158 research outputs found

    On the relation between algebraic and configuration space calculations of molecular vibrations

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    The relation between algebraic and traditional calculations of molecular vibrations is investigated. An explicit connection between interactions in configuration space and the corresponding algebraic interactions is established.European Community IN105194Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (DGCYT) PB92-066

    A calculation of low-lying collective states in odd-even nuclei

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    We present results of a calculation of properties of low-lying collective quadrupole states in odd-even nuclei within the framework of the proton-neutron interacting boson-fermion model

    Core excitation effects in the breakup of halo nuclei

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    The role of core excitation in the structure and dynamics of two-body halo nuclei is investigated. We present calculations for the resonant breakup of 11Be on protons at an incident energy of 63.7 MeV/nucleon, where core excitation effects were shown to be important. To describe the reaction, we use a recently developed extension of the DWBA formalism which incorporates these core excitation effects within the no-recoil approximation. The validity of the no-recoil approximation is also examined by comparing with DWBA calculations which take into account core recoil. In addition, calculations with two different continuum representations are presented and compared.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación FIS2011-28738-c02-01, FPA2009- 07653, FPA2009-08848, CSD2007-00042Junta de Andalucía FQM160, P07-FQM-0289

    Mechanical Identities of RNA and DNA Double Helices Unveiled at the Single-Molecule Level

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    [EN] Double-stranded (ds) RNA is the genetic material of a variety of viruses and has been recently recognized as a relevant molecule in cells for its regulatory role. Despite that the elastic response of dsDNA has been thoroughly characterized in recent years in single-molecule stretching experiments, an equivalent study with dsRNA is still lacking. Here, we have engineered long dsRNA molecules for their individual characterization contrasting information with dsDNA molecules of the same sequence. It is known that dsRNA is an A-form molecule unlike dsDNA, which exhibits B-form in physiological conditions. These structural types are distinguished at the single-molecule level with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and are the basis to understand their different elastic response. Force¿extension curves of dsRNA with optical and magnetic tweezers manifest two main regimes of elasticity, an entropic regime whose end is marked by the A-form contour- length and an intrinsic regime that ends in a low-cooperative overstretching transition in which the molecule extends to 1.7 times its A-form contour-length. DsRNA does not switch between the A and B conformations in the presence of force. Finally, dsRNA presents both a lower stretch modulus and overstretching transition force than dsDNA, whereas the electrostatic and intrinsic contributions to the persistence length are larger.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BFU2011-29038 and BFU2010-15703) and the Comunidad de Madrid (S2009/MAT/1507). IRA.-G. acknowledges a Ramon y Cajal contract from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2007-01765). Work in the F.M.-H. laboratory was supported by a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (no. 206117) and a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FIS2011-24638). We thank M. S. Dillingham for kindly providing the pSP73-JY0 plasmid, M. Menendez for access to a spectropolarimeter, A. Monserrate for polylysine-AFM control experiments, and B. Ibarra for fruitful discussions.Herrero-Galán, E.; Fuentes-Perez. M.E.; Carrasco, C.; Valpuesta, J.; Carrascosa, J.; Moreno-Herrero, F.; Arias-Gonzalez, JR. (2013). Mechanical Identities of RNA and DNA Double Helices Unveiled at the Single-Molecule Level. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 135(1):122-131. https://doi.org/10.1021/ja3054755S122131135

    Probing 6He structure from proton inelastic collisions

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    We explore the Hyperspherical Harmonics pseudostate method to describe the 6He continuum. The method is use it within the multiple scattering of the transition amplitude (MST) approach to study inelastic scattering of p-6He at 700 MeV/u.Fundaçao para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) POCTI/FNU/43421/200

    Calidad de vida y función sexual en mujeres con disfunción del piso-pélvico del sur de Chile

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    Antecedentes/Objetivos: La disfunción del piso pélvico (DPP) es muy prevalente, afectando a un tercio de las mujeres adultas. Estas patologías no suponen un riesgo vital, pero sus síntomas pueden interferir con las actividades de la vida diaria incluyendo aspectos físicos, sociales y sexuales. En el sur de Chile, en el Hospital de alta complejidad (Regional-Concepción), se ha implementado la Unidad de Piso Pélvico (UPP). No hay evidencia sobre el efecto que supone en la calidad de vida y la función sexual de las mujeres que la padecen Describir la calidad de vida y función sexual de mujeres controladas en la Unidad de Piso Pélvico de un Hospital de alta complejidad en Chile. Métodos: Estudio transversal. Población: usuarias con DPP de la UPP del H. Regional-Concepción. Muestra 173. Variables: Caract. sociodemográficas, antecedentes obstétricos, tipo de DPP, Variables de Calidad de Vida (percepción del estado de salud, limitación emocional, limitación de actividades cotidianas, alteraciones de actividades sociales) (Short Form-12 Health Survey) y función sexual (PISQ-12). Análisis: medidas de dispersión, frecuencia absoluta- relativa. Resultados: Edad media 57 años, 88% con ingreso menor a 357€. 91% con IMC-sobrepeso y obesidad, 64% ≥ 3 hijos. Tipos DPP: 53% incontinencia de orina (IO), 35% prolapso vaginal (Pp), 12% IO+Pp. Calidad de vida (n = 173): Mala percepción de salud: 95%. Limitación emocional: 37%. Limitación de actividades cotidianas: 67%. Alteraciones de actividades sociales: 57% Función sexual (n = 95): Disfunción alta: 8,4%, moderada: 41,1%, baja 50,5%. El 15% nunca tuvo deseo-sexual los últimos 6 meses. El 14% admite no haber alcanzado el orgasmo en los últimos 6 meses, el mismo porcentaje admite no sentir excitación en el mismo período. El 19% admite no estar satisfechas con las actividades sexuales actuales, el 15% siente dolor durante las relaciones sexuales, el 40% admite sufrir de pérdidas de orina durante la actividad sexual, y el mismo número admite restringir su vida sexual debido al miedo de pérdida de orina durante el acto sexual. El 27% admite tener reacciones emocionales negativas durante las relaciones sexuales. El 10% y el 13% admite que sus parejas sufrían de disfunción eréctil y eyaculación, respectivamente. Por último, el 42% de las mujeres admite que sus orgasmos en los últimos 6 meses son más intensos. Conclusiones: Las mujeres con DPP presentan una alteración negativa de su calidad de vida y de su función sexual, aunque existe cierta incongruencia al valorar positivamente la calidad de los orgasmos cuando los demás aspectos de la vida sexual son negativos

    Valoración de procesos internos y externos de la empresa I Invite You

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    Este proyecto tiene como objetivo que la empresa “I Invite You” conozca la manera exportar la gama de sus productos a todo el mundo de forma más optima y eficiente para su empresa. Se fijan los procedimientos necesarios para que la empresa este bien consolidada; a través de un registro de inventario y costos se busca cumplir con todas las herramientas internas necesarias para mejorar su presencia en el comercio exterior. “I Invite You” es una empresa que ha logrado conquistar el extranjero con sus productos estilo mexicano, sin embargo, tiene potencial para conquistar más mercado tanto nacional como internacional. El equipo PAP desarrolló e implementó estrategias mercadológicas que permiten a la empresa penetrar más en el mercado y así incrementar sus ventas.ITESO, A.C

    Genomic positional conservation identifies topological anchor point (tap)RNAs linked to developmental loci

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    The mammalian genome is transcribed into large numbers of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), but the definition of functional lncRNA groups has proven difficult, partly due to their low sequence conservation and lack of identified shared properties. Here we consider positional conservation across mammalian genomes as an indicator of functional commonality. We identify 665 conserved lncRNA promoters in mouse and human genomes that are preserved in genomic position relative to orthologous coding genes. The identified positionally conserved lncRNA genes are primarily associated with developmental transcription factor loci with which they are co-expressed in a tissue-specific manner. Strikingly, over half of all positionally conserved RNAs in this set are linked to distinct chromatin organization structures, overlapping the binding sites for the CTCF chromatin organizer and located at chromatin loop anchor points and borders of topologically associating domains (TADs). These topological anchor point (tap)RNAs possess conserved sequence domains that are enriched in potential recognition motifs for Zinc Finger proteins. Characterization of these non-coding RNAs and their associated coding genes shows that they are functionally connected: they regulate each other ′s expression and influence the metastatic phenotype of cancer cells in vitro in a similar fashion. Thus, interrogation of positionally conserved lncRNAs identifies a new subset of tapRNAs with shared functional properties. These results provide a large dataset of lncRNAs that conform to the ″extended gene″ model, in which conserved developmental genes are genomically and functionally linked to regulatory lncRNA loci across mammalian evolution

    First observation of scissors mode states in an odd-mass nucleus

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    Nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments are reported to search for enhanced M1 scissors mode states in the deformed odd-mass nucleus Dy163. A concentration of dipole strengths near 3 MeV excitation energy is found, which fits nicely into the systematics observed for M1 excitations in the neighboring even-even Dy isotopes. The observed strength distribution and the decay branching ratios are discussed in the context of the interacting boson-fermion model.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica PB89-063