6 research outputs found

    Emotional impact and compassion fatigue in oncology nurses: results of a multicentre study

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    Purpose: to assess the prevalence of Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue (Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress) and anxiety in oncology nurses and the association with demographics, training, work-related conditions, and psychological factors. Method: a multicentre, cross-sectional study in 8 selected hospitals in Catalonia involving oncology nurses. Primary outcomes were Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue (Burnout/Secondary Traumatic Stress), evaluated with the Professional Quality of Life questionnaire v.IV, and anxiety, evaluated with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results: of 297 participants, 18.2% (95% confidence interval [CI]:16.1-20.3) presented low Compassion Satisfaction; 20.2% (95% CI:18.0-22.4), high burnout; and 37.4% (95% CI:34.8-40.0), high Secondary Traumatic Stress. Trait and State Anxiety were high in 5.4% (95% CI:4.2-6.6) and 8.1% (95% CI:6.6-9.6) of participants, respectively. Nurses' desire to leave the unit was associated with high burnout (adjusted odds ratio [ORa] 3.7, 95% CI:1.9-7.5) and Secondary Traumatic Stress (ORa 3.2, 95% CI:1.9-5.3), while the desire to leave the profession was related to high State Anxiety (ORa 12.5, 95% CI:4.6-33.7). Most participants (96.9%) were interested in receiving emotional management training. Conclusions: continuous demands on oncology nurses' empathy can lead them to experience compassion fatigue, anxiety and a desire to leave the profession. The first study carried out with Spanish oncology nurses shows Compassion Fatigue is highly prevalent. This is related to nurses' desire to change units, leave their profession and has negative implications on staff satisfaction and quality of care. This problem justifies institutions support strategies for these professionals

    Vulnerabilitat emocional en els equips d鈥檌nfermeria davant l鈥檈xposici贸 al trauma: l鈥檌mpacte de cuidar

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    [cat] L鈥檈xposici贸 continuada al trauma i a la mort pot provocar Fatiga per Compassi贸 i ansietat en les infermeres, afectant la seva qualitat de vida, la cura compassiva i relacionant-se estretament amb el desig de deixar la professi贸. L鈥檕bjectiu de l鈥檈studi va ser avaluar l鈥檌mpacte emocional: Fatiga per Compassi贸 i ansietat en infermeres que treballen en unitats d鈥檃lt risc. Es va realitzar un estudi multic猫ntric, observacional i transversal en infermeres de quatre unitats d鈥檃lt risc: Urg猫ncies, Cures Intensives, Oncologia i Pediatria, a 14 hospitals de Catalunya (Espanya) entre els anys 2015 i 2016. Les variables principals van ser: Satisfacci贸 per Compassi贸 i Fatiga per Compassi贸: Burnout i estr猫s traum脿tic secundari, segons el Professional Quality of Life Questionnaire v.IV (ProQOL) v.IV; i ansietat, segons l'State- Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Es va analitzar l'associaci贸 amb aspectes psicol貌gics, sociodemogr脿fics, formatius, relacionats amb el treball per regressi贸 log铆stica multivariable, expressada amb Odds Ratio ajustada (ORa). De les 1302 infermeres participants, el 18,6% va presentar una baixa satisfacci贸; 19,7%, un alt burnout; i el 36,4%, i un alt estr猫s traum脿tic secundari. L鈥檃nsietat tret va ser alta en un 7,2% i l鈥檃nsietat estat en un 11,8%. L'an脿lisi multivariable va mostrar associacions entre un alt grau d'estr猫s traum脿tic secundari i el desig d'abandonar la unitat i la professi贸. La unitat de treball va ser el principal factor de risc, i pr脿cticament tots els participants van expressar la necessitat de formar-se en gesti贸 emocional. La satisfacci贸 茅s freq眉ent en les infermeres que treballen en unitats d鈥檃lt risc, per貌 no sembla ser un factor protector contra la fatiga per compassi贸 o l鈥檃nsietat. La gran majoria dels participants van mostrar evid猫ncies dels aspectes negatius relacionats amb la cura a tots els centres i unitats de treball, mostrant una forta associaci贸 amb el desig de les infermeres de deixar la unitat i la professi贸.[spa] La exposici贸n continua al trauma y la muerte puede provocar Fatiga por Compasi贸n y ansiedad en las enfermeras, afectando su calidad de vida, el cuidado compasivo y relacion谩ndose estrechamente con el deseo de dejar la profesi贸n. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el impacto emocional: Fatiga por Compasi贸n y ansiedad en enfermeras que trabajan en unidades de alto riesgo. Se realiz贸 un estudio multic茅ntrico, observacional y transversal en enfermeras de cuatro unidades de alto riesgo: Urgencias, Cuidados Intensivos, Oncolog铆a y Pediatr铆a, en 14 hospitales de Catalu帽a (Espa帽a) entre los a帽os 2015 y 2016. Las variables principales fueron: Satisfacci贸n por compasi贸n y Fatiga por compasi贸n: burnout y estr茅s traum谩tico secundario, seg煤n el Professional Quality of Life Questionnaire v.IV (ProQOL) v.IV; y ansiedad, seg煤n el State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Se analiz贸 la asociaci贸n con aspectos psicol贸gicos, sociodemogr谩ficos y formativos relacionados con el trabajo a trav茅s de regresi贸n log铆stica multivariable, expresada con Odds Ratio ajustada (ORA). De las 1.302 enfermeras participantes, el 18,6% present贸 una baja satisfacci贸n; 19,7%, un alto burnout; y el 36,4%, y un alto estr茅s traum谩tico secundario. La ansiedad rasgo fue alta en un 7,2% y la ansiedad estado en un 11,8%. El an谩lisis multivariable mostr贸 asociaciones entre un alto grado de estr茅s traum谩tico secundario y el deseo de abandonar la unidad y la profesi贸n. La unidad de trabajo fue el principal factor de riesgo, y pr谩cticamente todos los participantes expresaron la necesidad de formarse en gesti贸n emocional. La satisfacci贸n es frecuente en las enfermeras que trabajan en unidades de alto riesgo, pero no parece ser un factor protector contra la Fatiga por Compasi贸n o la ansiedad. La gran mayor铆a de los participantes mostraron evidencias de los aspectos negativos relacionados con el cuidado en todos los centros y unidades de trabajo, mostrando una fuerte asociaci贸n con el deseo de las enfermeras de dejar la unidad y la profesi贸n.[eng] Continued exposure to trauma and death can lead nurses to compassion fatigue and anxiety, affecting their quality of life and compassionate care given. This closely relates to a desire for nurses to leave their career. The objective of the study was to asses emotional impact: compassion fatigue and anxiety in nurses working in high-risk units. A multicenter, observational, cross- sectional study was carry out in nurses from four high-risk units: Emergency, Intensive Care, Oncology, and Pediatrics, in 14 hospitals in Catalonia (Spain) among 2015 and 2016. Primary outcomes were: compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue (burnout and secondary traumatic stress) according to the Professional Quality of Life Questionnaire v.IV (ProQOL); and anxiety, according to the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). We analyzed the association with sociodemographic, training, work- related and psychological aspects by multivariable logistic regression, expressed with adjusted Odds Ratio (ORa). Of the 1302 participating nurses, 18.6% presented low compassion satisfaction; 19.7%, high burnout; and 36.4%, high secondary traumatic stress. Trait anxiety was high in 7.2% and state anxiety in 11.8%. Multivariable analysis showed associations between high burnout/secondary traumatic stress and the desire to leave unit and profession, and the working unit was the main predisposing factor studied. Virtually all participants expressed the need to be trained in emotional management. Compassion satisfaction is common in nurses working in high-risk units, but it doesn鈥檛 seem to be a protective factor against compassion fatigue or anxiety. The vast majority of participants showed evidence of negative aspects related to care in all centres, work units or studied factors, showing strong association with nurses' desire to leave

    Fatiga por compasi贸n y ansiedad en enfermeras de cuidados cr铆ticos y emergencias. Entre eficiencia y humanidad

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    Objetivos: Determinar el impacto emocional de la proximidad al trauma y la muerte en enfermeras de urgencias y de UCI mediante las prevalencias de fatiga de compasi贸n (burnout y estr茅s traum谩tico secundario) y ansiedad. Analizar su relaci贸n con variables de tipo sociodemogr谩fico, formativas, laborales y psicol贸gicas. M茅todo: Estudio descriptivo, transversal y multic茅ntrico. Se utilizaron las escalas validadas ProQOL v.IV y STAI y un cuestionario ad-hoc con las variables del segundo objetivo, en 710 enfermeras de nueve hospitales de alta complejidad de Catalu帽a (Espa帽a). Resultados: En ambas unidades, la proporci贸n de profesionales afectados en alto grado de burnout fue superior al 20%, al 30% en estr茅s traum谩tico secundario y al 12% en ansiedad. Cada subescala se asoci贸 con la intenci贸n de abandonar la unidad y la profesi贸n. El 97% de participantes manifestaron que era necesario recibir formaci贸n en gesti贸n emocional. Conclusiones: Las prevalencias de burnout y de estr茅s traum谩tico secundario fueron superiores en nuestro estudio respecto a la literatura de referencia en las enfermeras de urgencias y en las de UCI. La prevalencia de cada constructo se relacion贸 individualmente con el deseo de abandono de las enfermeras de sus unidades y de su profesi贸n. Este hecho, junto al deseo de recibir formaci贸n de los participantes, expone la necesidad de establecer planes formativos, as铆 como medidas institucionales de prevenci贸n y apoyo para la fatiga por compasi贸n

    Emotional impact and compassion fatigue in oncology nurses: results of a multicentre study

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    Purpose: to assess the prevalence of Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue (Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress) and anxiety in oncology nurses and the association with demographics, training, work-related conditions, and psychological factors. Method: a multicentre, cross-sectional study in 8 selected hospitals in Catalonia involving oncology nurses. Primary outcomes were Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue (Burnout/Secondary Traumatic Stress), evaluated with the Professional Quality of Life questionnaire v.IV, and anxiety, evaluated with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results: of 297 participants, 18.2% (95% confidence interval [CI]:16.1-20.3) presented low Compassion Satisfaction; 20.2% (95% CI:18.0-22.4), high burnout; and 37.4% (95% CI:34.8-40.0), high Secondary Traumatic Stress. Trait and State Anxiety were high in 5.4% (95% CI:4.2-6.6) and 8.1% (95% CI:6.6-9.6) of participants, respectively. Nurses' desire to leave the unit was associated with high burnout (adjusted odds ratio [ORa] 3.7, 95% CI:1.9-7.5) and Secondary Traumatic Stress (ORa 3.2, 95% CI:1.9-5.3), while the desire to leave the profession was related to high State Anxiety (ORa 12.5, 95% CI:4.6-33.7). Most participants (96.9%) were interested in receiving emotional management training. Conclusions: continuous demands on oncology nurses' empathy can lead them to experience compassion fatigue, anxiety and a desire to leave the profession. The first study carried out with Spanish oncology nurses shows Compassion Fatigue is highly prevalent. This is related to nurses' desire to change units, leave their profession and has negative implications on staff satisfaction and quality of care. This problem justifies institutions support strategies for these professionals

    Dealing with emotional vulnerability and anxiety in nurses from high-risk units a multicenter study

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    Abstract: Compassion fatigue and anxiety derived from continued exposure to trauma and death greatly impact nurses' quality of care and quality of life, increasing their desire to leave work. The aim of the study is to assess compassion fatigue and anxiety prevalence and their association with secondary variables. A multicenter, cross-sectional study in nurses from four high-risk units, Emergency, Intensive Care, Oncology, and Pediatrics, was carried out in 14 hospitals in Catalonia (Spain) between 2015 and 2016. The primary endpoints were compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue (burnout and secondary traumatic stress), which were assessed by Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL), and anxiety, assessed with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Multivariable logistic regression analyzed the association of sociodemographic, training, working, and psychological factors. Of a total of 1302 nurses, 18.6% presented low compassion satisfaction; 19.7%, high burnout; and 36.4%, high secondary traumatic stress. Trait anxiety scored high in 7.2%. Although compassion satisfaction was present, it did not protect sufficiently against the high level of compassion fatigue or anxiety present in nurses in all centers. The working conditions in the units and variables showed a strong association with nurses' desire to leave. This corroborates the global challenge of healthcare professionals' shortage. Participants expressed the need for better training in emotional management