
Long and short-term effects of customisation on the service operations strategy.


This study has a twofold objectivc. First, we attempt to promote an understanding of the relationship between the design of Service Operations Strategics and their implementation, as they are driven by the customisation efforts. Seeond, we study the extent to which such service orientation may have two different forms, depending upon whether a company focuses on services that may have long-term or short-term effects on the customer nature. Consequently, a company aiming at raising its quality levels, and therefore its performance, should design and implement its Service Operations Strategy, mirroring the scrvicc oricntation of the firm. We suggest four dimensions (Time, Space, Scale and Scope), which contribute towards explaining the two mentioned approaches. This may address the process of implementation of the Serviee Operations Strategy.service operations; operations strategy; new service development process; marketing / operations interface; service-positioning matrix; customisation; service quality;

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