15 research outputs found

    Transformer Neural Networks for Automated Story Generation

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    Towards the last two-decade Artificial Intelligence (AI) proved its use on tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, automated driving. As discussed in the Moore’s law the computational power increased rapidly over the few decades (Moore, 1965) and made it possible to use the techniques which were computationally expensive. These techniques include Deep Learning (DL) changed the field of AI and outperformed other models in a lot of fields some of which mentioned above. However, in natural language generation especially for creative tasks that needs the artificial intelligent models to have not only a precise understanding of the given input, but an ability to be creative, fluent and, coherent within a content. One of these tasks is automated story generation which has been an open research area from the early days of artificial intelligence. This study investigates whether the transformer network can outperform state-of-the-art model for automated story generation. A large dataset gathered from Reddit’s WRITING PROMPTS sub forum and processed by the transformer network in order to compare the perplexity and two human evaluation metrics on transformer network and the state-of-the-art model. It was found that the transformer network cannot outperform the state-of-art model and even though it generated viable and novel stories it didn’t pay much attention to the prompts of the generated stories. Also, the results implied that there should be a better automated evaluation metric in order to assess the performance of story generation models

    Fine Art Logistics : How Innovation Creates Niche Market for Third Party Logistics Service Providers

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    Fine art logistics concept is revealed by Innovative third party logistics services. However, fine art logistics concept is quite new topic of current logistics literature and existing resources, acquired knowledge are limited. Furthermore, innovative logistics services, which are provided by third party logistics service providers and their relation with niche market strategy, are not well researched. This study is prepared for making contribution to current logistics literature about fine art logistics and to investigate relation between niche market strategy and innovative third party logistics services. The method used is a qualitative case study at Benice Logistics, a fine art logistics service provider firm, located in Turkey. This study concludes and suggests how, third party logistics service providers should be more innovative for settle new business trend, and how they can create new opportunities and new specialization areas with their innovative services

    A facility layout problem in a marble factory via simulation

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    The marble factory in this study is a typical instance of a flow shop based production system. Adding new machines to the plant and/or introducing a new product may convert the actual layout to an inefficient one. Such cases may cause a significant increase in transportation of materials between machines that decreases the utilization rates of machines and operators as well as overall productivity. Therefore, facility planning is a key issue in marble plants in terms of total cost and customer satisfaction. Another important property of these plants is its dynamic and stochastic behavior in terms of scrap rates, demands and processing times. The aim of this study is to develop an efficient plant layout for such dynamic systems. At first, the simulation model of the current system is built on ARENA 10.0. Then, an alternative layout is generated after some analysis and then, it is evaluated via simulation model. The proposed layout provides reduction in total transportation time as well as an increase in productivity. © Association for Scientific Research

    A Facility Layout Problem in a Marble Factory via Simulation

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    The marble factory in this study is a typical instance of a flow shop based production system. Adding new machines to the plant and/or introducing a new product may convert the actual layout to an inefficient one. Such cases may cause a significant increase in transportation of materials between machines that decreases the utilization rates of machines and operators as well as overall productivity. Therefore, facility planning is a key issue in marble plants in terms of total cost and customer satisfaction. Another important property of these plants is its dynamic and stochastic behavior in terms of scrap rates, demands and processing times. The aim of this study is to develop an efficient plant layout for such dynamic systems. At first, the simulation model of the current system is built on ARENA 10.0. Then, an alternative layout is generated after some analysis and then, it is evaluated via simulation model. The proposed layout provides reduction in total transportation time as well as an increase in productivity. © Association for Scientific Research

    An ecologically friendly process for graphene exfoliation based on the "hydrodynamic cavitation on a chip" concept

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    Tremendous research efforts have recently focused on the synthesis of graphene from graphitic materials, while environmental issues, scalability, and cost are some of the major challenges to be surmounted. Liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) of graphene is one of the principal methods for this synthesis. Nevertheless, sufficient information about the mechanisms of exfoliation has yet to emerge. Here, a microreactor based on the hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) on a chip concept is introduced to exfoliate graphite in a totally green process which involves only natural graphite flakes and water. HC-treated graphitic materials were characterized by UV-Vis and Raman spectroscopy, DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering), AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy), and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) analyses. The present sustainable reactor system was found to exfoliate thick and large graphite particles to nano-sized sheets (∼1.2 nm) with a lateral size of ∼500 nm to 5 μm

    Biphasic Insulin Analogues in Type 2 Diabetes: Expert Panel Recommendations

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    Recently, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes has reached pandemic levels all over the world, and the problem is still growing. Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease, in which insulin resistance and decrease in beta cell function accompany obesity. Early disorder, which ensues in clinical progression of the disease, is the defect of early phase insulin secretion. Patients have already lost approximately half of their beta cell reserve at the time of diagnosis. Aims of type 2 diabetes treatment are to eliminate hyperglycemia caused by insufficient insulin secretion and/or insulin resistance, to slow down beta cell destruction/depletion, to improve concomitant metabolic problems and to prevent complications. In treatment algorithms, insulin is evaluated as a replacement therapy at the following stage after life style changes (medical nutrition therapy, exercise) and oral anti-diabetic drugs (OADs) options. Since beta cell depletion is present at initial stages of the disease, it transforms insulin therapy into an earlier approach in treatment stages. Premixed insulin forms are one of the proposed treatment options in patients with hyperglycemia that is not controlled by OADs. These types of insulins are developed to meet both basal and postprandial insulin requirements of patients. Currently, premixed human insulin forms are replaced by analogue insulin forms, which can mimic the physiological secretion in more acceptable manner. Biphasic analogue insulin is one of the readily available pre-mixed analogue insulin forms, an example of this, Biphasic Insulin aspart 30 which is the one of the premixed analoge insulin forms, contains 30% insulin aspart and 70% protaminated insulin aspart. Consensus recommending the individualized approach in insulin therapy implies that physicians should have more detailed information about the use of different insulin forms. Although a global consensus report about initiation, titration and intensification and the use of Biphasic Insulin Aspart 30 treatment has been published recently, these types of guidelines cannot always respond to all of the local requirements. Therefore, it is aimed to prepare a guideline to facilitate the use of Biphasic Insulin Aspart 30 in the right patient, at the right time and in the right manner, as well as to help the physicians. A guideline, aiming to contain current evidences and to meet local requirements, was developed in May and June 2010 by an expert panel composed of experienced endocrinologists working at different parts of Turkey. The guideline includes initial treatment, optimization of initiation dose, and intensification of Biphasic Insulin Asparl 30 during the disease progression. Although previously published global guidelines about initiation, intensification, dose division, dose addition and combination of Biphasic Insulin Aspart 30 with OADs is in applicable situation in general, the content is enlarged by adding some special conditions. Administration information presented in this article forms simply a suggestion rather than a strict recommendation. Since the treatment of every diabetic patient should be individualized, suggestions of this guideline do not have any obligatory power on physicians

    Applications of sterile larvae of Lucilia sericata for the treatment of chronic wounds

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    Bu çalışmada, maggot tedavisinin (MT) etkinliğini değerlendirmek ve en uygun ve etkin orijinal steril larva içeren paket dizaynlarının geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Maggot tedavisinin en iyi kullanım ve etkinliği için larva içeren paket sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Çalışmada çeşitli boyutlarda (ortalama 11,9±11,8 cm2) yaralar bulunan 23 diyabetik ayak ülseri (DAÜ), iki iskemik kronik yaralı olmak üzere toplam 25 kronik yaralı hasta alınmıştır. Yaranın klinik durumu tedavi öncesi ve sonrası ayrı ayrı değerlendirilmiştir. Tedavi öncesi, yaralarda Gram pozitif kok ve Gram negatif basil en sık olarak saptanmıştır. Hastalara MT (ortalama 16,2±8,6 gün) steril ikinci dönem larvaları içeren paket (ortalama 3,6±1,6 paket) ile birlikte hiperbarik oksijen (HBO) tedavisi uygulanmıştır. Tedavi sonucunda 19 hastanın (%76) yarasında tam bir debridman sağlanırken, altı hastada (%24) kısmi bir debridman oluşmuştur. Sonuç olarak; kronik yarası olan hastaların tedavilerinde steril maggot tedavisinin “paket” olarak uygulanmasının pratik olması yanında tedavide etkin olabildiği gözlenmiştir.The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of maggot therapy and to develop decontained maggot designs for the best use and effect. In this study, we could maintenance of Lucilia sericata colony and sterile maggots in the insectariums. Contained maggot designs would be developed for the best use and effect for maggot therapy. We have enrolled 25 patients with non-healing chronic wounds (23 diabetic foot wounds, 2 ischemic foot wounds,) various wound size (mean 11,9±11,8 cm2 ). The clinical state of the wounds documented before and after maggot therapy. Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative bacilli were the most frequently isolated from patients with chronic wounds in pretreatment. Along with packet that contains the sterile larvae of the second stage (average mean number of applications 3,6±1,6 packet; average mean 16,2±8,6 days) hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) was applied to patients. As a result of treatment of 19 patients (76%) provided a complete wound debridement, on the other hand, a partial debridement was occurred in six patients (24%). As a result, application of maggot therapy as a "package" in the treatment of patients with chronic wounds is practical and effective