363 research outputs found

    Data reduction in the ITMS system through a data acquisition model with self-adaptive sampling rate

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    Long pulse or steady state operation of fusion experiments require data acquisition and processing systems that reduce the volume of data involved. The availability of self-adaptive sampling rate systems and the use of real-time lossless data compression techniques can help solve these problems. The former is important for continuous adaptation of sampling frequency for experimental requirements. The latter allows the maintenance of continuous digitization under limited memory conditions. This can be achieved by permanent transmission of compressed data to other systems. The compacted transfer ensures the use of minimum bandwidth. This paper presents an implementation based on intelligent test and measurement system (ITMS), a data acquisition system architecture with multiprocessing capabilities that permits it to adapt the system’s sampling frequency throughout the experiment. The sampling rate can be controlled depending on the experiment’s specific requirements by using an external dc voltage signal or by defining user events through software. The system takes advantage of the high processing capabilities of the ITMS platform to implement a data reduction mechanism based in lossless data compression algorithms which are themselves based in periodic deltas

    Event Recognition Using Signal Spectrograms in Long Pulse Experiments

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    As discharge duration increases, real-time complex analysis of the signal becomes more important. In this context, data acquisition and processing systems must provide models for designing experiments which use event oriented plasma control. One example of advanced data analysis is signal classification. The off-line statistical analysis of a large number of discharges provides information to develop algorithms for the determination of the plasma parameters from measurements of magnetohydrodinamic waves, for example, to detect density fluctuations induced by the Alfvén cascades using morphological patterns. The need to apply different algorithms to the signals and to address different processing algorithms using the previous results necessitates the use of an event-based experiment. The Intelligent Test and Measurement System platform is an example of architecture designed to implement distributed data acquisition and real-time processing systems. The processing algorithm sequence is modeled using an event-based paradigm. The adaptive capacity of this model is based on the logic defined by the use of state machines in SCXML. The Intelligent Test and Measurement System platform mixes a local multiprocessing model with a distributed deployment of services based on Jini

    A versatile trigger and synchronization module with IEEE1588 capabilities and EPICS support.

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    Event timing and synchronization are two key aspects to improve in the implementation of distributed data acquisition (dDAQ) systems such as the ones used in fusion experiments. It is also of great importance the integration of dDAQ in control and measurement networks. This paper analyzes the applicability of the IEEE1588 and EPICS standards to solve these problems, and presents a hardware module implementation based in both of them that allow adding these functionalities to any DAQ. The IEEE1588 standard facilitates the integration of event timing and synchronization mechanisms in distributed data acquisition systems based on IEEE 803.3 (Ethernet). An optimal implementation of such system requires the use of network interface devices which include specific hardware resources devoted to the IEE1588 functionalities. Unfortunately, this is not the approach followed in most of the large number of applications available nowadays. Therefore, most solutions are based in software and use standard hardware network interfaces. This paper presents the development of a hardware module (GI2E) with IEEE1588 capabilities which includes USB, RS232, RS485 and CAN interfaces. This permits to integrate any DAQ element that uses these interfaces in dDAQ systems in an efficient and simple way. The module has been developed with Motorola's Coldfire MCF5234 processor and National Semiconductors's PHY DP83640T, providing it with the possibility to implement the PTP protocol of IEEE1588 by hardware, and therefore increasing its performance over other implementations based in software. To facilitate the integration of the dDAQ system in control and measurement networks the module includes a basic Input/Output Controller (IOC) functionality of the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) architecture. The paper discusses the implementation details of this module and presents its applications in advanced dDAQ applications in the fusion community

    Análisis de la uniformidad de riego en sistemas de aspersión semiportátil con aspersores de gran tamaño

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    La sostenibilidad en la agricultura de regadío depende en gran medida de conseguir una alta eficiencia de aplicación en el riego. Es muy importante conocer los factores que afectan a la uniformidad de riego, especialmente en aspersores semi-portátiles de gran tamaño, que son un sistema muy común en áreas áridas y semiáridas, como Irán. Hasta el momento, la uniformidad de distribución del agua aplicada no ha sido considerada cuantitativamente en la mayoría de las combinaciones de variables hidráulicas y meteorológicas con aspersores portátiles de gran tamaño. En este trabajo, se ha caracterizado el coeficiente de uniformidad (CU) analizando la influencia de los principales factores que le afectan, como la velocidad del viento (W), la presión de trabajo (P) y el marco de riego. Los ensayos de campo se realizaron con un solo aspersor al aire libre. Se aprecia un efecto significativo del viento, como parámetro meteorológico, sobre el CU bajo diferentes condiciones climáticas, en relación a la presión y la separación entre aspersores. Este comportamiento es muy similar al obtenido con aspersores de tamaño medio. Los criterios técnicos propuestos en los resultados se pueden utilizar para optimizar la gestión del riego por aspersión de acuerdo con factores de diseño adecuados para una amplia gama de condiciones climáticas y presión (es decir 450 y 500 kPa). Así, la relación entre la separación entre aspersores y el radio mojado no debe superar los 0,45 con el fin de alcanzar el coeficiente de diseño de uniformidad aceptable (80%) bajo condiciones de viento (>2 m s -1 ) en el sistema de riego

    RAS signalling through PI3-Kinase controls cell migration via modulation of Reelin expression.

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    RAS signalling through phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-Kinase) has been shown to have an essential role in tumour initiation and maintenance. RAS also regulates cell motility and tumour invasiveness, but the role of direct RAS binding to PI3-Kinase in this remains uncertain. Here, we provide evidence that disruption of RAS interaction with PI3-Kinase p110α decreases cell motility and prevents activation of Rac GTPase. Analysis of gene expression in cells lacking RAS interaction with p110α reveals increased levels of the extracellular matrix glycoprotein Reelin and activation of its downstream pathway resulting in upregulation of E-cadherin expression. Induction of the Reelin/E-cadherin axis is also observed in Kras mutant lung tumours that are regressing due to blockade of RAS interaction with PI3-Kinase. Furthermore, loss of Reelin correlates with decreased survival of lung and breast cancer patients. Reelin thus plays a role in restraining RAS and PI3-kinase promotion of cell motility and potentially tumour metastasis

    Does desmopressin acetate reduce blood loss after surgery in patients on cardiopulmonary bypass?

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    It has been suggested that desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) administration reduces blood loss after cardiac surgery. We have investigated the effect of DDAVP administration in a double-blind, randomized, prospective trial including 100 patients placed on cardiopulmonary bypass during surgery. Fifty patients received 0.3 micrograms/kg DDAVP and 50 patients received a placebo administered in a 50 ml saline solution over 15 min when cardiopulmonary bypass had been concluded. Results showed no significant differences either in total blood loss per square meter (458 +/- 206 ml in the DDAVP group vs 536 +/- 304 ml in the placebo group) or in necessity for red cell transfusions (1642 +/- 705 ml in the DDAVP group vs 1574 +/- 645 ml in the placebo group) in the first 72 hr after surgery. Only intraoperative blood loss per square meter was significantly lower (p less than .02) in the DDAVP group (131 +/- 106 ml) as compared with the placebo group (193 +/- 137 ml). The prolongation of bleeding time and the decrease of factor VIII:C and factor VIII:von Willebrand factor 90 min after treatment were significantly lower (p less than .001) in the DDAVP group as compared with the placebo group. We conclude that the administration of DDAVP in patients placed on cardiopulmonary bypass during surgery does not reduce total blood loss and is only effective in reducing intraoperative bleeding

    Service-oriented architecture of adaptive, intelligent data acquisition and processing systems for long-pulse fusion experiments

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    The data acquisition systems used in long-pulse fusion experiments need to implement data reduction and pattern recognition algorithms in real time. In order to accomplish these operations, it is essential to employ software tools that allow for hot swap capabilities throughout the temporal evolution of the experiments. This is very important because processing needs are not equal during different phases of the experiment. The intelligent test and measurement system (ITMS) developed by UPM and CIEMAT is an example of a technology for implementing scalable data acquisition and processing systems based on PXI and CompactPCI hardware. In the ITMS platform, a set of software tools allows the user to define the processing algorithms associated with the different experimental phases using state machines driven by software events. These state machines are specified using the State Chart XML (SCXML) language. The software tools are developed using JAVA, JINI, an SCXML engine and several LabVIEW applications. Within this schema, it is possible to execute data acquisition and processing applications in an adaptive way. The power of SCXML semantics and the ability to work with XML user-defined data types allow for very easy programming of the ITMS platform. With this approach, the ITMS platform is a suitable solution for implementing scalable data acquisition and processing systems based on a service-oriented model with the ability to easily implement remote participation applications

    Observation of wave turbulence in vibrating plates

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    The nonlinear interaction of waves in a driven medium may lead to wave turbulence, a state such that energy is transferred from large to small lengthscales. Here, wave turbulence is observed in experiments on a vibrating plate. The frequency power spectra of the normal velocity of the plate may be rescaled on a single curve, with power-law behaviors that are incompatible with the weak turbulence theory of D{\"u}ring et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 025503 (2006)]. Alternative scenarios are suggested to account for this discrepancy -- in particular the occurrence of wave breaking at high frequencies. Finally, the statistics of velocity increments do not display an intermittent behavior

    Relationship between emergency presentation, systemic inflammatory response, and cancer-specific survival in patients undergoing potentially curative surgery for colon cancer

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    Background Emergency presentation is recognized to be associated with poorer cancer-specific survival following curative resection for colorectal cancer. The present study examined the hypothesis that an enhanced systemic inflammatory response, prior to surgery, might explain the impact of emergency presentation on survival. Methods In all, 188 patients undergoing potentially curative resection for colorectal cancer were studied. Of these, 55 (29%) presented as emergencies. The systemic inflammatory response was assessed using the Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS), which is the combination of an elevated C-reactive protein (>10 mg/L) and hypoalbuminemia (<35 g/L). Results In the emergency group, tumor stage was greater (P < 0.01), more patients received adjuvant therapy (P < 0.01) more patients had an elevated mGPS (P < 0.01), and more patients died of their disease (P < 0.05). The minimum follow-up was 12 months; the median follow-up of the survivors was 48 months. Emergency presentation was associated with poorer 3-year cancer-specific survival in those patients aged 65 to 74 years (P < 0.01), in both males and females (P < 0.05), in the deprived (P < 0.01), in patients with tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) stage II disease (P < 0.01), in those who received no adjuvant therapy (P < 0.01), and in the mGPS 0 and 1 groups (P < 0.05) groups. On multivariate survival analysis of patients undergoing potentially curative surgery for TNM stage II colon cancer, emergency presentation (P < 0.05) and mGPS (P < 0.05) were independently associated with cancer-specific survival. Conclusions These results suggest that emergency presentation and the presence of systemic inflammatory response prior to surgery are linked and account for poorer cancer-specific survival in patients undergoing potentially curative surgery for colon cancer. Both emergency presentation and an elevated mGPS should be taken into account when assessing the likely outcome of these patients