797 research outputs found

    Molecular diversity in persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) cultivars growing around Hatay province in Turkey

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    Genetic relationships among Diospyros kaki L. growing around Hatay province in Turkey were assessed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay. Ten decamer primers were selected from 50 primers. These primers yielded a total of 155 bands and 126 of them were recorded aspolymorphic. Pairwise genetic distances of the samples were used to construct dendograms using Unweighted Pair-Group Method of Arithmetic Average (UPGMA). The study suggests that the morphological differences among cultivars of persimmon might be the result of genetic differencesrather than the ecological or growing conditions. The study forms a basic contribution to the characterization of D. kaki population in Turkey

    Hybridizing Invasive Weed Optimization with Firefly Algorithm for Unconstrained and Constrained Optimization Problems

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    This study presents a hybrid invasive weed firefly optimization (HIWFO) algorithm for global optimization problems. Unconstrained and constrained optimization problems with continuous design variables are used to illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm. The firefly algorithm (FA is effective in local search, but can easily get trapped in local optima. The invasive weed optimization (IWO) algorithm, on the other hand, is effective in accurate global search, but not in local search. Therefore, the idea of hybridization between IWO and FA is to achieve a more robust optimization technique, especially to compensate for the deficiencies of the individual algorithms. In the proposed algorithm, the firefly method is embedded into IWO to enhance the local search capability of IWO algorithm that already has very good exploration capability. The performance of the proposed method is assessed with four well-known unconstrained problems and four practical constrained problems. Comparative assessments of performance of the proposed algorithm with the original FA and IWO are carried out on the unconstrained problems and with several other hybrid methods reported in the literature on the practical constrained problems, to illustrate its effectiveness. Simulation results show that the proposed HIWFO algorithm h as superior searching quality and robustness than the approaches considered

    GM1 Ganglioside Modifies α-Synuclein Toxicity and is Neuroprotective in a Rat α-Synuclein Model of Parkinson\u27s Disease.

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    While GM1 may interact with α-synuclein in vitro to inhibit aggregation, the ability of GM1 to protect against α-synuclein toxicity in vivo has not been investigated. We used targeted adeno-associated viral vector (AAV) overexpression of human mutant α-synuclein (A53T) in the rat substantia nigra (SN) to produce degeneration of SN dopamine neurons, loss of striatal dopamine levels, and behavioral impairment. Some animals received daily GM1 ganglioside administration for 6 weeks, beginning 24 hours after AAV-A53T administration or delayed start GM1 administration for 5 weeks beginning 3 weeks after AAV-A53T administration. Both types of GM1 administration protected against loss of SN dopamine neurons and striatal dopamine levels, reduced α-synuclein aggregation, and delayed start administration of GM1 reversed early appearing behavioral deficits. These results extend prior positive results in MPTP models, are consistent with the results of a small clinical study of GM1 in PD patients that showed slowing of symptom progression with chronic use, and argue for the continued refinement and development of GM1 as a potential disease modifying therapy for PD

    Analysis of Demersal Fish Schooling Distribution in Tarakan Waters North Borneo by Using Hidroacoustic Method

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    This research is aimed to determine the distribution of demersal fish schooling and the relation between demersal fish schooling and temperature, salinity and depth of water by using hydroacoustic method. The research was held in August 2014 at the Research Institute of Marine Fisheries Laboratory of Muara Baru, North Jakarta. This research used hydroacoustic method with acoustic descriptor techniques. The amount of fish schooling was obtained by digitization and integration, the values of integration would have generated the position and depth of the waters. Demersal fish schooling which found in waters of Tarakan were comprising of 19 schooling. The dominant fish schooling occured at temperature of 270 C to 280 C and tended to be appear at salinity of 35.5 ‰. Type of demersal fish schooling in Tarakan waters was mostly emerged in form of horizontal contained in the bottom of ocean

    Selective Jamming of LoRaWAN using Commodity Hardware

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    Long range, low power networks are rapidly gaining acceptance in the Internet of Things (IoT) due to their ability to economically support long-range sensing and control applications while providing multi-year battery life. LoRa is a key example of this new class of network and is being deployed at large scale in several countries worldwide. As these networks move out of the lab and into the real world, they expose a large cyber-physical attack surface. Securing these networks is therefore both critical and urgent. This paper highlights security issues in LoRa and LoRaWAN that arise due to the choice of a robust but slow modulation type in the protocol. We exploit these issues to develop a suite of practical attacks based around selective jamming. These attacks are conducted and evaluated using commodity hardware. The paper concludes by suggesting a range of countermeasures that can be used to mitigate the attacks.Comment: Mobiquitous 2017, November 7-10, 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australi

    Resolving genetic relationships in manna group of lichens from genus Aspicilia

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    As in many lichen-forming fungi, species of Aspicilia genus are widely distributed all over the world, but no reports exist about their phylogenetic relations based on molecular biological methods. In thecurrent study the phylogenetic relations of some Aspicilia species mainly manna group of lichens were investigated. The ITS rDNA sequence information of 12 samples from six species were generated. The samples examined were collected from different provinces of Anatolia and all the sequences were aligned with the other allied groups; Pertusaria sp., Thamnolia sp., Dibaeis sp., Diploschistes sp.,Ochrolechia sp. and Lecanora sp. sequence data obtained from GenBank. The phylogenetic tree obtained by minimum evolution analysis displayed two major branches. One of the branches with itssix members (Aspicilia contorta subsp. contorta, A. contorta subsp. hoffmanniana, Aspicilia hispida, Aspicilia fruticulosa, Aspicilia desertorum Aspicilia calcarea) composed solely of Aspicilia samplesfrom Anatolia. Three of the manna groups of lichens were placed in this branch of the tree. The other related taxa from Ostropomycetidae and Lecanoromycetidae took place in the other branch of the treewith Aspicilia samples from Anatolia. Results displayed that manna group of lichens, although do not represent taxonomical unit tend to form a group especially apperent by the Neigbour Joining analysiswith Anatolian samples. Also the sequence information from Anatolian samples displayed that Aspicilia genus is phylogenetically closer to the orders and families from Ostropomycetidae subclass rather than Lecanoromycetidae which support the placement of Hymeneliaceae within Ostropomycetidae

    State Dependent Statistical Timing Model for Voltage Scaled Circuits

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    This paper presents a novel statistical state-dependent timing model for voltage over scaled (VoS) logic circuits that accurately and rapidly finds the timing distribution of output bits. Using this model erroneous VoS circuits can be represented as error-free circuits combined with an error-injector. A case study of a two point DFT unit employing the proposed model is presented and compared to HSPICE circuit simulation. Results show an accurate match, with significant speedup gains

    Planar heterostructures of single-layer transition metal dichalcogenides: Composite structures, Schottky junctions, tunneling barriers, and half metals

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    Planar composite structures formed from the stripes of transition metal dichalcogenides joined commensurately along their zigzag or armchair edges can attain different states in a two-dimensional (2D), single-layer, such as a half metal, 2D or one-dimensional (1D) nonmagnetic metal and semiconductor. Widening of stripes induces metal-insulator transition through the confinements of electronic states to adjacent stripes, that results in the metal-semiconductor junction with a well-defined band lineup. Linear bending of the band edges of the semiconductor to form a Schottky barrier at the boundary between the metal and semiconductor is revealed. Unexpectedly, strictly 1D metallic states develop in a 2D system along the boundaries between stripes, which pins the Fermi level. Through the δ doping of a narrow metallic stripe one attains a nanowire in the 2D semiconducting sheet or narrow band semiconductor. A diverse combination of constituent stripes in either periodically repeating or finite-size heterostructures can acquire critical fundamental features and offer device capacities, such as Schottky junctions, nanocapacitors, resonant tunneling double barriers, and spin valves. These predictions are obtained from first-principles calculations performed in the framework of density functional theory. © 2017 American Physical Society

    Collision avoidance control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAV): Recent advancements and future prospects

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    The recent advances in collision avoidance technologies for unmanned vehicles such as UAVs, AUVs, AGVs, and USVs have greatly advanced the industry. Their lower cost and acceptability of high-risk missions have enabled the development of collision avoidance controllers for autonomous vehicles. These low-maintenance gadgets are also portable, need low maintenance, and enable continuous monitoring to occur near real-time. This may be said; however it would be incorrect, because collision avoidance controllers have been related with compromises that affect data dependability. Research on collision avoidance controls is quickly developing; therefore it is distributed throughout multiple papers, projects, and grey literature. This report critically reviews the recent relevant research on creating collision avoidance systems for autonomous vehicles. Typically, the assessment measures are dependent on the algorithm's use case and the platform's capabilities. The full evaluation of the benefits and drawbacks of the most prevalent approaches in the present state of the art is provided based on 7 metrics which are complexity, communication dependence, pre-mission planning, robustness, 3D compatibility, real-time performance and escape trajectories

    Development of Portable Air Conditioning System Using Peltier and Seebeck Effect

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    The society bustle factor in this day and age, most people want to find equipment that is often used in everyday life in a small and light weight design. The purpose of this project is to develop portable air conditioning system without using any gas. The system used thermoelectric heat pump as main device for producing cool air known as Peltier Effect. The generating system theoretically can recycle the heat loss to produce additional electricity for other usage. The efficacy of this system tested using two types of experimental using Peltier and Seebeck Effect. Both experimental are conducted using 3 specific volumes; 1) 1000cm3; 2) 4000cm3; and 3) 9000cm3. As a result, temperature for heating and cooling systems achieve around 16 – 40 degree Celcius (oC) while the voltage generated around 12V in 30 minutes
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