56 research outputs found

    Genesa Marmer Daerah Mata Wawatu dan Sanggula, Kecamatan Moramo Utara, Konawe Selatan Berdasarkan Karakteristik Tekstur, Struktur, dan Asosiasi Batuannya

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    Salah satu daerah penghasil marmer di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara adalah Desa Mata Wawatu dan Sanggula, Kecamatan Moramo Utara, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menginterpretasi genesa marmer yang meliputi tipe dan fasies metarmorfisme berdasarkan karakteristik tekstur, struktur, dan asosiasi batuannya. Ketiga parameter tersebut diketahui dengan melakukan observasi geologi, deskripsi singkapan dan sampel batuan, dan analisis petrografi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa lokasi penelitian tersusun oleh tiga satuan batuan, yaitu Satuan Marmer, Satuan Filit, dan Satuan Konglomerat dengan struktur geologi berupa kekar, sesar geser sinistral, dan sesar geser sinistral diperkirakan yang terbentuk oleh gaya utama berarah relatif utara timur laut ā€“ selatan barat daya. Filit memperlihatkan stuktur foliasi tipe filitik dan tekstur hipidioblastik, kristaloblastik, dan lepidoblastik serta tekstur khusus berupa augen dan mortar. Mineralogi filit terdiri dari kuarsa, muskovit, grafit, klorit, dan mineral opak. Sementara itu, marmer di daerah penelitian menunjukkan struktur non foliasi. Namun, di beberapa tempat marmer menunjukkan retakanā€“retakan intensif dan struktur syn-genetic berupa perlapisan yang diduga merupakan struktur batuan asalnya, dengan variasi tekstur berupa hipidioblastik, xenoblastik, kristaloblastik, nematoblastik, granoblastik, granuloblastik serta tekstur khusus yang terdiri tekstur augen, saccaroidal, dan mortar. Ā Komposisi marmer tersusun oleh mineral kalsit, dolomit, kuarsa, muskovit, klorit dan mineral opak. Karakteristik tekstur dan struktur pada marmer serta asosiasi batuan termasuk himpunan mineralnya mengindikasikan bahwa marmer di lokasi penelitian terbentuk oleh proses metamorfisme regional, bersama dengan filit, pada fasies sekis hijau


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    Reading activity is one of the skills that must be possessed in learning activities. How to read reading material can be different according to the purpose of reading it. This super reading style acccelerated learning technique is a speed reading technique to improve students' reading skills in finding main ideas of reading and reading comprehension quickly, so it can affect student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data on the influence of the application of super reading techniques style accelerated learning to student learning outcomes in the subjects of Islamic Cultural History at MAN 2 Palembang. This type of research used in this study is an experimental study in the form of pretest-posttest control group design. Then this research data collection technique uses observation, documentation and test techniques. The data analysis technique used is the t-test gain score and gain test (N-gain). The samples of this study were 32 experimental class students (class XI IIS 2) and 31 control class students (class XI IIS 1) using techniques nonprobability sampling. Based on the results of the t-test gain score, the calculated t value is greater than t table, that is t count = 2.00 and t table = 1.99 with a significant level of 5%, then the results of the gain test (N-gain) are obtained at the experimental class was 0.39 in the medium category and the control class was 0.22 in the low category. So the result of the t-test gain score states that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected

    Petrogenetic Study on Ultramafic Rocks from Waturapa and Surrounding Areas, South Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province

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    The petrogenesis study of ultramafic igneous rocks in the South Konawe Region has been carried out by several previous researchers, however, petrogenesis of ultramafic igneous rocks in the Waturapa Region has never been carried out in detail. This study aims to determine the characteristics and petrogenesis of ultramafic igneous rocks in the Waturapa area using petrographic and geochemical analysis using the XRF method. Petrographic analysis was carried out to determine the relative abundance percentage of primary minerals in the form of olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and opaque minerals as well as secondary serpentine minerals which were formed later. Meanwhile, XRF geochemical analysis is used to determine the major and minor oxide content in rocks. This geochemical data is used to determine ultramafic rock types, and magma series and to interpret the tectonic setting of the research location. The results showed that the ultramafic rocks in the study area consisted of olivine websterite and lherzolite, both of which have been serpentinized which is characterized by the presence of serpentine minerals such as lizardite and chrysotile. These serpentine minerals are present as replacement minerals and fracture-filling minerals. The geochemical characteristics of the analyzed rocks showed a SiO2 content of less than 45%, high MgO content, and low K2O, TiO2, Na2O3, and P2O5 compounds. The igneous rocks in the study area are classified as ultrabasic or ultramafic rocks (peridot gabbro). Ultramafic rocks in the study area belong to the tholeiitic magma series that formed in oceanic islands or oceanic intraplate margins

    Aplikasi Model Persamaan Simultan Data Panel Dinamis untuk Pemodelan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia di Jawa Tengah

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    Penelitian ini membahas penerapan persamaan simultan data panel dinamis untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan indeks pembangunan manusia di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2010 sampai 2018 dengan menggunakan metode Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) Arellano-Bond. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah model persamaan PDRB dan model persamaan IPM. Pada persamaan PDRB, variabel-variabel yang signifikan berpengaruh adalah variabel IPM dan pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sedangkan, pada model persamaan IPM variabel-variabel yang signifikan berpengaruh adalah variabel PDRB dan lama bersekolah. Kata kunci: regresi data panel dinamis, persamaan simultan, GMM-AB, Jawa Tengah


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    Objective: Dandruff is a scalp problem that occurs in almost all people in the world. The main cause of dandruff is the growth of fungus on the scalp. This study aims to evaluate the antifungal activity of the Langir bark againstĀ Malassezia furfur, in vitroĀ andĀ in silico.Ā  Methods: In vitro testing was carried out using the agar diffusion method with paper disks to calculate the inhibition zones of the Langir stem bark extract and fractions, while the in silico test was carried out using the molecular docking method using Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase receptors with a homology model using 5 compounds from the genus Albizia as ligands. Results: Antifungal activity of Langir bark extract showed significant activity in all concentrations (5-20%), and also for all fractions (p<0.05). However, the water fraction had better activity than others, with an inhibition zone of 17.33 mm at a concentration of 15% and 18.67 mm at a concentration of 20%, while the positive control (ketoconazole 1%) had an inhibition zone of 16.67 mm. Furthermore, theĀ in silicoĀ test revealed that the 5 metabolites inĀ LangirĀ plant provide better binding energy than ketoconazole (-10.1 kcal/mol), namely, Tamarixetin 3-rutinoside (-10.7 kcal/mol), Quercetin 3-rhamnosyl-galactoside (-10.4 kcal/mol), Albiziasaponin A (-11.6 kcal/mol), Albiziasaponin C (-11.9 kcal/mol) and Albiziasaponin D (-11.9 kcal/mol).Ā  Conclusion: The water fraction of Langir bark has activity in inhibiting the growth of M. furfur so that it can be developed as a therapeutic alternative for anti-dandruff


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    Untuk menjamin kepastian hukum hak atas tanah yang dikenal dengan sebutan Rechts Cadastar/LegalCadastar oleh pemerintah diadakan pendaftaran tanah di seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia. Jaminan kepastian hukum yang hendak diwujudkan dalam pendaftaran tanah meliputi kepastian status hak yang didaftar, kepastian subjek hak, dan kepastian objek hak. Pendaftaran ini menghasilkan Sertifikat sebagai tanda bukti haknya. Tujuan Peneliti untuk mengetahui efektivitas dan kekuatan peralihan akta di bawah tangan sebagai dasar pendaftaran pertama kali dan kekuatan sertipikat atas dasar peralihan hak atas tanah yang dibuat berdasarkan akta di bawah tangan.Penelitian ini dilakukan secara empiris untuk menganalisis peralihan hak atas tanah yang belum bersertipikat. Ketentuan lebih lanjut pendaftaran tanah menurut pasal 19 Ayat (1) UUPA diatur dengan Peraturan Pemerintah. Kegiatan PRONA pada prinsipnya merupakan kegiatan pendaftaran tanah pertama kali baik secara sistematis maupun sporadik.Pada proses Pendaftaran Tanah dikenal dengan Peralihan hak atas tanah yaitu berpindah hak kepada orang lain baik melalui suatu perbuatan hukum maupun peristiwa hukum. Peralihan hak atas tanah menurut yuridis dilakukan secara tertulis dengan akta yang dibuat oleh pejabat yang berwenang dan didaftarkan pada Kantor pertanahan Kabupaten/Kota. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan Kekuatan hukum peralihan hak atas tanah berdasarkan surat yang dibuat dibawah tangan sebagai bukti kepemilikan tetap sah dan diakui dalam penerbitan sertipikat, meskipun surat di bawah tangan tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum seperti halnya akta yang dibuat secara autenti

    Insight on Estrogen Receptor Alpha Modulator from Indonesian Herbal Database: An in-silico analysis

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    Estrogen receptor Ī± (ERĪ±) is liable for regulating transcription factors which are an important part of hormonal signaling in breast cancer. This study intends to find hit compounds that are considered capable of inhibiting ERĪ± by utilizing structure-based pharmacophores and molecular docking. Pharmacophore of the original ERĪ± ligand (E4D600) has one hydrogen bond acceptor and three hydrogen bond donors which are used to select compounds from the Indonesian herbal database. This pharmacophore model had an Area under Curve of the Receiver Operating Characteristics (AUC-ROC) value is 0.80 and the Goodness of Hits (GH) value is 0.81. The selection process generated 330 compounds which proceed to the molecular docking stage to analyze their binding energy and interactions to ERĪ±. The results indicated potential hit compounds seen from their binding energies in the range -5.42 to -10.01 kcal/mol. four of the best compounds including Lig57/(-)-Bidwillon A, Lig47/Quercetin 3-(6''-galloylgalactoside), Lig197/Multifloroside and Lig83/Erythrabyssin II provide promising information for their detailed analysis as ERĪ± inhibitors

    Karakteristik Marmer Daerah Mata Wawatu dan Sanggula, Kecamatan Moramo Utara, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Sulawesi Tenggara memiliki potensi marmer terbesar di Indonesia. Salah satu daerah potensi marmer di Sulawesi Tenggara adalah Mata Wawatu dan Sanggula, Kecamatan Moramo Utara Kabupaten Konawe Selatan. Namun belum ada penelitian rinci mengenai karakteristik marmer yang ada di daerah ini. Karakteristik marmer di daerah penelitian yaitu berwarna abu ā€“ abu dengan struktur non foliasi dan tekstur lensa atau augen texture. Secara petrografi, mineral penyusun marmer didominasi dengan ukuran kristal ā‰¤ 0.1 ā€“ 1 mm, yaitu mineral kalsit, dolomit, kuarsa, hematit, dan mineral opak. Marmer daerah penelitian memberikan kenampakan tekstur yang bervariasi, yaitu tekstur subidioblastik dan xenoblastik (berdasarkan bentuk individu Kristal), tekstur kristaloblastik (berdasarkan ketahanan terhadap metamorfismenya), tekstur nematoblastik dan granuloblastik (berdasarkan bentuk mineralnya), dan saccaroidal texture dan mortar texture (berdasarkan tekstur khususnya). Sifat keteknikan marmer memberikan nilai yang bervariasi, di mana nilai kuat tekan sebesar 235.718 kg/cm2 ā€“ 389.338 kg/cm2, nilai ketahanan aus sebesar 0,0414 mm/menit ā€“ 0,0498 mm/menit, dan nilai serapan air sebesar 0,275 % - 0,763 %.Ā  CaO merupakan senyawa yang paling melimpah pada marmer dengan kelimpahan 50,44 % - 55,90 %. Berdasarkan sifat keteknikannya, marmer di daerah penelitian dapat direkomendasikan sebagai batu hias / batu tempel. Berdasarkan spesifikasi senyawa oksida utamanya, marmer bagian timur laut daerah penelitian direkomendasikan untuk industri kertas, pewarna tekstil, penyaringan gula, dan produksi semen sedangkan marmer bagian barat daya daerah penelitian kurang dapat dimanfaatkan.Ā Southeast Sulawesi has the greatest marble potential in Indonesia. One of the marble potential areas in the Southeast Sulawesi is Mata Wawatu and Sanggula, North Moramo District of the South Konawe Regency. However, there is no detailed research on marble characteristics in this area. The marble characteristics in the study area are grey with non-foliation structures and lens texture or augen texture. Petrographically, constituent minerals of the marble are dominated by crystal size ā‰¤ 0.1 - 1 mm which are calcite, dolomite, quartz, hematite, and opaque minerals. The research area's marble provides varied texture features, namely subidobobastic and xenoblastic textures (based on individual form crystals), crystalloblastic textures (based on resistance to metamorphism), nematoblastic and granuloblastic textures (based on their mineral form), and saccharoidal texture and mortar texture (based on texture in particular). The properties of marble engineering give varying values, where the compressive strength value is 235.718 kg / cm2 ā€“ 389.338 kg / cm2, the wear resistance value is 0.0414 mm / min - 0.0498 mm / min, and the water absorption value is 0.275% - 0.763%. CaO is the most abundant compound on marble with an abundance of 50.44 - 55.90 wt. %. Based on its engineering properties, marble in the research area can be recommended as an ornamental stone. Based on the specification of the main oxide compound, the northeastern marble of the research area are recommended for the paper industry, textile dyes, sugar screening, and cement production whereas the southwestern marble of the research area is less utilizable

    The Potential of <i>Clerodendrum paniculatum</i> Leaves Fraction as a 3-Chymotrypsin-Like (3CL) Protease Inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2

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    We described the biological activity of the Clerodendrum paniculatum leaf fraction against the SARS-CoV-2 3-Chymotrypsin-like 3CL protease at the molecular level. This study applied LC-MS/MS to identify bioactive compounds from fractions, computational studies, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assays to ascertain their inhibitory activity. LC-MS/MS analysis of the three samples revealed that sample 1 contained 18 compound peaks. In samples 2 and 3, there were 23 and 25 compounds with different molecular weights, respectively. Docking's study identified that the alkaloids (komarovicine and roemerine) have lower binding energies than other metabolites and standard compounds, with values of -33.47 and -32.63Ā kJ/mol, respectively. Roemerine demonstrated excellent stability based on dynamic simulation results and confirmed its affinity for 3CL protease predicted by the MM-PBSA approach of -89.44Ā kJ/mol. The FRET method for testing 3CL protease activity revealed that sample 2 had an enzyme inhibitory activity of 94.3%, which was close to that of GC376 (98.19%). Meanwhile, samples 1 and 3 yielded satisfactory inhibition activity by 89.64% and 85.24%, respectively. The antiviral activity of C. paniculatum leaves was discovered for the first time by inhibiting the 3CL protease SARS-CoV-2, providing an excellent opportunity for its development as an anti-SARS-CoV-2
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