127 research outputs found

    Sejarah Islamisasi Minangkabau

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    Sheikh Burhanuddin is known as a prominent Minangkabau scholar. The Islamization of Minangkabau is commonly associated with him. He is seen as a scholar succeeded in islamizing the Minang community. This study examines the role of Sheikh Burhanuddin in the process Islamization of Minangkabau. It examined the approaches and methods applied by Sheikh Burhanuddin in his efforts to Islamization. This study is a qualitative research, namely library research using the document analysis method. The results indicate that Syekh Burhanuddin was successful in his efforts to Islamize Minangkabau because he used the Sufism approach in his preaching, namely da'wah bi al-hikmah. This approach is implemented in the da'wah method, namely being tolerant of, and adopting local culture (Minangkabau customs and culture). Even further, Sheikh Burhanuddin succeeded in integrating Minangkabau customs with Islamic teachings

    Which English and Whose Cultures Should Be Taught To Empower Our Students?

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    AbstractTomlinson(2010) states that learners of English all over the world are being tested on a variety of English they do not and never will speak. He further emphasizes that the students are being tested on British and American English and not on Singaporean English or Brazilian English or the International English that they speak.Indeed, language and culture are two sides of a coin. The teaching of language cannot be divorced from the teaching of culture. With the emergence of the notion “World Englishes”, it is high time to reconsider which English and whose culture should be taught and introduced to our students. It is the duty of English teachers to determine which English and whose culture to be taught. It is a waste of time, energy, and money to teach a variety of English that has nothing to do with the future life of our students.The paper tries to discuss about the cultural aspects that should be introduced to ourEnglish classes. It is hoped that English teachers realize about the kind of English needed by the students

    Some Insights on English Studies in Indonesia

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    AbstractThe paper tries to offer some insights on English language studies in Indonesian universities. It seems that we need to reconsider the position of English studies in Indonesia. It is high time to respond to the need to prepare our students to realize there are many Englishes. For many decades, we have been focusing our attention to the West (British and American English) while the fact shows that English is no longer singular. Thus, focusing our attention to the West is not a wise choice. English departments in Indonesia should serve the interest of the students studying there

    Manajemen Patien Safety dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pelayanan Pasien

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    This research aims to analyze Patient Safety Management in Improving the Quality of Patient Services. The type of research is a literature review. Patient safety management has an important role in improving the quality of patient service. Implementation of patient safety principles, such as incident reporting, increasing staff competency, and implementing safety standards, has a significantly positive impact on health service quality indicators, including patient satisfaction, reducing the number of adverse medical events, and increasing operational efficiency. Challenges in implementing patient safety management, such as lack of resources and resistance to change, can be overcome through management commitment, ongoing training, and strengthening safety culture throughout the organization. Recommendations for further improvement include the development of stronger policies, increased staff participation in safety programs, and regular evaluation and adjustment of strategies to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of patient safety programs

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung Dengan Media Video Pada Mata Pelajaran Teknik Ukur Tanah Di SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan, respon siswa, dan perbedaan hasil belajar antara siswa kelas eksperimen (X-DPIB 2) dengan kelas kontrol (X-DPIB 1) pada mata pelajaran teknik ukur tanah setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran langsung dengan media video. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian True Eksperimental Design dengan desain penelitian Posttest-Only Control Design dengan kelas X-DPIB 1 sebagai kelas kontol dan kelas X-DPIB 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen yang dilakukan sebanyak 2 pertemuan. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui lembar tes hasil belajar dan lembar observasi pengamatan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran pada setiap pertemuan pada kelas X-DPIB 1 dan X-DPIB 2 serta lembar angket respon yang diberikan pada pertemuan terakhir (pertemuan kedua) di SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya. Sampel yang digunakan yaitu 33 siswa kelas X-DPIB 1 dan 33 siswa kelas X-DPIB 2. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan presentase penerapan model pembelajaran langsung dengan media video pada 2 pertemuan sebesar 85,5 %, 87,3 % rata-rata penerapan pembelajaran didapat sebesar 86,4 % yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Hasil respon siswa kelas X-DPIB 2 menunjukkan presentase sebesar 86,06 % yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Hasil belajar siswa kelas X-DPIB 1 sebagai kelas kontrol menunjukkan rata-rata sebesar 75,21, sedangkan hasil belajar pada kelas X-DPIB 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen menunjukkan rata-rata sebesar 84,12, jadi hasil belajar kelas eksperimen yang mendapat perlakuan model pembelajaran langsung dengan media video lebih baik dari kelas kontrol yang tidak mendapat perlakuan. Kata kunci: Model Langsung, Media Video, Hasil Belajar, Teknik Ukur Tanah Abstract This study aims to determine the application, student responses, and differences in learning outcomes between experimental class students (X-DPIB 2) and control class (X-DPIB 1) on soil geometry techniques after using direct learning model with video media. The research method used is True Experimental Design with Posttest-Only Control Design design with X-DPIB 1 class as the class of dick and class X-DPIB 2 as the experimental class conducted by 2 meetings. The data collected in this study was obtained through the learning test sheet and observation sheet of learning implementation at each meeting in X-DPIB 1 and X-DPIB 2 classes and response questionnaire given at the last meeting (second meeting) at SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya. Samples used were 33 students of class X-DPIB 1 and 33 students of class X-DPIB 2. The results of data analysis show the percentage of application of direct learning model with video media at 2 meetings of 85.5%, 87.3% of the average application of learning gained of 86.4% which is included in the category very well. The result of student response of class X-DPIB 2 shows a percentage of 86,06% which is included in very good category. The result of student learning class X-DPIB 1 as control class showed average equal to 75,21, while result of study in class X-DPIB 2 as experiment class showed average equal to 84,12, so result learn experiment class that got treatment model direct learning with video media is better than control classes that are not treated. Keywords: Direct Model, Video Media, Learning Results, Soil Measure Technique Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan, respon siswa, dan perbedaan hasil belajar antara siswa kelas eksperimen (X-DPIB 2) dengan kelas kontrol (X-DPIB 1) pada mata pelajaran teknik ukur tanah setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran langsung dengan media video. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian True Eksperimental Design dengan desain penelitian Posttest-Only Control Design dengan kelas X-DPIB 1 sebagai kelas kontol dan kelas X-DPIB 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen yang dilakukan sebanyak 2 pertemuan. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui lembar tes hasil belajar dan lembar observasi pengamatan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran pada setiap pertemuan pada kelas X-DPIB 1 dan X-DPIB 2 serta lembar angket respon yang diberikan pada pertemuan terakhir (pertemuan kedua) di SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya. Sampel yang digunakan yaitu 33 siswa kelas X-DPIB 1 dan 33 siswa kelas X-DPIB 2. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan presentase penerapan model pembelajaran langsung dengan media video pada 2 pertemuan sebesar 85,5 %, 87,3 % rata-rata penerapan pembelajaran didapat sebesar 86,4 % yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Hasil respon siswa kelas X-DPIB 2 menunjukkan presentase sebesar 86,06 % yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Hasil belajar siswa kelas X-DPIB 1 sebagai kelas kontrol menunjukkan rata-rata sebesar 75,21, sedangkan hasil belajar pada kelas X-DPIB 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen menunjukkan rata-rata sebesar 84,12, jadi hasil belajar kelas eksperimen yang mendapat perlakuan model pembelajaran langsung dengan media video lebih baik dari kelas kontrol yang tidak mendapat perlakuan. Kata kunci: Model Langsung, Media Video, Hasil Belajar, Teknik Ukur Tanah Abstract This study aims to determine the application, student responses, and differences in learning outcomes between experimental class students (X-DPIB 2) and control class (X-DPIB 1) on soil geometry techniques after using direct learning model with video media. The research method used is True Experimental Design with Posttest-Only Control Design design with X-DPIB 1 class as the class of dick and class X-DPIB 2 as the experimental class conducted by 2 meetings. The data collected in this study was obtained through the learning test sheet and observation sheet of learning implementation at each meeting in X-DPIB 1 and X-DPIB 2 classes and response questionnaire given at the last meeting (second meeting) at SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya. Samples used were 33 students of class X-DPIB 1 and 33 students of class X-DPIB 2. The results of data analysis show the percentage of application of direct learning model with video media at 2 meetings of 85.5%, 87.3% of the average application of learning gained of 86.4% which is included in the category very well. The result of student response of class X-DPIB 2 shows a percentage of 86,06% which is included in very good category. The result of student learning class X-DPIB 1 as control class showed average equal to 75,21, while result of study in class X-DPIB 2 as experiment class showed average equal to 84,12, so result learn experiment class that got treatment model direct learning with video media is better than control classes that are not treated. Keywords: Direct Model, Video Media, Learning Results, Soil Measure Techniqu


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    Kualitas produk yang terjaga dengan baik dapat menekan biaya perbaikan dan memenuhi kepuasan terhadap konsumen sehingga diperoleh keuntungan yang optimal. Salah satu cara perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan yaitu dengan melakukan pengendalian kualitas. Konsep pengendalian kualitas yang diterapkan oleh PT Bukaka Teknik Utama yaitu TQC (Total Quality Control) dimana seluruh operator berperan dalam menjaga kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Salah satu metode untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan perbaikan terhadap produk dan jasa adalah Six Sigma dengan metode DMAIC. Penerapan DMAIC ini perusahaan akan melakukan perbaikan kualitas pada komponen bucket konveyor vertical belt dimulai dari mengidentifikasi kecacatan produk yang berjumlah 383 unit. Jenis kecacatan yang paling dominan yang terjadi pada proses produksi komponen bucket konveyor vertical belt di PT Bukaka Teknik Utama adalah porosity yaitu sebanyak 269 unit atau sebesar 70,2%. Penyebab terjadinya kecacatan porosity pada produksi komponen bucket konveyor yaitu karena faktor manusia, mesin, dan lingkungan. Usulan perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan berdasarkan metode DMAIC adalah melakukan pelatihan kepada operator dengan cara dilakukan pemberian pelatihan materi dan selalu dilakukan pengawasan terhadap operator pada saat pekerjaan berlangsung, melakukan pengawasan atau pengecekan terhadap mesin yang digunakan dari segi kelayakan mesin dan umur mesin. Melakukan pengawasan lingkungan serta menjaga lingkungan agar selalu tetap bersih, sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas kerja


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    The objective of this paper is to identify the contingency factors in respond to environmental changing in designing the organizational structure for newspaper company. The current environment exist as the industry faces an uncertain future because of stagnant markets, increasing competition from other media for audience and attention, use by progressively smaller portions of the populations, and changes in advertiser media choice. Based on the literature review, by employing the contingency perspectives,  the organizational size, effective strategy, and adoption the high technology will influence the capability of organization to respond the environmental changing that in turn can strengthening it’s competitive advantage and innovation in uncertainty environment

    Functional Decentralization Construct in Decentralization Policy in Indonesia (A Study of Irrigation, Education, and Free Trade Sectors)

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    This research analyze the practice of irrigation, education, and free trade governance linked with functional decentralization concept in Indonesia’s decentralization policy frame. This research use constructivist approach and qualitative-descriptive method. Research result find several factors that cause functional decentralization in Indonesia’s decentralization policy for irrigation, education, and free trade is not adopted. Political institution is not adopted, independence of the farmers, integration of river and irrigation web, and state constitution, are the factors from irrigation side. Several factors in education are the existence of educational boards, the independence of school, devolution in education governance, and state constitution. For free trade, the institution of Batam governance, members structure in Batam’s boards, the uncertainty of BP. Batam in Indonesia’s administration structure, and state constitution, which make functional decentralization is not adopted. Generally, state constitution is major factor of functional decentralization is not adopted. The Construction of Decentralization in the Future of Indonesia’s Decentralization Policy especially in irrigation, education, and free trade can be done gradually begin from inter-local government cooperation, state-local collaboration in boards until establishing the functional decentralization’s organization.

    The existence and the construction of ‘Ilm al-kalam as Islamic discipline and its significance to wasatiyyah

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    ‘Ilm al-kalam or in short the kalam focuses on the fundamental aspects in Islam. This science is important, and it should be used as a guideline in conducting Islamic studies. Essentially, the kalam offers the metaphysical and theological realm, the transcendental domain and future direction; its openness and rational thinking characteristics are necessary and useful for humans; it is not a very rigid discipline of a theoretical science. We need the adamant efforts and the courage to rethink and reconstruct the heritage endowed to us by the scholars of kalam in the past. In other words, it is probably necessary to make a new "ijtihad" because after all the “ijtihad” of the scholars in the past is still considered until now as a good standard in the tradition of Islamic thought. The need for the new ijtihad is due to the new ideologies and approaches associated or linked with Islam and Islamic missionary plans, organizations and activities involving Muslims as well as non-Muslims in the 21st century