30 research outputs found

    Llengua i localització

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    En aquest article es plantegen algunes reflexions al voltant del paper que juga la llengua en els processos de localització, i s'esmenten alguns problemes específics que els traductors (o localitzadors) professionals es troben a l'hora de realitzar la seva feina

    Concentration and content

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    One of the more frequent activities in health sciences is the measurement of biological quantities. Frequently, when reading biomedical books and journals some confusion on the metrological mea-ning of biological quantities related to the concepts ‘concentration’ and ‘content’ may be observed. Classically, a concentration is an amount of any type per volume of liquid or gas system, whereas content is an amount of any type per mass of liquid or gas or solid system. However the concepts ‘concentration’ and ‘content’ alone are still ambiguous because, depending on the type of amount of the component (analyte) per volume or mass of a system, there are different types of concentrations and contents. This article attempts to give a clarification of these concepts, mainly based on internati-onal recommendations about nomenclature and terminology of metrology, chemistry and clinical laboratory sciences

    Hi ha un terme per descriure simultàniament mesurament i identificació?

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    Aquest article explora diferents propostes denominatives a l'hora de triar un terme que permeti designar al mateix temps l'acció de mesurar magnituds (propietats quantitatives) i l'acció d'identificar propietats nominals (propietats qualitatives), que són activitats que es duen a terme simultàniament en molts laboratoris cientificotecnològics i per a les quals no hi ha encara cap terme recomanat internacionalment.This article explores some denominative proposals for a term that means both the action of measuring quantities (quantitative properties) and the action of identifying nominal properties (qualitative properties), activities that are carried out simultaneously in many scientific and technological laboratories and for which there is no internationally-recommended term

    Viscosimetría sanguínea, valores de referencia y diversas alteraciones patológicas

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    [spa] La Reología es la parte de la Física que estudia la deformación de la materia, incluido el flujo. La Hemorreología es la parte de la Biofísica que estudia las propiedades reológicas de la sangre, de sus componentes y de los vasos sanguíneos. La velocidad de sedimentación globular (V.S.G.) es el único parámetro hemorreológico que, desde su introducción por FAH­ RAEUS en 1921 y pese a su inespecificidad, se determina rutinariamente en todos los laboratorios clínicos. No ha sucedido lo mismo con la determinación de la viscosidad de la sangre y del plasma, ya que después de alcanzar una cierta difusión, gracias a la comercialización del viscosímetro de HESS, esta prueba cayó en desuso debido fundamentalmente a las características del citado viscosímetro, que no permite una adecuada estandarización del método ni es lo suficientemente sensible para detectar pequeñas alteraciones de la viscosidad sanguínea o plasmática. Debido a esto, se pensó que la viscosidad de la sangre era un parámetro poco importante que sólo tenía interés en escasos estados patológicos tales como las poliglobulias y las paraproteinemias. En la década 1960-1970 se reemprende el estudio de la viscosidad sanguínea gracias al desarrollo de los viscosímetros rotatorios creados inicialmente con fines industriales. Algunos autores como WELLS, MERRILL, SCOTT BLAIR, COPLEY o OINTENFASS iniciaron el estudio del comportamiento reológico de la sangre con este tipo de viscosímetros, tanto en individuos sanos como en diversos tipos de estados patológicos. El resultado de los trabajos hemorreológicos realizados en los últimos veinte años ha abierto un nuevo campo de interés: la hemorreología clínica. En la actualidad están descritos numerosos estados patológicos en los que se dan elevaciones de la viscosidad de la sangre o del plasma. Incluso en los dos tipos de enfermedades que provocan la mayor parte de la mortalidad en la mayoría de países desarrollados (enfermedades cardiovasculares y cáncer), están implicados factores hemorreológicos, cuyo estudio podría contribuir al mejor conocimiento de las mismas. En la presente Tesis, se ha realizado un estudio de la viscosidad aparente a 225 s(-1) y de la viscosidad de CASSON de la sangre y del plasma, tanto en sujetos presumiblemente sanos como en diversos tipos de enfermos, con el fin de establecer los valores de referencia de estos parámetros y determinar las alteraciones de la viscosidad sanguínea en distintos estados patológicos. La característica diferencial del presente trabajo consiste en la aplicación de una metódica con la que se puede estudiar las variaciones de la viscosidad sanguínea en grupos heterogéneos en cuanto a sexo y hematocrito

    Flowability of granular materials with industrial applications: an experimental approach

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    Designing bulk material handling equipment requires a thorough understanding of the mechanical behaviour of powders and grains. Experimental characterization of granular materials is introduced focusing on flowability. A new prototype is presented which performs granular column collapse tests. The device consists of a channel whose design accounts for test inspection using visualization techniques and load measurements. A reservoir is attached where packing state of the granular material can be adjusted before run-off to simulate actual handling conditions by fluidisation and deaeration of the pile. Bulk materials on the market, with a wide range of particle sizes, can be tested with the prototype and the results used for classification in terms of flowability to improve industrial equipment selection processes.Postprint (published version

    Properties and units in the clinical laboratory sciences part XXIV. Properties and units in clinical molecular genetics (IUPAC Technical Report)

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    This document describes the application of the syntax, semantic rules, and format of the Nomenclature for Properties and Units (NPU) terminology for coded dedicated kinds-of-property in the subject field of clinical molecular genetics. A vocabulary for NPU definitions in this field, based on international terminology and nomenclature, is introduced and examples of actual NPU definitions for different types of investigations are given and explained

    Multicentre evaluation of the Boehringer Mannheim / Hitachi 911 Analysis System

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    The analytical performance and practicability of the Boehringer Mannheim (BM)/mtaci 91 analysis system have been assessed in a multicentre evaluation, which involved six laboratories from European countries. Analytes commonly used in classical clinical chemistry were tested in a core programme, which mainlyfollowed lhe ECCLS guidelines. In addition, a satellite programme covered other analytes, such as proteins, drugs and urine analytes. In total, the study comprised more than 100 000 data items collected over a three-month period. The evaluation was supported with 'Computer Aided Evaluation' (CAEv) and telecommunications. Acceptance criteria for the results were established at the beginning ofthe study. Nearly all ofthe analytes met the imprecision limits.' within-run imprecision (as CVs) was 2l/ofor enzyme and substrate assays, l%for ISE methods and 5l/o for immunoassays; between-day imprecision was 3l/ofor enzyme and substrate assays, 2o//o for ISE methods and 10% for immunoassays

    Llengua i localització

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    En aquest article es plantegen algunes reflexions al voltant del paper que juga la llengua en els processos de localització, i s'esmenten alguns problemes específics que els traductors (o localitzadors) professionals es troben a l'hora de realitzar la seva feina

    Uncertainty of measurement in Clinical Microbiology. eJIFCC vol 13, no 4: http://www.ifcc.org/ejifcc/vol13no4/130401006.htm (accessed

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    An important part of the activity in a clinical microbiology laboratory is the measurement of quantities related to concentrations of microorganisms, antibodies nucleic acids, etc. When measuring a microbiologic quantity random and systematic errors can act together on the result producing an error of measurement and generating a doubt -uncertaintyabout the true value of the measured quantity. International scientific organizations, keeping in mind these facts, have developed the concept of uncertainty of measurement ( 1,2 ). The importance of this concept is increasing in all fields of health sciences ( 3-5 ). By this reason, it is important to clarify the concept and show the practical way to bring estimate the uncertainty of patients' results. Uncertainty of measurement is a parameter, associated with the result of a measurement that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measured quantity ( 1 ); in other words, uncertainty is a numerical information that complements a result of measurement, indicating the magnitude of the doubt about this result. Uncertainty is described by means of one of the following three parameters ( 2 ): 1. Standard uncertainty (u) is the standard deviation that denotes the uncertainty of the result of a single measurement. 2. Combined standard uncertainty (uc) is the standard deviation that denotes the uncertainty of the result obtained from other results of measurement. It is obtained by combining the standard uncertainties of all individual measurements according to the law of propagation of uncertainty. 3. Expanded uncertainty (U) is the statistic defining the interval within which the value of the measured quantity is believed to lie with a particular level of confidence. It is obtained by multiplying the combined standard uncertainty by a coverage factor, k, the choice of which is based on the level of confidence (1-α) desired. If k = 2, then 1-α>0,95; if k = 2,6, then 1-α>0,99. The international scientific and standardization bodies recommend that the uncertainty of patients' results obtained in clinical laboratories should be known ( 3-5 ); the rationale for this recommendation is that full interpretation of the value of a quantity obtained by measurement requires also evaluation of the doubt attached to its value. The common opinion of these bodies is that clinical laboratories should supply information about the uncertainty of their results of measurement, when applicable