214 research outputs found

    Numerical evidence for cloud droplet nucleation at the cloud-environment interface

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    Cumulus clouds have long been recognized as being the results of ascending moist air from below the cloud base. Cloud droplet nucleation is understood to take place near the cloud base and inside accelerating rising cloudy air. Here we describe circumstances under which cloud droplet nucleation takes place at the interface of ascending cloudy air and clear air. Evaporation is normally expected to occur at this interface. However, continuity of moving air requires cloud-free air above the boundary of rising cloudy air to move upwards in response to the gradient force of perturbation pressure. We used a one and half dimensional non-hydrostatic cloud model and the Weather Research and Forecast model to investigate the impacts of this force on the evolution of cloud spectra. Our study shows that expansion and cooling of ascending moist air above the cloud top causes it to become supersaturated with condensation rather than evaporation occurring at the interface. We also confirm that Eulerian models can describe the cloud droplet activation and prohibit spurious activation at this interface. The continuous feeding of newly activated cloud droplets at the cloud summit may accelerate warm rain formation

    Hubungan Frekuensi Konsumsi Makanan Jajanan Anak Terhadap Kejadian Karies Gigi di Tk Aisyiyah Kateguhan Sawit Boyolali

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    Mengkonsumsi makan jajanan yang tidak diatur dapat mengakibatkan gangguan kesehatan pada gigi. Anak TK yang mempunyai kegemaran jajan makanan baik dengan rasa manis atau masam dapat berpeluang mengakibatkan terjadikan karies gigi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan antara frekuensi makanan jajanan anak terhadap kejadian karies gigi di TK Aisyiyah Kateguhan Sawit Boyolali. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan metode kuantitatif, dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah ibu dan siswa di TK Aisyiyah Kateguhan, Sawit, Kabupaten Boyolali sebanyak 59 orang, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Instrument penelitian diperoleh dari kuesioner mengenai frekuensi makanan jajanan anak dan lembar observasi untuk mengetahuai kejadian karies gigi anak. Data penelitian kemudian dilakukan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan alat statistic uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 28 anak (47,5%) mempunyai frekuensi tinggi dalam jajanan makan, 31 anak (52,5%) dengan frekuensi rendah. Data karies gigi menunjukkan 41 anak (69,5%) mengalami karies gigi, dan 18 anak (30,5%) tidak mengalami karies gigi. Hasil uji statistic diperoleh nilai Chi Square X2 = 6.371p = 0,022, sehingga disimpulkan tedapat hubungan antara frekuensi konsumsi makanan jajanan anak terhadap kejadian karies gigi di TK Aisyiyah Kateguhan Sawit Boyolali

    Task Oriented Dialogue as a Catalyst for Self-Supervised Automatic Speech Recognition

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    While word error rates of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems have consistently fallen, natural language understanding (NLU) applications built on top of ASR systems still attribute significant numbers of failures to low-quality speech recognition results. Existing assistant systems collect large numbers of these unsuccessful interactions, but these systems usually fail to learn from these interactions, even in an offline fashion. In this work, we introduce CLC: Contrastive Learning for Conversations, a family of methods for contrastive fine-tuning of models in a self-supervised fashion, making use of easily detectable artifacts in unsuccessful conversations with assistants. We demonstrate that our CLC family of approaches can improve the performance of ASR models on OD3, a new public large-scale semi-synthetic meta-dataset of audio task-oriented dialogues, by up to 19.2%. These gains transfer to real-world systems as well, where we show that CLC can help to improve performance by up to 6.7% over baselines. We make OD3 publicly available at https://github.com/amazon-science/amazon-od3 .Comment: To appear in ICASSP 202

    Open femoral neck fracture of 14 years old boy treated by emergency internal fixation with additional osteomuscular pedicle graft: case report

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    The incidence of femoral neck fractures in pediatric patients is rare, including <1% in all cases of fractures in children. The mechanism of injury is a high-energy injury that can cause a fracture in the femoral neck, open fracture cases are rare. Avascular necrosis is the most common complication. We report a fourteen year old boy who was in a road-traffic accident and had a Gustillo Anderson grade IIIA open femoral neck fracture. On the X-ray findings, we classified the type of fracture into Delbet type II. We decided to do the debridement and ORIF accompanied by an osteomuscular pedicle graft using a quadratus femoris muscle tendon fixed with 3 interfragmentary screws. Short-term evaluation shows a clinical union picture and is still well reduced without any signs of infection. Long-term evaluation of the bone healing process is needed and recognizes complications in the form of avascular necrosis of the femoral head

    Microbiology and atmospheric processes: research challenges concerning the impact of airborne micro-organisms on the atmosphere and climate

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    For the past 200 years, the field of aerobiology has explored the abundance, diversity, survival and transport of micro-organisms in the atmosphere. Micro-organisms have been explored as passive and severely stressed riders of atmospheric transport systems. Recently, an interest in the active roles of these micro-organisms has emerged along with proposals that the atmosphere is a global biome for microbial metabolic activity and perhaps even multiplication. As part of a series of papers on the sources, distribution and roles in atmospheric processes of biological particles in the atmosphere, here we describe the pertinence of questions relating to the potential roles that air-borne micro-organisms might play in meteorological phenomena. For the upcoming era of research on the role of air-borne micro-organisms in meteorological phenomena, one important challenge is to go beyond descriptions of abundance of micro-organisms in the atmosphere toward an understanding of their dynamics in terms of both biological and physico-chemical properties and of the relevant transport processes at different scales. Another challenge is to develop this understanding under contexts pertinent to their potential role in processes related to atmospheric chemistry, the formation of clouds, precipitation and radiative forcing. This will require truly interdisciplinary approaches involving collaborators from the biological and physical sciences, from disciplines as disparate as agronomy, microbial genetics and atmosphere physics, for example


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    Industri pakan ternak di dalam negeri sangat berperan mendukung industri peternakan dalam menyediakan ketersediaan konsumsi daging dan produk turunannya bagi masyarakat sebagai tambahan sumber protein. Pakan memiliki kontribusi 70 persen dari total biaya produksi peternakan sehingga tetap menjadi suatu bisnis yang cerah Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen membeli pakan ternak di UD Jaya Abadi Solution Mojosari. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif . sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 100 responden. Jumlah variabel yang diteliti adalah 24 variabel. Data yang diolah dengan menggunakan analisis faktor 20 variabel yang bisa dianalisis lebih lanjut. Terdapat 4 variabel yang dikeluarkan karena nilai MSA 0,5 yaitu faktor 1 (faktor pribadi dan pendapatan) dengan total eigenvalue 3.499. 2 (faktor aksesbilitas) dengan total eigenvalue 2.830. 3 (faktor kualitas harga) dengan total eigenvalue 2.560. 4 (faktor kelengkapan dan kualitas produk) dengan total eigenvalue 2.178. 5 (faktor mayoritas) dengan total eigenvalue 1.866. 6 (faktor kebiasaan) dengan total eigenvalue 1.411. 7 (faktor informasi) dengan total eigenvalue 1.22

    Microbiology and atmospheric processes: chemical interactions of primary biological aerosols

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    This paper discusses the influence of primary biological aerosols (PBA) on atmospheric chemistry and vice versa through microbiological and chemical properties and processes. Several studies have shown that PBA represent a significant fraction of air particulate matter and hence affect the microstructure and water uptake of aerosol particles. Moreover, airborne micro-organisms, namely fungal spores and bacteria, can transform chemical constituents of the atmosphere by metabolic activity. Recent studies have emphasized the viability of bacteria and metabolic degradation of organic substances in cloud water. On the other hand, the viability and metabolic activity of airborne micro-organisms depend strongly on physical and chemical atmospheric parameters such as temperature, pressure, radiation, pH value and nutrient concentrations. In spite of recent advances, however, our knowledge of the microbiological and chemical interactions of PBA in the atmosphere is rather limited. Further targeted investigations combining laboratory experiments, field measurements, and modelling studies will be required to characterize the chemical feedbacks, microbiological activities at the air/snow/water interface supplied to the atmosphere

    Dual-Attention Neural Transducers for Efficient Wake Word Spotting in Speech Recognition

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    We present dual-attention neural biasing, an architecture designed to boost Wake Words (WW) recognition and improve inference time latency on speech recognition tasks. This architecture enables a dynamic switch for its runtime compute paths by exploiting WW spotting to select which branch of its attention networks to execute for an input audio frame. With this approach, we effectively improve WW spotting accuracy while saving runtime compute cost as defined by floating point operations (FLOPs). Using an in-house de-identified dataset, we demonstrate that the proposed dual-attention network can reduce the compute cost by 90%90\% for WW audio frames, with only 1%1\% increase in the number of parameters. This architecture improves WW F1 score by 16%16\% relative and improves generic rare word error rate by 3%3\% relative compared to the baselines.Comment: Accepted to Proc. IEEE ICASSP 202

    Statistical characterisation of bio-aerosol background in an urban environment

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    In this paper we statistically characterise the bio-aerosol background in an urban environment. To do this we measure concentration levels of naturally occurring microbiological material in the atmosphere over a two month period. Naturally occurring bioaerosols can be considered as noise, as they mask the presence of signals coming from biological material of interest (such as an intentionally released biological agent). Analysis of this 'biobackground' was undertaken in the 1-10 um size range and a 3-9% contribution was found to be biological in origin - values which are in good agreement with other studies reported in the literature. A model based on the physics of turbulent mixing and dispersion was developed and validated against this analysis. The Gamma distribution (the basis of our model) is shown to comply with the scaling laws of the concentration moments of our data, which enables us to universally characterise both biological and non-biological material in the atmosphere. An application of this model is proposed to build a framework for the development of novel algorithms for bio-aerosol detection and rapid characterisation.Comment: 14 Pages, 8 Figure