1,802 research outputs found

    A subalgebra of the Hardy algebra relevant in control theory and its algebraic-analytic properties

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    We denote by A_0+AP_+ the Banach algebra of all complex-valued functions f defined in the closed right half plane, such that f is the sum of a holomorphic function vanishing at infinity and a ``causal'' almost periodic function. We give a complete description of the maximum ideal space M(A_0+AP_+) of A_0+AP_+. Using this description, we also establish the following results: (1) The corona theorem for A_0+AP_+. (2) M(A_0+AP_+) is contractible (which implies that A_0+AP_+ is a projective free ring). (3) A_0+AP_+ is not a GCD domain. (4) A_0+AP_+ is not a pre-Bezout domain. (5) A_0+AP_+ is not a coherent ring. The study of the above algebraic-anlaytic properties is motivated by applications in the frequency domain approach to linear control theory, where they play an important role in the stabilization problem.Comment: 17 page

    Natural hybridization between Populus nigra L. and P. x canadensis Moench. Hybrid offspring competes for niches along the Rhine river in the Netherlands

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    Black poplar (Populus nigra L.) is a major species for European riparian forests but its abundance has decreased over the decades due to human influences. For restoration of floodplain woodlands, the remaining black poplar stands may act as source population. A potential problem is that P. nigra and Populus deltoides have contributed to many interspecific hybrids, which have been planted in large numbers. As these Populus x canadensis clones have the possibility to intercross with wild P. nigra trees, their offspring could establish themselves along European rivers. In this study, we have sampled 44 poplar seedlings and young trees that occurred spontaneously along the Rhine river and its tributaries in the Netherlands. Along these rivers, only a few native P. nigra L. populations exist in combination with many planted cultivated P. x canadensis trees. By comparison to reference material from P. nigra, P. deltoides and P. x canadensis, species-specific AFLP bands and microsatellite alleles indicated that nearly half of the sampled trees were not pure P. nigra but progeny of natural hybridisation that had colonised the Rhine river banks. The posterior probability method as implemented in NewHybrids using microsatellite data was the superior method in establishing the most likely parentage. The results of this study indicate that offspring of hybrid cultivated poplars compete for the same ecological niche as native black poplars

    Stochastic stability for a model representing the intake manifold pressure of an automotive engine

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    The paper presents conditions to assure stochastic stability for a nonlinear model. The proposed model is used to represent the input-output dynamics of the angle of aperture of the throttle valve (input) and the manifold absolute pressure (output) in an automotive spark-ignition engine. The automotive model is second moment stable, as stated by the theoretical result—data collected from real-time experiments supports this finding.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The isotopic composition of cosmic rays with 5 is less than or equal to z which is less than or equal to 26

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    Results obtained from a high altitude balloon flight from Thompson, Canada in August, 1973 are reported. The instrument consisted of a spark chamber, a Lucite Gerenkov counter and thirteen layers of scintillators. For heavy particles the Cerenkov-range method of analysis was used to determine the mass of particles energetic enough to produce a Cerenkov signal and then stop in the layered scintillators. The data appear to be consistent with current cosmic-ray propagation models. Using a simple exponential path length propagation model this data is extrapolated to the cosmic-ray source and some implications of the data are discussed as to the nature of the source

    Relevance of unilateral and bilateral sexual polyploidization in relation to intergenomic recombination and introgression in Lilium species hybrids

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    Sexual polyploids were induced in diploid (2n = 2x = 24) interspecific F1 hybrids of Longiflorum × Asiatic (LA) and Oriental × Asiatic (OA) Lilium hybrids by backcrossing to Asiatic (AA) parents as well as by sib-mating of the F1 LA hybrids. A majority of the BC1 progenies were triploid and the progenies from sib-mating were tetraploid or near tetraploids. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) technique was applied to assess the intergenomic recombination in the BC1 populations of LA and OA hybrids obtained after unilateral sexual polyploidization. A total of 63 LA (LA × AA and AA × LA) and 53 OA hybrids were analysed. LA hybrids were originated through the functioning of 2n gametes either as 2n eggs or 2n pollen while those of OA hybrids originated through functional 2n pollen of diploid OA genotype. In both type of crosses, a majority of the progenies had originated through First Division Restitution (FDR) mechanism of functional 2n gamete either with or without a cross over. However, there were nine LA- and four OA-genotypes where Indeterminate Meiotic Restitution (IMR) was the mechanism of 2n gamete formation. Based on GISH, total amount of introgression of Longiflorum and Oriental genome into Asiatic genome was determined. Most of the BC progenies exhibited recombination and the amount of recombination was higher in LA hybrids as compared to OA hybrids. Intergenomic recombination was also determined cytologically in the 16 plants of sib-mated LA hybrids where both parents had contributed 2n gametes. Based on these results the nature of interspecific lily hybrids obtained from uni- and bilateral sexual polyploidization leading to allotriploid and allotetraploid formation is discussed in the context of introgression and intergenomic recombinatio


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    Tanah secara umum terdiri dari tiga unsur yaitu butiran tanahnya sendiri serta air dan udara. Kekuatan tanah untuk memikul beban sangatlah menunjang dalam kestabilan suatu struktur bangunan dimana tanah sebagai dasar perkuatan dari struktur bangunan harus memiliki kapasitas dukung dan kuat geser yang tinggi. Sehingga apabila ada kondisi tanah yang buruk maka dapat melakukan stabilisasi tanah. Stabilisasi tanah dapat memperbaiki sifat-sifat fisik tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh perubahan kuat geser dan nilai CBR pada tanah lempung yang ada di area desa Kalawat setelah distabilisasi dengan semen.Dari uji pemadatan dengan proctor didapatkan nilai ϒdmax = 1,7 kg/cm3 dan ωopt = 23,25 %, dan dari uji CBR rendaman pada campuran 0% semen didapat nilai CBR sebesar 5,6585 %  dan terus mengalami peningkatan hingga pada campuran 10% sebesar 14,339 %, dan dari hasil uji triaksial didapat nilai kohesi pada campuran 0% semen = 2,5 t/m2 terus meengalami peningkatan sampai pada campuran 8% semen = 5,0 t/m2 dan kembali turun pada campuran 10% menjadi 3,8 t/m2, nilai sudut geser dalam tanah pada 0% semen sebesar φ = 16,0⁰ meningkat menjadi φ = 25,3⁰ pada campuran 8% semen dan kembali turun pada campran 10% = 19⁰, dan pada nilai tegangan geser terus mengalami peningkatan yang awalnya 3,0216 t/m2 pada campuran 0% semen menjadi 6,6587 t/m2 pada campuran 10% semen.                                                            Kata kunci : Tanah Lempung, Stabilisasi, CBR, Kuat Geser, Semen, Procto

    Student Preferences for Faculty-Led Honors Study Abroad Experiences

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    A critical component of any education, particularly an honors education, is an interdisciplinary curriculum that enriches the college experience. At South Dakota State University (SDSU), the Fishback Honors College strives to provide a robust and holistic educational experience through innovative honors courses paired with enriching co-curricular programs. One way to meet these goals is an honors study abroad experience included as part of the Fishback Honors College curriculum. The study abroad course is an integral part the honors curriculum, fulfilling the requirement of an interdisciplinary colloquium course and thus making it accessible to students from every field of study

    Linear LL-positive sets and their polar subspaces

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    In this paper, we define a Banach SNL space to be a Banach space with a certain kind of linear map from it into its dual, and we develop the theory of linear LL-positive subsets of Banach SNL spaces with Banach SNL dual spaces. We use this theory to give simplified proofs of some recent results of Bauschke, Borwein, Wang and Yao, and also of the classical Brezis-Browder theorem.Comment: 11 pages. Notational changes since version

    The effects of pressure, nozzle diameter and meteorological conditions on the performance of agricultural impact sprinklers

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    19 Pags. The definitive version, with Figs. y Tabls., is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03783774This study evaluates agricultural impact sprinklers under different combinations of pressure (p), nozzle diameter (D) and meteorological conditions. The radial curve (Rad) of an isolated sprinkler, i.e., the water distribution along the wetted radius, was evaluated through 25 tests. Christiansen's uniformity coefficient (CUC) and the wind drift and evaporation losses (WDEL) were evaluated for a solid-set system using 52 tests. The Rad constitutes the footprint of a sprinkler. The CUC is intimately connected to the Rad. The Rad must be characterized under calm conditions. Very low winds, especially prevailing winds, significantly distort the water distribution. The vector average of the wind velocity (V’) is recommended as a better explanatory variable than the more popular arithmetic average (V). We recommend characterizing the Rad under indoor conditions or under conditions that meet V’ < 0.6 m s−1 in open-air conditions. The Rad was mostly affected by the sprinkler model. V’ was the main explanatory variable for the CUC; p was significant as well. V was the main variable explaining the WDEL; the air temperature (T) was significant, too. Sprinkler irrigation simulators simplify the selection of a solid-set system for farmers, designers and advisors. However, the quality of the simulations greatly depends on the characterization of the Rad. This work provides useful recommendations in this area.This research was funded by the Government of Spain through grants AGL2004-06675-C03-03/AGR, AGL2007-66716-C03 and AGL2010-21681, by the Government of Aragón through grant PIP090/2005, and by the INIA and CITA through the PhD grants program.Peer reviewe