22 research outputs found

    Desacoples y tensiones entre la cosmovisión experta y la tradicional sobre la protección y la restauración de bosques en las comarcas de Els Ports y la Tinença de Benifassà (Castelló, España)

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    Las discusiones actuales sobre la restauración ecológica (RE) se sitúan en el papel que deben jugar las poblaciones locales en el diseño de los proyectos de RE localizados en un hábitat concreto. Las Ciencias Sociales pueden contribuir a dicho debate aportando tanto una perspectiva que ensalce la dimensión social de la RE, como sugiriendo dinámicas participativas facilitadoras de la voz de los distintos colectivos implicados. En este artículo se recogen parte de los resultados de un proceso de Investigación Acción Participación diseñado en el marco del proyecto Proyecto-LIFE11-NAT-ES-706-Renaix el Bosc. Se expone la información recopilada mediante entrevistas semi-estructuradas a población autóctona propietaria de terrenos forestales. Los resultados nos permiten mapear algunos desajustes y falta de correspondencia entre la definición experta de restauración ecológica y las concepciones autóctonas. Lo extraído de la investigación nos lleva a insistir en la importancia de implicar a las poblaciones autóctonas en los proyectos de intervención

    Intralesional corticosteroid injection as a conservative treatment for central giant cell granuloma: a review of the literature

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    El granuloma central de células gigantes (GCCG) es una lesión benigna intraósea de los maxilares. Tradicionalmente, la cirugía es el tratamiento más utilizado para este tipo de patología, sin embargo, en los últimos años se ha propuesto el uso de inyecciones intralesionales de corticoesteroides como alternativa conservadora. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión bibliográfica de los casos tratados con corticoesteroides. Para esto, se utilizó la plataforma de PubMed y Google Scholar para buscar artículos publicados entre 1994 y el 2020, relacionados al GCCG y su tratamiento con corticoesteroides. Se encontraron 28 artículos y un resumen con 61 pacientes en total; en la mayoría de los casos se utilizaron inyecciones intralesionales semanales de acetonido de triamcinolona con anestésico durante 6 semanas, aunque se reportaron variantes del protocolo. De los 61 casos, 38 tuvieron una resolución completa y en los demás casos fue necesario realizar tratamiento quirúrgico adicional. Con base en lo anterior, parece que el uso de inyecciones intralesionales de triamcinolona tiene un efecto positivo en el tratamiento del GCCG al permitir una resolución completa de la lesión o una disminución en su tamaño, de manera que la cirugía posterior sea más conservadora.Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) is a benign intraosseous lesion of the jaws. Traditionally, surgery is the most used treatment for this type of pathology, however, in recent years the use of intralesional corticosteroids injections has been proposed as a conservative alternative. The aim of this study is to carry out a bibliographic review of the cases treated with corticosteroids. The author used PubMed and Google Scholar platforms were used to search for articles published between 1994 and 2020, related to CGCG and its treatment with corticosteroids. The results of this research were 28 articles and one abstract were found with 61 patients in total; in most cases, weekly intralesional injections of triamcinolone acetonide with anesthetic were used for 6 weeks, although protocol variants were reported. Of the 61 cases, 38 had complete resolution while the other cases required additional surgical treatment. From this, it seems that the use of intralesional triamcinolone injections have a positive effect in the treatment of CGCG by allowing a complete resolution of the lesion or a decrease in its size, so that subsequent surgery is more conservative

    Tratamiento conservador del granuloma central de células gigantes: A propósito de un caso.

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    El granuloma central de células gigantes (GCCG) es una lesión osteolítica benigna exclusiva de los maxilares, representa el 10% de todas las lesiones benignas de estos. Se presenta más frecuentemente en niños y adultos jóvenes (<30 años) y con mayor proporción en mandíbula que en maxilar (2:1). Puede presentar un comportamiento agresivo caracterizado por inflamación, dolor, crecimiento rápido, perforación de la cortical, desplazamiento de órganos dentarios y reabsorción radicular.Existen diferentes métodos de tratamientos, que van desde un curetaje hasta una resección en bloque, siendo estos los más agresivos. Por otra parte, existe evidencia sobre tratamientos conservadores como la infiltración de corticoesteroides intralesional, la cual ha demostrado excelentes resultados como tratamiento, basado en la naturaleza inflamatoria de la lesión

    The North American tree-ring fire-scar network

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    Fire regimes in North American forests are diverse and modern fire records are often too short to capture important patterns, trends, feedbacks, and drivers of variability. Tree-ring fire scars provide valuable perspectives on fire regimes, including centuries-long records of fire year, season, frequency, severity, and size. Here, we introduce the newly compiled North American tree-ring fire-scar network (NAFSN), which contains 2562 sites, >37,000 fire-scarred trees, and covers large parts of North America. We investigate the NAFSN in terms of geography, sample depth, vegetation, topography, climate, and human land use. Fire scars are found in most ecoregions, from boreal forests in northern Alaska and Canada to subtropical forests in southern Florida and Mexico. The network includes 91 tree species, but is dominated by gymnosperms in the genus Pinus. Fire scars are found from sea level to >4000-m elevation and across a range of topographic settings that vary by ecoregion. Multiple regions are densely sampled (e.g., >1000 fire-scarred trees), enabling new spatial analyses such as reconstructions of area burned. To demonstrate the potential of the network, we compared the climate space of the NAFSN to those of modern fires and forests; the NAFSN spans a climate space largely representative of the forested areas in North America, with notable gaps in warmer tropical climates. Modern fires are burning in similar climate spaces as historical fires, but disproportionately in warmer regions compared to the historical record, possibly related to under-sampling of warm subtropical forests or supporting observations of changing fire regimes. The historical influence of Indigenous and non-Indigenous human land use on fire regimes varies in space and time. A 20th century fire deficit associated with human activities is evident in many regions, yet fire regimes characterized by frequent surface fires are still active in some areas (e.g., Mexico and the southeastern United States). These analyses provide a foundation and framework for future studies using the hundreds of thousands of annually- to sub-annually-resolved tree-ring records of fire spanning centuries, which will further advance our understanding of the interactions among fire, climate, topography, vegetation, and humans across North America

    O uso de textos polêmicos em sala de aula: formação e prática docente

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    O objetivo deste texto é duplo. Primeiro, analisa como Discursos, formas socialmente aceitas de falar/ouvir e escrever/ler sobre sujeitos em grupos sociais específicos (Gee, 2008), podem influenciar o uso ou a censura a textos polêmicos por docentes em sala de aula. Discute o que as pesquisas têm revelado sobre docentes utilizando em suas aulas o tema da diversidade. A partir de exemplo de livro de literatura sobre a temática do racismo, traz sugestões para que os professores possam conduzir discussões que respeitem a diversidade cultural de seus alunos e propiciem a formação de opiniões críticas, fazendo assim do professor da educação básica um sujeito responsivo

    Zonas Ribeirinhas Sustentáveis - um guia de gestão

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    The publication "Sustainable Riparian Zones. A Management Guide" is a compilation of themes related with the ecology, restoration and assessment of riparian zones. This guide is intended as a practical tool that will be very useful for managers and those professionally engaged in river and riverside conservation and/or restoration. This book aims to give the reader an overall view of what these natural systems are and how they function. This volume can be approached either in order of chapters or by singling out individual chapters as the reader's own interests and needs dictate. It attempts to address most of the main subjects and aspects that affect the integrity of riparian ecosystems, always trying to take a broad view that will be applicable to the vast majority of cases. Nevertheless, a marked Mediterranean tendency is evident, owing to the origin of most of the authors and to the context in which it arose. This book was produced and published under the RipiDurable project (www.ripidurable.eu), an INTERREG IIIC South Program partnership of 10 partners from Portugal, Spain, France and Greece aiming to contribute to improve the know-how and overcoming limitations in the development of management strategies for riparian zones, taking into account the natural features, the economic potential, and the importance of these habitats as ecological corridors. In this respect, the Project aims to contribute to the rehabilitation and/or restoration of these ecosystems

    De la promoción de la lectura al arte de la hospitalidad / Promoting Readership and the Art of Hospitality

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    Spanish: DOI: 10.1353/jeu.2018.0006 English: DOI: 10.1353/jeu.2018.000

    HP Multicolour digital pen

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    Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'

    HP Multicolour digital pen

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    Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'