15 research outputs found

    Hubungan pendapatan dan pengetahuan gizi ibu dengan ketahanan pangan keluarga di Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah

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    Rumah tangga ketika mampu dalam pemenuhan akan pangan, baik dari sisi kuantitas, kualitas, ataupun jenisnya berdasarkan kondisi kebudayaan di tempat tersebut disebut ketahanan pangan dalam rumah tangga. Jika hal tersebut yang tidak tercukupi bisa mengakibatkan pemenuhan makanan menurun serta akan menyebabkan status gizi orang tersebut terganggu. Salah satu masalah gizi yang dijumpai di Kecamatan Pandan, Tapanuli Tengah, adalah masalah stunting yaitu ditemukan 5 balita sangat pendek (13,19%) dan 31 balita (86,1%) pendek. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pendapatan dan pengetahuan ibu mengenai gizi dengan ketahanan pangan keluarga di wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu 136 keluarga dengan balita stunting. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik multistage sampling, dan uji statistik menggunakan uji chi – square. Hasil penelitian memperoleh bahwa ada hubungan antara pendapatan dengan ketahanan pangan keluarga (p value = 0,005 < α), dan ada hubungan pengetahuan gizi ibu dengan ketahanan pangan keluarga (p-value = 0,037 < α). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendapatan dan pengetahuan gizi ibu memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan ketahanan pangan keluarga di wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah

    Praktik Pemberian Makanan dan Praktik Kesehatan dengan Kejadian Balita dengan Gizi Kurang

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between feeding practices and health practices for under-five children with malnutrition in Sekip Village, Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang Regency. This study used a cross-sectional approach with a sample size of 100 respondents. Sampling was done using cluster technique and simple random technique (roll of paper). The resulting data were analyzed univariate and bivariate using the chi-square test (α = 0.05). The results showed that under-fives who experienced malnutrition were 34%. Simultaneously, mothers' feeding practices and health practices to children under-five were partly categorized as bad, namely 56 people (56%) and 54 people (54%). In conclusion, there is a relationship between feeding practices and health practices on undernutrition in children under-five. Keywords: Toddler, Malnutrition, Health Practices, Feeding Practice

    The Associations between Maternal Education, Chronic Energy Deficit, and Anemia in Pregnant Women: An Evidence from Lhokseumawe, Indonesia

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    Background: Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) and anemia in pregnant women have a health impact on the mother and child in the womb. This condition can increase the risk of babies with low birth weight, miscarriage, premature birth, even death in mothers and newborns. This study aims to determine the relationship between CED and anemia in pregnant women at the Muara I Health Center in Lhokseumawe City in 2017.Subjects and Method: This study was a cross-sectional study conducted at the Muara I Community Health Center, Lhokseumawe, in December 2017. A sample of 90 pregnant women was selected by consecutive sampling. The dependent variable was the anemia of pregnant women. The independent variables were education and CED. CED was measured based on maternal mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) during pregnancy using MUAC tape. The hemoglobin level was measured by Hb Sahli. Other data were measured using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression tests.Results: CED has a significant positive and statistically significant effect on anemia in pregnant women (OR = 64.34; 95% CI = 15.10 to 274.10; p <0.001). Low maternal education has a positive effect but was statistically significant towards anemia in pregnant women (OR = 3.15; 95% CI = 0.81 to 12.27; p = 0.099).Conclusion: CED and low maternal education have a positive effect on anemia in pregnant women.Keywords: anemia, pregnant women, education, chronic lack of energyCorrespondence: Helliyana, Masters Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. T. Maas, Medan, Sumatera Utara. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: 0852­60­129999.Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2019), 4(5): 312-316https://doi.org/10.26911/thejmch.2019.04.05.0

    Hubungan Pemberian ASI dengan Status Gizi Berdasarkan Indeks BB/PB Bayi (Usia 6-11 Bulan) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Siborong-borong Tahun 2017

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    Breast milk is a fluid that contains immunity or endurance so that it can be the protection of infants from various diseases of bacterial, viral and fungal infections so breastfeeding can reduce the risk of death in infants. Toddlers should be breastfed only for breast milk for at least 6 months and after six months can be fed other supplements and breast milk can continue until the child is 2 years old. This study aims to analyze the relationship between breastfeeding history and infant nutritional status (age 6-11 months) at Siborong-Borong Public Health Center. This research type is quantitative with cross sectional research design. Breastfeeding data were obtained from interviews in infant mothers using the anthropometric measurements (BB and PB) questionnaires and long-term measurements on non-standing respondents. The sample in this study amounted to 97 people who are infants aged 6-11 months. Data analysis is univariate, bivariate with Chi Square Test. The result of bivariate test showed that there was a correlation between breastfeeding duration (p = 0,007), exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0,020) with index of BB / PB. Health workers, is expected to further improve the health promotion of children under five, through the provision of health education in the form of counseling about the importance of Exclusive breastfeeding for toddlers. For mothers, it is expected to pay moreattention to the nutritional intake for babies and to breastfeed their babies. Exclusively and continued until the age of 2 (two) years

    Maternal Care Practices, Immunization, and their Associations with Gastroenteritis among Infants in North Tapanuli, North Sumatera

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    Background:Gastroenteritis is the inflammation in gastric and small intestinal mucosal membrane indicated by the symptoms as diarrhea, nausea, vomit and light fever accompanied by appetite loss and uneasy feeling in the stomach. Gastroenteritis in infants is caused by several factors, including bacterial or viral infections, and food intolerance. This study aimed to investigate the associations of maternal care practices and immunization with the incidence of gastroenteritis among infants in North Tapanuli, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a case control study conducted in North Tapanuli, North Sumatera. A sample of 94 infants aged 7 to 12 months was selected for this study, consisting of 47 infants with gastroenteritis and 47 infants without gastroenteritis. The dependent variable was gastroenteritis. The independent variables were maternal care practice(dietary and health) as well as immunization status. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression model. Results:The incidence of gastroenteritis in infants was associated with incorrect mater¬nal dietary care practice(OR=8.20; 95% CI=2.58 to 26.31; p<0.001), improper maternal health care practice (OR=5.02; 95% CI= 1.54 to 16.32; p= 0.007), and absence of immunization (OR= 4.60; 95% CI= 3.42 to 15.96; p= 0.016). Conclusion: Maternal dietary and health care practices and immunization are associated with the incidence of gastroenteritis among infants. Keywords: gastroenteritis, dietary, health, maternal care practice, immunization, infant

    Effect of Breastfeeding Duration on Menstrual Period Return after Child Birth in Deli Serdang, North Sumatera

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    Background: The length of postpartum amenorrhea is quite variable, and depends on several factors, including maternal age, parity, as well as duration and frequency of breastfeeding. The return of menstruation is not necessarily the result of preceding ovulation in the postpartum woman. Breastfeeding, however, suppresses menstruation at least for a while. For some mothers, there may be an absence of menstruation for weeks, months, and even years while still breast feeding. This study aimed to determine the effect of breastfeeding duration on menstrual period return after child birth in Deli Serdang, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Purwodadi village, Deli Serdang, North Sumatera. A sample of 78 post partum women who had children aged 6 to 24 months were selected for this study. The dependent variable was menstrual period return. The independent variables were exclusive breastfeeding (EBF), EBF frequency, EBF interval, EBF duration, and EBF technique. The data were collected by questionnaire. The data were described in percent and analyzed by a logistic regression. Results:The prevalence of EBF in this sample was about 22%. About 67% of mothers breastfed 8 to 12 times per day. About 95% of mothers breastfed in less than 6 hour interval per day. Menstrual period return was affected by EBF, frequency of EBF, and technique of EBF. Conclusion: The prevalence of EBF in this sample was about 22%. Menstrual period return is affected by EBF, frequency of EBF, and technique of EBF. Keywords: breastfeeding, duration, menstrual period, child birth


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    ABSTRACT           Fruit and vegetables are very beneficial for the body, but school-aged children seldom consume them even though it is the period for school-aged children to growth so that consuming healthful foods is very important for their growth and development. Nutrition counseling by using snake ladder game can be used to cope with that problem. The objective of this research was to find out the influence of snake ladder game on knowledge of fruits and vegetables in the students of MTs-S Almanar, Hamparan Perak.           The research used quasi experimental method with pretest-posttest control group design and one type treatment. The experimental group consisted of the students of MTs-S Almanar and the control group consisted of 16 students who had gotten intervention of snake ladder game three times, and 16 students without intervention. The data were collected by using questionnaires and analyzed by using mann whitney test.          The result of the research showed that there was the influence of nutrition counseling by using snake ladder game on increasing knowledge (p=0.0001), in the students of MTs-S Almanar, Hamparan Perak.           It is recommended that the management of MTs-S Almanar and MTs-Sabila, Hamparan Perak perform development, direct, and motivate nutrition counseling by using snake ladder game. The management of the Puskesmas should actively and routinely counseling nutrition about fruit and vegetables at school, especially at MTs-S Almanar and MTs-S Sabila, Hamparan Perak. Keywords: Snake Ladder Game, Knowledge , Fruit, Vegetable

    Maternal Knowledge, Attitude, and Exclusive Breastfeeding in Labuhanbatu, North Sumatera

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    Background:World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) be given to infants from birth up to 6 months and continued breastfeeding with appropriate complementary food until the child celebrates the second year birthday without water, food or drink. The only exceptions are rehydration salts and syrups that contain medicine. Breast milk promotes sensory and cognitive development, and protects the infant against infectious and chronic diseases. Exclusive breastfeeding reduces infant mortality due to common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea or pneumonia, and helps for a quicker recovery during illness. This study aimed to determine knowledge, attitude, and their associations with EBF in Labuhanbatu, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study conducted in the catchment area of Puskesmas (community health center) Sukamakmur, Bilah, Labuhanbatu, North Sumatera. A sample of 68 lactating women was selected for this study. The dependent variable was EBF. The independent variables were maternal knowledge and attitude toward EBF. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Women with better knowledge (OR= 4.52; 95% CI= 2.27 to 7.58; p= 0.001) and favourable attitude (OR= 6.17; 95% CI= 3.54 to 9.10; p= 0.038) were more likely to breastfeed exclusively than counterparts with poorer knowledge and unfavourable attitude. Conclusion: Maternal knowledge and attitude positively affect exclusive breast¬fee¬ding. Keywords: knowledge, attitude, exclusive breast feeding, wome

    The Effect of Peer Counselling on Increasing Exclusive Breastfeeding in Lubuk Pakam and Tanjung Morawa Sub-Districts, Deli Serdang, North Sumatera

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    Background: Counseling is a highly recommended method of nutrition and breastfeeding education. This study aimed to analyze the effect of nutrition and breastfeeding peer counseling on increasing exclusive breastfeeding in Lubuk Pakam and Tanjung Morawa Sub-districts, Deli Serdang, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a randomized control trial (RCT). A sample of 64 pregnant mothers was selected for this study and divided into two groups: (1) 32 pregnant mothers in the peer counseling group; (2) 32 pregnant mothers in the control group. The peer counseling was carried out 8 times. The dependent variables were knowledge, attitude, and exclusive breastfeeding. The independent variable was nutrition and breastfeeding peer counseling. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by t-test and chi-square. Results: The baseline scores of knowledge, attitude, and exclusive breastfeeding were comparable between the two groups. After peer counseling, the peer counseling group (mean= 13.08; SD= 11.59) showed higher knowledge than the control group (mean= 0.39; SD= 7.92), and it was statistically significant (p<0.001). After peer counseling, the peer counseling group (mean= 10.52; SD= 10.77), showed better attitude than the control group (mean= 3.54; SD= 6.87), and it was statistically significant (p=0.005). After peer counseling, the peer counseling group (40.6%), breastfed more than the control group (14.1%), and it was statistically significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: Peer counseling is effective inexclusive breastfeeding. Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, peer counseling, knowledge, attitud

    Association between Chronic Energy Deficiency and Anemia in Pregnant Women in Lhokseumawe, Aceh

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    Background: Chronic energy deficiency is the most widespread nutritional deficiency affecting half the world's children. There is much concern about the situation and considerable efforts are being made to alleviate this state of affairs. This study aimed to determine the association between chronic energy deficiency and anemia in pregnant women in Lhokseumawe, Aceh. Subjects and Method: This was across-sectional study conducted at Puskesmas (Community Health Center) Muara I, Lhokseumawe, Aceh. A total of 90 pregnant mothers were selected for this study. The dependent variable was anemia. The independent variable was chronic energy deficiency. Data on anemia were taken from the medical record. Chronic energy deficiency was measured by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by a simple logistic regression. Results:Chronic energy deficiency is associated with an increased risk of anemia in pregnant mothers (OR= 13.82; 95% CI=4.74 to 40.32; p<0.001). Conclusion:Chronic energy deficiency increases the risk of anemia in pregnant mothers. Keywords: chronic energy deficiency, anemia, pregnant mother