7 research outputs found

    Peran Pemerintah terhadap Pengasuhan Anak Terlantar oleh Orangtua yang Bercerai : (Studi pada UPTD Rumoh Seujahtra Aneuk Nanggroe Dinas Sosial Aceh)

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    Abstract: The existence of abandoned children in Aceh is an issue that should ideally be a serious concern from many parties, the community and the government, especially aspects of childcare and fulfillment of basic needs that are not obtained from the family. The Government of Aceh through UPTD RSAN Aceh Social Service plays a role in child care. This article focuses on the criteria for abandoned children in UPTD RSAN Aceh Social Service, the government's role in the care of abandoned children in UPTD RSAN Dinas Sosial Aceh, and parenting patterns carried out at UPTD RSAN Dinas Sosial Aceh. This study uses a qualitative approach, with a descriptive type of analysis. The results of this study show that the criteria for children in the UPTD RSAN Aceh Social Service consist of abandoned children, street children, children who face the law and children who need special protection. Specific criteria for abandoned children are children who do not receive care and care for parents and families. The government's role in the care of abandoned children through UPTD RSAN at the Aceh Social Office is to meet the basic needs of children consisting of food, clothing and high places in the form of dormitories, education and health. The parenting pattern implemented at UPTD RSAN Aceh Social Service tends to use authoritative parenting. The care of abandoned children at UPTD RSAN Aceh Social Service still has constraints on human resources and budget aspects. Keywords: Role, Government, Care, abandoned childcare, Divorce

    Aktivitas Antimikroba Hasil Fraksinasi Kortex Kayu Jawa (Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr.)

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    Kayu Jawa (Lannea cormendalica (Houtt.) Merr.) is native Indonesia plant, which became a typical plant for the treatment of wounds, dysentery, and other infectious diseases in some regions in Indonesia. An effort to explore of active compounds in medicinal plants in Indonesia, had tested the antimicrobial activity of the fraction Kayu Jawa cortex (Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr). This study aims to determine the polarity of compounds which can provide the best inhibitory activity against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella thypi, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus mutans, Vibrio sp. and Candida albicans. Extraction of Kayu Jawa cortex done by maceration method with solvent n-hexane and methanol. Antimicrobial activity for total extracts was tested with TLC-Autobiographical and fractions of extract with best antimicrobial activity were tested by agar diffusion method. Fractionation conducted with Vacum-Liquid Chromatography (KCV) method with conditioned eluent from a solvent mixture of ethyl acetate:methanol and n-hexane:ethyl acetate. Determination of the class of active compounds done using a spray reagent.The results showed that the methanol extract and n-hexane extract inhibited the growth of bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella thypi. The fraction I of methanol extract at Rf 0.64 and fraction I extract n-hexane at Rf 0.02 showed antibacterial effectiveness for Escherichia coli, Salmonella thypi and showed strong inhibition at concentrations 500-750 ppm against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The chemical components of the Kayu Jawa cortex (Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr.), which acts as an antimicrobial included in the class of flavonoids

    Koulutuskonsernin siirtyminen IPv6-protokollaan

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    TCP/IP-protokolla otettiin käyttöön ARPANET-verkossa 1980-luvulla. TCP/IP-protokolla toimi edelleen siirryttäessä ARPANET-verkosta internetiin. TCP/IP- ja ipv4-protokolla suunniteltiin aikanaan hyvin ja ne toimivat hyvin. Internet kaupallistettiin 1990-luvulla, ja käyttäjämäärät ovat kasvaneet siitä lähtien. Internetin palvelut ja niitä käyttävien laitteiden määrä ovat kasvaneet viime vuosina räjähdysmäisesti. Uudet internetin palvelut ja ominaisuudet sekä käyttäjämäärän kasvu ovat asettaneet ip-protokollalle uusia vaatimuksia, joita ei voida rakentaa ipv4-protokollaan. Tämän takia kehitettiin uusi ipv6-protokolla, johon tehtiin suuria muutoksia, jotta ipv6-protokolla toimii mahdollisimman pitkään ja olisi mahdollisimman joustava. Päijät-Hämeen koulutuskonsernin (myöhemmin PHKK) tietohallinto on alkanut kartoittaa ja suunnitella tietoverkkonsa päivittämisen ipv6-protokollaan. Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee ipv6-protokollaa, protokollan muutoksia ipv4-protokollaan ja eri siirtymätekniikoita. Tämän opinnäytetyön tiedoilla PHKK:n tietohallinto saa selville, kykynevätkö PHKK:n ohjelmistot ja palvelut käyttämään ipv6-protokollaa. Testiympäristö rakennettiin virtuaalipalvelinalustalle. Virtuaalipalvelinalustalla pyöritettiin kahta eri palvelinta: Domain Controller -palvelinta sekä DFS-tiedostopalvelinta. Windows 7 Enterprise asennettiin asiakaskoneeksi virtuaalipalvelinalustalle. Testiympäristössä käytetään siirtymätekniikkana Dual stack -tekniikkaa PHKK:n vaatimuksesta. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia, mitä muutoksia ja päivityksiä PHKK:n tietoverkko vaatisi, jotta tietoverkko voisi siirtyä käyttämään ipv6-protokollaa. Testiympäristön verkon rakentaminen pysähtyi operaattorin kohtaamiin ongelmiin, joten täydellistä testaamista ei voitu suorittaa. Tämän vuoksi kehitettiin testaussuunnitelma, jonka avulla voidaan testata ohjelmistojen ja palveluiden toimivuus ipv6-protokollalla. Siirtymisen aloittaminen ipv6-protokollaan vaatii aluksi paljon omien järjestelmien tutkimustyötä, mutta itse siirtyminen käytännössä ei tule olemaan vaikea.The TCP/IP protocol was taken to use in the ARPANET network in the 1980s. The TCP/IP protocol still worked when turning from the ARPANET network to the internet network. The TCP/IP protocol and ipv4 protocol were well designed and they worked well. The internet was commercialized in the 1990s and the number of users has increased since then. The services of the internet and the user devices have increasing exponentially in recent years. New services and features of the internet and increase number of users have set new requirements that cannot be accommonted into ipv4 protocol. That is why the new ipv6 protocol was developed with lots of changes so that the ipv6 protocol would work as long as possible and be as flexible as possible. The IT administration of the Lahti Region Educational Consortium has begun to explore and design the data network upgrade to ipv6 protocol. This thesis deals with the ipv6 protocol and makes comparisons between the ipv6 protocol and the ipv4 protocol and different transition technologies. With the results of this thesis, the IT administration of the Lahti Region Educational Consortium will know, whether their software and service can use the ipv6 protocol. The test environment was built on the virtual server platform. The Domain controller server and DFS server was run on the virtual server platform. Windows 7 Enterprise was installed as a client on the virtual server platform. The IT administration of the (Lahti Region Educational) Consortium required Dual stack technology as the transition mechanism in the test environment. The goal of this thesis was to explore what changes and upgrades the network of the Lahti Region Educational Consortium needs to introduce the ipv6 protocol. Perfect testing could not be done because building the network of the test environment stopped when the teleoperator confronted problems. Therefore, a test plan was developed, which can be used to test the functionality of software and services with ipv6 protocol. Before begin to introduce ipv6 protocol, the explore process of the own systems takes lot of time but the transition process will not be difficult in practice

    Finite Element Analysis of Nitinol stent (application in abdominal aorta) / Aridani Mat Zin

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    Stent is a small cylindrical device that is designed to keep open a blocked or narrowing blood vessels or other passageway in a human body. However there are several complications after the insertion of the stent and some of them are related to the design of the stent. Super elastic Nitinol is a common and well known engineering material in the medical industry. It is widely used in the fabrication of the self expanding stent. This paper discusses the properties of nitinol, the problems related to the design and the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of three different designs of tube-based stent. The analysis was done in order to understand the mechanical behavior of different stent designs under normal physiological pressure. The stent models were subjected to a pressure distribution of lOOmmhg which is the mean value of a cyclic arterial pressure. For the first design, the value of the maximum and minimum Von Mises stress obtained are 14700 N/m2 and 4480 N/m2 respectively. Meanwhile, for the second design, a maximum value of 15300 N/m2 and a minimum value of 6280 N/m2 were obtained for the Von Mises stress. Based on the findings, a new design to overcome the problems related to the stent design was proposed and it was also subjected to a finite element analysis. The maximum value of 18200 N/m2 and minimum value of 1820 N/m2 were obtained for the Von Mises stress


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi pengelolaan dana ZIS (Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah) LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Surabaya dalam program pemberdayaan peternak domba di Kabupaten Malang dengan menggunakan Undangundang Nomor 23 tahun 2011 tentang Pengelolaan Zakat, serta indikator materi dan non materi yang didapat oleh peterna domba binaan yang tergolong dalam fakir dan miskin. Penelitian ini mengguanakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus secara deskriptif. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Surabaya dimana data diperoleh berdasarkan wawancara yang dilakukan kepada 6 informan yang terdiri dari Manajer Ekonomi Berdaya, Manajer fundrising, Manajer BMT, Koordinator Peternak, dan 2 orang peternak pemula binaan LAZNAS Nurul Hayat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi pengelolaan dana ZIS LAZNAS Nurul Hayat telah memenuhi prinsip dalam Undang-undang No 23 tahun 2011 tentang pengelolaan zakat dan telah memenuhi indikator keberhasilan pemberdayaan dengan sumber dana yang berasal dari Zakat produktif, Infaq, serta Shadaqoh dan dialokasikan kepada para peternak pemula yang bermata pencaharian sebagai buruh harian, untuk kemudian diberdayakan melalui pemberian modal usaha Ternak Desa Berdaya. Program Ternak Desa Berdaya sendiri direalisasikan menggunakan akad qardhul hasan dengan kontrak program selama 4 bulan tidak hanya itu dengan tujuan akhir domba-domba harus mencapai berat badan yang ditentukan


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    Demand for electricity is increasing rapidly, the consequence of this is a threat to the stability of the system, one of which is the voltage stability. FACTS is a solid state electronic devices that are capable of regulating the transmission of electrical power that can be flexibly used to overcome these problems. In this research will test the influence of UPFC placement, as one of the types of FACTS, the buses or line of the most critical voltage stability of the power system by using a series of standard IEEE 14 bus system by means of simulation using PSAT software. Voltage stability observed with the help of the PV curve can indicate the value of each voltage at operating conditions. Voltage value at the time the system reaches the maximum loading parameter (MLP) is used to select the most critical bus or line as the location of UPFC placement. In addition the value of the generation and losses are also observed at various values of load. The results obtained in this study indicate that the placement of UPFC on the bus or line the most critically can improve voltage stability with an indication that the larger the value of the MLP, and led to reduced losses, the smaller of the generation makes the system more efficient