340 research outputs found

    Bahasa Daerah Dominan di Kabupaten Malinau

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    This article describes the dominant local languages with the highest number of USAge areas in Malinau Regency of North Kalimantan Province. The data in this article is based on and become part of the Research Repot on The Profile of Local Languages in Malinau Regency (Arifin, et.al, 2015). The research was designed in qualitatif approach and descriptive methode toward the local languages used in the daily communication of the people in the regency. Data colleting was done with interview and recording techniques. Data analysis was carried out with tracing technique. The decision of weather or not a status of a local language belong to dominant one is based on the intensity of USAge variabel. The criteria applied was that when a language is used in the daily communication by the largest number of population of a particular area (desa), the status of that language belongs a dominant one in that particular area (desa). Meanwhile a language with a minor number of speakers was labeled as the complementary language. Data analysis indicated that there are a total of 21 dominant local languages and another 7 complementary languages in Malinau Regency. Three out of the total 21 dominant local languages with the highest number of USAge areas are respectively as fallows: Punan Language 30 out of a total of 106 areas/desas (28.30%), Lundayeh Language 24 areas/desas (22.64%), and Lepuk Tau Language 8 areas/desas (7.54%)

    Analisis Daya Saing Ekspo Kopi Indonesia, Brazil, Kolombia, dan Vietnam

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    Coffee competitiveness as measured by comparative competitiveness, export position of Indonesian coffee, Brazil, Colombia, and Vietnam, and the competitive advantage of Indonesian coffee industry. The type of research used is descriptive with two approaches that is quantitative and qualitative. Then with a quantitative approach, the research used is the analysis tool RCA Index (Revealed Comparative Advantage) and ISP (Index of Trade Specialization). While the analysis using the Diamond Porter theory for a qualitative approach. This study uses primary and secondary data and use time series data types from 1996 to 2014. Based on RCA and ISP analysis, Indonesia has a comparative advantage and tends to be a coffee exporter country. However, Indonesia has the lowest competitiveness compared to Brazil, Colombia, and Vietnam. Based on Diamond Porter's theory analysis, Indonesia is weak on production factors and Government factors

    Perkebunan Kayumas PTPN XII Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Masyarakat Desa Kayumas Kecamatan Arjasa Kabupaten Situbondo Tahun 1996-2010 (Plantation Kayumas of PTPN XII and the Influence to the Communityof Kayumas Village Subdistrict Arjasa District of Situbondo

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    This article discusses the influence of the Kayumas plantation on the social, economic and cultural life of Arjasa village, Kayumas District, Situbondo, 1996-2010. The approach used here is economic sociology approach, which examines the social and economic life of the village of Kayumas. The article applies theory of social change and the method used is the historical method of Kuntowijoyo which consists of five stages, namely the selection of topics, heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The influence Kayumas plantations on society is great, such as, providing assistance in empowering Human Resources especially for people who become employees. In addition, it provided, jobs and supported the economy of the village of Kayumas. The existence of Plantation Kayumas amid public life gave the birth of a slametan tradition celebration of the coffee crop yields, especially Coffee Jaruk tradition ie slametan to protect coffee until harvest time. The existence of Plantation Kayumas provided a good life for the people, in addition, the plantations created to productive lands for people who could then maximize for the sake of a better life

    Illocutionary Act of Grug Utterances in the Croods Movie

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    Illocutionary act is performing an act by saying something. There were five types of illocutionary act, namely: assertives, directives, commissives, expressives and declaratives. The Croods movie is a story about the journey of a family who wants to find a safer place for them to life. The aims of this research were to find out the types and to know the context of illocutionary act of Grug\u27s utterances in The Croods movie. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method, because the data of this research were from the utterances containing the types and the context of illocutionary act of Grug\u27s utterances. The data of this research were taken from 38 sample utterances of Grug\u27s conversation. From the analysis can be concluded that they were 13 utterances in the form of assertive which can be categorized into stating, concluding and asserting. Thirteen directive utterances in the form of commanding, requesting, ordering, questioning and forbidding. Commissive appeared in six utterances in the form of promising and refusing. The last types of illocutionary act was expressive which appeared in six utterances in the form of thanking, apologizing, praising and stating anger

    English Registers In Allkpop News Articles

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    This research is intended to describe English registers found in Allkpop news articles. The major problem in this research are to find out the English registers found in Allkpop news articles, to identify word formation process undergone by the English registers found in Allkpop news articles, to identify types of changes in meaning served by the English registers found in Allkpop news articles when compared with their lexical meaning in the dictionary, and to identify language functions served by the English registers found in Allkpop news articles. This research belongs to qualitative research employing descriptive method that was performed by collecting data, classifying, analyzing, and then interpreting the data. As the data, the researcher used English registers found in Allkpop news articles that purposively taken in April, 2016. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, there are a total of 30 units of English registers found in Allkpop news articles posted in April, 2016. These 30 units of English registers of words and phrases are found in 503 news articles posted in April, 2016. Second, almost all of English registers that have undergone morphological process are made of compounding process. Third, all of the English registers have different meaning when they are compared with their lexical meaning in the dictionary. The most dominant type of changes in meaning is widening of meaning in which of the total 30 English registers, 21 are identified have undergone widening of meaning process. Fourth, the most dominant language function based on language functions served by the sentences of the news articles that contain English registers is representational function

    The Flouting of Maxim in the Se7en Movie Script

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    This research focused on analyzing flouting of maxims that were flouted by the characters in the Se7en movie script and the motivation of the characters flouted the maxims. This research used qualitative research method. The data of the research were in the form of utterances that contained flouting of maxim. The data were collected by downloading the movie and the script, watching the movie, and collecting the data from the script. The data analysis was conducted by organizing the data into narration, analyzing the data, and drawing the conclusion. The results of the research showed what types of maxim were flouted in the movie and what motivation that led the characters to flout the maxims. There are four flouting of maxims in the Se7en movie script; they are maxim of quantity maxim of quality, maxim of relevance, and maxim of manner. Then, there are three motivations that influenced the characters flouted the maxims; they are competitive, collaborative, and conflictive

    The Effect of Applying Skimming Technique on Grade XI Students' Reading Comprehension

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    This study was conducted as an attempt to discover the effect of applying skimming technique on Grade XI students' reading comprehension. It was an experimental research. The subject was students of Grade XI, Private Senior High School (Sekolah Menengah Atas Swasta: SMA) Methodist-7, which consisted of 60 students. The research was divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. The instrument used to collect the data was reading comprehension test. To obtain the reliability of the test, the writer applied Kuder Richardson 21 formula. The result of the reliability was 0.89. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The analyze showed that the scores of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the students in the control group at the level of significance 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 60 , t-observed value 3.71 > t-table value 2.00. Based on the reliability of the test, it was found that the test was reliable. The findings indicated that using Skimming Technique significantly affected the students' reading comprehension. So, English teachers are suggested to use Skimming Technique in order to improve students' reading comprehension

    Illocutionary Act in the Main Characters' Utterances in Mirror Mirror Movie

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    The aims of this research were to find out the types of illocutionary act of the main characters' utterances in Mirror Mirror movie by Searle's theory of illocutionary act and to find the context underlying illocutionary act of the main characters by Hymes' SPEAKING model in Mirror Mirror movie. This research was descriptive qualitative because the data were the utterances of the characters in the Mirror Mirror movie. There were some steps in collecting the data: downloading the movie script, watching the movie several times, reading and observing the dialogue in the movie and selecting Queen and Snow White's utterances that contain illocutionary act. In the data analysis, the researcher applied Miles and Huberman's procedures namely data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of the research show that there are 55 utterances of the main characters that contain illocutionary act. The data were classified into five namely are representatives (4), directives (37), declaratives (0), commissives (2), expressives (12). Of the total 55 illocutionary acts, directives are the most frequent types of illocutionary act because the main characters mostly expressed their utterances in direct way such as by ordering, requesting, asking and commanding. Conversely, the declarative types of illocutionary act were not appeared in this research because the characters that performed the utterance that contain illocutionary act were not selected as the object to analyze. There were eight factors affecting the illocutionary act of the main characters using the context of Hymes' SPEAKING model. They are setting, participants, ends, act, sequences, key, instrumentalities and genre

    Analisis Strategi Bersaing Bumn dalam Persaingan Regional Asia Tenggara (Studi Kasus pada PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Kantor Pusat Veteran, Gresik)

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    This study aims to understand the performance of PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, knowing the competitive position of the company and the application of competitive strategy PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The competitive position of PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk at the national level is the market leader, while at the regional level, PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) is still in the stage of market tease (Challenger). Implementation of the strategy at PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) is the implementation of a growth strategy by expanding companies in different geographic regions. Implementation of the strategy to focus on particular market segments or lines through product differentiation become the main way PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) in entering the market. Results of the SWOT matrix analysis, PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk as a whole has leveraged its competitive advantages to cover weaknesses. The dominant advantages are utilized by the company is a large production capacity and a good corporate image. These advantages can be corporate competitive strategy to win the competition. While the main weakness of the PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is a weakness synergize each operating company with a holding in one culture
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