783 research outputs found

    Long and short-term effects of customisation on the service operations strategy.

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    This study has a twofold objectivc. First, we attempt to promote an understanding of the relationship between the design of Service Operations Strategics and their implementation, as they are driven by the customisation efforts. Seeond, we study the extent to which such service orientation may have two different forms, depending upon whether a company focuses on services that may have long-term or short-term effects on the customer nature. Consequently, a company aiming at raising its quality levels, and therefore its performance, should design and implement its Service Operations Strategy, mirroring the scrvicc oricntation of the firm. We suggest four dimensions (Time, Space, Scale and Scope), which contribute towards explaining the two mentioned approaches. This may address the process of implementation of the Serviee Operations Strategy.service operations; operations strategy; new service development process; marketing / operations interface; service-positioning matrix; customisation; service quality;

    Long and short-term effects of customisation on the service operations strategy

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    This study has a twofold objectivc. First, we attempt to promote an understanding of the relationship between the design of Service Operations Strategics and their implementation, as they are driven by the customisation efforts. Seeond, we study the extent to which such service orientation may have two different forms, depending upon whether a company focuses on services that may have long-term or short-term effects on the customer nature. Consequently, a company aiming at raising its quality levels, and therefore its performance, should design and implement its Service Operations Strategy, mirroring the scrvicc oricntation of the firm. We suggest four dimensions (Time, Space, Scale and Scope), which contribute towards explaining the two mentioned approaches. This may address the process of implementation of the Serviee Operations Strategy.This research was funded by the CICYT projects DGICYT PB94-0372, DGES PB970089, and SEC2001-1578-C02-0I. \Ve are also gratef111 for support provided by the Faculty of Business of the Arizona State University during Spring 1997, Univcrsidad Complutense de Madrid during the period 1997-1999 and the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University (1999)

    Thermal ablation in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    RESUMEN : Introducción: La termoablación es un tratamiento puente ampliamente utilizado en el manejo del hepatocarcinoma previo al trasplante. La radiofrecuencia es la técnica más utilizada, mientras que la ablación por microondas está ganando adeptos. Objetivos: Evaluar la eficacia de la termoablación en la inducción de necrosis completa mediante análisis histológico, y su influencia sobre la recidiva en el órgano trasplantado. Material y métodos: Revisión retrospectiva de 67 pacientes trasplantados por hepatocarcinoma con termoablación previa al trasplante. Se evaluó su eficacia mediante técnicas radiológicas y análisis histológico, valorando la respuesta como completa, parcial o ausente. Resultados: Se obtuvo respuesta completa valorada por anatomía patológica en 35 nódulos (52.2%), parcial en 31 (46.3%), y ausente en 1 (1.5%). Tras compararlo con los resultados obtenidos por TAC, se evidenció que las técnicas radiológicas son muy sensibles pero poco específicas para detectar respuesta completa. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (p=0.57) entre la recidiva tumoral y los distintos niveles de respuesta patológica. Conclusiones: La termoablación no puede considerarse un tratamiento curativo del hepatocarcinoma. La valoración mediante técnicas radiológicas sobreestima la eficacia del tratamiento ablativo térmico. La presencia de necrosis completa no tiene efecto sobre la recidiva en el órgano trasplantado.ABSTRACT : Introduction: Thermoablation is a bridge treatment widely used in hepatocellular carcinoma prior to transplant. Radiofrequency is the most frequently technique while microwave ablation is gaining importance. Objective: To evaluate the efficiency of thermoablation on complete necrosis induction trough histological analysis, and its influence on the transplanted organ recurrence. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 67 transplanted patients because of hepatocellular carcinoma, that received thermal ablation before the transplant. Efficiency was evaluated through radiological techniques and histological analysis, evaluating the response as complete, partial or absent. Results: Completed response validated by pathologic anatomy was found in 35 nodules (52.2%), partial in 31 (46.3%) and absent in 1 (1.5%). Compared to the CT scan results, radiological techniques are very sensitive but less specific for detecting a complete response. Significant differences (0=0.57) weren’t found between tumoral recurrence and different levels of pathological response. Conclusions: Thermoablation can’t be considered a curative treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma. Radiological techniques overestimate the efficiency of thermal ablation. Complete necrosis has no effect on recurrence after liver transplant.Grado en Medicin

    An essay on the dimension and components of customisation in service operations management

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    There is a scarcity of guidelines that trigger the adoption of Customisation, a concept frequently brought up in Service-related Operations management. This paper suggests a comprehensive framework of the Customisation process and its implications for Service Operations Management. We identify the two most outstanding approaches of Customisation, based upon the concepts of Customers'needings and Wishes. Main differences between them and their respective effects on the design of the Service Operations Strategy are discussed. Second, we identify the four dimensions (Time, Space, Volume and Variety) which explain the two mentioned approaches and that may address the process of implementation of the Operations Strategy

    Concepciones del profesorado en formación inicial sobre los roles de docentes y discentes en el aprendizaje de las ciencias en la educación infantil y primaria

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    El objetivo principal de esta investigación es identificar algunas concepciones sobre roles de profesorado y alumnado en el aprendizaje de las ciencias que muestra el profesorado de infantil (EI) y primaria (EP) en formación inicial dentro de una metodología relacionada con la investigaciónacción. Los resultados muestran que la población objeto de estudio concibe dichos roles de acuerdo con un modelo tradicional de enseñanza y se traduce en ideas persistentes. Cuando se utilizan métodos como el de proyectos, que permiten vivenciar modelos innovadores, se producen cambios sobre todo en el nivel declarativo y algunas modificaciones en concepciones implícitas

    Crop classification based on temporal signatures of Sentinel-1 observations over Navarre province, Spain

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    Crop classification provides relevant information for crop management, food security assurance and agricultural policy design. The availability of Sentinel-1 image time series, with a very short revisit time and high spatial resolution, has great potential for crop classification in regions with pervasive cloud cover. Dense image time series enable the implementation of supervised crop classification schemes based on the comparison of the time series of the element to classify with the temporal signatures of the considered crops. The main objective of this study is to investigate the performance of a supervised crop classification approach based on crop temporal signatures obtained from Sentinel-1 time series in a challenging case study with a large number of crops and a high heterogeneity in terms of agro-climatic conditions and field sizes. The case study considered a large dataset on the Spanish province of Navarre in the framework of the verification of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) subsidies. Navarre presents a large agro-climatic diversity with persistent cloud cover areas, and therefore, the technique was implemented both at the provincial and regional scale. In total, 14 crop classes were considered, including different winter crops, summer crops, permanent crops and fallow. Classification results varied depending on the set of input features considered, obtaining Overall Accuracies higher than 70% when the three (VH, VV and VH/VV) channels were used as the input. Crops exhibiting singularities in their temporal signatures were more easily identified, with barley, rice, corn and wheat achieving F1-scores above 75%. The size of fields severely affected classification performance, with ~14% better classification performance for larger fields (>1 ha) in comparison to smaller fields (<0.5 ha). Results improved when agro-climatic diversity was taken into account through regional stratification. It was observed that regions with a higher diversity of crop types, management techniques and a larger proportion of fallow fields obtained lower accuracies. The approach is simple and can be easily implemented operationally to aid CAP inspection procedures or for other purposes. © 2020 by the authors.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (MINECO/FEDER-UE) through a project (CGL2016-75217-R) and a grant (BES-2017-080560). It was also partly founded by project PyrenEOS EFA 048/15, that has been 65% cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra programme (POCTEFA 2014-2020)

    La educación tecnocientífica : identificación masculina versus desidentificación femenina

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    El acceso de las mujeres a los estudios de ingeniera continúa marcado por el género de tal manera que, después de un periodo de alza comprendido entre las décadas finales de los 80 y el año 2000, los porcentajes de mujeres se han estancado o disminuido y en conjunto no superan el 30%, con la excepción de ingeniería química y tecnologías alimentarias, tendencia que reviste alcance mundial. Existen informes de instituciones como UNESCO, ONU, FECYT, UMYC y otros que lo constatan, pero poco se sabe acerca de las razones de las elecciones de las mujeres y de sus preocupaciones. En esta investigación se han utilizado metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas que muestran que la educación tecnocientífica continúa reproduciendo estereotipos de género que refuerzan la identificación social de estudios y profesiones de este ámbito con los varones y, lo que es más preocupante, un efecto de desidentificación en las alumnas

    Reproductive and nutritional management on ovarian response and embryo quality on rabbit does

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    Rabbit does in modern rabbitries are under intensive reproductive rhythms. Females are high milk producers with high energetic expenses due to the extensive overlap between lactation and gestation. This situation leads to a negative energy balance with a mobilization of body fat especially in primiparous rabbit does. Poor body condition and poor health status severely affect the reproductive features (fertility rate and lifespan of the doe as well as ovarian physiology). This paper reviews some reproductive and nutritional approaches used in the last years to improve the reproductive performance of rabbit females, mainly focusing on the influence on ovarian response and embryo quality and with emphasis on epigenetic modifications in pre-implantation embryos and offspring consequences