267 research outputs found
Corrigendum to “Transition toward a fully renewable-based energy system in Chile by 2050 across power, heat, transport and desalination sectors”
This is a corrigendum to the article Transition toward a fully renewable-based energy system in Chile by 2050 across power, heat, transport and desalination sectors published by the International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management with DOI: http://doi.org/10.5278/ijsepm.338
De los efectos patrimoniales tras la ruptura de la unión de hecho en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno
Las uniones de hecho son una realidad social creciente en nuestro país, no obstante nuestro ordenamiento jurídico no ha efectuado un reconocimiento expreso a estas relaciones, constatando la existencia de diversas disposiciones que aisladamente le reconocen, de modo más o menos explícito, ciertos efectos jurídicos. Sin embargo, ninguno de dichos preceptos legales entrega un concepto de unión de hecho, ni de sus requisitos, ni permite configurar la existencia de un supuesto estado civil de conviviente. Ante tal vacío, ha sido la doctrina y principalmente la jurisprudencia quienes han venido a encargarse de delimitar el concepto y los requisitos de las uniones de hecho, así como de la regulación de los efectos patrimoniales de las mismas una vez que se produce el término del concubinato. Con todo, creemos que no resulta posible regular sus efectos patrimoniales mediante la aplicación de la compensación económica establecida en la Ley de Matrimonio Civil Chilena para el caso de divorcio o nulidad matrimonial.De facto unions are a growing social reality in our country, however our legal system has not made an express recognition to these relationships, confirming the existence of various provisions alone will recognize, more or less explicit, certain legal effects. However, none of these legal precepts delivers a concept union, or its requirements, or to configure the existence of an alleged status of partner. Given this vacuum, has been the doctrine and jurisprudence mainly those who have come to take charge of defining the concept and requirements of domestic partnerships as well as the regulation of the property consequences thereof occurs once the term of the concubinage. However, we believe that it is not possible to regulate its economic effects by applying the compensation established in the Chilean Civil Marriage Act in the case of divorce or annulment
Correlación entre cantidad e intensidad de contactos oclusales y propiedades salivales
77 p.INTRODUCCIÓN: Aunque los estudios no lo avalan, es frecuente ver clínicamente
que aquellos pacientes con gran número de bruxofacetas; pacientes con mayor
intensidad y áreas de contacto oclusal, presentan una baja incidencia de caries dental, lo que hace especular que podría existir una correlación entre la cantidad e intensidad de los contactos oclusales con las propiedades salivales como el flujo salival, pH y capacidad buffer, propiedades que cumplen un rol fundamental en la mantención del equilibrio en la cavidad oral. OBJETIVO: Relacionar cantidad e intensidad de contactos oclusales con las
propiedades salivales (flujo salival, pH, capacidad buffer), en sujetos de bajo o mediano riesgo cariogénico, sanos, en una muestra de Flujo Salival No Estimulado (FSNE). METODOLOGÍA: Para determinar la muestra de este estudio se realizo una
evaluación postural, para seleccionar a aquellos sujetos que no presentaran alteración. Posteriormente se realizó un examen intraoral, para seleccionar a aquellos sujetos de bajo o moderado riesgo cariogénico. A los sujetos seleccionados se les tomó una muestra de flujo salival no estimulado, para posteriormente analizar la cantidad en ml/min, pH y capacidad buffer. A la muestra seleccionada se le realizó mediante el equipo y programa computarizado T-Scan III®, un registro oclusal por 10 segundos. Finalmente estos datos fueron analizados y correlacionados estadísticamente con los Test de Correlación de Pearson y Spearman. CONCLUSIONES: El número de contactos oclusales no tienen una correlación directa y significativa con las propiedades salivales: Flujo salival no estimulado, pH y capacidad buffer. Al analizar la intensidad de contactos oclusales por hemiarcada se pudo observar que tampoco existe una correlación con estas propiedades salivales. PALABRAS CLAVE: Contactos olcusales, propiedades salivales./ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Although studies do not endorse, is often seen clinically that patients with large numbers of bruxofacetas; patients with greater intensity and areas of occlusal
contact, have a low incidence of dental caries, which makes speculate that there might be a correlation between the amount and intensity of occlusal contacts with the salivary properties such as salivary flow, pH and buffer capacity, properties that play a fundamental role in maintaining the balance in the oral cavity. OBJECTIVE: Relate amount and intensity of occlusal contacts with the salivary properties
(salivary flow, pH, buffer capacity), in subjects cariogenic low or medium risk, healthy, in a sample of Salivary Flow unstimulated (FSNE). METHODOLOGY: To determine the sample of this study postural evaluation was conducted to select those subjects who did not present alteration. Subsequently an intraoral examination was performed to select those subjects cariogenic low or moderate risk. The
selected subjects were took a sample of unstimulated salivary flow and how to analyze the amount in ml / min, pH and buffer capacity. The selected sample was performed using the computer and computer program T-Scan III ™, an occlusal record for 10 seconds. Finally these data were statistically analyzed and correlated with Pearson correlation test and
Spearman. CONCLUSIONS: The number of occlusal contacts have a direct and significant correlation with salivary properties: unstimulated salivary flow, pH and buffer capacity. By analyzing the intensity of occlusal contacts hemiarcada it was observed that there is also no
correlation with these salivary properties.
KEYWORDS: Olcusales contacts , salivary properties
Impact of Face Image Quality Estimation on Presentation Attack Detection
Non-referential face image quality assessment methods have gained popularity
as a pre-filtering step on face recognition systems. In most of them, the
quality score is usually designed with face matching in mind. However, a small
amount of work has been done on measuring their impact and usefulness on
Presentation Attack Detection (PAD). In this paper, we study the effect of
quality assessment methods on filtering bona fide and attack samples, their
impact on PAD systems, and how the performance of such systems is improved when
training on a filtered (by quality) dataset. On a Vision Transformer PAD
algorithm, a reduction of 20% of the training dataset by removing lower quality
samples allowed us to improve the BPCER by 3% in a cross-dataset test
Effects of penguin guano and moisture on nitrogen biological fixation in maritime Antarctic soils
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is a high energy-demanding process that may be inhibited by penguin guano. We tested this hypothesis in Ardley Island by measuring BNF in biological soil crusts (BSC) directly within a Penguin Colony and in sites unaffected by penguins. We also explored the effect of adding guano to BSCs in sites free of the influence of penguins. Water availability is also one of the most limiting elements for life in the Antarctica, and we expected that a wetter growing season would stimulate BNF. To evaluate the effect of moisture on BNF, we added water to BSCs under laboratory conditions and estimated BNF by means of the acetylene reduction assay during three growing seasons (2012, 2013 and 2014), with contrasting temperature and precipitation conditions. The results reveal an almost complete inhibition of N fixation in the BSCs of the Penguin Colony. In sites free of ammonium and phosphate in rainwater, BNF rates reached up to 3kgNha−1 year−1 during warmer and wetter years. The addition of guano to BSCs significantly inhibited the rates of BNF. In laboratory incubations, the addition of water significantly stimulated rates of BNF during the warmer growing season with more sunshine hours. The likely increases in soil moisture levels due to climate change and glacier melting in the Antarctic Peninsula may enhance the rates of BNF. However, this may be constrained by accompanying changes in the distribution of Penguin Colonies
Esta tesis doctoral tuvo como principal objetivo analizar, desde un enfoque global y local, el rol que los sistemas solares fotovoltaicos descentralizados (SSFVD) podrían jugar en la transición energética sostenible de Chile y la región de Aysén. Para ello, se modelaron escenarios de transición hacia un sistema 100% basado en energías renovables. Los resultados revelaron que lograr en Chile este tipo de sistema al 2050 es técnicamente factible y económicamente viable y, que este país puede alcanzar la neutralidad en las emisiones de carbono en 2030. Dependiendo del enfoque territorial, el 2050 los SSFVD producirían entre un 27–52% de la demanda de electricidad que sería mayoritariamente consumida en ciudades por los sectores eléctrico, térmico y transporte. A su vez, la fotovoltaica descentralizada crearía en Chile 174.274 empleos directos durante el periodo de transición. Todo esto, utilizando menos del 10% del potencial tecno-económico de energías renovables disponible en este país.The main objective of this doctoral thesis was to analyze, from a global and local approach, the role that decentralized solar photovoltaic systems (DSPVS) could play in the sustainable energy transition of Chile and the Aysén region. For this, transition scenarios were modelled toward a system 100% based on renewable energy. The results revealed that achieving this type of system in Chile by 2050 is technically feasible and economically viable and that this country can reach carbon neutrality by 2030. Depending on the territorial approach, by 2050, the DSPVS would produce between 27-52% of the electricity demand that would be mostly consumed in cities by the electricity, heat and transport sectors. In turn, decentralized photovoltaics would create 174,274 direct jobs in Chile during the transition period. All this would be achieved using less than 10% of the techno-economic potential of renewable energy available in this country.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Centro de Estudios avanzados en Ciencias de la Tierra, Energía y Medio Ambiente
3D Printing and Airway Stents
A central goal of an airway stent is to restore patency by preventing restenosis, holding the tracheobronchial wall, or occluding fistulas. Complications with stents, however, are frequent and can have grave repercussions. Stents are therefore viewed as a last resort in cases where other forms of treatment are ineffective. Furthermore, it is common for people with complex airways to have airway stents that do not fit them well, which can result in several complications. Three-dimensional printing technology was developed at the turn of the 20th century. It has been employed in a variety of applications and has transformed healthcare. This technology has mainly been employed in respiratory medicine to develop three-dimensional models of the airways and to make airway splints and prostheses to treat central airway diseases. In the past ten years, it has transformed and advanced personalized medicine, enabling the creation of patient-specific stents for people with complex airway diseases. Three-dimensional printing might be used to create a patient-specific stent that would lessen risks, enhance the quality of life, and eliminate the need for additional procedures. This chapter discusses the most recent developments in three-dimensional printing technology, how they are being used to create airway prostheses to treat complex airway illnesses and the current body of research that supports their use
Estudio florístico del Area Marina Costera Protegida Francisco Coloane, Región de Magallanes, Chile
A detailed knowledge of protected areas biodiversity is a key factor to generate preservation and management policies. Asurvey on the vascular flora of Francisco Coloane Coastal Marine Protected Area is examined in this paper. The flora isrepresented by 55 families, 92 genera and 120 species. 69 of them are endemic for Chile and Argentina. The most diversefamilies are Asteraceae (11 genera/15 species), Poaceae (10 /13) and Cyperaceae (6 /12). The genera with highest numberof species are Carex and Senecio with 5 and 4 species, respectively; while 72 genera are represented by only one species.The dominant life form is herbaceous plants (74 species, 62%), followed by the sub schrubs (19 species, 16%). Twospecies constitute new records for Magallanes Region (Lupinus arboreus and Gamochaeta monticola). The 95% of theflora corresponds to native species and only 5% are exotic plants. Only 9 of 120 species have the status of endangeredspecies.Un factor clave para generar políticas de conservación y de manejo de un área protegida es el conocimiento detallado desu biodiversidad. En este trabajo documentamos la flora vascular del Área Marina Costera Protegida Francisco Coloanerepresentada por 55 familias, 92 géneros y 120 especies. De ellas 69 son endémicas para Chile y Argentina. Las familias másdiversas son: Asteraceae (11 géneros/15 especies), Poaceae (10 /13) y Cyperaceae (6 /12). Los géneros mejor representadosson Carex con 5 especies y Senecio con 4, mientras que 72 géneros están representados por una sola especie. La forma devida dominante son las hierbas (74 especies, 62%), seguidas de los subarbustos (19 especies, 16%). Dos especies son nuevosregistros para la Región de Magallanes (Lupinus arboreus y Gamochaeta monticola). El 95% de la flora corresponde aespecies nativas y un 5% a especies introducidas naturalizadas. Sólo 9 especies presentan problemas de conservación
Effect of pH Change on the Microalgae-Based Biogas Upgrading Process
An alternative way to remove CO2 from biogas is the use of photosynthetic microorganisms, such as microalgae. This can be achieved by the operation of an open photobioreactor, connected with a mass transfer column, such as a counterflow column. This technology provides up-graded biogas with high quality. The microalgal uptake of CO2 from the biogas in counterflow columns generates pH changes in microalgae culture. To clarify the potential effect of these dynamic pH conditions in the culture, the effect of pH change on the photosynthetic activity and PSII quantum yield was studied for microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana. Thus, assays were carried out, where the pH drop reported in the counterflow columns was replicated in batch microalgae culture through HCl addition and CO2 injection, moving the culture pH from 7.0 to 5.0 and from 7.0 to 5.8, respectively. Moreover, the effect of light/darkness on photosynthetic activity was tested when the pH decreased. The results obtained in this research showed that the photosynthetic activity decreased for the light conditions when the pH was shifted by HCl addition and CO2 injection. Despite this, the value of the PSII quantum yield remained at 0.6–0.7, which means that the microalgae culture did not suffer a negative effect on the photosynthetic system of cells because a high value of PSII efficiency remained. In the same way, the results indicated that when the pH change was corrected, the photosynthetic activity recovered. Moreover, the apparent affinity constant for dissolved inorganic carbon (KDIC) was 0.9 µM at pH 5 and 112.0 µM at pH 7, which suggests that the preferred carbon source for C.sorokniana is CO2. Finally, all the results obtained indicated that the pH drop in the counter-flow column for biogas upgrading did not cause permanent damage to the photosynthetic system, and the decrease in the photosynthetic activity as a result of the pH drop can be recovered when the pH is corrected.This research was funded by FONDECYT-ANID CHILE, grant number 1120488, CRHIAM Centre (CONICYT/FONDAP) grant number 15130015, and VRIEA-PUCV grant number 039.315/2022
Identifying barriers and opportunities in the deployment of the residential photovoltaic prosumer segment in Chile
Photovoltaic (PV) prosumers can play a significant role in the transition toward sustainable cities. However, the implementation of more effective policies which accelerate the deployment of this market is needed. In this study, after an overview of the residential PV prosumer (RPVP) market's status in Chile, critical parameters that can speed-up the deployment of this segment through policy decisions were identified. Considering the local conditions of each regional capital in Chile, the segment is analyzed with widely-used econometric techniques to evaluate the residential PV systems feasibility empirically. The results show that the Chilean regulatory framework is insufficient for exploiting the potential of the RPVP. Without effective policy instruments, high investment costs and low income per household are the main barriers in the deployment of the segment in this country. Therefore, suitable promotion energy policies, regulatory changes, and financing options can accelerate the deployment without majorly impacting on the national budget. This would let citizens help accelerate decarbonization through a more decentralized and democratic energy transition, gaining socio-economic and socio-environmental benefits, based on solar PV technology.This work was supported by the Campus Patagonia of the Universidad Austral de Chile; and the Vice-Rectorate of Research of the University of Jaén through ‘Acción 4’ grant: ‘Ayudas predoctorales para la Formación de Personal Investigador.’ The study was conducted in the scope of the project “Adaptation to sustainable energy transition in Europe: Environmental, socio-economic, and cultural aspects (ADAPTAS)” [CSO2017-86975-R, Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness and State Research Agency of Spain, and European Regional Development Fund]
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