39 research outputs found

    Geologisen tilavuuden tilastollinen analyysi

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    Statistical analyses of geological properties needs specific statistical tools. The tools used in this thesis includes descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing and visual presentations in forms of histograms, kernel density plots and quantile- quantile plots. Data are discretised by inverse distance procedure and they are processed with principal factor analysis and multiple regression analysis with step- wise backward model selection. The variables chosen to be examined against transmissivity values are fracture frequency, single point resistance, fracture types and fracture filling including carbonates, sulphides and clays. The data are processed with the possible transformations including Box-Cox and square root procedures if visual inspection and descriptive statistics indicates distribution other than normal. The principal factor analysis ends up with three principal factors where the first principal factor can be considered as the fragmentation of the bedrock. The second principal factor group describes electrical resistance relationship with lithology, sulphide and resistance values. Diatexitic gneiss and mica gneiss are found to correlate positively with higher resistance. The third factor appears as a subgroup for the first factor and indicates complex relationship between fracture surface filling with carbonate and the fracture types such as single fractures, hair dykes and single shears. The multiple regression analysis gives insight into the relationship between the chosen variables and the transmissivity. It is found that the first factor and final regression model have similar properties. The lithological types including diatexitic and mica gneiss are found to have positively relationship with transmissivity. The carbonate variable does not survive in the regression and the reason for this is probably from the complex relationship with specific fracture types.Geologisen aineiston tilastollinen analyysi tarvitsee oikeanlaiset tilastolliset työka- lut. Tässä diplomityössä käytetään tunnuslukuja ja visuaalisia keinoja kuvaamaan muuttujien jakaumaa. Tämän lisäksi hypoteesitestejä käytetään vahvistamaan pääteltyjä ominaisuuksia. Käytetty aineisto on sovitettu transmissiviteetin suhteen. Sovitetulle datalle tehdään pääkomponenttianalyysi sekä monta muuttujaa sisältävä lineaarinen regressiomalli takaisin askellus mallin avulla. Muuttujat joiden suhdetta transmissiviteettiin halutaan tutkia on rakotiheys, pisteresistanssi, rakotyyppi sekä rakotäytemineralogia, joista on mukana karbonaatti, sulfidi sekä savi. Kerätylle ja sovitetulle datalle tehdään tarvittaessa Box-Cox tai neliöjuuri muunnos riippuen kuuluko data normaaliin jakaumaan vai mahdollisesti johonkin muuhun jakaumaan. Jakauman estimointi määritetään tunnuslukujen sekä visuaalisen aineiston avulla. Pääkomponenttianalyysissa päädytään kolmeen pääkomponenttiin, joista kolmas pääkomponentti on ensimmäinen pääkomponenttiryhmän alaryhmä. Ensimmäisestä pääkomponenttia voidaan kuvailla kallion rikkonaisuudeksi. Toista pääkomponenttiryhmää voidaan kuvata sähkönjohtavuuden avulla. Tämän perusteella diateksiittinen gneissi ja kiillegneissi korreloivat positiivisesti korkean resistanssin kanssa. Kolmas pääkomponenttiryhmä kuvaa karbonaatin ja rakotyyppien monimutkaista suhdetta. Lopullinen regressiomalli antaa selvemmän kuvan transmissiviteetin ja muiden muuttujien suhteesta toisiinsa. Regressiomalli antaa samankaltaisia tuloksia kuin pääkomponenttianalyysi, mutta selventää paremmin litologian ja transmissiviteetin suhdetta. Karbonaatti ei ole muuttujana lopullisessa mallissa, joka todennäköisesti johtuu rakotyypin ja karbonaatin monimutkaisesta suhteesta

    Assessment of air void content of asphalt using dielectric constant measurements by GPR and with VNA

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    For several years, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has been used in Finland to evaluate the air void content of asphalt pavements. Air void content is an important quality measure of pavement condition for both old and new asphalt pavements. The objective is to investigate if the existing GPR technique and application employed in Finland is sufficiently accurate to be used as a quality control tool in assessing the compaction of newly laid asphalt pavements. The work comprised field and laboratory experiments and a review of the existing PANK calibration method for the GPR measurements. Field experiments were conducted in the summer of 2013 on highways Vt3 and Vt12, near the City of Tampere. The test roads were paved with SMA16 using an approx. 40 mm thick layer of new asphalt. Roads were measured with GPR several times during the fall of 2013. A total of 36 cores and 2 slabs were obtained from the roads and tested in the laboratory with a Vector Network Analyzer. Measurements were done with a 7 to 17 GHz transmission configuration to measure the reference dielectric constant of the asphalt mixture. A major finding is that the PANK calibration method for the GPR inadvertently reduces observed density variations and may introduce a systematic bias. This makes pavements appear to be more homogenous and dense than they actually are according to conventional measurements.Maatutkaa (Ground Penetrating Radar, GPR) on käytetty Suomessa pitkään asfalttipäällysteiden tyhjätilan määrittämiseen. Tyhjätila on tärkeä kriteeri sekä uusien että vanhojen asfalttipäällysteiden laadun selvittämisessä. Tavoitteena on tutkia, onko Suomessa tällä hetkellä käytössä oleva GPR-tekniikka ja sen soveltaminen tarpeeksi tarkkaa uusien asfalttipäällysteiden tiiveyden mittaamiseen. Työ koostui kenttä- ja laboratoriotutkimuksista sekä GPR-mittausten kalibrointiin käytetyn PANK-kalibraatiomallin arvioinnista. Kenttäkokeet suoritettiin kesällä 2013 Tampereen lähellä valtateillä 3 ja 12. Teiden päällyste oli tyyppiä SMA16, ja uuden asfalttikerroksen paksuus oli 40 mm. Tiet mitattiin 1 GHz maatutkalla useita kertoja syksyn 2013 aikana. Teiltä otettiin 36 poranäytettä ja 2 laattanäytettä, jotka testattiin laboratoriossa vektoripiirianalysaattorilla. Asfalttiseoksen dielektrisyysvakio mitattiin 7-17 GHz läpimittauskonfiguraatiolla vertailuarvojen saamiseksi. Tärkein havainto oli se, että PANK-kalibraatiomallin käyttö maatutkamittauksissa vähentää havaittuja tiheyden vaihteluita ja saattaa lisätä systemaattisen virheen mittauksiin. Tämä saa päällysteet näyttämään tasalaatuisemmilta ja tiiviimmiltä kuin mitä ne oikeasti ovat

    ArviZ a unified library for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models in Python

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    ArviZ is a Python package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models. ArviZ aims to be a package that integrates seamlessly with established probabilistic programming languages like PyStan, PyMC, Edward, emcee, Pyro and easily integrated with novel or bespoke Bayesian analyses. Where the aim of the probabilistic programming languages is to make it easy to build and solve Bayesian models, the aim of the ArviZ library is to make it easy to process and analyze the results from the Bayesian models.Fil: Kumar, Ravin. No especifíca;Fil: Carroll, Colin. No especifíca;Fil: Hartikainen, Ari. Aalto University; FinlandiaFil: Martín, Osvaldo Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico, Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi"; Argentin

    Assessment of air void content of asphalt using dielectric constant measurements by GPR and with microwave radar

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    In this report, we have presented microwave radar and GPR measurements as well as laboratory tests conducted in 2014-2016. The microwave radar was tested in three different construction sites. In addition, GPR measurements were obtained for comparison. Laboratory tests included traditional density measurements and 7-17 GHz VNA scanning of drill cores obtained from the test sites. A new laboratory measurement method using cavity resonator principle was introduced with promising results. Testing of this new method will be continued. The results indicate no clear correlation between air void content and GRP permittivity measurements. Permittivity is sensitive to the changes in the relative permittivity of aggregates and volume portions of aggregates and bitumen. The relative permittivity of the aggregates determines the base level for permittivity measured with radar or VNA. In the course of this research, it has become apparent that a new calibration procedure for the GPR measurements is needed. The aim in further research is to extract core samples from pavement areas with different densities to obtain a local calibration model

    Identifying objectives for a learning space management system with value-focused thinking

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    A classroom with a blackboard and some rows of desks is obsolete in special education. Depending on the needs, some students may need more tactile and inspiring surroundings with various pedagogical accessories while others benefit from a simplified environment without unnecessary stimuli. This understanding is applied to a new Finnish special education school building with open and adaptable learning spaces. We have joined the initiative creation process by developing software support for these new spaces in the form of a learning space management system. Participatory design and value-focused thinking were implemented to elicit the actual values of all the stakeholders involved and transform them into software implementation objectives. This paper reports interesting insights about the elicitation process of the objectives

    Identifying objectives for a learning space management system with value-focused thinking.

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    A classroom with a blackboard and some rows of desks is obsolete in special education. Depending on the needs, some students may need more tactile and inspiring surroundings with various pedagogical accessories while others benefit from a simplified environment without unnecessary stimuli. This understanding is applied to a new Finnish special education school building with open and adaptable learning spaces. We have joined the initiative creation process by developing software support for these new spaces in the form of a learning space management system. Participatory design and value-focused thinking were implemented to elicit the actual values of all the stakeholders involved and transform them into software implementation objectives. This paper reports interesting insights about the elicitation process of the objectives

    Using the nonlinear control of anaesthesia-induced hypersensitivity of EEG at burst suppression level to test the effects of radiofrequency radiation on brain function

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    Background In this study, investigating the effects of mobile phone radiation on test animals, eleven pigs were anaesthetised to the level where burst-suppression pattern appears in the electroencephalogram (EEG). At this level of anaesthesia both human subjects and animals show high sensitivity to external stimuli which produce EEG bursts during suppression. The burst-suppression phenomenon represents a nonlinear control system, where low-amplitude EEG abruptly switches to very high amplitude bursts. This switching can be triggered by very minor stimuli and the phenomenon has been described as hypersensitivity. To test if also radio frequency (RF) stimulation can trigger this nonlinear control, the animals were exposed to pulse modulated signal of a GSM mobile phone at 890 MHz. In the first phase of the experiment electromagnetic field (EMF) stimulation was randomly switched on and off and the relation between EEG bursts and EMF stimulation onsets and endpoints were studied. In the second phase a continuous RF stimulation at 31 W/kg was applied for 10 minutes. The ECG, the EEG, and the subcutaneous temperature were recorded. Results No correlation between the exposure and the EEG burst occurrences was observed in phase I measurements. No significant changes were observed in the EEG activity of the pigs during phase II measurements although several EEG signal analysis methods were applied. The temperature measured subcutaneously from the pigs' head increased by 1.6°C and the heart rate by 14.2 bpm on the average during the 10 min exposure periods. Conclusion The hypothesis that RF radiation would produce sensory stimulation of somatosensory, auditory or visual system or directly affect the brain so as to produce EEG bursts during suppression was not confirmed.BioMed Central Open acces

    Erectile dysfunction, physical activity and metabolic syndrome: differences in markers of atherosclerosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Erectile dysfunction (ED), impaired arterial elasticity, elevated resting heart rate as well as increased levels of oxidized LDL and fibrinogen associate with future cardiovascular events. Physical activity is crucial in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), while metabolic syndrome (MetS) comprises an increased risk for CVD events. The aim of this study was to assess whether markers of subclinical atherosclerosis are associated with the presence of ED and MetS, and whether physical activity is protective of ED.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>57 MetS (51.3 ± 8.0 years) and 48 physically active (PhA) (51.1 ± 8.1 years) subjects participated in the study. ED was assessed by the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) questionnaire, arterial elasticity by a radial artery tonometer (HDI/PulseWave™ CR-2000) and circulating oxLDL by a capture ELISA immunoassay. Fibrinogen and lipids were assessed by validated methods. The calculation of mean daily energy expenditure of physical exercise was based on a structured questionnaire.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ED was more often present among MetS compared to PhA subjects, 63.2% and 27.1%, respectively (p < 0.001). Regular physical exercise at the level of > 400 kcal/day was protective of ED (OR 0.12, 95% CI 0.017-0.778, p = 0.027), whereas increased fibrinogen (OR 4.67, 95% CI 1.171-18.627, p = 0.029) and elevated resting heart rate (OR 1.07, 95% CI 1.003-1.138, p = 0.04) were independently associated with the presence of ED. In addition, large arterial elasticity (ml/mmHgx10) was lower among MetS compared to PhA subjects (16.6 ± 4.0 <it>vs</it>. 19.6 ± 4.2, p < 0.001), as well as among ED compared to non-ED subjects (16.7 ± 4.6 <it>vs</it>. 19.0 ± 3.9, p = 0.008). Fibrinogen and resting heart rate were highest and large arterial elasticity lowest among subjects with both MetS and ED.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Markers of subclinical atherosclerosis associated with the presence of ED and were most evident among subjects with both MetS and ED. Thus, especially MetS patients presenting with ED should be considered at high risk for CVD events. Physical activity, on its part, seems to be protective of ED.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01119404">NCT01119404</a></p