229 research outputs found

    Statistical Shape Analysis for the Human Back

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    A thesis submitted to the department of Engineering and Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Production and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of WolverhamptonIn this research, Procrustes and Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA) have been investigated for analysing the three-dimensional shape and form of the human back. Procrustes analysis is used to distinguish deformed backs from normal backs. EDMA is used to locate the changes occurring on the back surface due to spinal deformity (scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis) for back deformity patients. A surface topography system, ISIS2 (Integrated Shape Imaging System 2), is available to measure the three-dimensional back surface. The system presents clinical parameters, which are based on distances and angles relative to certain anatomical landmarks on the back surface. Location, rotation and scale definitely influence these parameters. Although the anatomical landmarks are used in the present system to take some account of patient stance, it is still felt that variability in the clinical parameters is increased by the use of length and angle data. Patients also grow and so their back size, shape and form change between appointments with the doctor. Instead of distances and angles, geometric shape that is independent of location, rotation and scale effects could be measured. This research is mainly focusing on the geometric shape and form change in the back surface, thus removing the unwanted effects. Landmarks are used for describing back information and an analysis of the variability in positioning the landmarks has been carried out for repeated measurements. Generalized Procrustes analysis has been applied to all normal backs to calculate a mean Procrustes shape, which is named the standard normal shape (SNS). Each back (normal and deformed) is then translated, rotated and scaled to give a best fit with the SNS using ordinary Procrustes analysis. Riemannian distances are then estimated between the SNS and all individual backs. The highest Riemannian distance value between the normal backs and the SNS is lower than the lowest Riemannian distance value between the deformed backs and the SNS. The results shows that deformed backs can be differentiated from normal backs. EDMA has been used to estimate a mean form, variance-covariance matrix and mean form difference from all the normal backs. This mean form is named the standard normal form (SNF). The influence of individual landmarks for form difference between each deformed back and the SNF is estimated. A high value indicates high deformity on the location of that landmark and a low value close to 1 indicates less deformity. The result is displayed in a graph that provides information regarding the degree and location of the deformity. The novel aspects of this research lie in the development of an effective method for assessing the three-dimensional back shape; extracting automatic landmarks; visualizing back shape and back form differences


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    Seni budaya dengan materi tidak sedikit menjadi tantangan guru dengan perlunya perkembanganpembelajaran sekaligus praktik media dan bahan baru berkarya montase dikolaborasikan bersamamenggambar karikatur dengan teknik montase materiseni rupa 2 dimensi. Media pembelajaran merupakan bentuk kreativitas tenaga pendidik dalam memudahkan proses pembelajaran. Pada penelitian ini teknik montase dipilih sebagai salah satu teknik yang dinilai menarik siswa dalam proses pembelajaran seni rupa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni budaya dalam materi dua dimensi, (2) menjelaskan tentang karya akhir menggambar karikatur dengan teknik montase, dan (3) mendeskripsikan reaksi siswa dan guru terhadap karya menggambar karikatur dengan menggunakan teknik montase.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek pada penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas VIII-B SMPN 2 Bancar. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi serta dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kelompok peserta didik dengan keterampilan dalam kategori kurang baik hingga sangat baik saat menggambar karikatur dengan teknik montase. Tanggapan guru seni dan budaya serta siswa terhadap penelitian ini mengarah pada penciptaan instruksi pembuatan karya seni untuk sekolah dan peneliti, serta kontribusi dan alternatif. Kata Kunci : Mengajar, 2 dimensi, montase, karikatu

    Kualitas Tempe Menggunakan Rhizopus microsporus TB23, R. microsporus TB32, dan R. microsporus TB55 yang Berasal dari Inokulum "Daun Waru"

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    Rhizopus microsporus TB23, R. microsporus TB32, dan R. microsporus TB55 telah berhasil diisolasi dari inokulum "daun waru" terbukti dapat menghasilkan tempe dengan kualitas yang baik namun masih pada skala kecil di laboratorium. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kualitas tempe yang diproduksi dengan R. microsporus TB23, R. microsporus TB32, dan R. microsporus TB55 pada skala pengrajin tempe. Pembuatan tempe dilakukan di produsen tempe di Serpong-Tangerang. Pembuatan tempe dilakukan dengan menggunakan 300 g kedelai yang diinokulasi dengan R. microsporus TB23, R. microsporus TB32, R. microsporus TB55 dan inokulum komersial secara terpisah. Selanjutnya, uji organoleptik, pengukuran aktivitas antioksidan, analisis proksimat dilakukan terhadap setiap tempe yang berhasil diproduksi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa cita rasa tempe menggunakan R. microsporus TB32 adalah yang paling disukai panelis. R. microsporus TB23, R. microsporus TB32, dan R. microsporus TB55 dapat menghasilkan tempe dengan kualitas yang sama dengan penelitian sebelumnya dan sesuai dengan syarat mutu tempe berdasarkan SNI 31144:2015 kecuali dalam hal warna. R. microsporus TB23, R. microsporus TB32, dan R. microsporus TB55 menghasilkan tempe berwarna kekuningan. Oleh sebab itu, informasi tentang warna kuning tersebut perlu dikaji lebih lanjut. Kesimpulannya, R. microsporus TB32 adalah inokulum yang paling baik untuk menghasilkan tempe dan dikembangkan sebagai inokulum tempe jika dibandingkan dengan R. microsporus TB23 dan R. microsporus TB55.Quality of Tempeh using Rhizopus microsporus TB23, R. microsporus TB32, and R. microsporus TB55 Originating from the "Waru Leaf" InoculumAbstractRhizopus microsporus TB23, R. microsporus TB32, and R. microsporus TB55 have been successfully isolated from the "hibiscus leaf" resulting good quality of tempeh but still on laboratory scale. Therefore, this study aims to compare the quality of tempeh produced with R. microsporus TB23, R. microsporus TB32, and R. microsporus TB55 from the "waru leaf" inoculum in small scale production. Tempe was made in a small scale tempe producer in Serpong-Tangerang. Tempeh was made from 300 g of soybeans. Each tempeh was inoculated with R. microsporus TB23, R. microsporus TB32, R. microsporus TB55 and commercial inoculum, respectively. Organoleptic test, measurement of antioxidant activity, and proximate analysis were carried out for each tempeh to analyze its quality. The results of this study indicate that the taste of tempeh produced by R. microsporus TB32 was the most preferred by panelists. R. microsporus TB23, R. microsporus TB32, and R. microsporus TB55 produced tempe with similar quality as previous studies and in accordance with SNI 31144: 2015 except color performance. R. microsporus TB23, R. microsporus TB32, and R. microsporus TB55 produced yellowish-colored tempeh. In conclusion, R. microsporus TB32 was better tempeh inoculum than R. microsporus TB23 and R. microsporus TB55


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    Abstrak Pengaruh perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju dibidang kesehatan salah satynya material pada kaki palsu harus memiliki resistensi yang tinggi. Pada soket penyangga kaki palsu yang terlentak di lutut akan meregang seiring berjalannya watu dan sering digunakan hingga pecah akibat digunakan pada atletpelari sehingga akan mempengaruhi kekuatan penyangga kaki palsu yang berkelanjutan dan akhirnya terjadi keretakan dan patah. Beban yang diterima menjadi faktor utama terjadinya keretakan, seperti beban lentur akan mempercepat patahnya komponen ini. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui nilai kekuatan bending pada komposit dengan reinforce serat rami dengan matrik poleyester dengan variasi pengaruh konsentrasi larutan KOH (Kalium Hidroksida) dan pada arah orientasi pada seratnya. Proses pembuatan komposit dilakukan denan metode Vacum yang digunakan untuk menarik udara pada dalam vakum bag sehingga aliran matrik yang dialirkan ke dalam reinforce dapat teralirkan secara merata dan menjadikan laju aliran menjadi lancar kedalam cetakan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perlakuan perendaman terhadap serat rami pada Larutan KOH selama 2 jam dengan variasi Konsentarasi KOH tanpa perendaman,2%,5%dan 8% dengan setiap Orientasi serat (0°,90°,0°), (0°,45°,90°) dan (90°,0°,90°). Pengujian yang terdapat pada penelitian ini adalah pengujian Bending. Penelitian ini didapat kekuatan bending pada komposit rami polyester dengan hasil uji bending terendah pada tanpa perlakuan perendaman KOH atau0% dan arah orientasi 90°/0°/90° sebesar 20,93 Mpa dan kekuatan bending tertinggi pada perendaman 5% dan arah 0°/45°/90° sebesar 53,95 Mpa. Kata Kunci: KOH, Komposit, Pengujian bending , Polyester, Serat rami

    An automatic wearable multi-sensor based gait analysis system for older adults.

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    Gait abnormalities in older adults are very common in clinical practice. They lead to serious adverse consequences such as falls and injury resulting in increased care cost. There is therefore a national imperative to address this challenge. Currently gait assessment is done using standardized clinical tools dependent on subjective evaluation. More objective gold standard methods (motion capture systems such as Qualisys and Vicon) to analyse gait rely on access to expensive complex equipment based in gait laboratories. These are not widely available for several reasons including a scarcity of equipment, need for technical staff, need for patients to attend in person, complicated time consuming procedures and overall expense. To broaden the use of accurate quantitative gait monitoring and assessment, the major goal of this thesis is to develop an affordable automatic gait analysis system that will provide comprehensive gait information and allow use in clinic or at home. It will also be able to quantify and visualize gait parameters, identify gait variables and changes, monitor abnormal gait patterns of older people in order to reduce the potential for falling and support falls risk management. A research program based on conducting experiments on volunteers is developed in collaboration with other researchers in Bournemouth University, The Royal Bournemouth Hospital and care homes. This thesis consists of five different studies toward addressing our major goal. Firstly, a study on the effects on sensor output from an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) attached to different anatomical foot locations. Placing an IMU over the bony prominence of the first cuboid bone is the best place as it delivers the most accurate data. Secondly, an automatic gait feature extraction method for analysing spatiotemporal gait features which shows that it is possible to extract gait features automatically outside of a gait laboratory. Thirdly, user friendly and easy to interpret visualization approaches are proposed to demonstrate real time spatiotemporal gait information. Four proposed approaches have the potential of helping professionals detect and interpret gait asymmetry. Fourthly, a validation study of spatiotemporal IMU extracted features compared with gold standard Motion Capture System and Treadmill measurements in young and older adults is conducted. The results obtained from three experimental conditions demonstrate that our IMU gait extracted features are highly valid for spatiotemporal gait variables in young and older adults. In the last study, an evaluation system using Procrustes and Euclidean distance matrix analysis is proposed to provide a comprehensive interpretation of shape and form differences between individual gaits. The results show that older gaits are distinguishable from young gaits. A pictorial and numerical system is proposed which indicates whether the assessed gait is normal or abnormal depending on their total feature values. This offers several advantages: 1) it is user friendly and is easy to set up and implement; 2) it does not require complex equipment with segmentation of body parts; 3) it is relatively inexpensive and therefore increases its affordability decreasing health inequality; and 4) its versatility increases its usability at home supporting inclusivity of patients who are home bound. A digital transformation strategy framework is proposed where stakeholders such as patients, health care professionals and industry partners can collaborate through development of new technologies, value creation, structural change, affordability and sustainability to improve the diagnosis and treatment of gait abnormalities


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    ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Penambahan senyawa aktif tanaman herbal seperti bawang putih (Allium sativum L.) berpotensi membantu kerja antibiotik seperti kolistin. Namun kombinasi kolistin dengan fraksi dari ekstrak etanol umbi Allium sativum L. belum pernah dilakukan sehingga perlu untuk diteliti.Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental in vitro menggunakan ekstrak etanol umbi Allium sativum L. yang telah difraksinasi menjadi fraksi air, n-heksana dan etil asetat. Efek antibakteri diuji dengan metode Kirby-Bauer sedangkan analisa interaksi berdasarkan metode Ameri-Ziaei Double Antibiotic Synergism Test (AZDAST). Hasil dianalisa dengan Kruskal Wallis dan p<0,05 dianggap signifikan.Hasil dan Pembahasan: Fraksi air, n-heksana dan etil asetat tidak membentuk zona hambat terhadap E. coli (0±0 mm). Hasil AZDAST didapatkan zona hambat kombinasi kolistin dengan fraksi air (17,09±1,21 mm) dan n-heksana (17,01±1,47 mm) lebih besar daripada kolistin tunggal (14,72±0,54 & 13,90±0,48 mm) sehingga bersifat potensiasi. Namun not distinguishable atau tidak bisa dibedakan untuk etil asetat (fraksi14,26±0,39 kombinasi   14,44±1,77 mm) yang diduga terjadi karena konsentrasi fraksi yang kurang tinggi.Kesimpulan: Interaksi kolistin dengan fraksi air dan n-heksana bersifat potensiasi, sedangkan dengan fraksi etil asetat bersifat not distinguishable terhadap E. coli.Kata Kunci: Allium sativum L., Kolistin, Escherichia coli,  Daya hambat, Kombinasi antibiotik dan herba


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    ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Penurunan angka sensitivitas antibiotik terhadap bakteri memerlukan alternatif yang memiliki potensi besar sebagai agen antibakteri yaitu kombinasi antibiotik dengan bahan aktif herbal yang memiliki efek sinergis. Bawang putih (Allium sativum L.) memiliki sejumlah bahan aktif yang berpotensi menghambat pertumbuhan dari S. aureus sehingga perlu dilakukan metode fraksinasi melalui proses partisi untuk memisahkan senyawa aktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk interaksi pada kombinasi vankomisin dengan fraksi n-Heksana, etil asetat, dan air dari ekstrak etanol umbi Allium sativum L. dalam menghambat S. aureus.Metode: Untuk mengetahui bentuk interaksi dilakukan uji Zone of Inhibition (ZOI) pada kombinasi antibiotik dengan herbal dalam mengambat S. aureus. Zona bening yang terbentuk diukur menggunakan jangka sorong dalam satuan mm menurut Kirby-Bauer of Susceptibility, dianalisa menggunakan SPSS dan di interpretasikan berdasarkan metode Ameri-Ziaei Double Antibiotic Synergism Test (AZDAST).Hasil:  Hasil uji ZOI kombinasi vankomisin dengan fraksi n-Heksana yaitu 25,33 ± 1,95 mm. Hasil uji ZOI kombinasi vankomisin dengan fraksi etil asetat yaitu 33,15 ± 2,41 mm. Hasil uji ZOI kombinasi vankomisin dengan fraksi air yaitu 23,98 ± 0,75 mm. Hasil uji ZOI vankomisin dosis tunggal yaitu 20,75 ± 0,82 mm – 24,33 ± 0,97 mm. Hasil uji ZOI vankomisin dosis ganda yaitu 24,00 ±1,15 mm – 26,18 ± 0,50 mm.Kesimpulan: Kombinasi vankomisin dengan fraksi etil asetat memiliki bentuk interaksi sinergis. Kata Kunci: Allium sativum L., Vankomisin, Staphylococcus aureus, Zone of Inhibition (ZOI), Kombinasi Antibiotik dan Herba

    Status Perikanan Tangkap di Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Capture fisheries in Kebumen Regency has a large potential of fish resources. The status of capture fisheries in Kebumen Regency includes the development of the number of fishermen/RTPs, fishing vessels, fishing gear, fishing production volume, fishery production value, types and catches of fish. The results showed that Kebumen fishermen are included in the category of small fishermen based on the use of boat types less than 5 GT and outboard motorboats. The number of growth of fishermen and the number of fishing boats in Kebumen Regency increased throughout 2016-2020. Types of fishing gear used by fishermen in Kebumen district include fixed gill nets, drift gill nets, trammel nets, fishing rods and hooks. The production volume and production value of the Kebumen capture fishery decreased in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Potential species caught by Kebumen fishermen were demersal fish with high economic value such as white pomfret (Pampus argenteus), lobster (Panulirus homarus), jerebung shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis) and red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus)


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    Paper repository at higher education is a collection of scientific articles created by the academic society. This study took as many as 80 universities in the Webometrics ranking of repositories in the Southeast Asia region. The tools used in this research is Google for number of web page and Google Scholar for number of document paper repository and Ahrefs for referring page, backlink and reffering domain. The result of this study, Eprints is the most widely used tools in higher education, as many as 37 higher educations (46,25%). Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November got the highest score in number of web page in Google (2.010.000), Bogor Agricultural University Scientific Repository got the highest score for number of document paper (44.300). University of Sumatera Utara Repository got the highest score for reffering page (82588) and backlink (86421). Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository got the highest score for reffering domain (532)
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