749 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen zur räumlich verteilten Modellierung des fühlbaren Wärmestroms über Schnee in einem komplexen Gelände

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    Measurements as well as lot of General Circulation Models (GCM) simulations indicate an increase in air temperature especially for polar regions. In order to improve the quality of GCM predictions for these regions it is necessary to achieve a good parameterization of the energy exchange between atmosphere and snow, because the high latitudes are snow covered for as many as nine months. During snowmelt period sensible heat flux plays an important role for energy input into the snow especially in periods of warm air advection, which are frequently accompanied by inversions. During the snowmelt periods in 1995 and 1998, Eddy-Covariance and profile measurements of wind speed and air temperature were carried out in the Kärkevagge, a valley in the Abisko Mountains in Swedish Lapland. Sensible heat flux was calculated by the Profile- and Bulk-method and compared to the directly-measured sensible heat flux. The Profile- and the Bulk-method gave reliable results as long as all data were measured within the surface layer and radiation errors for air-temperature data were small. The Bulk-method yielded better results than the profile method in periods with high values of upwelling shortwave radiation. All measurements conducted outside the surface layer, which was frequently shallow in 1998, were unusable for the Profile-method. Similarly, the Eddy-Covariance-method produced unreliable results if the instrument was operating outside the surface layer. In such a case, however, the Bulk-method produced at least a minimal estimate for the sensible heat flux. None of the methods yielded reasonable results for all meteorological conditions. These aspects should be noted when seeking new methods to improve the calculation of sensible heat flux not only in GCMs. The area distributions of air temperature and wind speed, which are not simply related to topographic parameters, were analyzed for the area of Kärkevagge, because sensible heat flux depends on the vertical temperature gradient and the turbulence in the surface layer. Especially wind speed shows a high variability in complex terrain. Area distribution of wind speed was calculated with two simulation models for a strong wind event and compared with measurements of two stations. MetPhoMod gave better results than the MSFD-Model compared to the measured data. Despite the very complex topography and the restrictions of the models the overall results found with both models are encouraging

    Die anteriore Hemifundoplikatio als Behandlungskonzept bei gastroösophagealer Refluxkrankheit

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    Inflammatory Breast Diseases during Lactation: Health Effects on the Newborn—A Literature Review

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    Breastfeeding-associated inflammatory breast diseases appear especially during the first twelve weeks postpartum and are the most common reason for early cessation of breastfeeding. It also becomes increasingly evident that these inflammatory mammary diseases are triggered or perpetuated in a large part by psychosocial stress. Immunological processes taking place during this cascade in the mammary gland and consequences for the breastfeed newborn are mostly yet unknown. This review summarizes insights from studies on modulation of cytokine levels in breast milk during inflammatory processes like milk stasis and mastitis systematically. It also gives an overview on possible pathological effects, which these cytokine changes in the breast milk might have on the newborn

    Are skin disorders related to work strain in hospital workers? A cross-sectional study

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    To evaluate whether occupational stress factors (high demands, low control, low social support, strain, and iso-strain) are associated with skin disorders in hospital workers and whether psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression, act as potential mechanisms through which occupational stress factors are associated with skin disorders

    Prenatal Immune and Endocrine Modulators of Offspring's Brain Development and Cognitive Functions Later in Life

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    Milestones of brain development in mammals are completed before birth, which provide the prerequisite for cognitive and intellectual performances of the offspring. Prenatal challenges, such as maternal stress experience or infections, have been linked to impaired cognitive development, poor intellectual performances as well as neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders in the offspring later in life. Fetal microglial cells may be the target of such challenges and could be functionally modified by maternal markers. Maternal markers can cross the placenta and reach the fetus, a phenomenon commonly referred to as “vertical transfer.” These maternal markers include hormones, such as glucocorticoids, and also maternal immune cells and cytokines, all of which can be altered in response to prenatal challenges. Whilst it is difficult to discriminate between the maternal or fetal origin of glucocorticoids and cytokines in the offspring, immune cells of maternal origin—although low in frequency—can be clearly set apart from offspring's cells in the fetal and adult brain. To date, insights into the functional role of these cells are limited, but it is emergingly recognized that these maternal microchimeric cells may affect fetal brain development, as well as post-natal cognitive performances and behavior. Moreover, the inheritance of vertically transferred cells across generations has been proposed, yielding to the presence of a microchiome in individuals. Hence, it will be one of the scientific challenges in the field of neuroimmunology to identify the functional role of maternal microchimeric cells as well as the brain microchiome. Maternal microchimeric cells, along with hormones and cytokines, may induce epigenetic changes in the fetal brain. Recent data underpin that brain development in response to prenatal stress challenges can be altered across several generations, independent of a genetic predisposition, supporting an epigenetic inheritance. We here discuss how fetal brain development and offspring's cognitive functions later in life is modulated in the turnstile of prenatal challenges by introducing novel and recently emerging pathway, involving maternal hormones and immune markers

    Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Mediates Cell Proliferation on Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Cultured Human Decidual Stromal Cells

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    The tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) cytokine receptor system modulates apoptosis in many cell types, so we have investigated the role of sTNFR1 in bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cell death in cultured human decidual stromal cells, hypothesizing that sTNFR1 might play a central role in this action. In this work we characterized in vitro decidual stromal cell viability with LPS treatment and LPS and sTNFR1 co-treatment. We found that LPS treatment induced decidual stromal cell death in a dose-dependent manner and that sTNFR1 blocked the effect of the LPS treatment. There was a significant proliferation among cells co-incubated with LPS at 10 μg/mL and sTNFR1 at 0.1 μg/mL compared with LPS and sTNFR1 at 0.01, 0.05, 0.2 and 0.5 μg/mL (p < 0.01). This study demonstrated that LPS led to decidual stromal cell death in vitro but sTNFR1 down-regulates the cell death due to LPS under the same conditions. Taken together, these results suggested that sTNFR1 could participate in a protective mechanism against endotoxin

    In vitro induction of melanin synthesis and extrusion by tamoxifen

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    Physical appearance has significant importance psychologically and socially, with skin and hair being of prime relevance. Effective ingredients that modulate melanin synthesis are of growing interest. Tamoxifen, a widely used selective oestrogen receptor modulator, SERM, was described occasionally in medical case reports as causing grey hair repigmentation. This work aimed to study, in vitro, the effect of tamoxifen and 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen, one of its most bioactive derivatives, on melanin production in human melanocytes.Teresa Matam a holds a grant from FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BPD/47555/2008). This work was supported by FEDER through POFC–COMPETE and by national funds from FCT through the project PEst-C/BIA/UI4050/2011

    Impaired Progesterone-Responsiveness of CD11c+ Dendritic Cells Affects the Generation of CD4+ Regulatory T Cells and Is Associated With Intrauterine Growth Restriction in Mice

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    Up to 10% of pregnancies in Western societies are affected by intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). IUGR reduces short-term neonatal survival and impairs long-term health of the children. To date, the molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of IUGR are largely unknown, but the failure to mount an adequate endocrine and immune response during pregnancy has been proposed to facilitate the occurrence of IUGR. A cross talk between the pregnancy hormone progesterone and innate immune cell subsets such as dendritic cells (DCs) is vital to ensure adequate placentation and fetal growth. However, experimental strategies to pinpoint distinct immune cell subsets interacting with progesterone in vivo have long been limited. In the present study, we have overcome this limitation by generating a mouse line with a specific deletion of the progesterone receptor (PR) on CD11c+ DCs. We took advantage of the cre/loxP system and assessed reproductive outcome in Balb/c-mated C57Bl/6 PRflox/floxCD11ccre/wt females. Balb/c-mated C57Bl/6 PRwt/wtCD11ccre/wt females served as controls. In all dams, fetal growth and development, placental function and maternal immune and endocrine adaptation were evaluated at different gestational time points. We observed a significantly reduced fetal weight on gestational day 13.5 and 18.5 in PRflox/floxCD11ccre/wt females. While frequencies of uterine CD11c+ cells were similar in both groups, an increased frequency of co-stimulatory molecules was observed on DCs in PRflox/floxCD11ccre/wt mice, along with reduced frequencies of CD4+ FoxP3+ and CD8+ CD122+ regulatory T (Treg) cells. Placental histomorphology revealed a skew toward increased junctional zone at the expense of the labyrinth in implantations of PRflox/floxCD11ccre/wt females, accompanied by increased plasma progesterone concentrations. Our results support that DCs are highly responsive to progesterone, subsequently adapting to a tolerogenic phenotype. If such cross talk between progesterone and DCs is impaired, the generation of pregnancy-protective immune cells subsets such as CD4+ and CD8+ Treg cells is reduced, which is associated with poor placentation and IUGR in mice

    T Cell Phenotype and T Cell Receptor Repertoire in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder

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    While a link between inflammation and the development of neuropsychiatric disorders, including major depressive disorder (MDD) is supported by a growing body of evidence, little is known about the contribution of aberrant adaptive immunity in this context. Here, we conducted in-depth characterization of T cell phenotype and T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire in MDD. For this cross- sectional case–control study, we recruited antidepressant-free patients with MDD without any somatic or psychiatric comorbidities (n = 20), who were individually matched for sex, age, body mass index, and smoking status to a non-depressed control subject (n = 20). T cell phenotype and repertoire were interrogated using a combination of flow cytometry, gene expression analysis, and next generation sequencing. T cells from MDD patients showed significantly lower surface expression of the chemokine receptors CXCR3 and CCR6, which are known to be central to T cell differentiation and trafficking. In addition, we observed a shift within the CD4+ T cell compartment characterized by a higher frequency of CD4+CD25highCD127low/− cells and higher FOXP3 mRNA expression in purified CD4+ T cells obtained from patients with MDD. Finally, flow cytometry-based TCR Vβ repertoire analysis indicated a less diverse CD4+ T cell repertoire in MDD, which was corroborated by next generation sequencing of the TCR β chain CDR3 region. Overall, these results suggest that T cell phenotype and TCR utilization are skewed on several levels in patients with MDD. Our study identifies putative cellular and molecular signatures of dysregulated adaptive immunity and reinforces the notion that T cells are a pathophysiologically relevant cell population in this disorder