13 research outputs found

    Enfrentamientos experimentados por hombres que viven con HIV/SIDA en el ambiente laboral

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    Objetivou-se apreender situações de enfrentamento experienciadas por homens que vivem com HIV/aids no ambiente de trabalho. Estudo qualitativo realizado em ambulatório especializado em Fortaleza-Ceará, de março a junho de 2010, com onze homens infectados pelo vírus. Utilizou-se entrevista semiestruturada, audiogravada, sendo os depoimentos categorizados mediante análise de conteúdo, cujas categorias foram: Afastamento do trabalho em virtude da infecção; Subterfúgios para omissão da doença; Desrespeito ao sigilo no ambiente de trabalho; Sofrimento associado ao medo da rejeição e do preconceito; Formas de enfrentamento após o diagnóstico da doença e a importância do trabalho para a realização pessoal. Concluiu-se que os homens infectados pelo HIV enfrentam situações contraproducentes no ambiente de trabalho, evidenciadas principalmente pelo temor da descoberta da infecção e pelo preconceito. Associadas ao enfrentamento, as ausências para o acompanhamento em saúde interferiram no desempenho do trabalho que implicariam no risco de perda do emprego.Se apuntó a entender situaciones de enfrentamiento experimentadas por portadores de HIV/SIDA en el ámbito laboral. Estudio cualitativo realizado en ambulatorio especializado en Fortaleza-Ceará, de marzo a junio 2010, con once hombres infectados por el virus. Se utilizó entrevista semiestructurada, grabada en video, categorizándose los testimonios mediante análisis de contenido, determinándose las categorías: Alejamiento del trabajo en virtud de la infección; Subterfugios para omisión de la enfermedad; Irrespeto al secreto en ambiente laboral; Sufrimiento asociado al miedo al rechazo y del preconcepto; Formas de enfrentamiento luego del diagnóstico de la enfermedad e Importancia del trabajo para la realización personal. Según se concluye, los hombres infectados por HIV enfrentan situaciones contraproducentes en el ámbito laboral, determinadas fundamentalmente por el temor al descubrimiento de la infección y por el preconcepto. Asociadas al enfrentamiento, las carencias para el seguimiento de salud interfirieron en el desempeño laboral e implicaron riesgo de pérdida de empleo.The objective of this study was to understand the coping mechanisms of men living with HIV/AIDS in terms of their work environment. A qualitative study was carried out at a specialized outpatient clinic in Fortaleza-Ceará between March and June 2010, involving eleven men infected with the virus. Semi-structured and audio-recorded interviews were used. The statements were categorized through content analysis into the following categories: absence from work due to the infection; subterfuges used to hide the disease; disrespect for confidentiality in the work environment; suffering associated with the fear of rejection and prejudice; ways of coping after diagnosis of the disease; and the importance of work for personal accomplishment. In conclusion, men infected with HIV face counterproductive situations in the work environment, mainly evidenced by fear of discovery of the infection and prejudice. Associated with coping, absences for health monitoring purposes interfered with performance at work and increased the risk of losing their job

    Participatory management in SUS through integrating education, and community service: the experience of a family health league as a project of University extension in Fortaleza - Ceará

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    As a result of the experience of two public universities and a private one, the Extension Project "Family Health League" (LSF) introduced a participative management strategy in the field of education of health professionals, with the support of power-ideas such as permanent education in health, popular education, multiprofessional and interdisciplinary groups, primary health attention, family health strategy, participative methodologies and practice inserted in a live territory. This report aims to introduce an experience of integrating teaching to community service through the Family Health League Extension Project (LSF), in the context of the Health-School Municipal System (SMSE) in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. This experience was planned in the spirit of participative management in the National Health System (SUS). The proposal of LSF emerges, in the SMSE, from a recommendation supported by the city's health system which aimed at improving co-management spaces of education and services and used the methods of circle discussion and inverted tent. The protagonism of the project members and of the community in the organization of the project's activities and the amplification of a critical view over social reality and health work are amongst the major advances which emerged from this experience. This project has made possible the integration of teaching, health service and community, from the perspective of a communicative and participative management.Fruto da experiência de duas universidades públicas e uma privada, o Projeto de Extensão Liga Saúde da Família (LSF) constitui-se numa estratégia de gestão participativa no campo da formação de profissionais da área da saúde, com base nos conceitos de educação permanente em saúde, educação popular em saúde, equipe multiprofissional e interdisciplinar, atenção primária à saúde, promoção da saúde, estratégia saúde da família, metodologias participativas de pesquisa e atuação inserida no território vivo. Este relato apresenta a experiência da integração ensino-serviço-comunidade por meio do Projeto de Extensão Liga Saúde da Família, no contexto do Sistema Municipal de Saúde Escola (SMSE), em Fortaleza-Ceará, que dialoga com a gestão participativa no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Esta proposta do LSF foi implantada no SMSE a partir de uma ação apoiada pelo sistema de saúde de Fortaleza que visa potencializar os espaços de co-gestão docente-assistencial, por meio da proposta do método da roda e da tenda invertida. O protagonismo dos integrantes e da comunidade na construção das atividades do projeto e a ampliação do olhar crítico sobre a realidade social e do trabalho em saúde estão entre os maiores avanços surgidos dessa experiência. Esse projeto permitiu a integração ensino - serviço - comunidade, atendendo a uma perspectiva de gestão participativa e dialógica

    Microcephaly epidemic related to the Zika virus and living conditions in Recife, Northeast Brazil.

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    BACKGROUND: Starting in August 2015, there was an increase in the number of cases of neonatal microcephaly in Northeast Brazil. These findings were identified as being an epidemic of microcephaly related to Zika virus (ZIKV) infection. The present study aims to analyse the spatial distribution of microcephaly cases in Recife (2015-2016), which is in Northeast Brazil, and its association with the living conditions in this city. METHODS: This was an ecological study that used data from reported cases of microcephaly from the State Health Department of Pernambuco (August 2015 to July 2016). The basic spatial unit of analysis was the 94 districts of Recife. The case definition of microcephaly was: neonates with a head circumference of less than the cut-off point of -2 standard deviations below the mean value from the established Fenton growth curve. As an indicator of the living conditions of the 94 districts, the percentage of heads of households with an income of less than twice the minimum wage was calculated. The districts were classified into four homogeneous strata using the K-means clustering algorithm. We plotted the locations of each microcephaly case over a layer of living conditions. RESULTS: During the study period, 347 microcephaly cases were reported, of which 142 (40.9%) fulfilled the definition of a microcephaly case. Stratification of the 94 districts resulted in the identification of four strata. The highest stratum in relation to the living conditions presented the lowest prevalence rate of microcephaly, and the overall difference between this rate and the rates of the other strata was statistically significant. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test demonstrated that there was a strong association between a higher prevalence of microcephaly and poor living conditions. After the first 6 months of the study period, there were no microcephaly cases recorded within the population living in the richest socio-economic strata. CONCLUSION: This study showed that those residing in areas with precarious living conditions had a higher prevalence of microcephaly compared with populations with better living conditions

    Professores e Alunos: o engendramento da violência da escola

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    The school violence engendering is partially analyzed, considering the violence production in the school environment. This is a bibliographic research with quantitative and qualitative approach. Sources: 77 theses and 15 dissertations carried out in Brazil (2007 to 2012). Data collection and organization: Content Analysis. Main reference: Bernard Charlot and Pierre Bourdieu. Results: the sources showed that Brazilian teachers participate effectively in the school violence engendering, contributing to violence production in the school environment. The students are the main victims. The teacher is less affected by physical and verbal violence. The symbolic power is the most perpetrated by the teacher against the student. The school also plays a major role in it.Analisa-se o engendramento de uma face da violência da escola, tendo em vista a produção da violência em espaço escolar. Pesquisa bibliográfica quanti-qualitativa. Fontes: 77 dissertações e 15 teses produzidas no Brasil (2007 a 2012). Coleta e organização dos dados: Análise de Conteúdo. Fundamentação base: Bernard Charlot e Pierre Bourdieu. Resultados: as fontes apontaram que professores brasileiros são protagonistas na constituição da violência da escola, contribuindo para a produção da violência em espaço escolar. Os alunos são as principais vítimas dessa violência. O professor sofre menos violência física e verbal do que o aluno. A violência simbólica é a mais usada pelo professor contra o aluno. A escola também usa desse expediente

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2008

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil

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