276 research outputs found

    Action research on electrochemistry learning. Conceptual modelling intervention to promote disciplinary understanding, scientific inquiry, and reasoning

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    Students in engineering-science programmes often struggle with theoretical concepts, while they tend to adopt a surface approach to learning. We suggest that this can be tackled by promoting a specific higher-order thinking skill (HOTS) that enables drawing connections between physical phenomena and theoretical concepts representing them. We designed an intervention to support students in achieving deep insight into electrochemical phenomena, while developing this HOTS. Such intervention aims to scaffold students’ learning and development by introducing conceptual modelling as an essential thinking skill of engineering-scientists, and as a strategy to build scientific understanding of natural phenomena. Therefore, conceptual modelling constitutes a main learning objective of this novel course. This paper reports an empirical investigation into how students deal with concepts and complexity, and to what extent the intervention has any measurable effects on the learning outcomes. This phenomenological investigation integrates considerations from various disciplines, and relies on multiple data sources, i.e., students’ documents (lab journals and reports), observations of students in action (in discussions with their tutors and while performing lab experiments), and video stimulated-recall interviews. The results show little effect of the intervention, as implemented, suggesting how challenging it is for students (and instructors) to shift from traditional learning-and-teaching approaches, towards an epistemology of knowledge construction for specific problems. The findings are informative for revision of the intervention and generate specific recommendations. Concurrently, our operationalisation of the conceptual framework proves powerful in detecting qualitative differences in HOTS. Plausible implications for research and educational practice in science-engineering education are discussed

    Long-chain bases, phosphatidic acid, MAPKs, and reactive oxygen species as nodal signal transducers in stress responses in Arabidopsis

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    Due to their sessile condition, plants have developed sensitive, fast and successful ways to contend to environmental changes. These mechanisms operate as informational wires conforming extensive and intricate networks that are connected in several points. The responses are designed as pathways orchestrated by molecules that are transducers of protein and non-protein nature. Their chemical nature imposes selective features such as specificity, formation rate and generation site to the informational routes. Enzymes such as mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) and non-protein, smaller molecules, such as long chain bases, phosphatidic acid and reactive oxygen species are recurrent transducers in the pleiotropic responses to biotic and abiotic stresses in plants. In this review, we considered these four components as nodal points of converging signaling pathways that start from very different stimuli and evoke very different responses. These pleiotropic effects may be explained by the possibility that every one of these four mediators can be expressed from different sources, cellular location, temporality or magnitude. Here, we review recent advances in our understanding of the interplay of these four specific signaling components in Arabidopsis cells, with an emphasis on drought, cold and pathogen stresses

    El impacto de la enseñanza basada en competencias según el programa de estudios preescolar de la educación pública

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    This article exhibits the impact of Competency-Based English Teaching from the perspective of the English by Immersion preschool teachers, in the virtual modality, during the first semester of 2020. The research problem from which this article draws from is based in the need of preschool education to be renovated regarding the strategies utilized for English teaching. The authors’ objective is to present the results of the evaluation performed to determine the impact of Competency-Based Education in the virtual environment of public preschool education. This assessment was carried out in a micro level, with a qualitative and descriptive approach, in an applied and transversal study. All teachers registered in the English by Immersion program by MEP, who completed a questionnaire, from which was possible to analyze and interpret the data to stablish the conclusions presented in this article, were included in the research.El estudio de la profesión docente y las experiencias que surgen a lo largo de su gran labor en las aulas ha sido un tema de interés para muchos investigadores en ámbito educativo. Esta investigación, no es la excepción, sin embargo, tiene una gran peculiaridad: el estudio y exploración el desempeño de la población docente de inglés por inmersión en Preescolar en el mundo de la educación virtual. En este escrito se ha dado a conocer el impacto que ha tenido la enseñanza de inglés por competencias basado en la unidad naranja del plan de estudios en preescolar de la Educación Pública Costarricense en la repentina migración a la virtualidad debido a la emergencia mundial por COVID19. Diferentes autores reconocen que la persona docente de preescolar es un agente indispensable en la educación, y las estrategias que como profesionales crean para enseñar a sus alumnos representan el camino al conocimiento para adquirir las competencias más básicas para la vida. La manera en que las docentes perciban la educación virtual y la situación que han experimentado, influencia en gran medida el proceso pedagógic

    Synergistic Antifungal Study of PEGylated Graphene Oxides and Copper Nanoparticles against Candida albicans

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The coupling reactions of polyethylene glycol (PEG) with two different nano-carbonaceous materials, graphene oxide (GO) and expanded graphene oxide (EGO), were achieved by amide bond formations. These reactions yielded PEGylated graphene oxides, GO-PEG and EGO-PEG. Whilst presence of the newly formed amide links (NH-CO) were confirmed by FTIR stretches observed at 1732 cm−1 and 1712 cm−1, the associated Raman D- and G-bands resonated at 1311/1318 cm−1 and 1584/1595 cm−1 had shown the carbonaceous structures in both PEGylated products remain unchanged. Whilst SEM images revealed the nano-sheet structures in all the GO derivatives (GO/EGO and GO-PEG/EGO-PEG), TEM images clearly showed the nano-structures of both GO-PEG and EGO-PEG had undergone significant morphological changes from their starting materials after the PEGylated processes. The successful PEGylations were also indicated by the change of pH values measured in the starting GO/EGO (pH 2.6–3.3) and the PEGylated GO-PEG/EGO-PEG (pH 6.6–6.9) products. Initial antifungal activities of selective metallic nanomaterials (ZnO and Cu) and the four GO derivatives were screened against Candida albicans using the in vitro cut-well method. Whilst the haemocytometer count indicated GO-PEG and copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) exhibited the best antifungal effects, the corresponding SEM images showed C. albicans had, respectively, undergone extensive shrinkage and porosity deformations. Synergistic antifungal effects all GO derivatives in various ratio of CuNPs combinations were determined by assessing C. albicans viabilities using broth dilution assays. The best synergistic effects were observed when a 30:70 ratio of GO/GO-PEG combined with CuNPs, where MIC50 185–225 μm/mL were recorded. Moreover, the decreased antifungal activities observed in EGO and EGO-PEG may be explained by their poor colloidal stability with increasing nanoparticle concentrations.Peer reviewe

    (Re) significando o brincar na educação infantil a partir da teoria histórico-cultural

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    This article results of a research work where we sought to understand and analyze the possible contributions of contemporary international authors from the field of Cultural Historical Theory for Early Childhood Education. Social role play was the object chosen for this approach. The research was characterized by bibliographical analysis based on the production of authors who work with the education of children under 5 years, carrying out investigations in both school and non-school environments. The works of two authors for the significant set of productions were chosen for analysis: Marianne Hedegaard and Marylin Fleer. Two concepts presented by the authors are analyzed in the article: 'activity settings' and 'conceptual play'. Both concepts corroborate to understand the important contribution that social role play has for child development, attributing new meanings to it. Therefore, these concepts are presented and exemplified, aiming to think ways to work with play in the Brazilian Early Childhood Education.El presente artículo resulta de trabajo de investigación donde se buscó aprehender, comprender y analizar las posibles contribuciones de autores contemporáneos internacionales del campo de la Teoría Histórico-cultural para la Educación Infantil. La broma de roles sociales fue el objeto de estudio elegido para este enfoque. La investigación se caracterizó por el análisis bibliográfico a partir de la producción de autores que trabajan con la educación de niños menores de 5 años, que realizan investigaciones en ambientes escolares y no escolares. Los trabajos de dos autores fueron elegidos por el conjunto considerable de sus producciones: Marianne Hedegaard y Marylin Fleer. En el artículo se analizan dos conceptos presentados por las autoras: 'ambientes de actividad' y 'juego conceptual'. Ambos corroboran la comprensión del papel que el juego de roles sociales dispone para el desarrollo infantil, atribuyendo nuevos significados al mismo. Por lo tanto, esos conceptos son presentados y ejemplificados, con el objetivo de pensar caminos para jugar en la Educación infantil brasileña.O presente artigo resulta do trabalho de pesquisa onde buscou-se apreender, compreender e analisar as possíveis contribuições de autores contemporâneos internacionais do campo da Teoria Histórico-cultural para a Educação Infantil. A brincadeira de papéis sociais foi o objeto escolhido para essa aproximação. A pesquisa caracterizou-se pela análise bibliográfica a partir da produção de autores que trabalham com a educação de crianças menores de 5 anos, procedendo investigações tanto em ambientes escolares como não escolares. As obras de duas autoras pelo conjunto significativo de produções foram escolhidas para análise: Marianne Hedegaard e Marylin Fleer. Dois conceitos apresentados pelas autoras são analisados no artigo: ‘ambientes de atividades’ e ‘jogo conceitual’.  Ambos corroboram para a compreensão do papel que a brincadeira de papéis sociais possui para o desenvolvimento infantil, atribuindo novos significados ao mesmo. Portanto, esses conceitos são apresentados e exemplificados, objetivando pensarmos caminhos para o brincar na Educação Infantil brasileira

    Sociedade dividida, o feminino em disputa

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    O artigo reflete acerca dos projetos em disputa manifestos por um lado na organização anarco-feminista espanhola Mujeres Libres, por outro na Sección Femenina de la Falange, alinhada ao fascismo. Coletividades antagônicas, estas organizações se confrontaram em escritos e ações durante a Guerra Civil Espanhola, apresentando concepções opostas acerca do “lugar” a ser ocupado pela mulher na sociedade. Assumindo como ponto de partida as publicações produzidas por estes agrupamentos durante os anos de guerra, o manuscrito investiga o tratamento dado a temas como a sexualidade feminina, família, maternidade, espaço público e trabalho doméstico.  Frente a ascensão do fascismo na Espanha após a queda da República, subverter ou aprofundar o papel tradicional atribuído à mulher fez parte de uma disputa, literalmente de vida ou morte para muitas

    Propuesta Modelo de Universidad Corporativa para la capacitación del área operativa de Compañía de Galletas Pozuelo de Costa Rica S.A.

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    Trabajo Final de Graduación (Maestría en Educación Técnica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Educación Técnica, 2019.La Compañía de Galletas Pozuelo es una empresa de fabricación y distribución de galletas. Actualmente la empresa exporta a todos los continentes del mundo y su planta de producción más grande se encuentra ubicada en Costa Rica. Este proyecto tiene el objetivo de proponer un Modelo de Universidad Corporativa para la capacitación del área operativa de compañía de Galletas Pozuelo DCR S.A.. Lo anterior, mediante identificar las necesidades de capacitación del personal del área operativa, definir los elementos técnicos necesarios para incorporar el modelo de Universidad Corporativa en la Compañía, determinar las características que debe tener la propuesta del modelo y de esta manera lograr la elaboración de una propuesta del modelo de Universidad Corporativa para la capacitación del área operativa de la compañía. En el marco teórico, se desarrollaron los conceptos que dieron fundamento al presente proyecto, como lo educación no formal, formación profesional, universidad corporativa en cuanto a sus modelos, dimensiones y componentes, de andragogía y la comprensión del sistema integrado de gestión bajo el cual trabaja la compañía. La metodología utilizada fue mixta, ya que se mezclan tanto métodos cualitativos como cuantitativos. El tipo investigación fue descriptiva y aplicada. Los sujetos de información fueron 47 operarios de máquinas, dos gerentes y los formadores internos de la compañía. A estos sujetos se les aplicó diferentes instrumentos para la recolección de datos como lo fueron las observaciones, el análisis documental, los cuestionarios y las entrevistas. Dentro de los resultados de la información recopilada, se encontró que a pesar de que la Compañía de Galletas Pozuelo cuenta actualmente con un programa de capacitación para sus colaboradores, estos no son estructurados de manera consecuente o enseñados con una correcta mediación pedagógica, entre otros aspectos faltantes a nivel estructural y de gobernanza. Debido a lo anterior se realizó una propuesta para brindarle a la Compañía de Galletas Pozuelo una descripción clara sobre la gobernanza del proceso formativo integral para los colaboradores operativos.The Galletas Pozuelo Company is a corporation dedicated to the manufacturing and distribution of cookies, currently the company exports to all continents of the world; however, its biggest production plant is located in Costa Rica. This project aims to propose a model of a Corporate University for the training of the operational area of the Galletas Pozuelo DCR SA Company. This, through the identification of the trainings’ necessities, that the people from the operational area have. Besides, by defining the necessary elements in order to incorporate a model of a Corporate University model into the Pozuelo Company, and also by determining the characteristics that the proposal for this model of UC must have and therefore elaborate the proposal of the model of Corporate University for the training of the company's operational area. Moreover, in the theoretical framework, the concepts that gave foundation to this project were developed, such as non-formal education, professional training, corporate university regarding its models, dimensions, and components, also concepts related to andragogy and the understanding of the integrated management system under which the company works. The methodology utilized for this project was mixed, since both qualitative and quantitative methods are used. The research type was descriptive and applied. The information subjects were 47 machine operators, two managers and the company's internal trainers. As well, different instruments were applied for data collection such as observations, documentary analysis, questionnaires and interviews. Finally, among the results of the collected information, it was found that although the Compañía de Galletas Pozuelo currently has a training program for its employees, those are not structured in a consistent manner or taught with a correct pedagogical mediation, among other aspects missing regarding structure and governance. Due to the above, a proposal was made to provide the Compañía de Galletas Pozuelo with a clear description of the governance of the integral training process for employees

    Oportunidades perdidas en el primer nivel de atención aplicado a enfermedades raras : La Plata, mayo 2015

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    El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar la hipotética conducta de derivación en el Primer Nivel de Atención (PNA) ante la presencia de un paciente con enfermedades raras (EE.RR.). Conocer las distintas opciones en la toma de decisiones frente a un paciente con EE.RR. en el PNA.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Oportunidades perdidas en el primer nivel de atención aplicado a enfermedades raras : La Plata, mayo 2015

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    El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar la hipotética conducta de derivación en el Primer Nivel de Atención (PNA) ante la presencia de un paciente con enfermedades raras (EE.RR.). Conocer las distintas opciones en la toma de decisiones frente a un paciente con EE.RR. en el PNA.Facultad de Ciencias Médica