaction estimate 0,521, in while satisfaction had affected directly and significantly on technology continuance intention estimate 0,896 with the CR value 6.241 > cut off value CR 1.69 and the probability value (p-value) estimate 0,001 < cut off p-value 0,05. Perceived of usefulness and confirmation had affected simultaneously and significantly toward continuance intention through satisfaction estimate 0,915. The result of research had shown that satisfaction had the important role for encouraging the users that they felt the technology had usefulness for fulfill their needs, so the users still keep going for using the continuance intention on digital business sector, so it’s grew prospectively in the future

    Analisis Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Tabungan Payroll (Studi Kasus: Bank Windu)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganlisis tingkat pengaruh bauran pemasaran yaitu product,price, promotion, place people. process. program dan performance terhadap loyalitas nasabah tabungan payroll Bank Windu. Variabcl people, process. program dan performance merupakan variabel pilar bisnis Bank Windu. Instrumen Penelitian dilakukan melalui pcnyebaran kuesioncr terhadap sample 96 nasabah pcrusahaan dengan total 7.387 rckening tabungan payroll yang dimiliki dari populasi 115 Nasabah pcrusahaan dan telah bekerja sama dalam pembayaran gaji melalui tabungan payroll dengan Bank Windu. Responden adalah nasabah Bank Windu dan tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Riset dilakukan pada tahun 2016. Variabel bauran pcmasaran yang berpengaruhi signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah tabungan payroll sesuai urutan dimulai dari yang terbesar adalah variable product, price, people dan performance. Kocfisien determinasi 0,955, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa bauran pemasaran mampu mempengaruhi loyalitas nasabah tabungan payroll sebesar 95,50% di mana 4,50% dipengaruhi variabel lain yang tidak diteliti. Bank Windu harus memfokuskan pada 4 variabel signifikan yaitu product,price, people dan performance (service quality) dalam membuat strategi, action plan dan program untuk mcningkatkan loyalitas nasabah tabungan payroll. sehingga dapat meningkatkan benefit dan profit bagi Bank Windu baik untuk saat ini dan masa-masa mendatang