1,152 research outputs found

    Pemikiran Politik KH. Idham Chalid

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    Rudi Salam. 2012. Pemikiran Politik KH. Idham Chalid. Skripsi, Jurusan Siyasah Jinayah, Fakultas Syari'ah. Pembimbing: (I) Dra. Hj. Mashunah Hanafi, MA, Pembimbing (II). Drs. Ahmad Nor, SE\ud \ud Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya pemikiran KH. Idham Chalid yang merupakan ide pemikiran beliau yang brilian dalam dunia politik sehingga menjadi rujukan bagi politisi-politisi di Indonesia. Kepiawaiannya dalam berpolitik sehingga menjadikannya sukses dalam karier politiknya. Untuk itu pemikiran politiknya menarik untuk diteliti.\ud Masalah yang diteliti adalah bagaimana pemikiran politik KH. Idham Chalid dan apa yang mempengaruhinya\ud Penelitian yang penulis laksanakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library researeh) yaitu; dengan penggalian data penulis mempelajari dan menelaah sejumlah literature yang membahas mengenai permaslahan yang bekaitan dengan ini.\ud Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teknik studi leteratur. Teknik pengolahan data adalah editing, yaitu upaya pengarahan data yang dilakukan untuk menentukan apakah data yang diperoleh tersebut sesuai dengan pembahasan yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian atau tidak. Kemudian diuraikan secara deskriptif dan dianalisis secara kualitatif.\ud Dari hasil penelitian diketahui Pemikiran politik KH. Idham Khalid adalah pemikiran yang bercorak demokratis nasionalis dan agamis. Pemikirannya tidak otoriter, tetapi didasari kajian dan telaah atas dasar musyawarah. Dalam berpolitik beliau mengandalkan pendekatan musyawarah, dialog, loby dan starategi pengembangan isu yang hangat, merangkul tidak memukul, sehingga karyanya dan pemikirannya dapat menghantarkan beliau menjadi Wakil Perdana Menteri, Ketua DPR/MPR, dan Ketua Umum PB Nahdlatul Ulama. Juga pernah memimpin pada tiga parpol berbeda yaitu Masyumi, NU dan PPP. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemikiran politik KH. Idham Khalid ada beberapa hal yaitu faktor pendidikan, pengalaman jabatan, keluarga dan lingkungan sangat mewarnai ide-ide pemikiran politik beliau, sehingga beliau diakui sebagai politisi air yang mengalir tetapi dahsyat

    Study of Islamic Education Thought in the Perspective of KH. Idham Chalid

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    Initially named Arabische School which was educated by KH. Abdurrasyid, then changed its name to Madrasah Rasyidiyah during the time of KH. Juhri Sulaiman. Furthermore, it changed to Ma'had Rasyidiyah during the time of H. M. Arif Lubis and at the time of KH. Idham Chalid changed to Normal Islam and Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah which held the principle of tafaqquh fi ad din (Normal Islam). KH Idham Chalid's efforts as the leader of the Pesantren at Normal Islam were to combine exact lessons and general science as support with a presentation of 60% religious lessons and 40% general lessons using Arabic as an introduction. Context related to the study of Islamic education thought and aspects of advancing Islamic education, especially during the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia. This article uses a literature study with the type of research using qualitative, through this method the facts revealed include heuristic and historigraphy in revealing the history and role of KH. Idham Chalid in the world of education. The purpose of this research is to reveal patterns of thought in the development of Islamic education and the findings obtained are KH. Idham Chalid made reforms in the world of pesantren education related to three aspects, namely improving pesantren institutions, improving the education system, and developing infrastructur

    Pengaruh Media Audio Visualterhadap Forwardroll dan Backroll Senam Lantai Peserta Didik

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    The purpose of this study to determine the audio-visual media influence on learning outcomes roll forward and roll back upon the learner SMAN 4 Singkawang class XI IPS I. The method used to describe this research using experimental (one group pretest-posttes design) with descriptive quantitative. Samples to be used in research is 24 people. Based on the results of research conducted it was concluded that the audio-visual media to improve learning outcomes forward roll and a back roll. The results of the study before being given treatment, after that learners are given treatment of the score obtained learners rose to the highest lowest score 6 and 9 with an average of 7.5 for the skills of a forward roll while the roll back is obtained an increase in the lowest score and 5 the highest score 8 with an average of 7.4. thus the average basic motor skills increased 2.8% roll forward and roll back increased 3.5%. Based perhitunngan improvement of learning outcomes obtained results by 59.36% to the increase in the basic techniques of forward roll and 87.34% to the increase in the basic techniques of back roll

    Pengaruh Latihan Front Split Terhadap Ekstensi Tungkai Pada Klub Beladiri Kempo Dojo Rumbai Pesisir Pekanbaru

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    The problem raised in this research is the effect of the training Front Split for Leg Extension self defence kempo club dojo rumbai pesisir pekanbaru . The research aims to determine the effect of Front Split training for Leg Extension self defence kempo club dojo rumbai pesisir pekanbaru.These research is pra experimental, the one group pretest – posttest design. The research was conducted in club dojo rumbai pesisir pekanbaru. The sample of this study of 15 people. Research data collected through the initial pretest and posttest with the Leg Extension test. The data were analyzed descriptive, then further research is done to test the hypothesis that has been asked in the problem, namely : there are Front Split training effect on Leg Extension self defence kempo club dojo rumbai pesisir pekanbaru.Based on t test analysis produces large thitung 16,97 and as much as 1,761 ttabel . Means thitung > ttabel. It can be concluded that Ho denied and H1 accepted. It can be concluded that there is significant effect of the training Front Split (X) and Leg Extension (Y) self defence kempo club dojo rumbai pesisir pekanbaru

    Literasi Digital : Sebuah Kajian Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

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    Literasi Digital adalah kemampuan yang perlu dimiliki oleh masyarakat di era ini. Akan tetapi tidak semua laposan masyarakat memiliki kemampuan literasi digital ini, terutama para siswa yang umumnya terbiasa dengan menggunakan sosial media. Tujuan dari dilakukannya kegiatan ini yaitu untuk memberikan edukasi kepada peserta didik supaya lebih bijak dalam menggunakan media sosial, memberikan kontribusi dalam menekan angka kesenjangan kecakapan digital dipedesaan, khususnya yaitu di Desa Cimareme Kabupaten Garut serta membangun karakter pada peserta didik. Metode yang digunakan melalui seminar literasi yang sebelumnya dilakukan observasi terlebih dahulu terhaddap sekolah sekaligus bekerja sama dengan smarfren community. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah literasi digital bukan hanya tentang teknologi itu sendiri, tetapi juga tentang bagaimana membaca dan menulis dengan cerdas dan benar. Untuk itu, diperlukan edukasi tentang bagaimana mengembangkan literasi digital yang baik agar penggunaanya tidak berdampak buruk pada karakter yang dimiliki. Selain itu fungsi pengawasan dari orang tua di rumah dan guru memegang peranan tidak kalah penting. Kata kunci: Literasi Digital; Karakter ; Peserta Didik

    Mental Development Training for Military Soldier At Iskandar Muda Military Command (A Theocentrical Humanism Approach)

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    This study aims to reveal the process of soldier's mental development in Iskandar Muda Military Command, both seen from the selection process to be soldier in educational institutions as well as in the unit assignment. This research is expected to find the development pattern in accordance with the challenging tasks for the National Military (TNI) ahead. By using a qualitative approach, this research has achieved several findings: 1) in the selection process, a soldier was just demanded to fundamentally have religious understanding without a standard point for depth understanding of religion, 2) in the first stage of education, the subject matter of religion only a broad outline of religious teachings, 3) religious activities is not part of military trainings curriculum, but it is merely education administrators' policy, 4) the soldiers in unit deemed to have knowledge of the religion and an unwavering faith. Despite the fact that soldiers' religious knowledge is still very low, while the faith is generally used as the symbolic emphasis that is less discussed. As a result, it is feared that mentality weakness when facing a tough task, both faced with the sophistication of tools, strategies and mental demands in modern warfare in the future


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    This study aims to reveal the process of soldier's mental development in Iskandar Muda Military Command, both seen from the selection process to be soldier in educational institutions as well as in the unit assignment. This research is expected to find the development pattern in accordance with the challenging tasks for the National Military (TNI) ahead. By using a qualitative approach, this research has achieved several findings: 1) in the selection process, a soldier was just demanded to fundamentally have religious understanding without a standard point for depth understanding of religion, 2) in the first stage of education, the subject matter of religion only a broad outline of religious teachings, 3) religious activities is not part of military trainings curriculum, but it is merely education administrators’ policy, 4) the soldiers in unit deemed to have knowledge of the religion and an unwavering faith. Despite the fact that soldiers’ religious knowledge is still very low, while the faith is generally used as the symbolic emphasis that is less discussed. As a result, it is feared that mentality weakness when facing a tough task, both faced with the sophistication of tools, strategies and mental demands in modern warfare in the future

    Pengaruh Model Cooperative Learning terhadap Hasil Belabor IPS Terpadu (Sejarah) Siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 15 Palembang

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknnya pengaruh model Cooperative Learning terhadap hasil belajar IPS Terpadu (Sejarah) siswa kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 15 Palembang. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan yaitu metode Eksperimen kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kelas VIII.4 sebagai kelompok kontrol dan kelas VIII.6 sebagai kelompok Eksperimen. Proses pengambilan data yang digunakan yaitu berupa tes. Setelah memperoleh data tes, maka akan dilakukan analisis data berupa Uji Normalitas, Uji Homogenitas dan Uji Hiotesis. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan yang di dapat dari uji-t = 3,557 dari hasil tes yang telah dilaksanakan siswa pada kelas Eksperimen. Dapat diketahui bahwa nilai rata-rata siswa kelas Eksperimen yaitu x = 81,67, sedangkan nilai rata-rata pada kelas Kontrol yaitu x = 69,41. Berdasarkan data  yang diperoleh dari perhitungan uji-t maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai t = 3,557, sehingga Hα diterima dan Ho ditolak, dari data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model Cooperative Learning terhadap hasil belajar IPS Terpadu (Sejarah) siswa kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 15 Palembang.   Kata Kunci : Model Cooperative Learning, Hasil Belajar Sisw


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    The limitations of LAN gave birth to a VLAN technology that allows the configuration of a virtual computer network (virtualization), VLAN is a network model that is not limited to physical locations such as LANs, this results in a network being configured virtually without having to obey the physical location of the equipment, By utilizing various techniques, especially subnetting techniques and the use of better hardware (including switches), the concept of a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) emerged which can be maximized compared to a Local Area Network (LAN). In this study, a VLAN network simulation using a Pox controller was carried out so that it could find out the results of the VLAN network evaluation using a Pox controller. The use of VLANs will make network arrangements very flexible where segments can be created depending on the organization or department, regardless of the workstation location, VLANs are also functioned as a method for creating networks that are logically arranged individually, in addition to VLAN techniques. superior to LAN where the average LAN data transmission time is 4 ms longer than VLAN. With this VLAN can create very many LAN segments in an interface. This allows a network to be configured virtually without having to obey the physical location of the equipment

    Perbedaan Fungsi-Fungsi Public Relations Dalam Sosialisasi Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) “Kasus Di KPUD YOGYAKARTA Dan KPUD Bantulâ€

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    This research attempts to analyze the differences of Public Relations (PR) function in local election (Pilkada). Pilkada is a democratic process in Indonesia. Government needs big participation of society, as one successful point of pilkada is participation of society. Effort to bring public politics participation cannot be separate from politics socialization process. Socialization process is public attitude establishment and politics orientation process. Pilkada socialization carried out by KPUD (Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah) as executor. To make an effective socialization to public, KPUD needs to use specific function called Public Relation. Communication activity between organization and its public divided into some part of PR function, including publicity, advertising, press agentry, lobbying, issue management, investor relation and public affair. Basically, implementation of PR function in the process of PILKADA may be different in each region. It becomes the reason why author want to compare KPUD Yogyakarta and Bantul. Governance system differences among both regions would affect in government’s socialization policy. Those differences depend on population, social classes, demographic condition and personal motivation. It is also effecting in PR function held by government, as in media and in society as target operatio
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