126 research outputs found

    Brain angioarchitecture and intussusceptive microvascular growth in a murine model of Krabbe disease

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    Abstract Defects of the angiogenic process occur in the brain of twitcher mouse, an authentic model of human Krabbe disease caused by genetic deficiency of lysosomal b-galactosylceramidase (GALC), leading to lethal neurological dysfunctions and accumulation of neurotoxic psychosine in the central nervous system. Here, quantitative computational analysis was used to explore the alterations of brain angioarchitecture in twitcher mice. To this aim, customized ImageJ routines were used to assess calibers, amounts, lengths and spatial dispersion of CD31? vessels in 3D volumes from the postnatal frontal cortex of twitcher animals. The results showed a decrease in CD31 immunoreactivity in twitcher brain with a marked reduction in total vessel lengths coupled with increased vessel fragmentation. No significant changes were instead observed for the spatial dispersion of brain vessels throughout volumes or in vascular calibers. Notably, no CD31? vessel changes were detected in twitcher kidneys in which psychosine accumulates at very low levels, thus confirming the specificity of the effect. Microvascular corrosion casting followed by scanning electron microscopy morphometry confirmed the presence of significant alterations of the functional angioarchitecture of the brain cortex of twitcher mice with reduction in microvascular density, vascular branch remodeling and intussusceptive angiogenesis. Intussusceptive microvascular growth, con- firmed by histological analysis, was paralleled by alterations of the expression of intussusception-related genes in twitcher brain. Our data support the hypothesis that a marked decrease in vascular development concurs to the onset of neuropathological lesions in twitcher brain and suggest that neuroinflammation-driven intussusceptive responses may represent an attempt to compensate impaired sprouting angiogenesis

    A long pentraxin-3-derived pentapeptide for the therapy of FGF8b-driven steroid hormone-regulated cancers

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    Fibroblast growth factor-8b (FGF8b) affects the epithelial/stromal compartments of steroid hormone-regulated tumors by exerting an autocrine activity on cancer cells and a paracrine pro-angiogenic function, thus contributing to tumor progression. The FGF8b/FGF receptor (FGFR) system may therefore represent a target for the treatment of steroid hormone-regulated tumors. The soluble pattern recognition receptor long pentraxin-3 (PTX3) binds various FGFs, including FGF2 and FGF8b, thus inhibiting the angiogenic and tumorigenic activity of androgen-regulated tumor cells. Nevertheless, the complex/proteinaceous structure of PTX3 hampers its pharmacological exploitation. In this context, the acetylated pentapeptide Ac-ARPCA-NH2 (ARPCA), corresponding to the N-terminal amino acid sequence PTX3(100-104), was identified as a minimal FGF2-binding peptide able to antagonize the biological activity of FGF2. Here, we demonstrate that ARPCA binds FGF8b and inhibits its capacity to form FGFR1-mediated ternary complexes with heparan sulphate proteoglycans. As a FGF8b antagonist, ARPCA inhibits FGFR1 activation and signalling in endothelial cells, hampering the angiogenic activity exerted in vitro and in vivo by FGF8b. Also, ARPCA suppresses the angiogenic and tumorigenic potential of prototypic androgen/FGF8b-dependent Shionogi 115 mammary carcinoma cells and of androgen/FGF8b/FGF2-dependent TRAMP-C2 prostate cancer cells. In conclusion, ARPCA represents a novel FGF8b antagonist with translational implications for the therapy of steroid hormone-regulated tumor

    Synthesis, Structural Elucidation, and Biological Evaluation of NSC12, an Orally Available Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) Ligand Trap for the Treatment of FGF-Dependent Lung Tumors

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    NSC12 is an orally available pan-FGF trap able to inhibit FGF2/FGFR interaction and endowed with promising antitumor activity. It was identified by virtual screening from a NCI small molecule library, but no data were available about its synthesis, stereochemistry, and physicochemical properties. We report here a synthetic route that allowed us to characterize and unambiguously identify the structure of the active compound by a combination of NMR spectroscopy and in silico conformational analysis. The synthetic protocol allowed us to sustain experiments aimed at assessing its therapeutic potential for the treatment of FGF-dependent lung cancers. A crucial step in the synthesis generated a couple of diastereoisomers, with only one able to act as a FGF trap molecule and to inhibit FGF-dependent receptor activation, cell proliferation, and tumor growth when tested in vitro and in vivo on murine and human lung cancer cells

    FGF-trapping hampers cancer stem-like cells in uveal melanoma

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    Background: Cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) are a subpopulation of tumor cells responsible for tumor initiation, metastasis, chemoresistance, and relapse. Recently, CSCs have been identified in Uveal Melanoma (UM), which represents the most common primary tumor of the eye. UM is highly resistant to systemic chemotherapy and effective therapies aimed at improving overall survival of patients are eagerly required. Methods: Herein, taking advantage from a pan Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)-trap molecule, we singled out and analyzed a UM-CSC subset with marked stem-like properties. A hierarchical clustering of gene expression data publicly available on The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) was performed to identify patients' clusters. Results: By disrupting the FGF/FGF receptor (FGFR)-mediated signaling, we unmasked an FGF-sensitive UM population characterized by increased expression of numerous stemness-related transcription factors, enhanced aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity, and tumor-sphere formation capacity. Moreover, FGF inhibition deeply affected UM-CSC survival in vivo in a chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) tumor graft assay, resulting in the reduction of tumor growth. At clinical level, hierarchical clustering of TCGA gene expression data revealed a strong correlation between FGFs/FGFRs and stemness-related genes, allowing the identification of three distinct clusters characterized by different clinical outcomes. Conclusions: Our findings support the evidence that the FGF/FGFR axis represents a master regulator of cancer stemness in primary UM tumors and point to anti-FGF treatments as a novel therapeutic strategy to hit the CSC component in UM

    Modeling acquired resistance to the second-generation androgen receptor antagonist enzalutamide in the TRAMP model of prostate cancer

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    Enzalutamide (MDV3100) is a potent second-generation androgen receptor antagonist approved for the treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) in chemotherapy-naïve as well as in patients previously exposed to chemotherapy. However, resistance to enzalutamide and enzalutamide withdrawal syndrome have been reported. Thus, reliable and integrated preclinical models are required to elucidate the mechanisms of resistance and to assess therapeutic settings that may delay or prevent the onset of resistance. In this study, the prostate cancer multistage murine model TRAMP and TRAMP-derived cells have been used to extensively characterize in vitro and in vivo the response and resistance to enzalutamide. The therapeutic profile as well as the resistance onset were characterized and a multiscale stochastic mathematical model was proposed to link the in vitro and in vivo evolution of prostate cancer. The model showed that all therapeutic strategies that use enzalutamide result in the onset of resistance. The model also showed that combination therapies can delay the onset of resistance to enzalutamide, and in the best scenario, can eliminate the disease. These results set the basis for the exploitation of this "TRAMP-based platform" to test novel therapeutic approaches and build further mathematical models of combination therapies to treat prostate cancer and CRPC.Significance: Merging mathematical modeling with experimental data, this study presents the "TRAMP-based platform" as a novel experimental tool to study the in vitro and in vivo evolution of prostate cancer resistance to enzalutamide

    Induction of death receptor 5 expression in tumor vasculature by perifosine restores the vascular disruption activity of TRAIL-expressing CD34(+) cells.

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    The proapoptotic death receptor 5 (DR5) expressed by tumor associated endothelial cells (TECs) mediates vascular disrupting effects of human CD34(+) cells engineered to express membrane-bound tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (CD34-TRAIL (+) cells) in mice. Indeed, lack of DR5 on TECs causes resistance to CD34-TRAIL (+) cells. By xenografting in nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient mice the TRAIL-resistant lymphoma cell line SU-DHL-4V, which generates tumors lacking endothelial DR5 expression, here we demonstrate for the first time that the Akt inhibitor perifosine induces in vivo DR5 expression on TECs, thereby overcoming tumor resistance to the vascular disruption activity of CD34-TRAIL (+) cells. In fact, CD34-TRAIL (+) cells combined with perifosine, but not CD34-TRAIL (+) cells alone, exerted marked antivascular effects and caused a threefold increase of hemorrhagic necrosis in SU-DHL-4V tumors. Consistent with lack of DR5 expression, CD34-TRAIL (+) cells failed to affect the growth of SU-DHL-4V tumors, but CD34-TRAIL (+) cells plus perifosine reduced tumor volumes by 60 % compared with controls. In view of future clinical studies using membrane-bound TRAIL, our results highlight a strategy to rescue patients with primary or acquired resistance due to the lack of DR5 expression in tumor vasculature

    Targeting the Endothelin-1 Receptors Curtails Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis in Multiple Myeloma

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    The endothelin-1 (ET-1) receptors were recently found to mediate pro-survival functions in multiple myeloma (MM) cells in response to autocrine ET-1. This study investigated the effectiveness of macitentan, a dual ET-1 receptor antagonist, in MM treatment, and the mechanisms underlying its activities. Macitentan affected significantly MM cell (RPMI-8226, U266, KMS-12-PE) survival and pro-angiogenic cytokine release by down-modulating ET-1-activated MAPK/ERK and HIF-1 alpha pathways, respectively. HIF-1 alpha silencing abrogated the ET-1 mediated induction of genes encoding for pro-angiogenic cytokines such as VEGF-A, IL-8, Adrenomedullin, and ET-1 itself. Upon exposure to macitentan, MM cells cultured in the presence of the hypoxia-mimetic agent CoCl2, exogenous ET-1, or CoCl2 plus ET-1, down-regulated HIF-1 alpha and the transcription and release of downstream pro-angiogenic cytokines. Consistently, macitentan limited significantly the basal pro-angiogenic activity of RPMI-8226 cells in chorioallantoic membrane assay. In xenograft mouse models, established by injecting NOG mice either via intra-caudal vein with U266 or subcutaneously with RPMI-8226 cells, macitentan reduced effectively the number of MM cells infiltrating bone marrow, and the size and microvascular density of subcutaneous MM tumors. ET-1 receptors targeting by macitentan represents an effective anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic therapeutic approach in preclinical settings of MM

    Hyperactive Akt1 Signaling Increases Tumor Progression and DNA Repair in Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma RD Line and Confers Susceptibility to Glycolysis and Mevalonate Pathway Inhibitors

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    In pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), elevated Akt signaling is associated with increased malignancy. Here, we report that expression of a constitutively active, myristoylated form of Akt1 (myrAkt1) in human RMS RD cells led to hyperactivation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/70-kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K) pathway, resulting in the loss of both MyoD and myogenic capacity, and an increase of Ki67 expression due to high cell mitosis. MyrAkt1 signaling increased migratory and invasive cell traits, as detected by wound healing, zymography, and xenograft zebrafish assays, and promoted repair of DNA damage after radiotherapy and doxorubicin treatments, as revealed by nuclear detection of phosphorylated H2A histone family member X (γH2AX) through activation of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). Treatment with synthetic inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) and Akt was sufficient to completely revert the aggressive cell phenotype, while the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin failed to block cell dissemination. Furthermore, we found that pronounced Akt1 signaling increased the susceptibility to cell apoptosis after treatments with 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) and lovastatin, enzymatic inhibitors of hexokinase, and 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR), especially in combination with radiotherapy and doxorubicin. In conclusion, these data suggest that restriction of glucose metabolism and the mevalonate pathway, in combination with standard therapy, may increase therapy success in RMS tumors characterized by a dysregulated Akt signaling