632 research outputs found

    Quantum phase transitions in odd-A nuclei: The effect of the odd particle from spherical to oblate shapes

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    Quantum shape-phase transitions in odd-nuclei are investigated within the framework of the interacting boson-fermion model (IBFM). We consider the case of a single-j fermion coupled to an even-even boson core that performs a transition from spherical to oblate shapes varying a control parameter in the boson Hamiltonian. The aim of this work is to see the effect of the coupling of the unpaired fermion on the transition, to understand how the coupled single particle modifies the geometric shape of the system and how each of the odd states behaves when the boson core shifts along the transitional path.Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey BIDEB-2224AMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad FIS2011-28738- c02-01, CSD2007-00042Junta de Andalucía FQM160, P11-FQM-763

    Aptian-Albian coral faunas from the Sierra del Carche (Prebetic, Murcia, southern Spain)

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    Three small coral faunas from the Early Aptian, Latest Aptian and Late Albian from a sedimentary section in the Sierra del Carche are described. A total of 17 species in 15 genera of the suborders Amphiastraeina, Archeocaeniina, Faviina, Fungiinna, Heteroceniina, Mocrosolenina, and Stylinina are reported. One species in the genus Heteropistophyllum is described as nes. The Early Aptian fauna encompasses six speces, the Late Aptian fauna three species and the Late Albian fauna ten species. The three faunas do almost not share species. There are only colonial cords

    Hauterivian shallow marine calcareous biogenic mounds: S.E. Spain

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    Hauterivian biogenic deposits from the Prebetic northern margin near Caudete (Albacete Province, southeastern Spain) are represented by low domed bodies, less than 10 m thick, surrounded by bioclastic sediments and capped by siliciclastics. They consist of a coral, stromatoporoid and microbial framework with cavities filled by mud, rapidly lithified. Intermound bioclastics, derived from the mound organic community, reflect high energy conditions and shallow water settings. Mound growth and architecture were controlled by nutrient fluxes and internal light gradients. Comparisons with closely related structures from the Palaeozoic and the Recent show some similarities but also significant differences; the example documented here also departs from other Cretaceous occurrences

    Recursos geométricos de dibujo, Composición y proporción en la pintura mural de la iglesia prerrománica de San Julián de los Prados (Oviedo)

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    This paper studiess different appropriate technical procedures -drawings, geometrical and compositive- used in the execution of the pictorial wall decorations of the church of San Julián de los Prados built in the reign of King Alfonso II (A.D. 791-842) in the outskirts of the city of Oviedo. The fresco mural designs that cover the surface of the interior ornaments are the best preserved sample of Hispanic early mediaeval painting to have reachead our age. This study deals mainly with the composition of previous layouts outlined by incision with a dry tip which delimit the shape of the figures drawn; they also represent the most important preparatory stage of the projectual design of the paintings.El presente trabajo estudia los procedimientos técnicos apropiados de dibujo, geometría y composición empleados en la ejecución de la decoración pictórica mural de la iglesia de San Julián de los Prados, edificada bajo el reinado de Alfonso II (791-842) en las afueras de la ciudad de Oviedo (Asturias). La pintura mural realizada al fresco, que recubre la superficie de sus paramentos interiores, representa la muestra pictórica altomedieval hispana que más perfectamente conservada ha llegado hasta nuestros días. El estudio se centra fundamentalmente en la composición de los trazados previos incisos a punta seca que delimitan el contorno de las figuras dibujadas y que representan la fase preparatoria más importante del diseño de las pinturas

    Una experiencia en docencia virtual

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    Con este trabajo, pretendemos hacer un resumen de una asignatura cursada íntegramente de forma telemática, que para nosotros ha constituido nuestra primera experiencia de docencia virtual completa. Por un lado, presentamos todos los datos numéricos que pensamos pueden ser de utilidad para futuros trabajos que comparen metodologías de eseñanza telemática, y por otro, intentamos describir la metodología de enseñanza‐aprendizaje utilizada en la misma. Hemos realizado la descripción cronológica de la asignatura, desde su concepción hasta la evaluación de la misma, y dentro de esta cronología detallamos de forma especial todo el desarrollo llevado a cabo durante el cuatrimestre en que ha tnido lugar su estudio por parte de los estudiantes. Los apartados principales del trabajo (asignatura, Plataforma, Metodología, Profesorado y Alumnado) encuadran los datos básicos de cada uno de ellos, con el objetivo de hacer una descripción pormenorizada de los mismos en el conjunto de esta experiencia virtual o telemática. En primer lugar, se presenta el contexto de la actividad; a continuación se describe la plataforma que se ha utilizado en esta experiencia de docencia virtual, y se realizan algunos comentarios positivos y negativos sobre la misma. El apartado siguiente describe al equipo docente. Posteriormente, se presenta la metodología de trabajo que se ha empleado, destacando los aspectos favorables y desfavorables de la misma. Por último, se describen las características más interesantes del grupo de alumnos que ha cursado la asignatura, y se presentan datos estadísticos referentes a su grado de implicación con la misma.With this work, we try to make a summary of a subject taught in a complete telematic way, which has been for us the first experience in full virtual teaching. On one side, we show all numeric data that we think can be useful for future works which compare teaching methodologies throughout telematic means, and on the other hand, we try to describe the teaching‐learning methodology used in such subject. We have made the chronological description of the subject, from the very first conception to the evaluation of it, and, within this chronology, we detail in special way the whole development carried out during the four month period in which these studies have been taken by students. The main sections of this work (Subject, Platform, Methodology, Teaching Team and Pupils) contain basic data of each one, with the main goal of making a detailed description of such sections of this virtual or telematic experience. Firstly, the context of the activity appears; next, we describe the platform that has been used in this experience of virtual teaching, and some positive and negative commentaries have been made on it. The following section describes the Teaching Team. Later, it is described the work methodology that has been used, emphasizing the favourable and unfavourable aspects of it. Finally, the most interesting characteristics of the group of students who has taken the subject, are described, and showing statistical data according to their degree of implication with the subject