12,268 research outputs found

    Inflation Targeting, Credibility and Confidence Crises

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    We study the interplay between the central bank transparency, its credibility, and the inflation target level. Based on a model developed in the spirit of the global games literature, we argue that whenever a weak central bank adopts a high degree of transparency and a low target level, a bad and self confirmed type of equilibrium may arise. In this case, an over-the-target inflation becomes more likely. The central bank is considered weak when favorable state of nature is required for the target to be achieved. On the other hand, if a weak central bank opts for less ambitious goals, namely lower degree of transparency and higher target level, it may avoid confidence crises and ensure a unique equilibrium for the expected inflation. Moreover, even after ruling out the possibility of confidence crises, less ambitious goals may be desirable in order to attain higher credibility and hence a better coordination of expectations. Conversely, a low target level and a high central bank transparency are desirable whenever the economy has strong fundamentals and the target can be fulfilled in many states of nature.

    Positive Feedback Keeps Duration of Mitosis Temporally Insulated from Upstream Cell-Cycle Events

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    Cell division is characterized by a sequence of events by which a cell gives rise to two daughter cells. Quantitative measurements of cell-cycle dynamics in single cells showed that despite variability in G1-, S-, and G2 phases, duration of mitosis is short and remarkably constant. Surprisingly, there is no correlation between cell-cycle length and mitotic duration, suggesting that mitosis is temporally insulated from variability in earlier cell-cycle phases. By combining live cell imaging and computational modeling, we showed that positive feedback is the molecular mechanism underlying the temporal insulation of mitosis. Perturbing positive feedback gave rise to a sluggish, variable entry and progression through mitosis and uncoupled duration of mitosis from variability in cell cycle length. We show that positive feedback is important to keep mitosis short, constant, and temporally insulated and anticipate it might be a commonly used regulatory strategy to create modularity in other biological systems

    University-industry linkages and the role of the geographical proximity

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    The main aim of this paper is to exam the local dimension of the university and industry linkages. It is widely recognized in the literature that academic research is an important source of new knowledge to the innovative efforts of the firms. Many authors, such as Audrescht and Feldman (1996), Acs and Varga (2005), Breschi and Lissoni (2009), have shown that academic research is positively correlated with firms’ innovation at the geographical level. There are two reasons that are pointed out for this correlation. First, there are many ways in which knowledge generated by academic research can spill over to the firms, such as research papers, patents and informal contacts. Second, geographical proximity can encourage cooperation between academic researchers and the R&D staff in the firms. In this way, this paper tries to measure empirically the geographical dimension of the university-industry linkages in Brazil, in the same way to the first effort presented in ERSA 2010 (Garcia et al, 2010). To do that, it was used data from the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq), collected at the CNPq Directory of Research Groups of Brazilian universities. The data shows that in 2008 there were 22,797 research groups from 422 institutions. Among these research groups, 2,726 declared that they have interactions with more than 3,800 firms, which means 5,132 interactions between university and industry. Data were organized both in firm-level and in research group-level; allow the identification of the localization of the firm and of the research group. Among the 5,132 interactions between firms and research groups, it was possible to see that 43.6% of interactions occur inside the same city; 51.2% inside the same region; and 75.3% in the same state. These results show the importance of the local dimension of the interactions between academic research of the university and innovative efforts of the firms. In addition, it was done some empirical tests in order to identify the main factors that contribute to foster university-industry linkages.


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    ABSTRACT: Religiosity of contemporary Andean indigenous peoples is constituted by a complex interaction between theology and the original items from the Christianized and ideologies historically produced phenomena such as taxation, interpenetration, removal,syncretism, resistance and reinvention. Embedded in this context was developed as a way of enhancing identity particular worldview is quite representative of their feelings and attitudes about the world, mainly in what it says respect to their territory and their communityexperiences and patterns of reciprocity in the socialization of traditions. Thus, our proposal in this article is to analyze some of the different elements of the symbolic representation, mythological and ritualistic of these communities, characterized by persistent conflict between a hegemonic dominance of the creative and creative autonomy.RESUMEN: La religiosidad de los pueblos indígenas andinos contemporáneos es constituida por una compleja interacción teológica entre los elementos originales y los cristianizados desde fenómenos e ideologías históricamente producidas, tales como imposición,interpenetración, extirpación, sincretismo, resistencia y reinvención. En este contexto imbricado se desarrolló como forma de realce identitario una cosmovisión particular bastante representativa de sus sentimientos y mentalidades a respecto del mundo, principalmente, en lo que dice respecto al su territorio e sus vivencias comunitarias pautadas en la reciprocidad y en la socialización de las tradiciones. Así, nuestra propuesta en eso articulo es analizar algunos de los diferentes elementos de las representaciones simbólicas, mitológicas y ritualisticas de estas comunidades, caracterizadas por la contraposición entre un persistente dominio del hegemónico y la creativa autonomía creativa

    Endodontia Mecanizada: Comparação dos sistemas Reciproc e WaveOne

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Odontologia.Nos últimos anos, a etapa de instrumentação no tratamento endodôntico vivenciou uma grande e constante evolução. Os instrumentos manuais no preparo mecânico dos canais radiculares foram fabricados inicialmente em liga de aço-carbono e aço inoxidável. Esses apresentaram grandes limitações para o emprego em técnicas mecanizadas. A introdução da liga de Níquel-Titânio (NiTi) na fabricação dos instrumentos proporcionou maior flexibilidade aos mesmos e abriu portas para a implementação dos sistemas mecanizados para a instrumentação. Como parte da evolução da endodontia mecanizada, foi desenvolvida a cinemática reciprocante e, junto dela, encorajada a instrumentação dos canais com um único instrumento. Nos últimos anos, foram apresentados ao mercado dois novos sistemas: Reciproc e WaveOne. Esta revisão da literatura teve como objetivo comparar os dois novos sistemas de endodontia mecanizada reciprocante em aspectos de modelagem e limpeza, resistência dos instrumentos, tempo de trabalho, alterações morfológicas e capacidade de reutilização após o uso, e reutilização no retratamento endodôntico. Os resultados dos trabalhos demonstraram que não há diferença entre os instrumentos quanto à modelagem e limpeza do canal, alterações morfológicas dos instrumentos após o preparo, capacidade de reutilização e eficiência na remoção de material obturador. Quanto a resistência à fadiga e tempo de trabalho, o Reciproc se mostrou superior ao WaveOne.In the last years, instrumentation step in endodontic treatment experienced big and constant evolution. The manual instruments in mechanical preparation of root canals were initially manufactured in carbon steel and stainless steel. These had great limitations to use in mechanized technique. The introduction of Nickel-Titanium alloy (NiTi) at endodontic instruments manufacturing provided more flexibility for them and allowed the manufacture of the first rotary systems to instrumentation. With evolution of mechanized endodontic was developed the reciprocating motion and, concomitantly, the canal shaping with a single file. In the last years was presented to marketplace two news systems: Reciproc (VDW, Munich, Germany) and WaveOne (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaiguer, Switzerland). This literature review aims to compare the two new reciprocating mechanized endodontics systems aspects of shaping and cleaning, fatigue strength, working time, morphological changes and reusability after use, and reuse in the endodontic retreatment. The work showed that the shaping and cleaning, morphological changes, reusability and efficiency in removing filling material, there was no statistical difference between the instruments. The resistance to fatigue and working time, the Reciproc was superior to Waveone

    Equivalence of real Milnor's fibrations for quasi homogeneous singularities

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    We are going to use the Euler's vector fields in order to show that for real quasi-homogeneous singularities with isolated critical value, the Milnor's fibration in a "thin" hollowed tube involving the zero level and the fibration in the complement of "link" in sphere are equivalents, since they exist. Moreover, in order to do that, we explicitly characterize the critical points of projection ff:SϵmKϵS1\frac{f}{\|f\|}:S_{\epsilon}^{m}\setminus K_{\epsilon}\to S^{1}, where KϵK_{\epsilon} is the link of singularity