505 research outputs found

    Tunneling in Fractional Quantum Hall line junctions

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    We study the tunneling current between two counterpropagating edge modes described by chiral Luttinger liquids when the tunneling takes place along an extended region. We compute this current perturbatively by using a tunnel Hamiltonian. Our results apply to the case of a pair of different two-dimensional electron gases in the fractional quantum Hall regime separated by a barrier, e. g. electron tunneling. We also discuss the case of strong interactions between the edges, leading to nonuniversal exponents even in the case of integer quantum Hall edges. In addition to the expected nonlinearities due to the Luttinger properties of the edges, there are additional interference patterns due to the finite length of the barrier.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex, 12 figs, submitted to Phys Rev

    Diversity and Genetic structure of the Spanish collection of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L) landraces

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    The objectives of this study were to assess diversity and genetic structure of a collection of Spanish durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L) landraces, using SSRs, DArTs and gliadin-markers, and to correlate the distribution of diversity with geographic and climatic features, as well as agro-morphological traits. A high level of diversity was detected in the genotypes analyzed, which were separated into nine populations with a moderate to great genetic divergence among them. The three subspecies taxa, dicoccon, turgidum and durum, present in the collection, largely determined the clustering of the populations. Genotype variation was lower in dicoccon (one major population) and turgidum (two major populations) than in durum (five major populations). Genetic differentiation by the agro-ecological zone of origin was greater in dicoccon and turgidum than in durum. DArT markers revealed two geographic substructures, east-west for dicoccon and northeast-southwest for turgidum. The ssp. durum had a more complex structure, consisting of seven populations with high intra-population variation. DArT markers allowed the detection of subgroups within some populations, with agro-morphological and gliadin differences, and distinct agro-ecological zones of origin. Two different phylogenetic groups were detected; revealing that some durum populations were more related to ssp. turgidum from northern Spain, while others seem to be more related to durum wheats from North Afric

    Bisfenol A y su relación con el síndrome metabólico

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    El bisfenol A (BPA) es un compuesto químico utilizado en la producción de policarbonatos y resinas epoxi, y puede ser encontrado en botellas de agua, envases de comida, latas y otros objetos comúnmente usados. La mayor parte de la población tiene niveles observables de BPA en orina, y se cree que es un disruptor endocrino con efectos similares a los estrógenos. Estudios recientes se han centrado en el efecto que el BPA puede tener sobre la obesidad, la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la hipertensión, y la dislipidemia, todas ellas enfermedades crónicas que forman parte del síndrome metabólico, un problema a nivel mundial. Estudios transversales han observado una asociación entre el BPA y el síndrome metabólico, pero no hay suficientes estudios prospectivos para determinar causalidad. Los estudios futuros deberían ser longitudinales para poder esclarecer la asociación entre estos dos.Grado en Nutrición Humana y Dietétic

    Tratamiento de plasma de baja presión sobre poliolefinas

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    En este Proyecto de Fin de Carrera, mediante un equipo de plasma en vacío, se ha realizado un estudio sobre la efectividad del tratamiento superficial de polímeros; en este caso, los materiales a probar son el polietileno de alta densidad (PEHD) y el polipropileno (PP), aplicado en cámara de plasma. En la evaluación del proceso se han empleado diferentes técnicas de caracterización. Se aplica un envejecimiento a las probetas mediante un tratamiento de plasma a baja presión. En este proyecto, el gas utilizado en estado de plasma es el aire. Para optimizar el resultado del tratamiento, se varía la potencia y los tiempos del tratamiento, realizando así un estudio más objetivo. La intención de este tratamiento es aumentar la energía superficial del polímero en la superficie tratada y así conseguir optimizar su función en posteriores usos. El estudio de la variación en la energía superficial para los polímeros tratados en la cámara de plasma se realizará midiendo el ángulo de contacto de varias gotas en la superficie de los polímeros. Apoyándose en esos ángulos de contacto, se obtiene la energía superficial de los polímeros tratados, que posteriormente reportarán unas conclusiones objetivas del estudio. A lo largo de este proyecto se describen de manera más específica las técnicas, materiales y equipos utilizados para realizar los tratamientos y estudios necesarios. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In this End of Degree Proyect, using a vacuum plasma equipment, a study about the effectiveness of the surface treatment in polymers has been made; in our case, the materials to be tested are the high density polyethylene (PEHD) and the polypropylene (PP), applied in plasma chamber. In the evaluation of the process different characterization techniques have been used. An aging is applied to the specimens by a low pressure plasma treatment. In this study, the gas used in plasma state is the air. To optimize the outcome of the treatment the power and the time are varied in order to get a more exhaustive study. The goal of this treatment is to increase the surface energy of the polymer in the treated surface and thus achieve and optimization of its function in later uses. The study of the variation in the surface energy for the treated polymers in the plasma chamber will be make measuring the contact angle of some drops in the surface of the polymers. Using this contact angles we are able to obtain the surface energy of the polymers, that lately will report an obtective conclusions of the study. Along this proyect, it is described in a more specific way the techniques, materials and equipments used to make the treatments and the necessary studies.Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic

    Implementación en Matlab de métodos de N GDL para realizar análisis modal experimental de estructuras

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    Actualmente, la aplicación del análisis modal a estructuras se ha convertido algo esencial en la industria, ya que obtener los modelos analíticos de la estructura de estudio no es una tarea fácil. Este análisis permite conocer los parámetros modales que son las frecuencias naturales, los coeficientes de amortiguación y la forma modal; de esta forma, se podrán diseñar las estructuras para unas condiciones de uso óptimas, evitando problemas como por ejemplo, la resonancia, que puede ser devastadora entre otros muchos. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir los diversos modelos para N grados de libertad que se han empleado a lo largo de la historia para una posterior elaboración de una interfaz gráfica en código MATLAB, que se puede emplear para el cálculo de las propiedades modales. Además, dicha interfaz gráfica puede ser reutilizable si se desea implementar otro método con tan solo unos pequeños cambios.Nowadays, modal testing has become an essential tool in the industry owing to the fact that the development of a proper mathematical model for the different structures is not an easy task. The aim of this analysis is to achieve the modal parameters, like the natural frequencies, the damping ratios and the modal shapes so it will be possible to design structures in the most suitable conditions, avoiding different problems, for instance the resonance which can have devastating effects. The aim of this project is to describe the different models for multi-degree-of-freedom that has been developed throughout history. Apart from this, it has been developed a graphic interface in MATLAB that implement the modal analysis. Additionally, this program could be reused for different methods just with few adjustments.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Industriale

    Methodology for Hydroelectric Potential Evaluation in High Jungle Area with Scarce Topographic and Hydrological Information Using GIS and Algorithm MATLAB

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    Due to scarcity of topographic and hydrological information in high jungle areas, many times projects based on water management are not developed. This is of interest because they involve hydroelectric generation projects. The latter are considered important because of their capacity to satisfy the energy demand of a population and to minimize environmental impact of energy generation. In this sense, we propose a methodology for hydroelectric potential evaluation in high jungle areas that considers the following steps: (a) develop an algorithm in MATLAB in charge of searching geographical conditions for hydroelectric power plant’s location, (b) definition of restrictions: political delimitation, environmental and demographic, (c) generation of average flows based on rainfall-runoff models, estimation of hydroelectric potential and economic evaluation of selected points. The high jungle area studied was Utcubamba basin, in department of Amazonas, Peru, where 2 possible locations with hydroelectric power of 5.33 and 6.09 MW were located

    Controversias y diferencias entre el discurso electoral y poselectoral a través de la prensa escrita (Diciembre 2015 - Enero 2016)

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    En la sociedad española existe la percepción de que los partidos políticos no cumplen siempre con las promesas que desarrollan en campaña electoral. En esta investigación, se intenta esclarecer si existen diferencias en los discursos políticos trasmitidos en campaña y en un periodo posterior de aproximadamente un mes. Para ello, se extraerán las citas publicadas en los medios El País y El Mundo de los políticos más representativos de las cuatro fuerzas más votadas de las elecciones del 20 de diciembre de 2015. Toda esta información se dividirá en temas para hacer un estudio en el que se pueda comprobar si, durante el periodo analizado, los partidos han hecho declaraciones contrarias a la línea general de sus intervenciones tanto en el periodo electoral como en el poselectoral. Con toda esta investigación, se intentará responder a la siguiente cuestión: ¿Cambian los políticos su discurso dependiendo del periodo en el que lo efectúan?Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    Genetic variation, population structure and linkage disequilibrium in peach commercial varieties

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    11 páginas, 5 figuras, 2 tablas.[Background]: Peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] is one of the most economically important fruit crops that, due to its genetic and biological characteristics (small genome size, taxonomic proximity to other important species and short juvenile period), has become a model plant in genomic studies of fruit trees. Our aim was an in-depth study of the extent, distribution and structure of peach genetic variation in North American and European commercial varieties as well as old Spanish varieties and several founders used in the early USA peach breeding programmes. For this we genotyped 224 peach cultivars using 50 SSRs evenly distributed along the 8 linkage groups of the Prunus reference map. [Results]: Genetic distance analysis based on SSRs divided the peach cultivars in three main groups based mainly on their fruit characteristics: melting flesh peaches, melting flesh nectarines and non-melting varieties. Whereas non-melting flesh peaches had a higher number of alleles than melting peaches and nectarines, they were more homozygous. With some exceptions ('Admiral Dewey', 'Early Crawford' and 'Chinese Cling'), the founder US cultivars clustered together with the commercial melting peaches, indicating that their germplasm is well represented in modern cultivars. Population structure analysis showed a similar subdivision of the sample into subpopulations. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis in three unstructured, or barely structured, subpopulations revealed a high level of LD conservation in peach extending up to 13-15 cM. [Conclusions]: Using a much larger set of SSRs, our results confirm previous observations on peach variability and population structure and provide additional tools for breeding and breeders' rights enforcement. SSR data are also used for the estimation of marker mutation rates and allow pedigree inferences, particularly with founder genotypes of the currently grown cultivars, which are useful to understand the evolution of peach as a crop. Results on LD conservation can be explained by the self-pollinating nature of peach cultivated germplasm and by a bottleneck that occurred at the beginning of modern breeding practices. High LD suggests that the development of whole-genome scanning approaches is suitable for genetic studies of agronomically important traits in peach.This research was funded in part by Project AGL2006-07767/AGR and by the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Program (CSD2007-00036), both from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer reviewe

    Efectividad y eficiencia de la terapia biológica en artritis reumatoide en la práctica clínica habitual

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    La artritis reumatoide (AR) es una enfermedad sistémica autoinmune caracterizada por dolor, inflamación crónica y destrucción articular. En la mayoría de los casos, el curso es progresivo y conduce a daño articular irreversible, lo que tiene como consecuencia un deterioro funcional, disminución de la calidad de vida y una mortalidad prematura en los pacientes. El objetivo del tratamiento de la AR comprende controlar del dolor y la inflamación, reducir al máximo el daño articular y la discapacidad, controlar las manifestaciones extraarticulares, mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes y alcanzar la remisión de la enfermedad, o al menos lograr una baja actividad clínica sostenida. Sin embargo, en los últimos años el desarrollo de la terapia biológica (TB) ha supuesto un importante avance en el tratamiento de esta enfermedad, lo que está contribuyendo a modificar su pronóstico. Actualmente en España se disponen de 8 fármacos biológicos con distintos mecanismos de acción: infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab, golimumab y certolizumab pegol como bloqueantes del factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (antiTNF), rituximab como antiCD20, abatacept a nivel del linfocito T y tocilizumab como anti- interleukina 6. Todos estos fármacos han demostrado eficacia y un perfil de efectos adversos que obliga a una estrecha monitorización, suponiendo un elevado impacto económico en el sistema sanitario. Sin embargo, no se conoce qué fármaco de ellos es el más eficaz o efectivo ya que no existen estudios comparativos directos entre ellos. Por otra parte, existe una fuerte corriente que aboga por abordar el tratamiento de la AR mediante una estrategia de tratamiento basada en tratar por objetivos (treat to target, T2T). Esta estrategia supone una inversión adicional de recursos que ha resultado ser coste-eficaz en pacientes con AR precoz a los tres años. En pacientes con AR establecida y persistente tras el tratamiento con al menos dos fármacos modificadores de la enfermedad clásicos (DMARDs) y un valor de DAS28>5.1, se recomienda el uso de TB. Sin embargo, debido a la ausencia de suficiente evidencia clínica, no se han establecido acuerdos para puntos esenciales que implican al T2T, como son el tratamiento intensivo con TB o si el objetivo debe ser alcanzar remisión clínica, baja actividad de la enfermedad o control de la enfermedad. Por último, se conoce que la administración de TB no está exenta de riesgos y potenciales efectos adversos, suponiendo además un elevado coste lo que ha llevado a cuestionar qué hacer con el mantenimiento de la administración de la TB una vez el paciente ha conseguido entrar en remisión de forma sostenida en el tiempo. En pacientes con AR establecida, se ha planteado una reducción de dosis como posible estrategia eficiente de manejo disponiendo de documento de consenso entre sociedades científicas para llevarlo a cabo, con estrategias de manejo en el caso de recaídas, todo ello con el objetivo de disminuir la variabilidad clínica. En resumen: en el actual contexto de crisis y ajuste presupuestario de recursos en sanidad, se necesita conocer qué terapia y estrategias son más eficientes en la práctica clínica desde el punto de vista hospitalario, para implementarlas y alcanzar los mejores resultados en salud posibles de forma eficiente.Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by pain, chronic inflammation, and joint destruction. In most cases the course is progressive and leads to irreversible joint damage, resulting in functional impairment, reduced quality of life and premature mortality. The goal of RA treatment is to control pain and inflammation, minimize joint damage and disability, control extra-articular manifestations, improve patients’ quality of life, and achieve disease remission or at least sustained low clinical activity. Recently, however, the development of biological therapy (BT) has been an important advance in the treatment of this disease, which is helping to change its prognosis. Eight biological drugs, with different mechanisms of action, are currently available in Spain: infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab, golimumab and certolizumab pegol, which are blockers of tumor necrosis factor alpha (anti-TNF); rituximab, an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody; abatacept, a T-cell co-stimulation modulator; and tocilizumab, an interleukin-6 receptor inhibitor. All these drugs have proven efficacy, as well as an adverse effect profile that requires they be closely monitored, resulting in a major economic impact on the healthcare system. However there is no evidence on the most efficacious or effective drug given the lack of direct comparative studies among them. Nowadays a strong current of opinion advocates addressing RA management by a treatment strategy based on “treat to target” (T2T). This strategy requires an additional investment of resources, but has been shown to be cost-effective beginning in the third year, as compared to maintaining a strategy of standard treatment and monitoring, when applied to patients with early RA. In patients with persistent established RA after treatment with at least two of the classic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and a DAS28 value >5.1, the use of biological therapy is recommended. However, due to the lack of sufficient clinical evidence, no agreements have been reached on essential points involved in T2T, such as intensive treatment with biological therapy or whether the objective should be to reach clinical remission (CR), low disease activity (LDA) or disease control. Finally, BT administration is costly and is not without risks and potential adverse effects. These facts have led to questions about how to manage the maintenance of this type of treatment once the patient has achieved sustained remission over time. In patients with established RA, dose reduction has been suggested as a potentially efficient management strategy, having available a consensus document of scientist societies to do it, with strategies for managing relapses, all with the objective of reducing variability in clinical practice. In summary, given the current economic crisis and the need to adjust healthcare budgets, it is desirable to know which therapy and strategy is the most efficient in clinical practice from the hospital point of view, in order to implement measures to achieve the best possible and efficient health outcomes

    Ornitología del alto valle del Ebro y sistema Ibérico septentrional

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    Estudio geográfico-ecológico sobre la avifauna nidificante del sistema ibérico norte alto valle del Ebro y comarcas vecinas