2,310 research outputs found
Vocabulary is one of the important points of English learning. It is one of the language components and as a base of a language. That is why vocabulary building should be given to children.Getting much vocabulary is better because they will have stronger base in learning and simple vocabulary is the best choice for children ( colour, number, fruit and so on). In addition, in teaching learning process, an English teacher for the elementary level is plays a very important role, because he/she is the most influential person in the classroom. They can support the success of the teaching and decisions to be made. Each decision involved a challenge to the skills or accessing a new situation and coming up with new problems.Furthermore, the efficiency of the use of media depend on how well a teacher determined and manipulated the good media for children
Survei kemampuan teknik dasar permainan sepakbola SMA Negeri 4 Wajo Kabupaten Wajo
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan teknik dasar sepakbola SMA Negeri 4 Wajo Kabupaten Wajo. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan variabel mandiri. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMA Negeri 4 Wajo Kabupaten Wajo. Dengan jumlah sampel penelitian 30 orang yang dipilih secara ramdom sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif (persentase) dengan menggunakan sistem SPSSI Versi 16.00. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, maka penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: (1). Siswa yang memiliki tingkat penguasaan kemampuan menyundul bola(heading)dalam permainan sepakbolapada siswa SMA Negeri 4 Wajo Kabupaten Wajo memiliki dasar yang baik, (2). Siswa yang memiliki tingkat penguasaan kemampuan mengoper dan menghentikan bola (passing dan stooping)dalam permainan sepakbolapada siswa SMA Negeri 4 Wajo Kabupaten wajo memiliki dasar yang baik, (3). Siswa yang memiliki tingkat penguasaan kemampuan menggiring bola(dribbling)dalam permainan sepakbolapada siswa SMA Negeri 4 Wajo Kabupaten Wajo memiliki dasar yang baik, (4). Siswa yang yang memiliki kemampuan teknik dasar menendang bola ke sasaran (shooting) dalam permainan sepakbola pada siswa SMA Negeri 4 Wajo Kabupaten Wajo memiliki dasar yang cukup, (5). dari 30 sampel penelitian yang memiliki kategori baik sebanyak 6 orang (20.0%), kategori cukup sebanyak 21 orang (70.0%), kategori sedang sebanyak 3 orang (10.0%), serta tidak ada siswa SMA Negeri 4 Wajo Kabupaten Wajo yang memiliki tingkat kemampuan kurang dan kurang sekali. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan teknik dasar bermain sepakbola SMA Negeri 4 Wajo Kabupaten Wajo dominan berada pada kategori cuku
Tema-Tema Fantasi Dalam Komunikasi Kelompok Muslim-Tionghoa
The objective of this study was to analysis themes of fantasy in the Muslim-Chinesecommunications groups in the city of Makassar. The method used for the analysis method Bormann(1985) borrow on how to do a fantasy theme analysis. Bormann suggests that researchers shouldbegin with gathering evidence related to the manifestation of the content of communicationmessages as stated below: by collecting evidence related to the manifest content of the communication.“Manifest content of the message is at the core of the evidence needed to conduct theanalysis includes a fantasy theme” patterns of characterizations, of dramatic situation and actions,and of setting”. Research results are the themes of fantasy-Chinese Muslim groups, including:Virtue Prayer, the theme of Islamic Anti-Violence fantasy, and fantasy themes Nature ofGod's knowledge. Fantasy themes can help members of the Muslim-Chinese interpret socialinteraction and create a reality in the group and share the theme fanatasi-Chinese Muslim groupscarried out to establish, maintain, and create empathic communication. The goal is to increasethe commitment to the use of symbols so that they can empathize and have an identity that setsit apart from other groups, for example, using a symbolic gesture to equalize the group membersthought through what he thinks, says and does. The pattern of shared fantasy themes that arecommunicated between the members in developing a common interpretation of their experiencewith the interpretation of joint use of symbolic cues
The implementation of contextual teaching and learning in teaching English
The main purposes of this study are (1) to describe the implementation of contextual teaching and learning (CTL) in teaching English, and (2) to investigate the teacher’s difficulties in implementing CTL in teaching English at the seventh grade students of SMPN-1 Palangka Raya. It was used qualitative method. The subject of this study was an English teacher of SMPN-1 Palangka Raya. It was used observation, interview and documentation to collect the data, and for data analysis it was used data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The findings show that (1) the implementation of CTL implemented by the teacher was through some components of CTL which were applied more frequently than others. The questioning, learning community, and modeling were frequently applied. (2) The problems faced by the teacher were the condition of the students who still made some noise, the large amount of students in the class, little attention from the students, and the shyness from the students to speak up
Recent Indonesian economic development and the urgent need to remove key growth obstacles
Turbulence has been the hallmark of the course of Indonesian economic growth. Indonesia was dubbed a "chronic drop-out in economic performance in 1968, but it then immediately embarked on a growth spurt. Just as accolades to Indonesia's economic pragmatism and economic orthodoxy were reaching a new height, Indonesia's economy shattered during the Asian financial crisis of 199799. Indonesia has once again risen phoenix-like from that disaster, and the bounce back has been resilient in the face of the 2008 global financial crisis. Despite the commendable progress, however, its growth seems to be hindered. Indonesia must now tackle the two most important constraints to its continued high growth: logistics and infrastructure
The Cohesiveness of Veiled Women's Da’wah Communication Group
The purpose of this study was to understand the cohesiveness of the da'wah communication of veiled women in the guidance of Islamic teachings. It closely relates the perception of cohesiveness to the sensation component of the collectivity of group members. For example, communication, collectivity, cooperation, common goals, and interdependence of group members. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, case study research type. The subject of the study were 6 female informants, representatives of Hasanuddin University students who wore a veil in their daily life. The collected data were analyzed inductively. The result that the cohesiveness of veiled women's dakwah communication includes aspects of interpersonal communication cohesiveness, commitment cohesiveness, and cohesiveness aspects of achieving common goals. This aspect of cohesiveness focuses his life on life after death. This also makes them have a strong, cooperative, and sincere character together. The cohesiveness of da'wah communication to continually learn with Islam. It veils the research implication of the cohesiveness of women on equality for preaching, da'wah is the purpose of life so it unites them in da'wah efforts.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami kohesifitas komunikasi dakwah kelompok wanita bercadar dalam tuntunan ajaran Islam. Persepsi kohesifias sangat terkait dengan komponen sensasi kolektifitas anggota kelompok. Seperti, komunikasi, kolektifitas, kerjasama, tujuan bersama, dan saling ketergantungan anggota kelompok. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, tipe penelitian studi kasus (case study). Subjek penelitian wanita bercadar sebanyak 6 informan, representatif mahasiswi Universitas Hasanuddin yang mengenakan cadar dalam keseharian. Selanjutnya, data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara induktif. Hasil penelitian bahwa kohesivitas komunikasi dakwah wanita bercadar meliputi aspek kohesifitas berkomunikasi interpersonal, aspek kohesifitas berkomitmen, dan aspek kohesifitas pencapaian tujuan bersama. Aspek kohesifitas ini memfokuskan kehidupannya untuk kehidupan sesudah mati. Hal ini juga menjadikan mereka memiliki karakter bersama yang kuat, bekerjsama, dan ikhlas. Kohesifitas komunikasi dakwah dalam upaya keinginan belajar bersama Islam secara terus menerus. Impilikasi penelitian kohesifitas wanita bercadar pada kesamaaan untuk berdakwah, dakwah adalah tujuan hidup sehingga mereka disatukan dalam usaha dakwah
Penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan faktor internal dan eksternal penyebab rendahnya minat membaca anak usia 7-11 tahun dan anak usia 11-12 tahun di Kelurahn Kemaraya Kecamatan Kendari Barat Kota Kendari. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif.Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 39 anak terdiri dari anak umur 7-11 tahun dan anak umur 11-12 tahun. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Uji keabsahaan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) faktor internal penyebab rendahnya minat membaca anak usia 7-11 tahun dan anak usia 11-12 tahun adalah kurangnya kebiasaan membaca yaitu: tidak meluangkan waktu untuk membaca, dananak jarang mencari buku atau bahan bacaan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. 2) Faktor eksternal penyebab rendahnya minat membaca anak adalah lingkungan keluarga kurang mendukung yaitu: Budaya membaca di keluarga masih rendah dan sebagian besar orang tua jarang mengajak anak ke toko buku karena latar belakang pendidikan dan ekonomi yang rendah, serta pengaruh menonton televisi dan bermain handphone meliputi anak-anak menggunakan waktu luang di rumah untuk menonton televisi dan untuk bermain games di handphone. Kurangnya minata baca anak di Indonesia juga dilakukan penelitian oleh Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) pada tahun 2012.
Kata Kunci: Sastra Anak, Minat Baca, Pengaruh Teknolog
Pemahaman Dampak Game Online pada Anak-Anak Nelayan di Kota Makassar
This study aims to categorize the understanding of fishermen's children on the use of online games and the barriers to understanding the impact of online games on fisher children in Makassar City. This research uses a qualitative approach referring to case studies. Data were collected through non-participant observation and in-depth interviews with children aged 7-12 years selected by purposive sampling. The results showed that the understanding of fishermen's children's impact on online games has three categories: high understanding categories, characteristics of low duration and frequency, and increased interactivity playing with peers. In moderate understanding, children tend to share their time playing online games and learning with minimal time duration and frequency. In the low comprehension category, the characteristics of very intensive children have a very high duration and frequency of playing online games. The level of interactivity with peers is low. Second, the obstacles are the inadequate understanding of online games' impact on fishing communities due to parents' lack of supervision and assistance when using smartphones. Online games have the potential to lead to online game addiction and less focus on school learning, and potentially cost money in internet cafesPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkategorisasi pemahaman anak-anak nelayan pada penggunaan game online dan hambatan-hambatan pemahaman dampak game online pada anak-anak Nelayan di Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif mengacu pada studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi non partisipan, dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, pemahaman anak-anak nelayan terhadap dampak game online memiliki tiga kategori, kategori pemahaman tinggi, karakteristiknya durasi dan frekuensi rendah, interaktifitas tinggi bermain dengan teman sebaya. Kategori pemahaman sedang, anak cenderung membagi waktu bermain game online dan belajar dengan durasi dan frekuensi waktu minim, dan kategori pemahaman rendah, karakteristiknya anak sangat intensif memiliki durasi dan frekuensi bermain game online sangat tinggi, tingkat interaktifitas dengan teman sebaya rendah. Kedua, Hambatan-hambatan rendahnya pemahaman dampak game online di lingkungan masyarakat nelayan, akibat kurangnya pengawasan dan pendampingan orang tua saat menggunakan Smartphone. Game online berpotensi menimbulkan kecanduan game online dan kurang fokus pada pembelajaran sekolah, dan berpotensi menghabiskan biaya di warung internet
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