6,106 research outputs found

    Hydromagnetic Stability of a Slim Disk in a Stationary Geometry

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    The magnetorotational instability originates from the elastic coupling of fluid elements in orbit around a gravitational well. Since inertial accelerations play a fundamental dynamical role in the process, one may expect substantial modifications by strong gravity in the case of accretion on to a black hole. In this paper, we develop a fully covariant, Lagrangian displacement vector field formalism with the aim of addressing these issues for a disk embedded in a stationary geometry with negligible radial flow. This construction enables a transparent connection between particle dynamics and the ensuing dispersion relation for MHD wave modes. The MRI--in its incompressible variant-- is found to operate virtually unabated down to the marginally stable orbit; the putative inner boundary of standard accretion disk theory. To get a qualitative feel for the dynamical evolution of the flow below rmsr_{\rm ms}, we assume a mildly advective accretion flow such that the angular velocity profile departs slowly from circular geodesic flow. This exercise suggests that the turbulent eddies will occur at spatial scales approaching the radial distance while tracking the surfaces of null angular velocity gradients. The implied field topology, namely large-scale horizontal field domains, should yield strong mass segregation at the displacement nodes of the non-linear modes when radiation stress dominates the local disk structure (an expectation supported by quasi-linear arguments and by the non-linear behavior of the MRI in a non-relativistic setting). Under this circumstance, baryon-poor flux in horizontal field domains will be subject to radial buoyancy and to the Parker instability, thereby promoting the growth of poloidal field.Comment: submitted to M.N.R.A.S. (3/29/02), 14 pages, 2 figures v2 accepted paper: clarified text and added discussion on radial flow effects. Added reference

    An adaptive stabilized finite element method for the generalized Stokes problem

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    In this work we present an adaptive strategy (based on an a posteriori error estimator) for a stabilized finite element method for the Stokes problem, with and without a reaction term. The hierarchical type estimator is based on the solution of local problems posed on appropriate finite dimensional spaces of bubble-like functions. An equivalence result between the norm of the finite element error and the estimator is given, where the dependence of the constants on the physics of the problem is explicited. Several numerical results confirming both the theoretical results and the good performance of the estimator are given

    Análisis bioquímico del micelio del hongo Hormoconis resinae en la corrosión de aleaciones aeronáuticas de aluminio

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    Las diferencias entre el comportamiento corrosivo y no corrosivo de una cepa del hongo Hormoconis resinae sobre aluminio y sus aleaciones aeronáuticas se explicarían a través de análisis bioquímicos del micelio. En trabajos previos, el comportamiento corrosivo se estudió mediante análisis de superficie SEM-EDX, técnicas electroquímicas y ensayos de inmersión. En este trabajo, se llevó a cabo la separación de proteínas del micelio producido por una cepa que perdió su corrosividad y su cultivo a través de tres generaciones. Cultivos en batch, en presencia y ausencia de aluminio y sus aleaciones AA 2024, AA 7005 y AA 7075, a través de tres generaciones del micelio crecido, fueron recuperando sus características, incluida su habitual corrosividad, en la tercera replicación. De las fracciones de biomoléculas separadas y analizadas durante este estudio preliminar, sólo, las fracciones proteicas revelaron cambios de una a otra generación. Cuando esta cepa del hongo se cultivó en presencia de probetas de los metales, las modificaciones en la electroforesis de las respectivas fracciones proteicas fueron correlativas del comportamiento del micelio frente a la corrosión del aluminio y sus aleaciones.Biochemical analyses of the Hormoconis resinae fungal mycelium would explain behaviour differences of corrosive and non-corrosive strains on Al and its aeronautical alloys. In previous works its aggressiveness had been studied through SEM-EDX surface analysis, electrochemical techniques and immersion testing. In this paper separation of the proteins of the mycelium produced by a non-corrosive strain and its culture along three generations was performed. Cultures were prepared in batch in the presence and absence of pure Al and AA 2024, AA 7005 and AA 7075 alloys. The mycelia grown throughout the three generations increasingly recovered usual characteristics at the third replication, included their corrosiveness on Al and its alloys previously shown by all our strains. Amongst the bio-molecule fractions isolated and analysed during this preliminary study only the proteins revealed changes with the generation grown. When this fungal strain was cultured in the presence of alloy metal sheets electrophoresis of the protean fraction was correlative wFil: Araya, R.. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; ChileFil: Bobadilla, C.. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; ChileFil: Vera, R.. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; ChileFil: Rosales, Blanca Margarita. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigaciones en Tecnología de Pinturas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones en Tecnología de Pinturas; Argentin

    Effect of Acacia tortilis pods on intake, digestibility and nutritive quality of goat diets in southwestern Eritrea

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    Fresh Acacia tortilis pods were mixed with low quality native grass hay to form the following five rations: 100% hay (T 1), 25% pods and 75% hay (T 2), 50% pods and 50% hay (T 3), 75% pods and 25% hay (T 4) and 100% pods (T 5) on ‘as fed’weight basis. Fifteen male Barka goats, approximately one year old and 10–15kg body weight, were randomly assigned to the five rations and fed in individual pens. Chemical composition, dry matter intake (DMI), in vitro dry and organic matter digestibility and body weight changes of the animals were evaluated. The average crude protein content of the pods was about 47% higher than the 7% minimum required for normal rumen function, while that of the hay was about 13% below. Percent ash, neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), hemi-cellulose (HC), cellulose (CL) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) contents were higher in the hay than in the pods. The pods were, however, generally higher in Ca, P, Mg and Na than the hay. Average DMI (g d -1 and g kg-1 LBW), percent in vitro dry and organic matter digestibility and body weight gains (total kg and gd -1) increased with an increase in A. tortilis pods, up to 75% level and then begun to decline. However, despite the decrease, T 5 still had significantly (P< 0.05) higher feed digestibility and body weight gains than T 2 and T3. Thus, supplementing low quality range herbage with Acacia pods can considerably improve the nutritive value of range livestock diets, particularly during the dry season when other types of fodder are of extremely low quality

    Einstein-AdS action, renormalized volume/area and holographic Rényi entropies

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    Indexación: Scopus.The authors thank D.E. Díaz, P. Sundell and A. Waldron for interesting discussions. C.A. is a Universidad Andres Bello (UNAB) Ph.D. Scholarship holder, and his work is supported by Dirección General de Investigación (DGI-UNAB). This work is funded in part by FONDECYT Grants No. 1170765 “Boundary dynamics in anti-de Sitter gravity and gauge/gravity duality ” and No. 3180620 “Entanglement Entropy and AdS gravity ”, and CONICYT Grant DPI 20140115.We exhibit the equivalence between the renormalized volume of asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AAdS) Einstein manifolds in four and six dimensions, and their renormalized Euclidean bulk gravity actions. The action is that of Einstein gravity, where the renormalization is achieved through the addition of a single topological term. We generalize this equivalence, proposing an explicit form for the renormalized volume of higher even-dimensional AAdS Einstein manifolds. We also show that evaluating the renormalized bulk gravity action on the conically singular manifold of the replica trick results in an action principle that corresponds to the renormalized volume of the regular part of the bulk, plus the renormalized area of a codimension-2 cosmic brane whose tension is related to the replica index. Renormalized Rényi entropy of odd-dimensional holographic CFTs can thus be obtained from the renormalized area of the brane with finite tension, including the effects of its backreaction on the bulk geometry. The area computation corresponds to an extremization problem for an enclosing surface that extends to the AdS boundary, where the newly defined renormalized volume is considered. © 2018, The Author(s).https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FJHEP08%282018%2913

    Activity of alumina supported fe catalysts for N2O decomposition: Effects of the iron content and thermal treatment

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    Indexación: Scopus.The activity of Fe2O3/Al2O3 catalysts prepared by impregnation of Al2O3 with different amounts of Fe and calcination temperatures (650 and 900 °C) in the direct N2O decomposition reaction was studied. High calcination temperature was introduced to study the effect of "aging", which are the conditions prevailing in the process-gas option for N2O abatement. The catalysts were characterized by BET, XRD, UV-DRS, and H2-TPR. The incorporation of Fe promotes the alumina phase transition (g-Al2O3 to a-Al2O3) when the catalysts are calcined at 900 °C, which is accompanied by a decrease in the specifc area. The activity of the catalysts and the specifc surface area depend on Fe loading and calcination temperature. It was found that highly dispersed Fe species are more active than bulk type Fe2O3 particles. We conclude that Fe2O3/Al2O3 catalysts prepared by impregnation method are active in the decomposition of N2O, to be used at low or high reaction temperatures (tail-gas or process-gas treatments, respectively), as part of nitric acid production plant. © 2018 Sociedad Chilena de Quimica. All rights reserved.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/pdf/jcchems/v62n4/0717-9324-jcchems-62-04-3752.pd

    Residual Action of Slow Release Systemic Insecticides on \u3ci\u3eRhopalosiphum Padi\u3c/i\u3e (Homoptera: Aphididae) on Wheat

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    Slow release formulations of acephate and carbofuran encapsulated in pearl corn­ starch or corn flour granules were applied to the soil at seeding time of potted \u27Caldwell\u27 wheat in the laboratory. Dosages of these insecticides were adjusted to a standard of IO kg/ha of a 10 10 granular formulation of carbofuran. The residual action of these insecticide treatments against Rhopalosiphum padi were compared with those obtained with that of carbofuran 150 at corresponding dosages and foliar sprays of solutions of acephate (25 10 EC) at 0.2 10 and carbofuran (4F) at 1.25 10, applied 12 d after seedling emergence. The residual action of carbofuran 150, which controlled R. padi since seedling emergence, lasted 28.5 d. The slow release granular formulations of carbofuran began to provide control (\u3e 50 10 aphid mortality) on days 13.3 and 17.9 after seeding. They controlled the insect until days 31.6 and 35.5 after seeding. The two corresponding granular formulations of acephate began to provide control on days 15.0 and 17.0 after seeding and con­ trolled the aphids until days 31.5 and 32.8 after seeding. The foliar sprays of acephate and carbofuran provided control for 18.3 and 36.2 d from application, respectively. The slow release granular formulations provided control of R. padi, an important vector of barley yellow dwarf virus, during early. stages of wheat development

    Stabilization arising from PGEM : a review and further developments

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    The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we review the recent Petrov-Galerkin enriched method (PGEM) to stabilize numerical solutions of BVP's in primal and mixed forms. Then, we extend such enrichment technique to a mixed singularly perturbed problem, namely, the generalized Stokes problem, and focus on a stabilized finite element method arising in a natural way after performing static condensation. The resulting stabilized method is shown to lead to optimal convergences, and afterward, it is numerically validated

    High Resolution Observations of the Massive Protostar in IRAS18566+0408

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    We report 3 mm continuum, CH3CN(5-4) and 13CS(2-1) line observations with CARMA, in conjunction with 6 and 1.3 cm continuum VLA data, and 12 and 25 micron broadband data from the Subaru Telescope toward the massive proto-star IRAS18566+0408. The VLA data resolve the ionized jet into 4 components aligned in the E-W direction. Radio components A, C, and D have flat cm SEDs indicative of optically thin emission from ionized gas, and component B has a spectral index alpha = 1.0, and a decreasing size with frequency proportional to frequency to the -0.5 power. Emission from the CARMA 3 mm continuum, and from the 13CS(2-1), and CH3CN(5-4) spectral lines is compact (i.e. < 6700 AU), and peaks near the position of VLA cm source, component B. Analysis of these lines indicates hot, and dense molecular gas, typical for HMCs. Our Subaru telescope observations detect a single compact source, coincident with radio component B, demonstrating that most of the energy in IRAS18566+0408 originates from a region of size < 2400 AU. We also present UKIRT near-infrared archival data for IRAS18566+0408 which show extended K-band emission along the jet direction. We detect an E-W velocity shift of about 10 km/sec over the HMC in the CH3CN lines possibly tracing the interface of the ionized jet with the surrounding core gas. Our data demonstrate the presence of an ionized jet at the base of the molecular outflow, and support the hypothesis that massive protostars with O-type luminosity form with a mechanism similar to lower mass stars