161 research outputs found

    Filmmythos Hexe und Mythos Hexenfilm : eine kommentierte Filmographie (Erfassungszeitraum: 1896 bis 1999)

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    Der Beitrag stellt Teilergebnisse eines längerfristig angelegten Forschungsprojekts zum Thema Strukturen und Funktionen der Präsentation des Bösen in populären audiovisuellen Medien vor. Im Anschluß an die Studie “Satanismus – audiovisuell”, in der der filmischen Inszenierung des Bösen und Unheimlichen am Beispiel der Figur des Teufels nachgegangen wurde (Neumann-Braun & Arend 1997), steht in der vorliegenden Untersuchung der Mythos des weiblichen Bösen und Unheimlichen im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. In einem ersten Analyseschritt werden Literaturauswertungen zum Thema Hexenmythos aus psychoanalytisch, feministisch und gesellschaftstheoretisch orientierter Perspektive sowie zum Thema Hexen in populären Kinofilmen vorgenommen. Der zweite Schritt besteht aus einer genretheoretischen Diskussion der filmischen Präsentation von Hexenfiguren, die auf einer die gut einhundertjährige Filmgeschichte umfassenden Filmographie des Hexenfilms basiert. Die Studie versteht sich nichtzuletzt auch als Baustein der Untersuchung medialer Repräsentationsformen von Phänomenen aus Parapsychologie und den Grenzgebieten der Psychologie

    The international fight against terrorism and the protection of human rights: with recommendations to the German government and parliament

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    Die englische Kurzfassung der Studie "Internationale Terrorismusbekämpfung und Menschenrechte" thematisiert wesentliche Entwicklungen der Terrorismusbekämpfung im Rahmen der Vereinten Nationen, der EU und der G8-Staatengruppe in den Jahren 2003 und 2004. Die Studie schließt mit zehn Empfehlungen an die deutsche Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik

    Turn-key module for neutron scattering with sub-micro-eV resolution

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    We report the development of a compact turn-key module that boosts the resolution in quasi-elastic neutron scattering by several orders of magnitude down to the low sub-micro-eV range. It is based on a pair of neutron resonance spin flippers that generate a well defined temporal intensity modulation, also known as MIEZE (Modulation of IntEnsity by Zero Effort). The module may be used under versatile conditions, in particular in applied magnetic fields and for depolarising and incoherently scattering samples. We demonstrate the power of MIEZE in studies of the helimagnetic order in MnSi under applied magnetic fields

    Internationale Terrorismusbekämpfung und Menschenrechte: Entwicklungen 2003/2004

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    In dem Bericht steht die Frage im Vordergrund, wie Staaten gegen Terrorismus vorgehen und welche Kontrollmechanismen Menschenrechtsverletzungen verhindern können. Dabei werden wesentliche Ereignisse zwischen Mai 2003 und Juli 2004 behandelt. Der Bericht schließt mit Empfehlungen an die deutsche Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik

    Visible-to-telecom quantum frequency conversion of light from a single quantum emitter

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    Quantum frequency conversion (QFC), a nonlinear optical process in which the frequency of a quantum light field is altered while conserving its non-classical correlations, was first demonstrated 20 years ago. Meanwhile, it is considered an essential tool for the implementation of quantum repeaters since it allows for interfacing quantum memories with telecom-wavelength photons as quantum information carriers. Here we demonstrate efficient (>30%) QFC of visible single photons (711 nm) emitted by a quantum dot (QD) to a telecom wavelength (1,313 nm). Analysis of the first and second-order coherence before and after wavelength conversion clearly proves that important properties, such as the coherence time and photon antibunching, are fully conserved during the frequency translation process. Our findings underline the great potential of single photon sources on demand in combination with QFC as a promising technique for quantum repeater schemes.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Identifying the task characteristics that predict children's construction task performance

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    Construction tasks form a major part of children’s play and can be linked to achievement in maths and science. However there is a lack of understanding of construction task ability and development. Therefore, there is little foundation for the applied use of construction tasks, such as in teaching or research, as there are no apparent methods for assessing difficulty. This empirical research identifies four construction task characteristics that impact on cognition and predict construction task difficulty in children aged 7-8 and 10-11 years and adults. The results also reveal a developmental trajectory in construction ability. The research provides a method to quantify, predict and control the complexity of construction tasks for future research and to inform applied use

    Understory 2014

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    “Art is the struggle to be, in a particular sort of way, virtuous.” —Iris Murdoch Indeed, when we embark on any creative adventure it is with the purpose of conveying a certain truth; an emotion, an idea that brings us together and reminds us of the innate consciousness that dwells within. Understory is emblematic of this; where individuals intent on honing their craft can join others to become a part of something greater, their work immortalized to become a time capsule. Decades from now a volume of Understory may be discovered on a dusty bookshelf in some forgotten corner and the lucky explorer who finds it shall be enlightened by pages of gold. We, as editors of Understory 2014, have worked very hard this year to put together a journal that showcases the very best of the University of Alaska Anchorage undergraduate student work. We hope you enjoy your journey through this issue as much as we have enjoyed ours. Thank you to the English and Art Departments, for the staff and faculty’s unerring support of our club; to Provost Baker, for seeing and believing in the vision of Understory; and to our club’s faculty advisor, Douglass Bourne, for his guidance and tireless assistance. Finally, thank you to the wonderful students who submit such excellent work each year. Without your passion for the arts, we would not be here.Staff / Letter from the Editors / Glass Blower / Writing / Obsolete Evolution / Permafrost / Phoenix / Untitled / Ratio / Tripping / Abiogenesis / My Heart Beats for You / Meeting of the Fingerprint Lines / You Are No Stranger / Nightmare Fuel / Cane-Sugar / Gossamer Strands / Panthera Gold / Butterfly / A Mantis Too Far / Long and Winding Road / Chasing Shadows / Merisunas / Chequer Grove / Modzilla / Beans / Little Red and Mr. Wolf / In Memoriam, Joel Fletcher Armstrong / Glance / Courage / Uranium Waltz / Danger / Journey to the West / Antumbra / Roaring Like a Lion / Pre-boarding / Untitled / How Do You Say a Word / Fishing for Doom/ Contributor

    Clinical relevance of molecular characteristics in Burkitt lymphoma differs according to age

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    While survival has improved for Burkitt lymphoma patients, potential differences in outcome between pediatric and adult patients remain unclear. In both age groups, survival remains poor at relapse. Therefore, we conducted a comparative study in a large pediatric cohort, including 191 cases and 97 samples from adults. While TP53 and CCND3 mutation frequencies are not age related, samples from pediatric patients showed a higher frequency of mutations in ID3, DDX3X, ARID1A and SMARCA4, while several genes such as BCL2 and YY1AP1 are almost exclusively mutated in adult patients. An unbiased analysis reveals a transition of the mutational profile between 25 and 40 years of age. Survival analysis in the pediatric cohort confirms that TP53 mutations are significantly associated with higher incidence of relapse (25 ± 4% versus 6 ± 2%, p-value 0.0002). This identifies a promising molecular marker for relapse incidence in pediatric BL which will be used in future clinical trials