40 research outputs found

    Crisis financiera actual de estados unidos, amenaza u oportunidad para las economías emergentes: Colombia

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    La crisis financiera mundial iniciada en el segundo trimestre del 2007, ha afectado de forma distinta a las economías desarrolladas y a las emergentes, estas últimas han mantenido un buen desempeño en los últimos años con un diferencial de crecimiento bastante marcado respecto a las economías avanzadas y con proyecciones de crecimiento y desarrollo muy favorables, llegando a ser consideradas como el motor de crecimiento futuro de la economía a nivel global, en la región de América Latina los aspectos que han impulsado este comportamiento se encuentran asociados a la bonanza en los precios de los principales productos de exportación (bienes básicos) y a la confianza mantenida en la economías de la zona, que se ha traducido en mayores entradas de flujos de capital internacional, sin embargo, los factores que han permitido enfrentar y soportar la recesión de buena manera por parte de los países emergentes pueden convertirse en elementos de vulnerabilidad y desencadenamiento de recalentamiento económico y deterioro comercial. Para el caso específico colombiano, la coyuntura actual de crisis puede llegar a representar una oportunidad, siempre y cuando las medidas de política macroeconómica adoptadas por parte del gobierno tanto en materia monetaria, cambiaria y fiscal estén dirigidas a reforzar la capacidad de resistencia ante posibles amenazas, contando con un sistema financiero estable y un sistema productivo fortalecido y competitivoThe global financial crisis that started in the second quarter of 2007, has affected differently than developed economies and emerging, the latter have maintained a good performance in recent years with a growth differential with respect to advanced economies and with projections growth and development very favorable, becoming considered the engine of growth for the global economy, issues that have driven this behavior are associated with the boom in prices of major export products (commodities) and the confidence in the emerging economies that has resulted in increased inflows of international capital flows, however, the factors that have led to face and withstand the recession in good way by the emerging countries can become elements of vulnerability, onset of economic overheating and deterioration of trade. For the specific case of Colombia, the current situation of crisis may represent an opportunity, if the macroeconomic policy taken by the government, both in the matter monetary, fiscal and exchange, are intended to strengthen the resilience to potential threats, with a stable financial system and a strengthened productive syste

    Dynamically Integrating Knowledge in Teams: Transforming Resources into Performance

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    In knowledge-based environments, teams must develop a systematic approach to integrating knowledge resources throughout the course of projects in order to perform effectively. Yet, many teams fail to do so. Drawing on the resource-based view of the firm, we examine how teams can develop a knowledge-integration capability to dynamically integrate members‘ resources into higher performance. We distinguish among three sets of resources: relational, experiential, and structural, and propose that they differentially influence a team‘s knowledge-integration capability. We test our theoretical framework using data on knowledge workers in professional services, and discuss implications for research and practice

    Which Problems to Solve? Online Knowledge Sharing and Attention Allocation in Organizations

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    Cuáles son las dificultades que afronta el Estado Colombiano para dar cumplimiento a las sentencias de la corte interamericana de derechos humanos

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    La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos es un órgano internacional constituido en el Artículo 33 de la Convención Americana, y está encargado de conocer de la violación de derechos reconocidos en la convención Americana y establece la responsabilidad internacional del estado frente a la responsabilidad de la protección de los derechos humanos. Esta monografía busca realizar un estudio más cercano del cumplimiento efectivo del estado colombiano frente a las decisiones de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos teniendo en cuenta la responsabilidad que le atañe al Estado Colombiano y su gran misión de ser garante de los Derechos humanos, ya que el mismo se ha obligado a dar protección a los Derechos Humanos mediante tratados internacionales y convenios fundamentados en la declaración universal de los derechos humanos del año 1948, declaraciones de Derechos Humanos, que pretenden dar una protección efectiva a la integridad de las personas y permitir el acceso a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos para condenar las acciones u omisiones de los estados frente a la protección de los Derechos Humanos

    Short term variations of the anticyclonic circulation in Bahía Sebastián Vizcaíno, BC

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    Hydrographic observations of currents and satellite images obtained from 7 to 19 September 1992 were used to analyze variability, on a time scale of days, of a anticyclonic eddy located in Bahía Sebastián Vizcaíno. The results indicate that during September 1992 there was a close relationship between the superficial manifestation of a warm-water eddy in the interior of Bahía Sebastián Vizcaíno and the intensification or relaxing of the upwelling to the north of the bay off Punta Baja. During episodes of intense wind from the northwest, the eddy was delimited by marked gradients of surface temperature, generated by the advection of low-temperature water that rose to the surface in Punta Baja and was transported towards the interior of the bay. During periods on the order of days, the diameter of the eddy fluctuated between 55 and 75 km and its depth between 40 and 55 m; these fluctuations were associated with variations in the wind intensity. A noteworthy characteristic of the wind field in the interior of the bay was the generation of a calm zone to the southwest of Isla de Cedros when winds from the northwest were present. The wind stress curl resulting from that distribution produces a convergence in the Ekman transport, which, according to the recent results of a barotropic model applied to Bahía Sebastián Vizcaíno (Palacios et al., in preparation), is the mechanism responsible for generating the anticyclonic eddy. The observations made indicate that there also exists an important baroclinic response to this convergence of the Ekman transport

    Learning from Experience in Software Development: A Multilevel Analysis

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    This study examines whether individuals, groups, and organizational units learn from experience in software development and whether this learning improves productivity. Although prior research has found the existence of learning curves in manufacturing and service industries, it is not clear whether learning curves also apply to knowledge work like software development. We evaluate the relative productivity impacts from accumulating specialized experience in a system, diversified experience in related and unrelated systems, and experience from working with others on modification requests (MRs) in a telecommunications firm, which uses an incremental software development methodology. Using multilevel modeling, we analyze extensive data archives covering more than 14 years of systems development work on a major telecommunications product dating from the beginning of its development process. Our findings reveal that the relative importance of the different types of experience differs across levels of analysis. Specialized experience has the greatest impact on productivity for MRs completed by individual developers, whereas diverse experience in related systems plays a larger role in improving productivity for MRs and system releases completed by groups and organizational units. Diverse experience in unrelated systems has the least influence on productivity at all three levels of analysis. Our findings support the existence of learning curves in software development and provide insights into when specialized or diverse experience may be more valuable.software development, knowledge work, knowledge workers, organizational learning, learning curve, multilevel analysis