257 research outputs found

    Parenting skills, family functioning and social support in situations of child-to-parent violence: a scoping review of the literature

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    The aim of this study was to carry out a scoping review to analyze the available evidence regarding parenting skills, family functioning and social support in situations of CPV. When violent behavior occurs, roles, communication and emotional expression are affected, impacting both parenting skills and family functioning. The confluence of these variables could explain the perpetuation of violent behavior over time. The scoping review encompassed peer-reviewed articles published in English and Spanish from 2000 to 2019, located through searches carried out in relevant international databases (Web of Science, PsycINFO, Scopus, ERIC, Dialnet Plus). 22 relevant studies were identified. The collected data showed that, in situations of CPV, parents have low levels of perceived self-efficacy and difficulties regulating their emotions, and they display submissive behavior in parent–child interactions. The analyzed articles also described the presence of a negative family climate and a tendency to relativize violent acts perpetrated by children. Lastly, the evidence shows that social relations are altered by mistrust of formal support resources and a certain level of social isolation. The discussion of the obtained results highlights the need for interventions aimed at fostering parenting skills and improving formal support resources to enhance family functioning in situations of CPV

    Developing an Index of Media Innovation in a National Market

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    From a global vision of journalism innovation, this article presents a matrix that analyses and measures an innovation index of market-specific media initiatives, providing a valuable tool for comparative analysis. A method has been designed that consists of (1) sample collection and selection, and (2) the quantitative and qualitative analysis of each innovation identified in the cases studied. With the aim of generating an Index of Media Innovation, 25 of the most innovative cases within the field of reference in Spain were studied during the period 2013–2014 through a database consisting of 196 innovations that were analysed as a function of area, degree and technological basis. The results indicate that, in Spain, journalism innovation occurs at the margins of the traditional news industry and, for the most part, innovation is expanding among digital native media outlets, niche initiatives and start-ups

    Programa de entrenamiento perceptivo-motor para mejorar la efectividad de la portera de balonmano

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    This study aims to analyse the effect of applying a perceptive-motor training programme for handball goalkeepers and evaluate its efficiency, differentiating between the times of its application under real practice conditions. A quasi-experimental A-B-A type case design was used with a female goalkeeper. Trained observers recorded the data in real time individually and a posterior by consensus by viewing videotapes. The ANOVA showed differences (p < 0.05) among the three phases with respect to the effectiveness of throwing from the right-hand side, left-hand side and centre; the effectiveness of throwing by the opposing team close up and at a distance; and overall effectiveness. The female goalkeeper improved during the time in which the training programme was applied (p < 0.05). And the improvement remained (p < 0.05) with respect to the effectiveness variables when the ball was thrown from the right-hand side, lefthand side and centre after the programme concluded

    Entrenamiento perceptivo en la portera de balonmano ante la trayectoria del tiro

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    This study aimed to analyze the application of a perceptive-motor training program effect in the handball goalkeeper and value the efficacy according to the shot trajectories, differentiating the moments of its application, under conditions of real practice. Two female goalkeepers were selected deliberately. A quasi-experimental case design of type A-B-A was utilized. The trained specialist registered the data in real time individually and after, watching the games recorded, out agreed by consensus. For the statistical processing the t of Student test for independent measures was carried out, an averages meaning contrast test and an anova followed by the post hoc Tukey test. The application of the program allowed to improve the effectiveness in the shot interception for the trajectories analyzed except those of half height.Este estudio ha analizado el efecto de la aplicación de un programa de entrenamiento perceptivo-motor en la portera de balonmano y valorado su eficacia en función de las trayectorias de lanzamiento, diferenciando los momentos de su aplicación, bajo condiciones de práctica real. Se seleccionaron dos porteras de forma intencionada. Se utilizó un diseño cuasiexperimental de caso único tipo A-B-A. Los observadores entrenados registraron los datos a tiempo real de forma individual y a posteriori, visionando los vídeos grabados, de forma consensuada. Para el tratamiento estadístico se realizó la prueba t de Student para medidas independientes, una prueba de contraste de significación de medias y un anova seguido por la prueba post hoc de Tukey. La aplicación del programa permitió mejorar la efectividad en la interceptación de los lanzamientos para las trayectorias analizadas salvo los de media altura

    Proceso de adaptación en mujeres con lesión medular: relaciones entre variables psicológicas y sociodemográficas

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    El objetivo de este artículo es conocer el funcionamiento psicológico de 44 mujeres con lesión medular en el proceso de adaptación a la lesión; en concreto, las estrategias de afrontamiento, la motivación y ansiedad de ejecución, el neuroticismo-extraversión, la depresión y su posible relación con variables sociodemográficas

    How COVID-19 is Revamping Journalism: Newsroom Practices and Innovations in a Crisis Context

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    Worldwide audiences became interested in COVID-19-related news, as the health emergency generated a sharp increase in information consumption. Drawing on the literature of crisis innovation, this study aims to understand the transformations that have taken place in the Spanish journalistic industry and the innovations implemented during the pandemic. The research questions are: How has COVID-19 fostered innovation in work organisation in the Spanish newsrooms? What other innovations were launched by the Spanish media during the pandemic? The methodology is based on semi-structured interviews conducted with a purposive sample of 20 media practitioners and 20 experts on journalism innovation (academics and journalists) in Spain. Results show that newsroom practices have evolved through telework, collaboration and other factors, and that digital transformation was accelerated in legacy media. In many outlets, the science section was increasingly relevant, working in a coordinated way with the areas of data visualisation and design to produce relevant content. Also, fact-checkers played an important role in fighting misinformation. The pandemic has speeded up some ongoing innovations in news production, newsroom organisation, distribution, and commercialisation in a significant way. Thus, COVID-19 understood as a crisis situation has had an impact on news products and it has affected journalistic culture

    Las innovaciones periodísticas más destacadas en España (2010-2020): características e impacto organizacional, industrial y social

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    La aparición de nuevos actores y plataformas tecnológicas, los cambios en los hábitos de consumo y la transformación del ecosistema digital han acelerado el proceso de innovación periodística en la última década (2010-2020), acentuado por la pandemia por Covid-19. El periodismo atraviesa desde hace años un proceso de cambio permanente que afecta a las prácticas, los productos y los profesionales. Este estudio identifica las innovaciones periodísticas más destacadas, describe sus características y analiza su impacto en función del valor aportado en la organización, de su alcance en la industria y de su contribución a la sociedad. Se han realizado entrevistas semiestructuradas a un grupo de expertos (n=22), integrado por académicos y profesionales. Codificadas y sumadas las innovaciones (n=60) de un total de 253 menciones, se analiza el alcance de las mismas en los tres ámbitos –organización, industria y sociedad– para obtener el listado de las 20 más relevantes. Los resultados indican que la innovación surge de forma incremental en cómo se produce, organiza, distribuye y sostiene el periodismo. Algunas innovaciones han influido de manera sustancial en la organización y en la sociedad, como el modelo de socios o el fact-checking; sin embargo están aún lejos de ser adoptadas de modo generali zado en la industria. El periodismo de datos se ha catalogado como la innovación periodística más relevante por implicar cambios en la producción, generar un periodismo de calidad e impulsar su adopción por otros agentes del sector

    Repercussion of a perceptive-motor training program on the efficacy in competition from handball female goalkeeper according to the shot type

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    Este estudio ha perseguido analizar el efecto de la aplicación de un programa deentrenamiento perceptivo-motor en la portera de balonmano y valorar su eficacia según el tipo de lanzamiento, diferenciando los momentos de su aplicación, bajo condiciones de práctica real. Se seleccionaron dos jugadoras que desempeñaban el rol de portera de forma intencionada y en función de sus características. Se utilizó un diseño cuasiexperimental de caso único tipo A-B-A. Los observadores entrenados registraron los datos a tiempo real de forma individual y a posteriori, visionando los vídeos grabados, de forma consensuada. Para el tratamiento estadístico se realizó la prueba t de Student para medidas independientes, una prueba de contraste de significación de medias y un anova seguido por la prueba post hoc de Tukey. La aplicación del programa permitió mejorar la efectividad en la interceptación ante los diferentes tipos de lanzamiento en situaciones de juego real y se mantuvo tras la retirada de dicho programa.This study aimed to analyze the application of a perceptive-motor training program effect in the handball goalkeeper and value the efficacy according to the shot type, differentiating the moments of its application, under conditions of real practice. Two players were selected of deliberate form and in function of their characteristics. A quasi-experimental case design of type A-B-A was utilized. The trained specialist registered the data in real time individually and after, watching the games recorded, out agreed by consensus. For the statistical processing the t of Student test for independent measures was carried out, an averages meaning contrast test and an anova followed by the post hoc Tukey test. The application of the program allowed to improve the effectiveness in the shot interception for the types in real play situations and was maintained after the withdrawal of this program.peerReviewe