8 research outputs found

    Learning Model for Natural Disaster Mitigation Based on Local Wisdom

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    The geographical situation of Palu City is rich in local culture and, at the same time, vulnerable to natural disasters. Learning with an insight into natural disaster mitigation based on local wisdom in Junior High Schools (SMP) in Palu City is important. This research aims to explain a learning model with an insight into natural disaster mitigation based on local wisdom in Palu City Junior High Schools (SMP). This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research. The source of research data is learning documents, and the subjects of this research are students and teachers at five junior high schools in Palu City. Data collection techniques were carried out using documentation, observation, and interviews. Data analysis techniques are done by data reduction, classification, and verification. The research results found that the learning model for natural disaster mitigation based on local wisdom was implemented through intracurricular and extracurricular learning activities. Extracurricular activities are taught with a practical preparedness approach in OSIS activities, Scouts, Youth Red Cross (PMR), etc. Intracurricular learning is taught with an integrated approach to natural disaster mitigation material based on local wisdom in Indonesian Language, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Civics, and Arts and Culture


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    Penelitian ini bermaksud mendeskripsikan konteks pengembangan materi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) berwawasan mitigasi bencana alam pada SMP di Kota Palu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui prosedur dan model pengembangan materi pembelajaran; dan 2) cakupan materi yang relevan diintegrasikan wawasan mitigasi bencana alam pada mata pelajaran PAI di SMP Kota Palu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), dan dokumentasi. Data diolah dengan pendekatan analisis denduktif dan induktif setelah melalui proses reduksi, perivikasi, dan penyajian data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; Materi pembelajaran PAI dalam Kurikukum 2013 terdapat pokok/sub pokok bahasan yang dapat diintegrasikan dengan wawasan mitigasi bencana alam. Pengembangan materi PAI berwawasan mitigasi bencana alam pada SMP di Kota Palu, menggunakan model pendekatan sekuen materi yang integrated conneted. Langkah-langkah pengembangannya adalah; melakukan analisis kompetensi pembelajaran, analisis materi dan kompetensi dasar yang relevan dengan materi mitigasi bencana alam, dan mendesain perangkat pembelajaran

    Character Education Management at Islamic Grassroot Education: The Integration of Local Social and Wisdom Values

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    This study examined the implementation of character within grassroots Islamic education institutions that integrate local customs values in Palu City, Central Sulawesi. This study explores the strategy of character education implementation at the grassroots Islamic education institutions level and provides insight into the body of knowledge and practitioners. The study was conducted with a qualitative method. The data was gathered through field observation, focus group discussion, in-depth interviews, and written document analysis. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with elementary school teachers, parents, and the city Education and Culture Department officials. The findings show that the Palu city Department has implemented the education character program by aligning the character education programs with their vision. Character education programs have also been implemented through the cultured Thursday parade, family involvement through Paguyuban, and students' immersion into local culture and wisdom values. We concluded that implementing education characters within Basic Islamic education institutions had increased early-age students' awareness of tolerance, respect, and mutual understanding of characters based on local culture and wisdom values by Islamic teaching within the city, dominated mainly by immigrants from different ethnic in Indonesia

    Islamic Harmony Examplar: The Qur'an's Frame on Social Interaction with Non-Muslims

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    The actual dynamic authenticity of social life often shows accusations that religion is a source of social friction, violence, or conflict. The spirit of the Koran shows an appreciative attitude, even inviting to the meeting point (common platform) of monotheism (tauhid) which is the basic teaching of the Torah, the Bible, and the Koran. This paper aims to explore the existence of non-Muslims from the perspective of the Koran, the variants, and principles of social harmony with them. This paper uses qualitative as a method and literature as an approach. From the perspective of the Koran, there are 3 variants of arranged interactions. First in trade relations, second in marital relations, and third in political relations. The three variants of interaction must be based on the principle of Ihsan (good behavior) and Adalah (fair). Implications of this research present the idea of a meeting point between religions. This meeting point is expected to eliminate the friction of exclusivity between religious communities to create harmony and peace


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    Abstrak This qualitative research with a phenomenological approach aims to analyze the role of the PAI learning psychology course in preparing professional teacher candidates for students majoring in PAI, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Datokarama Palu, and to describe the lecture strategies used by lecturers for this purpose. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, involved observation, and documentation. To ensure the validity of the data used triangulation of sources and techniques. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively through data collection, reduction, presentation, and analysis stages. The results of the study show that several roles in the PAI learning psychology course play a role in preparing professional teacher candidates, such as: providing awareness of the different characteristics of students, providing a broad understanding of the duties and roles of teachers, and giving students self-confidence. pursue the profession of a teacher. The strategy used in PAI Learning Psychology lectures is to combine interactive lecture methods, discussions, use of infocus media and digital media through video analysis, and presentation of material with PowerPoint. In addition, problem-based learning is also the most frequently used strategy. With this strategy, students not only receive material but are invited intensively to solve problems related to psychological problems in learning.   &nbsp

    Kualitas Organoleptik Kerupuk Kulit Kaki Ayam yang Diproduksi dari Jenis Ras Ayam dan Larutan Perendam Berbeda

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    Kerupuk merupakan salah satu jenis produk makanan yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat saat ini. Kerupuk dari kulit kaki ayam merupakan produk olahan asal ternak yang memanfaatkan hasil ikutan dari pemotongan ayam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas kerupuk dari kulit kaki ayam yang diproduksi menggunakan jenis larutan perendam dan ras ayam berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara eksperimen laboratorium menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial 3x2x3. Faktor I adalah bahan baku dari 3 jenis ras ayam (ras pedaging ; ras petelur dan buras). Faktor II adalah 2 jenis larutan perendam (asam (CH3COOH 1% v/v) dan basa (Ca(OH)2 1% b/v), masing-masing perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Data pengamatan diperoleh dengan menggunakan sistem skala yang dilakukan oleh panelis. Data diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis secara sidik ragam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan jenis ras ayam berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap penampilan warna maupun kesukaan kerupuk kulit berdasarkan persepsi konsumen, namun tidak berpengaruh (P>0,05) pada bau, cita rasa dan kerenyahan. Perbedaan jenis bahan perendam berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap cita rasa, namun tidak berpengaruh (P>0,05) terhadap persepsi bau, kerenyahan dan kesukaan kerupuk kulit. Secara umum panelis memberikan persepsi lebih baik pada produk kerupuk kulit yang diproduksi dari bahan baku kulit kaki ayam ras pedaging yang direndam dalam larutan basa (Ca(OH)2 1% b/v)

    PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI KOTA PALU:(Perspektif Historisitas, Kelembagaan dan Peranan)

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    Islamic education in the Palu valley grew and developed along with the entry and development of Islam in the city of Palu since 1650 (XVII century). Institutionally, Islamic education grows and develops through informal, semi-formal, formal, and formal education channels organized by Islamic community organizations, foundations, and the government. Islamic education which was born along with the coming of Islam itself in the valley of Palu, even though at first it was in a very simple form, until institutionalization was enough to color the diversity of the people of Palu City while respecting the culture and wisdom of the community. Islamic education in the city of Palu, has played its function and role in accordance with the demands of the community and its era, especially in fostering community fervor especially the Muslim community in the city of Palu

    Pembaharuan dan Penataan Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Pendidikan di Daerah

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    The implementation of education renewal planning in the regions cannot be separated from the elements of innovation adopter and other elements involved and involved in the educational innovation process, such as; dimensions of society, politics and economics. There are indications that there are still misconceptions in the real aspects of education development planning in the regions, it is necessary to develop the concept of rearranging education development planning in the regions based on clear, measurable, and accountable approaches, models, methodologies, instruments and achievement indicators