858 research outputs found

    Bilateral triad of persistent median artery, a bifid median nerve and high origin of its palmar cutaneous branch. A case report and clinical implications

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    We report the association of a persistent median artery, a bifid median nerve with a rare very high origin palmar cutaneous branch, presenting bilaterally in the upper limb of a 75-year-old female cadaver. The persistent median nerve with a bifid median nerve has been reported in patients presenting with carpal tunnel syndrome. Reports of this neurovascular anomaly occurring in association with a high origin palmar cutaneous branch however, are few. This subset of patients is at risk of inadvertent nerve transection during forearm and wrist surgery. Pre-operative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and high resolution sonography (HRS) can be used to screen this triad. MRI can reveal if the patientā€™s disability is associated with a persistent median nerve, a bifid median nerve. HRS can help identify a palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve that arises in an unexpected high forearm location. Such knowledge will help surgeons in selecting the most appropriate surgical procedure, and help avoid inadvertent injury to cutaneous nerves arising in unexpected locations. In patients presenting with a bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, hand surgeons should consider very high on the list of differential diagnosis a persistent median artery with a concomitant bifid median nerve, with a high suspicion of a possible bilateral occurrence of a bilaterally high arising palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve. Ā© 2016, Universidad de la Frontera. All rights reserved

    Self-reported Psychosexual lifestyles of University Students in South-Western Nigeria: Implication for Professional Counselling

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    Human sexuality is generally described as the sum total of manner through which people experience and articulate their sexual sensation. It encompasses physiological make-up as well as socio-cultural, psychological and spiritual aspects of life.Considerable researches have been conducted on human sexuality among university students but this paper measures twelve psychosexual constructs among six hundred and eight university students (376 males and 232 females) randomly selected from three universities in South-western, Nigeria. Snell (1997) Multidimensional Sexuality Questionnaire (MSQ), consisting of 12 different psychological constructs related to sexual relationships was used to gather data. One research question and one research hypothesis guided the study. Descriptive statistics of frequency count, mean and t-test statistic were employed to analyze the data. The findings indicated that the participants reported higher mean score of 18.37 for psychosexual constructs of sexual esteem and the lowest mean rating of 10.76 for sexual depression,. Further analysis showed that there were no significant differences on sexual esteem and depression of the participants on gender basis. It is recommended that counsellors should broaden sexual recovery psychotherapeutic intervention programmes that will further enhance psychosexual lifestyles of university student


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media CD audio untuk menambahkan salah satu sumber belajar pada pokok bahasan peristiwa alam pada mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam kelas 5 Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian pengembangan yang mengacu pada pengembangan Borg dan Gall. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pengkaji media dari BPMR, dan siswa tingkat sekolah dasar. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah pengamatan langsung, wawancara, dan angket. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil pengembangan media CD audio yang dilaksanakan di SD N Sarikarya adalah sebagai berikut: Dari hasil validasi yang dilakukan oleh ahli materi, media CD audio mendapatkan jumlah nilai 7 dengan kategori kelayakan 100%. Saran yang diberikan oleh ahli materi adalah agar memperlambat ritme percakapan sehingga siswa mudah memahami materi yang ada di dalam media CD audio. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian dari ahli media ini, CD Audio pembelajaran ini memperoleh hasil 82,5% masuk kategori sangat layak untuk dikembangkan. Penilaian ahli media dari aspek isi mendapatkan jumlah nilai 21, dengan presentase 87,5%, termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Kemudian untuk aspek media mendapat jumlah nilai 13 dengan presentase 81,25% termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Hasil ujicoba kelompok kecil secara keseluruhan didapat jumlah nilai 32 dengan presentase 72,7% termasuk dalam kategori layak. Dari hasil penilaian uji coba kelompok kecil, aspek isi mendapatkan persentase 83,3% yang masuk dalam kategori layak. Selanjutnya aspek pembelajaran mendapatkan persentase 75% dan aspek isi mendapatkan persentase 66,7% yang semuanya masuk dalam kategori layak. Hasil ujicoba kelompok besar secara keseluruhan didapat jumlah nilai 32 dengan presentase 71,3% termasuk dalam kategori layak. Dari hasil penilaian uji coba kelompok besar, aspek isi mendapatkan persentase 73% yang masuk dalam kategori layak. Selanjutnya aspek pembelajaran mendapatkan persentase 79,5% dan aspek isi mendapatkan persentase 66,7% yang semuanya masuk dalam kategori layak. Hasil ujicoba lapangan secara keseluruhan didapat jumlah nilai 271 dengan presentase 87,9% termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Dari hasil penilaian uji coba lapangan per aspek, aspek isi mendapatkan persentase 89,2% yang termasuk dalam kategori layak. Selanjutnya aspek pembelajaran mendapatkan persentase 89,2% dan aspek isi mendapatkan persentase 86,9% yang semuanya masuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Dari hasil validasi ahli media dan ahli materi serta tahap uji coba yang dilakukan, maka media CD audio ini layak digunakan untuk memudahkan peserta didik memahami materi


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    Marine transportation has an important role on economy and migration from one island to another island. Port is a gateway to enter an area and connecting infrastructure between islands. Merak port as the connector of traffic lanes between Javaā€™s island and Sumatraā€™s island with Ro-Ro ship. Ro-Ro ship is marine transportation that can load a vehicle rolling on and rolling off the ship with its auto-movement (Roll on Roll off). As a service provider of the Ro-Ro ships, the port of Merak trying to serve Ro-Ro ship as good as possible. Measurement of performance system can be analyzed with direct research in the port. The research is being done by observation and recording of the Ro-Ro ships at the pier port of Merak. Based on the results of the analysis, queue model at the port of Merak is (G/G/5) :(GD/āˆž/āˆž). Queuing system simulation and ship dockingā€™s cost analysis can be a reference for the port in optimizing management performance the port of Merak crossing. Keywords: Queuing Systems, Port of Merak, Ro-Ro Ship, Transportation, Pier

    Significant Of Geology and Geophysical Investigations in Groundwater Prospecting. A Case Study From Hard Rock Terrain Of Southwestern Nigeria

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    Electromagnetic EM profiling and VES are the two complementary and widely used geophysical methods in the delineation of basement regolith and location of fissured media and associated zones of deep weathering in crystalline terrains In many instance reconnaissance EM surveys are used to locate aquiferous zones such as fractures faults and joints while Vertical Electrical Sounding on the other hand provides information on the vertical variation in electrical resistivity with depth It is commonly used to assess the reliability of the fractures delineated from EM survey Ariyo et al 2008 Olayinka et al 200

    Assessment of Vegetation Structural Diversity and Similarity Index of IITA Forest Reserve in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    The analysis of vegetation structural diversity and similarity index of International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) forest reserve was carried out by vegetation survey using transects and plot sampling techniques. Forty plots of 10m by 10m each were laid equally along four transect (A, B, C, at 900E and D at 00N). Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, relative density, diversity and similarity indices. The result showed that the forest reserve has one hundred and ninety species of plants belonging to sixty three families. The dominant plant families recorded in the forest are Leguminosae (12.63%), Rubiaceae (8.42%), Euphorbiaceae (7.89%), Apocynaceae (5.26%) and Sterculiaceae (3.68%). The most abundant plant species in the forest are mostly secondary colonizers climbers, shrubs and trees such as Culcasia saxatilis (4.46%), Icacina trichantha (4.10%), Shrub: Alchornea laxiflora (3.86%), Sphenocentrum jollyanum (3.50%), followed by tree: Newbouldia laevis (3.23%), and Funtumia elastica (2.63%) respectively. Transect D had the highest Simpson's diversity index of 0.01184 while the lowest is with C 0.02091. The Simpson similarities indices (Beta diversity) of transects varied from 50.75% to 42.76% for transects B and C, A and C, and C and D respectively. The forest reserve of IITA shows a high diversity (alpha, gamma and beta diversity) of plants and have multiplicity of species, therefore, adequate protection of the reserve should be a priority to maintain and prevent loss of plant biodiversity.Keywords: Vegetation, structural diversity, IITA forest reserve, plant biodiversity, Simpson's diversity inde


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    Performa suatu motor pembakaran dalam sering kali dikaitkan dengan torsi dan daya mesin. Untuk melakukan pengukuran perfoma mesin digunakan alat yang dinamakan dynamometer. Dalam proses pengujian perfoma mesin perlu juga adanya sistem pendinginan karena pembebanan dynamometer mengakibatkan panas. Water brake dynamometer adalah salah satu jenis dynamometer yang menggunakan air sebagai media pembebanan. Tujuan rancang bangun bangun ini adalah untuk mengetahui performa mesin Yamaha F1Z-R Tahun 2000 dengan menggunakan engine water brake dynamometer.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen. Obyek penelitian adalah mesin sepeda motor Yamaha F1Z-R Tahun 2000. Pengujian performa mesin berdasarkan SAE J1349 DEC 80. Instrumen dan alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah digital tachometer, electronic temperature controller, sound level meter, exhaust gas analyzer, water pump, fuel meter, dan dynamometer. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskritif kualitatif.Hasil yang didapat dalam penelitian ini adalah dapat diketahui rancang bangun water brake dynamometer dan getaran maksimum yang dihasilkan water brake dynamometer baru yaitu pada putaran mesin 6500 rpm sebesar 34.45 m/s2 sedangkan pada water brake dynamometer standar getaran maksimal yang dihasilkan yaitu pada putaran mesin 6500 sebesar 33.82 m/s2 sehingga water brake dynamometer baru mengalami peningkatan getaran dengan presentase sebesar 1.86% dibandingakan dengan water brake dynamometer standar

    Correlates of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Acceptance in Appalachian Tennessee

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection in the U.S., where one HPV-related cancer is diagnosed every 20 minutes. The most common HPV-related cancer is cervical cancer, with an estimated incidence of 12,000 cases annually, a third of which lead to death. Cervical cancer disparately affects women of ethnic minority groups and geographically isolated regions, such as Appalachia. Tennessee ranks third highest in cervical cancer incidence in the country. Many cases of cervical cancer could be prevented through vaccination against HPV, however, vaccination rates for females in Tennessee are among the lowest in the country. This mixed-methods study included an in-depth exploration of the factors that influence HPV vaccine acceptance in Appalachian Tennessee. Healthcare providers, mothers of adolescent girls, and college-aged women were recruited to participate in the study. From October 2016 to January 2017, interviews were conducted with healthcare providers (n=12), focus groups were conducted with mothers (n=13), and a survey was administered to college women (n=479). Interview and focus group sessions were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using a thematic framework. Survey responses were analyzed using descriptive tests, comparison of means, and regression analyses. The predominant barriers to vaccine acceptance identified in the study were: cost and novelty of the vaccine, vaccine safety, lack of school-entry requirement, and the implication of vaccine acceptance on adolescentsā€™ sexual activity. Most negative perceptions towards the vaccine appeared to be propagated by the sociocultural influence on sex and reproductive health communication within the community. Perceived benefits for cancer prevention and receipt of strong and personal provider recommendations facilitated vaccine acceptance. Additionally, college students who reported vaccine acceptance reported discussing sexual health topics with their mothers more often than those who had not been vaccinated. The findings from this study provide foundational insights about the facilitators and barriers of HPV vaccine acceptance in Appalachian Tennessee. Identifying and understanding these factors is crucial to improving HPV vaccination rates and essential to maximizing the primary benefit of the vaccine in addressing the existing cervical cancer disparity in the region

    Genetic variability, correlations and path coefficient analysis of components of seed yield in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

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    Twenty-six varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L Walp,) were evaluated in the field to study genetic variability, inter-character relationships as well as the path analysis oj components oj seed yield. Seed yield was the most variable character with genotypic coefficient of variation (gvc) and phenotypic coefficient of variation (pvc) of 22.1 I and 35.25%, respectively. Days to flowering was the least variable with gvc and pvc of 1.93 and 2.30%, respectively. Weight of 100 seeds had the highest heritability estimate of 92.33% while number of peduncles per plant exhibited the lawest heritability estimate of 30.11%. Number of peduncles per plant number of branches per plant and number of branches per peduncle showed signficant and positive phenotypic correlation with seed yield. Only number of peduncles per plant and number of branches per plant showed positive phenotypic correlation with seed yield. Path coefficient analysis revealed that seed yield was affected by weight of 100 seeds, number of seeds per pod, number of branches per plant and number of pods per peduncle
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