631 research outputs found

    Inclusión de microorganismos eficientes en dietas para pollos parrilleros machos de la línea cobb 500

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    El objetivo fue evaluar la inclusión de microorganismos eficientes (ME) en dietas para pollos parrilleros machos. Para ello, se utilizaron 125 pollos de la línea Cobb 500 de un día de edad, los cuales se distribuyeron en cinco tratamientos, cinco repeticiones y cinco pollos por repetición. Lostratamientos evaluados fueron: T1(dieta control positivo con zinc bacitracina), T2 (dieta control negativo sin zinc bacitracina y sin ME), T3 (dieta control negativo más 5 mL ME/kg de alimento), T4 (dieta control negativo más 10 mL ME/kg de alimento) y T5 (dieta control negativo más 15 mL ME/kg de alimento). Las evaluaciones estadísticas se realizaron utilizando un Diseño Completamente al Azar (DCA) con contrastes ortogonales. Los análisis de varianza fueron procesados con el software estadístico Infostat/Professional v. 2018p. Los resultados indicaron que, la ganancia diaria de peso y conversión alimenticia no fueron influenciados (p>0,05) por la inclusión de ME. Sin embargo, en la fase de producción el consumo diario de alimento si resultó influenciado (p>0,05). Además, el mejor beneficio neto y mérito económico se atribuye a los pollos alimentados con dietas control positivo y negativo. Se concluye que a la inclusión de ME en dietas para pollos parrilleros, no mejora los índices productivos y económicos

    Open Medical Library : cooperation and Scientific Communication Network through RSS

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    One of the fastest and most performing tools on Web 2.0 is RSS (Really Simple Syndication). It allows the access to digital content without constantly visiting the pages where it is stored. Syndication enables to share all kind of informationin XML format, and offers us the opportunity of showing our own content in other web pages in an integrated way, giving an added value to the information. In this communication we would like to present a Network Collaborative Project between medical libraries belonging to different institutions, located in different geographical areas and with different purposes, objectives and interests (some of them focusing on research and teaching and other on medical practice). Our medical libraries have incorporated "the content syndication", on the one hand, as another tool for medical librarian work and, on the other hand, as a value-added service in order to be useful to different users such as medical staff, teachers, researchers or students. RSS lets us share information channels, creating a space for collaborative research. Syndication is a great help to our users as it develops a new trend in the content management sector, which is changing considerably the relationship with information, for both users and librarians' point of view

    CB1 cannabinoid receptor enrichment in the ependymal region of the adult human spinal cord

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    Cannabinoids are involved in the regulation of neural stem cell biology and their receptors are expressed in the neurogenic niches of adult rodents. In the spinal cord of rats and mice, neural stem cells can be found in the ependymal region, surrounding the central canal, but there is evidence that this region is largely different in adult humans: lacks a patent canal and presents perivascular pseudorosettes, typically found in low grade ependymomas. Using Laser Capture Microdissection, Taqman gene expression assays and immunohistochemistry, we have studied the expression of endocannabinoid system components (receptors and enzymes) at the human spinal cord ependymal region. We observe that ependymal region is enriched in CB1 cannabinoid receptor, due to high CB1 expression in GFAP+ astrocytic domains. However, in human spinal cord levels that retain central canal patency we found ependymal cells with high CB1 expression, equivalent to the CB1HIGH cell subpopulation described in rodents. Our results support the existence of ependymal CB1HIGH cells across species, and may encourage further studies on this subpopulation, although only in cases when central canal is patent. In the adult human ependyma, which usually shows central canal absence, CB1 may play a different role by modulating astrocyte functions

    Data driven marketing y el posicionamiento estratégico de la ONG Éxito Creatividad e Innovación, Piura 2023

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    La presente investigación denominada “Data driven marketing y el posicionamiento estratégico de la ONG Éxito creatividad e innovación, Piura 2023” se realizó para determinar cómo la data driven marketing mejora el posicionamiento estratégico de la ONG en Piura 2023, el estudio fue de tipo aplicada, explicativa de causa efecto, en donde se aplica un diseño preexperimental desarrollándose de forma cuantitativa, considerando como población a los participantes que están registrados en cada una de las alianzas de la ONG siendo un total de 350 personas, siendo la forma de recolección la encuesta y revisión documental mediante el cuestionario e informes de las redes sociales. Los resultados de la prueba de Kolmogórov-Smirnov y la prueba de Wilcoxon fueron de 0,000, donde se puede indicar que la significancia es menor a <0,05, por ende, se rechazó la hipótesis nula, concluyendo que la data driven marketing si influye positivamente en el posicionamiento de la ONG Éxito creatividad e innovación

    Meta-DiSc 2.0:a web application for meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy data

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    BACKGROUND: Diagnostic evidence of the accuracy of a test for identifying a target condition of interest can be estimated using systematic approaches following standardized methodologies. Statistical methods for the meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) studies are relatively complex, presenting a challenge for reviewers without extensive statistical expertise. In 2006, we developed Meta-DiSc, a free user-friendly software to perform test accuracy meta-analysis. This statistical program is now widely used for performing DTA meta-analyses. We aimed to build a new version of the Meta-DiSc software to include statistical methods based on hierarchical models and an enhanced web-based interface to improve user experience. RESULTS: In this article, we present the updated version, Meta-DiSc 2.0, a web-based application developed using the R Shiny package. This new version implements recommended state-of-the-art statistical models to overcome the limitations of the statistical approaches included in the previous version. Meta-DiSc 2.0 performs statistical analyses of DTA reviews using a bivariate random effects model. The application offers a thorough analysis of heterogeneity, calculating logit variance estimates of sensitivity and specificity, the bivariate I-squared, the area of the 95% prediction ellipse, and the median odds ratios for sensitivity and specificity, and facilitating subgroup and meta-regression analyses. Furthermore, univariate random effects models can be applied to meta-analyses with few studies or with non-convergent bivariate models. The application interface has an intuitive design set out in four main menus: file upload; graphical description (forest and ROC plane plots); meta-analysis (pooling of sensitivity and specificity, estimation of likelihood ratios and diagnostic odds ratio, sROC curve); and summary of findings (impact of test through downstream consequences in a hypothetical population with a given prevalence). All computational algorithms have been validated in several real datasets by comparing results obtained with STATA/SAS and MetaDTA packages. CONCLUSION: We have developed and validated an updated version of the Meta-DiSc software that is more accessible and statistically sound. The web application is freely available at www.metadisc.es

    Optimizing subject design, timing, and focus in a diversity of engineering courses through the use of a low-cost Arduino shield

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    This paper describes the design, implementation and evaluation of a novel circuitry that extends the popular Arduino UNO microcontroller board to facilitate multiple educational activities in engineering courses. In particular, the aim of this board, the UMA-AEB, is to minimize the overhead that is usually imposed on the students before they can conduct the actual exercises, yet retain the valuable experiences that could otherwise not be acquired with simulated experiments or inflexible electronic training-benches.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work has been supported by the University of Málaga (Spain) through the educational innovation project PIE-15-093 “Innovación en el trabajo en laboratorio de una diversidad de asignaturas de ingeniería mediante el diseño y aplicación de una extensión de la plataforma de hardware abierto Arduino”

    Online and Blended Learning Courses for Healthcare Professionals and Policymakers on Patients' Perspectives on Medicine:A Project Report

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    In order for healthcare professionals to better engage with patients, they need to understand and integrate the perspectives of patients into their daily work. In this project, we developed two courses for healthcare professionals on patients’ perspectives on medicine. One course was an online course that introduced the patients’ perspectives on medicine and explained its importance for healthcare and health policy. The second course was a blended learning course, consisting of online modules and face-to-face webinars, which specified how to explore patients’ perspectives in qualitative interviews, and how to develop implementation plans. Patients participated in the development, execution, and evaluation of both courses. Overall, more than 2000 healthcare professionals enrolled in the first course and, in just over a year, 191 participants completed the online course; 57 healthcare professionals registered in the second blended learning course and six participants completed both components of the course. The relevance of knowledge gained was positively evaluated. Participants especially appreciated the participation of patients. Based on the feedback, the second blended learning course was adapted to run online and both courses continue to be freely available to all interested healthcare professionals on the Coursera platform