7 research outputs found

    Pomegranate (Punica graantum) Peels as an Agricultural Waste for Removing of CD(II), CR(VI), CU(II), NI(II), PB(II) and ZN(II) from Their Aqueous Solutions

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    Pomegranate (Punica graantum) peels as an agricultural waste was used as an adsorbent for removal of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn ions from simulated aqueous solutions. The adsorption process was carried out using the batch method. Various effective parameters such as pH, initial metal ion concentration, and adsorbent dose, shaking time, particle size and temperature were investigated. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of Punica graantum peels were done. The efficiency of Punica graantum peels toward removal of metal ions was ordered as Pb2+ \u3c Cr6+ \u3c Cu2+ \u3c Cd2+ \u3c Zn2+ \u3c Ni2+, with the corresponding values of 92.8%, 84.6%, 52.8%, 38%, 25.4% and 22.8%, respectively

    Some Reactions of Hexachlorocyclo-diphosphazanes with Amines: cis-trans Isomerism in Aminocyclodiphosphazane

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    Electron-transfer interactions of chloranillbromanil with hexacyanometalate (4-), K<sub>4</sub>[M(CN)<sub>6</sub>], where M =Fe, Ruand Os

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    235-238UV-visible spectrophotometric studies on the interactions of chloranillbromanil with the hexacyanometalate(4-), [M(CN)6]4- ions, where M=Fe, Ru and Os, in 20-70% (vol./vol.) aqueous dimethyl sulphoxide media at 27°C demonstrate the formation of the negative semiquinone ion (I) derived from the halonil. New absorption spectral bands are immediately formed after mixing. The positions of the new bands are neither affected by the medium polarity nor by the nature of the metal in the hexacyanometalate (4-) ions. The reaction equilibrium constants and the molar absorptivities of (I) have been calculated. Experimental results indicate that (i) chloranil is the more powerful electron acceptor halonil, (ii) the abilities of the [M(CN)6]4- ions to interact with the halonils depend on their redox potentials and follow the order Fe(II) &gt; Os(II) &gt; Ru(II), and (iii) the reaction equilibrium constants increase greatly with the increasing water content of the medium

    Electron-transfer interactions of chloranillbromanil with hexacyanometalate (4-), K<sub>4</sub>[M(CN)<sub>6</sub>], where M =Fe, Ruand Os

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    235-238UV-visible spectrophotometric studies on the interactions of chloranillbromanil with the hexacyanometalate(4-), [M(CN)6]4- ions, where M=Fe, Ru and Os, in 20-70% (vol./vol.) aqueous dimethyl sulphoxide media at 27°C demonstrate the formation of the negative semiquinone ion (I) derived from the halonil. New absorption spectral bands are immediately formed after mixing. The positions of the new bands are neither affected by the medium polarity nor by the nature of the metal in the hexacyanometalate (4-) ions. The reaction equilibrium constants and the molar absorptivities of (I) have been calculated. Experimental results indicate that (i) chloranil is the more powerful electron acceptor halonil, (ii) the abilities of the [M(CN)6]4- ions to interact with the halonils depend on their redox potentials and follow the order Fe(II) &gt; Os(II) &gt; Ru(II), and (iii) the reaction equilibrium constants increase greatly with the increasing water content of the medium

    Reaction of Amines with Some Hexachlorocyclodiphosphazanes

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    Guna menyelesaikan masalah “kesejahteraan petani” ini, pemerintah sedapatnya menggunakan pendekatan (paradigma) agribisnis. Paradigma agribisnis digunakan sebagai konsep pembangunan pertanian bagi terwujudnya visi perekonomian nasional yang sehat melalui pembangunan system dan usaha agribisnis yang berdaya saing, berkerakyatan, berkelanjutan, dan terdesentralisasi. Agribisnis dianggap lebih moderndan lebih efisien serta berorientasi pasar. Paradigma agribisnis bertujuan untuk mengangkat martabat petani sebagai pengusaha di bidang pertanian. Buku ini berisi perkembangan konsep atau paradigma sistemdan usaha agribisnis, mulai dari muncul/lahir, berkembang, populer, menuju kematangan (maturity), dan implementasi dalam perekonomian nasional. Dengan membaca buku ini, maka pembaca dapat memahami dan mengerti konteks lahirdan berkembangnya pemikiran atau konsep atau paradigmasistem dan usaha agribisnis di indonesia. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka, buku ini menyajikan segala yang dibutuhkan oleh para pengelola ekonomi dalam menjalankan roda pergerakan Paradigma agribisnis agar dapat menciptakan kualitas dan kuantitas bidangnya. Oleh sebab itu buku ini hadir kehadapan sidang pembaca sebagai bagian dari upaya diskusi sekaligus dalam rangka melengkapi khazanah keilmuan dibidang Paradigma agribisnis, sehingga buku ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan bahan acuan bagi kalangan intelektual dilingkungan perguru tinggi ataupun praktisi yang berkecimpung langsung dibidang Paradigma agribisnis