641 research outputs found

    Students’ expectations from graduate studies in heritage (tourism) management

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    This article provides certain key aspects that might help to further develop academic heritage education. These have been discussed within brainstorming and round-table sessions carried out by World Heritage students at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Important aspects regarding expectations, current issues and prospective career opportunities were selected after these sessions. With the idea of our International Master Programme in mind, the results of this work have been summarized to identify what makes a good focus to Heritage Studies and further strategies to improve this discipline. It was concluded that international and interdisciplinary approaches should serve as the basis to facilitate personal research interests, critical thinking, a sense of student community and how all these can be applied to a future professional career. External students, faculty members and heritage professionals are invited to join this debate

    Razón, proporción, proporcionalidad: configuraciones epistémicas para la educación básica

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    Razones, proporciones y proporcionalidad (RPP) son ejes conceptuales obligados en la educación básica en cualquier país del mundo (Mullis et al., 2008). Diversos autores han planteado que estas temáticas son presentadas en la escuela a partir de organizaciones matemáticas fuertemente aritmetizadas, con una gran estabilidad de una institución educativa a otra y de un país a otro, y con baja conexión con otras áreas del currículo que también involucran las RPP. Este artículo sintetiza una serie de principios que se pueden asumir como orientadores de unas organizaciones matemáticas integradores de lo aritmético, lo métrico y lo algebraico a lo largo del ciclo escolar, integración lograda en relación a las RPP

    Chaotic Rivest-Shamir-Adlerman Algorithm with Data Encryption Standard Scheduling

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    Cryptography, which involves the use of a cipher, describes a process of encrypting information so that its meaning is hidden and thus, secured from those who do not know how to decrypt the information. Cryptography algorithms come with the various types including the symmetric key algorithms and asymmetric key algorithms. In this paper, the authors applied the most commonly used algorithm, which is the RSA algorithm together with the Chaos system and the basic security device employed in the worldwide organizations which is the Data Encryption Standard (DES) with the objective to make a hybrid data encryption. The advantage of a chaos system which is its unpredictability through the use of multiple keys and the secrecy of the RSA which is based on integer factorization's difficulty is combined for a more secure and reliable cryptography. The key generation was made more secure by applying the DES schedule to change the keys for encryption. The main strength of the proposed system is the chaotic variable key generator that chages the value of encrypted message whenever a different number of key is used. Using the provided examples the strength of security of the proposed system was tested and demonstrated

    Análisis de la variabilidad genética de una muestra de la población de Bogotá: hacia la constitución de un mapa de haplotipos

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    Introduction: The HapMap and the 1000 Genomes projects have been important for understanding the genetic component of common diseases and normal phenotypes.However, the Colombian genetic variability included in these projects is not fully representative of our country.Objective: To contribute to the knowledge of the Colombian genetic variability through the genomic study of a sample of individuals from Bogotá.Materials and methods: A total of 2,372,784 genetic markers were genotyped in 32 individuals born in Bogotá whose parents are from the same region, using the Illumina™platform. The genetic variability levels were determined and compared with the data available from other populations of the 1000 Genomes Project.Results: The genetic variability detected in the individuals from Bogotá was similar to those with shared ancestry. However, despite the low levels of genetic differentiation between Bogotá and Medellín, populations the principal component analysis suggested a different genetic composition in them.Conclusions: Our genomic analysis of a Bogotá sample allowed us to detect similarities and differences with other American populations. The increase of the Bogotá sample and the inclusion of samples from other regions of the country will improve our understanding of the genetic variability in Colombia, essential for studies of human health and the prevention and treatment of common diseases in our country.Introducción. Los proyectos del mapa de haplotipos (HapMap) y de los 1.000 genomas han sido fundamentales para la compresión del componente genético de las enfermedades comunes y los fenotipos normales. Sin embargo, la variabilidad genética colombiana incluida en estos proyectos no es representativa del país.Objetivo. Contribuir al conocimiento de la variabilidad genética de la población colombiana a partir del estudio genómico de una muestra de individuos de Bogotá.Materiales y métodos. Se genotipificaron 2’372.784 marcadores genéticos de 32 individuos nacidos en Bogotá y de padres originarios de la misma ciudad utilizando la plataforma Illumina™. Los niveles de variabilidad genética se determinaron y se compararon con los datos disponibles de otras poblaciones del proyecto de los 1.000 genomas. Resultados. Los individuos analizados presentaron una variabilidad genética semejante a la de poblaciones con las que comparten ancestros. No obstante, a pesar de la poca diferenciación genética detectada en la población de Bogotá y en la de Medellín, el análisis de los componentes principales sugiere una composición genética diferente en las dos poblaciones.Conclusiones. El análisis genómico de la muestra de Bogotá permitió detectar similitudes y diferencias con otras poblaciones americanas. El aumento de tamaño de la muestra bogotana y la inclusión de muestras de otras regiones del país permitirán una mejor compresión de la variabilidad genética en Colombia, lo cual es fundamental para los estudios de salud humana, y la prevención y el tratamiento de enfermedades comunes en el país

    ¿Es Posible Aprender Inductivamente de la Experiencia?

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    Con el surgimiento del cálculo de probabilidades como una nueva metodología de la cuantificación del riesgo, nace la discusión respecto a la viabilidad de la probabilidad inductiva, o si la estadística clásica utiliza la metodología inductiva o deductiva para la obtención de sus conclusiones, base del método científico; polémica que se agudiza con el afianzamiento de la estadística bayesiana, que al parecer es la respuesta más prometedora a favor del aprendizaje inductivo y que es defendida por los autores a lo largo de este artículo. Son muchos los filósofos que niegan que sea posible aprender inductivamente desde la experiencia. Las objeciones más conocidas al método inductivo provienen de DavidHume y posteriormente de Karl Popper, que, entre otros, rechazan toda posibilidad de una lógica inductiva.With the birth of probability calculus as a new risk quantification methodology, it also appears the debate with respect to the viability of inductive probability or to the fact that classic statistics uses inductive or deductive methods to draw its conclusions which is the basis of the scientific method. Such discussion becomes more intense with the strengthening of Bayesian statistics that seems to be the most promissory answer in favor of inductive learning and which is supported here by the authors of this article. There are many philosophers that reject the possibility to learn inductively from the experience. The most famous objections in this sense come from David Hume and, then, from Karl Popper who, among others, resist any possibility of an inductive logic

    FMECA and FTA analysis applied to the manufacturing process of pulsating heat pipes

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    Pulsating heat pipes (PHPs) offer significant advantages for the thermal control of electronic components due to their simple manufacturing and high heat transfer rates. The reliability of PHPs has traditionally been assessed through long-life testing, but detailed reliability analyses from an equipment perspective are limited. The study of PHP reliability is essential due to its application and operational conditions. For instance, in aerospace applications these devices operate under severe conditions, and maintenance or replacement is impossible during operation, making them critical components in system functionality. The reliability analysis of PHPs focuses on the manufacturing process, considering future operating conditions. Although preliminary PHP testing will be conducted on Earth, laboratory conditions are less stringent due to the difficulty of replicating launch acceleration and space conditions for long-term testing under microgravity. This study presents an FMECA (Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis) of the pulsating heat pipe manufacturing process, breaking down the production of each component. The results indicate that the most critical point is concentrated in the assembly of these components, leading to a higher incidence of welding failures. It recommends further work to improve welding and analyze mechanical stresses within the heat pipe

    Difusión y Transferencia del Conocimiento Científico y Tecnológico a Través de las Redes de Innovación

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    Considerando que el conocimiento es el elemento fundamental en la concepción moderna de competitividad e innovación y queestá íntimamente relacionado con todos los actores del tejido social, en este artículo se hace una breve caracterización de los tipos de conocimiento y su relación con la empresa, el sistema educativo, las políticas gubernamentales y la sociedad en general.En el trabajo se abordan casos paradigmáticos, que muestran la idea que la sociedad es el centro de la innovación y al mismo tiempo constituye una red que aprende colectivamente y que la atención ya no se centra en los nodos o actores aislados, sino en la interacción entre estos.Considering that the knowledge is the fundamental element in the modern conception of competitiveness and innovation and that intimately is related to all the actors of the social weave, in this article becomes a brief characterization of the types of knowledge and its relation with the company, the governmental system, policies and the society educative generally.In the work paradigmatic cases, that are approached they show the idea that the society is the center of the innovation and that at the same time constitutes a network that learns collectively and that the attention no longer concentrates in the nodes or isolated actors, but in the interaction between these

    Zebrafish macroH2A variants have distinct embryo localization and function

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    Mouse and cell-based studies have shown that macroH2A histone variants predominantly associate with heterochromatin. Functional studies found that macroH2As are involved in gene repression, inhibiting the acquisition of pluripotency and preserving cell differentiation. However, only a few studies have analysed the role of macroH2A during early embryo development. We report the development of transgenic zebrafish lines expressing macroH2A isoforms (mH2A1 and mH2A2) fusion proteins (with GFP) under identified endogenous promoters. We found that mH2A1 and mH2A2 have different spatial and temporal expression patterns during embryonic development. mH2A1 is expressed mostly in the extraembryonic Yolk Syncytial Layer (YSL) starting before shield stage and decreasing once morphogenesis is completed. mH2A2 expression lags behind mH2A1, becoming evident at 24 hpf, within the whole body of the embryo proper. Our ChIP-seq analysis showed that mH2A1 and mH2A2 bind to different DNA regions, changing dramatically after gastrulation. We further analysed RNA-seq data and showed that there is not a general/unspecific repressing function of mH2A1 or mH2A2 associated with heterochromatin but a fine regulation depending on cell types and stage of development. mH2A1 downregulates DNA expression in specific cells and embryo stages and its effect is independent of heterochromatin formation but it is correlated with nucleus quiescence instead. Whereas mH2A2 DNA association correlates with upregulation of differentially expressed genes between 75% epiboly and 24 hpf stages. Our data provide information for underlying molecules that participate in crucial early developmental events, and open new venues to explore mH2A related mechanisms that involve cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and metabolism

    Study of mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 genes in a sample of gliomas from Colombian population

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    Introduction: Gliomas are the most common primary tumors of the central nervous system and, according to their malignancy, they are graded from I to IV. Recent studies have found that there is an association between gliomas and mutations in exon 4 of genes that codify for isocitrate dehydrogenases 1 and 2 (IDH1: codon 132; IDH2: codon 172). Objective: To establish the frequency of mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 in a sample of gliomas from Colombian population. Materials and methods: DNA was extracted from tumor tissue. The exon 4 of IDH1 and IDH2 was amplified by PCR using specific primers and subsequently sequenced. Mutations were determined using the 4Peaks MAFFT programs. Results: We found mutations in the IDH1 gene in 34% of the glioma samples, with a predominance of the nonsynonymous mutation R132H. Mutations in the IDH2 gene were found in 7.5% of cases, with a predominance of the nonsynonymous R172K and R172W mutations. Conclusions: The frequency of mutations in the IDH1 and IDH2 genes in the sample was similar to that reported in other studies. The analysis of these mutations may be important to establish prognostic factors and for the development of future therapeutic targets in gliomas


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    El artículo se deriva de una tesis de maestría de psicología clínica. Objetivo aplicar la estrategia de intervención terapéutica basada en el proceso de formación de los valores comunicación, respeto, asertividad y empatía, desde las tendencias históricas en el proceso de formación de valores y su dinámica; la investigación es experimental, diseño cuasi experimental  y esta validado por expertos; también se evalúa el nivel de relaciones interpersonales en el personal de salud;  por ello es que se aplica la correlación entre la estrategia de intervención terapéutica basada en el proceso de formación de los valores y el mejoramiento de las relaciones interpersonales. El análisis de los resultados nos informa  que la  falta de valores en el personal de salud a generado estrategias de evaluación e intervención dirigidas a ayudar a los trabajadores que presentan dificultades en el área de las relaciones interpersonales, por lo que el aprendizaje de los valores, se produce siempre en contextos interpersonales, gracias a la interacción con los demás. Se concluye en  una aportación  en la  práctica de  los valores y mostrar visiblemente un cambio en el manejo de las relaciones de las relaciones interpersonales entre todo el personal de salud, los cambios lo asumieron con mucha madurez intelectual y emocional en la práctica de su jornada diaria. Además es muy importante la comunicación, conductas asertivas y el respeto.Palabras clave: Estrategia de Intervención Terapéutica; relaciones Interpersonales; personal de salud