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    ABSTRAKHomo ludens adalah predikat manusia sebagai makhluk penghuni bumi yang senang bermain. Bermain adalah bergerak melakukan hal demi untuk menyenangkan diri sendiri, tanpa adanya paksaan dari pihak lain, yang melibatkan perasaan senang, gembira, maupun tegang tanpa melihat hasil akhir. Hasrat untuk bermain adalah naluri dasar dari manusia, meski harus direncanakan ataupun tanpa rencan, hasrat untuk bermain akan selalu hadir dalam hidup manusia. Bermain dan bermain-main adalah sebauh kata yang memiliki makna yang berbeda, jika bermain berarti bergerak melakukan hal yang menyenangkan, maka bermain-main bisa berarti pergerakan yang merugikan. Karya ini dikemas dalam bentuk karya fotografi konseptual yang berangkat dari sudut pandang pengkarya terhadap pengamatan pada kehidupan sosial yang pengkarya jalani, yang dimana unsur bermain terdapat pada setiap aktifitas atau profesi manusia. Fotografi konseptual itu sendiri berangkat dari defenisi konsep yang terlahir dari pemikiran yang abstrak dan bukan merupakan sesuatu yang nyata kemudian dengan teknik dan media terentu direalisasikan menjadi sesuatu yang nyata, untuk menyampaikan suatu hal. Kata Kunci : fotografi konseptual,. Homo ludens, hasrat, bermain


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    AbstrakAda banyak faktor yang menghambat minat baca seseorang, diantaranya kemajuan teknologi, rasa malas, kurang termotivasi, minimnya dukungan dari keluarga, pengaruh negatif dari teman serta lingkungan yang kurang kondusif. Padahal, diketahui bahwa membaca adalah salah satu keterampilan yang penting untuk menambah wawasan dan meningkatkan kecakapan dalam berbahasa. Oleh sebab itu, ketika timbul inhibitor dalam minat membaca maka dibutuhkan layanan serta strategi yang tepat untuk mengatasi dan meningkatkannya. Layanan yang tepat untuk memotivasi dan merangsang minat siswa dalam membaca yakni program layananan bimbingan dan konseling, sedangkan strategi yang tepat seperti: strategi bawah-atas, strategi atas-bawah, strategi interaktif, strategi KWKL (Know Want to Know Learned) dan strategi DRTA (Directed Reading Thinking Activity). Sehingga bisa menyesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi peserta didik dan pada akhirnya siswa akan termotivasi, berminat serta memiliki keterampilan dalam membaca.Kata Kunci: Layanan Bimbingan Konseling; Kesulitan Membaca AbstractThere are many factors that hinder one's reading interest, including technological advances, laziness, lack of motivation, lack of support from family, negative influence from friends and a less conducive environment. In fact, it is known that reading is one of the important skills to broaden insight and improve language proficiency. Therefore, when inhibitors arise in reading interest, the right services and strategies are needed to overcome and improve them. The right services to motivate and stimulate student interest in reading are guidance and counseling service programs, while the right strategies include: bottom-up strategy, top-down strategy, interactive strategy, KWKL strategy (Know Want to Know Learned) and DRTA strategy ( Directed Reading Thinking Activity). So that it can adjust to the situations and conditions of students and in the end students will be motivated, interested and have skills in reading.Keywords: Counseling Guidance Service; Difficulty Readin

    Value co-creation in corporate event industry : Identifying clients’ value propositions

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    This study discusses the importance of value co-creation in corporate event industry in Finland. The purpose of this study is to identify how event service providers in the corporate event industry co-create value with their clients with two sub-objectives: to understand the role of event providers by investigating to what extent they can affect the value creation and to scrutinize how interaction between event providers and clients create value in corporate event industry. The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the concepts of value creation and value co-creation by looking at the characteristics of events as a service and the characteristics of value. This study adapts the qualitative research approach enabling to profoundly explore the phenomenon and expand the current understanding of corporate events and value co-creation. The empirical research conducted for this study is based on semi-structured interviews. The interview data was collected between November 2019 and January 2020. In total, seven interviews were conducted: three with representatives of startup companies, two with large companies and two with governmental organizations. This study finds that close relationship and collaboration between event providers and clients is crucial for ensuring the successfulness of a corporate event. It was also concluded that the outcomes of a successful and valuable event for clients are new customer acquisition, number of leads, the value of completed trade and number of new connections. The findings of this research emphasize the importance of the event provider’s knowledge about clients’ businesses in order to maximize the efficiency and to better leverage benefits of the corporate event and to ensure proper service for the clients to meet their goals. The findings of this study enhance understanding of the concept of buyer-seller relationship. Thus, this study provides important managerial implications, enabling corporate event providers to identify the essential characteristics in order to create value for their clients, as well as provides suggestions for future academic research.Tämä tutkimus käsittelee arvon yhteisluonnin merkitystä yritystapahtuma-alalla Suomessa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tunnistaa, kuinka yritystapahtumatoimialan palveluntarjoajat luovat arvoa yhdessä asiakkaidensa kanssa. Lisäksi tutkimukselle asetettiin kaksi alatavoitetta. Ensimmäinen tavoite on ymmärtää tapahtumatoimittajien rooli yritystapahtumien lisäarvon tuottajana. Toinen tavoite on selvittää kuinka paljon tapahtumatoimittajat voivat vaikuttaa lisäarvon luomiseen, sekä tarkastella tapahtumatoimittajien ja heidän asiakkaidensa välisestä vuorovaikutuksesta syntyvää lisäarvoa yritystapahtuma-alalla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi tutkittiin arvonluonnin ja arvon yhteisluonnin käsitteisiin liittyviä kirjallisuuksia tarkastelemalla tapahtumien ominaisuuksia palveluna sekä arvon ominaispiirteitä. Haastatteluaineiston jäsentämisessä hyödynnettiin laadullista tutkimusmenetelmää, jonka avulla voidaan tutkia syvällisesti ilmiötä ja laajentaa nykyistä ymmärrystä yritystapahtumista ja arvonluonnista. Tutkielmaa varten toteutettiin empiirinen tutkimus, joka perustuu puolistrukturoituihin haastatteluihin. Haastatteluja tehtiin marraskuun 2019 ja tammikuun 2020 välisenä aikana yhteensä seitsemän: kolme startup-yritysten, kaksi suuryritysten ja kaksi valtionhallinnon organisaation edustajien kanssa. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa, että tehokas yhteistyö tapahtumatoimittajien ja asiakkaiden välillä on välttämätöntä yritystapahtuman onnistumisen varmistamiseksi. Lisäksi, onnistuneen ja asiakkaille arvokkaan tapahtuman tuloksia ovat uusasiakashankinta, potentiaalisten asiakkaiden lukumäärä, toteutuneen kaupan arvo ja uusien yhteyksien määrä. Tutkimustulokset korostavat tapahtumatoimittajien tietämyksen merkitystä yritysasiakkaidensa liiketoiminnasta, jotta yritystapahtumien tehokkuutta voidaan maksimoida ja hyödyntää paremmin sekä varmistaa yritysasiakkaille asianmukaisen palvelun tavoitteidensa saavuttamiseksi. Tutkimuksen tulokset auttavat ymmärtämään ostajan ja myyjän välisen suhteen käsitettä yritystapahtuma-alalla. Tutkimus tarjoaa tärkeitä johtopäätöksiä, joiden avulla yritystapahtumien tarjoajat voivat tunnistaa ne erityispiirteet, jotka vaikuttavat arvon yhteisluontiin sekä ymmärtämään kuinka arvon yhteisluonti tapahtuu. Tutkimuksen lopuksi tarjotaan myös ehdotuksia tulevaisuuden akateemiselle tutkimukselle

    Pandemi COVID-19: Pengaruh Positif pada Jaminan Kesehatan di Destinasi Pariwisata Super Prioritas

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    Penguatan baru di tengah masyarakat terjadi di tengah pandemi COVID-19 khususnya terkait dengan kesehatan. Jaminan kesehatan lengkap dengan informasi dan layanannya mengalami peningkatan drastis dibanding sebelum masa pandemi. Studi ini berupaya untuk mengkajinya secara lebih lanjut dengan 3 pertanyaan utama: : a) bagaimana posisi dimensi CHSE di tengah elemen vital lain dalam evaluasi DPSP selama COVID-19?; b) bagaimana unsur dimensi CHSE di DPSP berubah selama COVID-19?; dan c) bagaimana pengaruh dimensi CHSE terhadap dinamika wisatawan di DSPS?. Data untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut didapatkan dengan menggunakan metode kuisioner, wawancara, dan FGD. Responden dipilih secara purposif, yakni mereka yang sebelum dan semasa pandemi masih melakukan aktivitas kepariwisataan. Mereka terdiri dari pengelola desa wisata dan pemilik usaha-usaha pariwisata. Selain bersumber dari responden, informasi juga didapat dari informan dengan total 2 informan. Dalam forum FGD, juga hadir 2 narasumber yang berasal dari instansi pemerintah daerah, 1 narasumber dari Asita (Asosiasi Perusahaan Perjalanan Wisata Indonesia), 1 narasumber dari PHRI (Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia, forum komunikasi desa wisata, dan 1 narasumber dari BDOT (Badan Otorita Danau Toba). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CHSE menjadi satu-satunya dimensi yang mengalami kenaikan dibanding dengan dimensi lain—yakni dimensi produk, dimensi pasar dan pemasaran, dimensi kelembagaan, dimensi investasi, dimensi adaptasi, serta dimensi kebutuhan—dalam merespon kebutuhan wisatawan di era pandemi

    Defining 'Europe' and 'Europeans': constructing identity in the education policy of the European Union

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    The process of European integration is also a project of identity construction - for 'Europe' to be able to define its role and position in the world and for the 'European peoples' to identify with 'Europe' and its present political and social reality. As the foundations of an embryonic European state were laid down, the need to create a European demos arose more vividly than ever. The 'permissive consensus' was deemed no longer sufficient in achieving the objectives set out for the European Union. The construction and promotion of a new level of belonging, symbolised by the identity of the Union, was seen as a solution to the problems that it has been facing in terms of public support and loyalty. This study, by focusing on the education policy of the European Union, hopes to shed light on one dimension of this process of identity construction. It is argued here that education was seen as a key medium through which a common culture, shared values and aspirations were inculcated among the peoples of 'Europe'. Parallel to this, the policy discourse of the Union in this field contained clues as to how the institutions of the Union viewed its identity and that of its peoples. To explore these and their policy implications, this study applies a discourse analysis framework to analyse representations of the Union's identity in the official texts of the European Union in the sphere of education policy


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    ABSTRACT Khairynanto, Arkan Luqman, 2020. Analysis of Writing Tasks in The Textbook Netzwerk A1. Bandung. A thesis at the German Department. Educational Faculty of Languages and Literature. Indonesia University of Education. German is one of the foreign language that is learned and taught in Indonesia, particularly in some institutions such as school, language school, college and university. There are four aspects that affect German proficiency, they are listening comprehension, speaking comprehension, reading comprehension and writing comprehension. The german learner must have a good proficiency in those four aspects. This study is focusing only on the writing comprehension. In Indonesia, many german learners use the textbook Netzwerk A1, especially the students of the German Major in the Educational University of Indonesia in the first semester. This textbook consists of the course book and the exercise book. In this textbook there are a lot of writing exercises. Yet not every chapter has writing exercise. The purpose of this research is to find out: 1) the suitability of the writing exercises in the text book Netzwerk A1 compares to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and 2) the type of the writing exercise in the textbook Netzwerk A1. The results are as follows: 1) There are 15 writing exercises in the course book Netzwerk A1 and 23 writing exercises in the exercise book Netzwerk A1 and 9 writing exercises in the course book are suitable to level A1, 5 writings exercises to level A2 and one writing excercise to level B1. And in the exercise book Netzwerk A1, 8 writing excercises are suitable for level A1, 12 writing excercises suitable for level A2, 2 writing excercises for level B1 and one writing excercise for level B2. 2) In the course book Netzwerk A1 there are 7 writing excercises that count as Formulieren and 10 writing excercises that count as Planen und Formulieren. In the exercise book Neztwerk A1 there are 13 writings excercises that count as Formulieren and 10 writing excercises that count as Planen und Formulieren. It is highly recommended that a writing task consists of 3 phases of excercise type, which are Planen, Formulieren, and Ăśberarbeiten, so ones writing skill can be effectively supported. That is why teachers need to provide the writing excerscises with 3 excerscise types. Keywords: CEFR, course book Netzwerk A1, exercise book Netzwerk A1, exercise type, writing excercis
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