
Perkebunan Kayumas PTPN XII Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Masyarakat Desa Kayumas Kecamatan Arjasa Kabupaten Situbondo Tahun 1996-2010 (Plantation Kayumas of PTPN XII and the Influence to the Communityof Kayumas Village Subdistrict Arjasa District of Situbondo


This article discusses the influence of the Kayumas plantation on the social, economic and cultural life of Arjasa village, Kayumas District, Situbondo, 1996-2010. The approach used here is economic sociology approach, which examines the social and economic life of the village of Kayumas. The article applies theory of social change and the method used is the historical method of Kuntowijoyo which consists of five stages, namely the selection of topics, heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The influence Kayumas plantations on society is great, such as, providing assistance in empowering Human Resources especially for people who become employees. In addition, it provided, jobs and supported the economy of the village of Kayumas. The existence of Plantation Kayumas amid public life gave the birth of a slametan tradition celebration of the coffee crop yields, especially Coffee Jaruk tradition ie slametan to protect coffee until harvest time. The existence of Plantation Kayumas provided a good life for the people, in addition, the plantations created to productive lands for people who could then maximize for the sake of a better life

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