
Illocutionary Act of Grug Utterances in the Croods Movie


Illocutionary act is performing an act by saying something. There were five types of illocutionary act, namely: assertives, directives, commissives, expressives and declaratives. The Croods movie is a story about the journey of a family who wants to find a safer place for them to life. The aims of this research were to find out the types and to know the context of illocutionary act of Grug\u27s utterances in The Croods movie. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method, because the data of this research were from the utterances containing the types and the context of illocutionary act of Grug\u27s utterances. The data of this research were taken from 38 sample utterances of Grug\u27s conversation. From the analysis can be concluded that they were 13 utterances in the form of assertive which can be categorized into stating, concluding and asserting. Thirteen directive utterances in the form of commanding, requesting, ordering, questioning and forbidding. Commissive appeared in six utterances in the form of promising and refusing. The last types of illocutionary act was expressive which appeared in six utterances in the form of thanking, apologizing, praising and stating anger

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