281 research outputs found

    Hybrid direct carbon fuel cell anode processes investigated using a 3-electrode half-cell setup

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    A 3-electrode half-cell setup consisting of a yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) electrolyte support was employed to investigate the chemical and electrochemical processes occurring in the vicinity of a model hybrid direct carbon fuel cell (HDCFC) anode (Ni-YSZ) in contact with a molten carbon-alkali carbonate slurry. Electrochemical testing, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), with and without the Ni-YSZ layer highlighted the promotional effect of the Ni-YSZ anode layer, and revealed the contributions of Ni/NiO, and potentially K/K2O, redox couple(s). Treated anthracite and bituminous coals, as well as carbon black, were tested, revealing similar open circuit potential and activation energies in mixed 96–4 vol% N2–CO2 and 50–50 vol% CO–CO2 environments between 700 and 800 °C. Bituminous coal showed the highest activity, likely associated to a high O/C ratio and hydrogen content. Based on acquired data, a reaction scheme was proposed for processes at the working electrode, including the role of bubble formation in the vicinity of the electrochemically active solid/molten medium interface.This work was funded in part by the European Commission Research Fund for Coal and Steel, as the Efficient Conversion of Coal to Electricity – Direct Coal Fuel Cells project (RFC-PR-10007), in collaboration with the University of St. Andrews, University of Western Macedonia, and the Spanish Instituto Nacional del Carbón (INCAR). Additional funding was supplied by the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage at the Danish Technical University (DTU)-Risoe Campus. We extend our thanks to M. Nielsen, A. Petersen and F. Vico, as well as to Drs. C. Graves, P. Holtappels, D. Ippolito, M. Mogensen, and S. Veltzé at the DTU Department of Energy Conversion and Storage for all assistance.Peer reviewe

    Visual processing speed in hemianopia patients secondary to acquired brain injury: a new assessment methodology

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: There is a clinical need to identify diagnostic parameters that objectively quantify and monitor the effective visual ability of patients with homonymous visual field defects (HVFDs). Visual processing speed (VPS) is an objective measure of visual ability. It is the reaction time (RT) needed to correctly search and/or reach for a visual stimulus. VPS depends on six main brain processing systems: auditory-cognitive, attentional, working memory, visuocognitive, visuomotor, and executive. We designed a new assessment methodology capable of activating these six systems and measuring RTs to determine the VPS of patients with HVFDs. Methods: New software was designed for assessing subject visual stimulus search and reach times (S-RT and R-RT respectively), measured in seconds. Thirty-two different everyday visual stimuli were divided in four complexity groups that were presented along 8 radial visual field positions at three different eccentricities (10o, 20o, and 30o). Thus, for each HVFD and control subject, 96 S- and R-RT measures related to VPS were registered. Three additional variables were measured to gather objective data on the validity of the test: eye-hand coordination mistakes (ehcM), eye-hand coordination accuracy (ehcA), and degrees of head movement (dHM, measured by a head-tracker system). HVFD patients and healthy controls (30 each) matched by age and gender were included. Each subject was assessed in a single visit. VPS measurements for HFVD patients and control subjects were compared for the complete test, for each stimulus complexity group, and for each eccentricity. Results: VPS was significantly slower (p < 0.0001) in the HVFD group for the complete test, each stimulus complexity group, and each eccentricity. For the complete test, the VPS of the HVFD patients was 73.0% slower than controls. They also had 335.6% more ehcMs, 41.3% worse ehcA, and 189.0% more dHMs than the controls. Conclusions: Measurement of VPS by this new assessment methodology could be an effective tool for objectively quantifying the visual ability of HVFD patients. Future research should evaluate the effectiveness of this novel method for measuring the impact that any specific neurovisual rehabilitation program has for these patients

    Chronostratigraphy and new vertebrate sites from the upper Maastrichtian of Huesca (Spain), and their relation with the K/Pg boundary

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    The transitional-continental facies of the Tremp Formation within the South-Pyrenean Central Unit (Spain) contain one of the best continental vertebrate records of the Upper Cretaceous in Europe. This Pyrenean area is therefore an exceptional place to study the extinction of continental vertebrates across the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary, being one of the few places in Europe that has a relatively continuous record ranging from the upper Campanian to lower Eocene. The Serraduy area, located on the northwest flank of the Tremp syncline, has seen the discovery of abundant vertebrate remains in recent years, highlights being the presence of hadrosaurid dinosaurs and eusuchian crocodylomorphs. Nevertheless, although these deposits have been provisionally assigned a Maastrichtian age, they have not previously been dated with absolute or relative methods. This paper presents a detailed stratigraphic, magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic study for the first time in this area, making it possible to assign most vertebrate sites from the Serraduy area a late Maastrichtian age, specifically within polarity chron C29r. These results confirm that the vertebrate sites from Serraduy are among the most modern of the Upper Cretaceous in Europe, being very close to the K/Pg boundary.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant numbers CGL2014-53548-P, CGL2015-64422-P and CGL2017-85038-P), cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund; and by the Department of Education and Science of the Aragonese Government (grant numbers DGA groups H54 and E05), cofinanced by the European Social Fund (ESF). The paleomagnetic study was possible thanks to the complementary grants (beneficiaries of FPU, grant number CGL2010-16447/BTE: Brief Stays and Temporary Transfers, year 2015) supported by the Spanish Ministry of Culture, Education and Sports; and the Laboratory of paleomagnetism of the University of Burgos (Spain). Eduardo Puértolas Pascual is the recipient of a postdoctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/116759/2016) funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT-MCTES)

    Insights onto the magnetic coupling at hexaferrite-based hard/soft bilayer systems

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    IBERTRIVA 2019 X Iberian Conference on Tribology – IBERTRIB, XI Iberian Vacuum Conference - RIVA, Seville, Spain,June 26-28Magnets are used in a variety of applications, such as generators, magnetic recording media, components in RF and microwave devices. However, many of these magnets contain s rare earths, critical elements whose extraction is environmentally harmful and that present price volatility risks. Their replacement by cheaper and more environmentally friendly materials is therefore sought. In our case, we have focused on magnetically hard strontium hexaferrite (SrFe 12O19, SFO) as the base for alternative permanent magnets (Figure 1a). The atomic arrangement of this ferrite results in a high magnetocrystalline anisotropy and a coercive field, however, its magnetization is moderate (1). It is well known that the coupling between a magnetically hard and soft material improved magnetization while avoiding a high cost in coercitivity loss (2). However, results have been disappointing so far as structural and geometrical limitations make it extremely challenging to fabricate. In this work, we aim at further understanding the magnetic coupling at hard -soft interfaces involving ferrites, for which we have deposited soft iron and cobalt metals on top of SrFe12O19 thin films with controlled easy-axis of magnetization. SFO thin films have been obtained by RF magnetron sputtering at 260W followed by a subsequent annealing in air of 850ºC. Their structure and composition was characterized by Raman spectroscospy (Figure 1b), Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and low-energy electron microscopy (LEEM). We have grown the magnetically soft layer by molecular-beam epitaxy and we have analyzed the resulting bilayer system through photoemission electron microscopy, LEEM and vibrating-sample magnetometry. References [1] R.C. Pullar, Hexagonal ferrites: a review of the synthesis, properties and applications of hexaferrite ceramics, Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012), pp 1191¿1334. [2] Eric E. Fullerton, J. S. Jiang, M. Grimsditch, C. H. Sowers, and S. D. Bader, Exchange-spring behavior in epitaxial hard/soft magnetic bilayers, Phys. Rev. B 58 (1998) 1219

    Strontium hexaferrite platelets: a comprehensive soft X-ray absorption and Mössbauer spectroscopy study

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    IBERMÖSS-2019, Bilbao, 30-31 may 2019. --https://www.ehu.eus/es/web/ibermossmeetingStrontium ferrite (SFO, SrFe12O19) is a ferrite employed for permanent magnets due to its high magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Since its discovery in the mid-20th century, this hexagonal ferrite has become an increasingly important material both commercially and technologically, finding a variety of uses and applications. Its structure can be considered a sequence of alternating spinel (S) and rocksalt (R) blocks. All the iron cations are in the Fe3+ oxidation state and it has a ferrimagnetic configuration with five different cationic environments for the iron (three octahedral sites, a tetraedrical site and a bipiramidal site)[1,2]. We have studied the properties of SrFe 12O19 in the shape of platelets, up to several micrometers in width, and tens of nanometers thick, synthesized by a hydrothermal method. We have characterized the structural and magnetic properties of these platelets by Mössbauer spectroscopy, x-ray transmission microscopy (TMX), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), vibrating-sample magnetometry (VSM), x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), x-ray circular magnetic dichroism (XMCD) and photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM). To the best of our knowledge this is the first time that the x-ray absorption spectra at the Fe L 2,3 edges of this material in its pure form have been reported. The Mössbauer results recorded from these platelets both in the electron detection and transmission modes have helped to understand the iron magnetic moments determined by XMCD (Fig.1). The experimental results have been complemented with multiplet calculations aimed at reproducing the observed XAS and XMCD spectra at the Fe L 2,3 absorption edge, and by density functional theory (DFT) calculations to reproduce the oxygen K- absorption edge. Finally the domain pattern measured in remanence is in good agreement with micromagnetic simulations [3]

    Strontium hexaferrite platelets: a comprehensive soft X-ray absorption and Mössbauer spectroscopy study

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    Platelets of strontium hexaferrite (SrFe12O19, SFO), up to several micrometers in width, and tens of nanometers thick have been synthesized by a hydrothermal method. They have been studied by a combination of structural and magnetic techniques, with emphasis on Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray absorption based-measurements including spectroscopy and microscopy on the iron-L edges and the oxygen-K edge, allowing us to establish the differences and similarities between our synthesized nanostructures and commercial powders. The Mössbauer spectra reveal a greater contribution of iron tetrahedral sites in platelets in comparison to pure bulk material. For reference, high-resolution absorption and dichroic spectra have also been measured both from the platelets and from pure bulk material. The O-K edge has been reproduced by density functional theory calculations. Out-of-plane domains were observed with 180° domain walls less than 20 nm width, in good agreement with micromagnetic simulationsThis work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Projects MAT2015-64110-C2-1-P, MAT2015-64110-C2-2-P, MAT2015-66888-C3-1-R and by the European Commission through Project H2020 No. 720853 (Amphibian). These experiments were performed at the CIRCE, MISTRAL and BOREAS beamlines of the ALBA Synchrotron Light Facility. G.D.S. acknowledges the European Youth Employement Initiative and the Autonomous Community of Madrid for a one-year fellowship. Slovenian Research Agency is acknowledged for funding the research program Ceramics and complementary materials for advanced engineering and biomedical applications (P2-0087), CEMM, JSI for the use of TE

    Long-term prognosis of symptomatic isolated middle cerebral artery disease in Korean stroke patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study aimed to investigate the long-term mortality and recurrence rate of stroke in first-time stroke patients with symptomatic isolated middle cerebral artery disease (MCAD) under medical management.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We identified 141 first ever stroke patients (mean age, 64.4 ± 12.5 years; 53% male) with symptomatic isolated MCAD. MCAD was defined as significant stenosis of more than 50% or occlusion of the MCA as revealed by MR angiography. The median follow-up was 27.7 months. We determined a cumulative rate of stroke recurrence and mortality by Kaplan-Meier survival analyses and sought predictors using the Cox proportional hazard model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The cumulative composite outcome rate (stroke recurrence or any-cause death) was 14%, 19%, 22%, and 28% at years 1, 2, 3, and 5, respectively. The annual recurrence rate of stroke was 4.1%. The presence of diabetes mellitus was the only significant independent predictor of stroke recurrence or any cause of death in multivariate analyses of Cox proportional hazard model adjusted for any plausible potential confounding factors.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We estimated the long-term prognosis of stroke patients with isolated symptomatic MCAD under current medical management in Korea. Diabetes mellitus was found to be a significant predictor for stroke recurrence and mortality.</p

    Structural Analysis and Active strain-field for Induced Seismicity in gas storage facilities: Hontomin study-case (SPAIN)

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    La determinación de las fallas capaces de disparar terremotos en zonas adyacentes con formaciones geológicas aptas para el almacenamiento profundo de gas, es una tarea que mitiga la ocurrencia de sismicidad inducida por operaciones subterráneas y movimiento de fluidos. Para ello, la determinación del campo de esfuerzos/deformación tectónicos activo ayuda a entender los patrones tridimensionales de fracturación cartografiados no solo en la zona, sino también en la propia roca almacén. Por este motivo, se presenta un protocolo de trabajo para la obtención del campo de deformación (σHmax, σhmin) que ayude a entender el papel de cada conjunto de fallas cartografiado. Para ello, aplicamos el Análisis Poblacional de fallas en dos zonas de influencia: 1) Campo cercano: 10 km de diámetro del almacenamiento y 2) Campo Lejano: 20 km de diámetro. Sobre estas zonas calculamos las trayectorias de deformación y llevamos a cabo una cartografía sistemática de fallas. Se presentan los resultados preliminares de Hontomín.The cartography of seismogenic active faults in adjacent areas of underground gas storage helps in the management for Induced Seismicity related to deep fluid movement and injection/extraction manoeuvres. In this sense, the determination of the Active Stress field into the area allows the understanding of the 3D fracture patterns and their role in earthquake occurrence. We introduce a protocol for study active tectonic stress by using the classical Structural Analysis based on brittle techniques. Accordingly, we have defined two different areas for studying: (1) Near field, 10 km of diameter from the Storage Site and (2) Far Field, 20 km diameter. Preliminary results for Hontomin site are presented.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEUnión Europea. Horizonte 2020pu

    Between Documentality and Imagination: Five Theses on Curating the Violent Past

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    This article considers the notion that to document or inscribe our lives not only leaves a trace of our creaturely presence, but may also become a form of juris-writing, a writing that concerns and aims at Justice. Employing an expanded notion of Justice that takes it beyond the institutions of law, therefore, it asks about forms of documentality (Ferraris) that put us ‘before memory’ in Derrida’s sense. How is it possible to think curation in relation to a violent past in such a way that neither attempts to deny the lacunae nor surrenders in the face of the difficulties of such attempts? How should we consider the relation between the delimited encounter with an ‘invitation to imagine’ (Didi-Huberman) and processes of institutionalisation that build a society? What about those things that it is not possible to show, including relations of power, that arise analytically? Reflecting on current memory spaces, especially within ex-clandestine centres for detention, torture and extermination (ex-ccdtyes) in Argentina, the article offers five theses in order to consider what is at stake in the encounters staged at these sites